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Postcards: Marion, Indiana (1930)

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A day flushed with giggling
Whispers calling to the woods
An air of a dream hanging
Expectations sweet like
A rare Marzipan.

Entanglement of women gleaming
dresses, dandy men sport suits
the only show in town all traces
of a heady day, loud murmurs charge
hearts beating hard.

And forever someone’s smile
Into the camera’s eye
A hat carelessly slanted:
Good times.

At the top corner left
Behind almost forgotten
A pair of feet in the air
Good times, as if stuffed
Ad nauseam Marzipan.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
I will openly admit,

that I only read this beacause I am from Indiana and it caught my eye. More than that, though, I am very glad I did. Well written, Kolkore.

DawnJDawnJover 16 years ago
Paradoxical... what I would call this poem. A study in contrasts. A black-and-white vignette. When I read it the first time, I noted the "dream hanging" and saw the "pair of feet in the air", but did not make the gruesome connection till another reading. The strength of this poem lies in the deceptive power of its oppositions - like a black-and-white photograph, there is the stark contrast between the halcyon feeling of women in "gleaming dresses" and "dandy men" in hats "carelessly slanted" and the dreadful horror of "feet in the air". The hanging is rendered dream-like, as it is trivialized by the "partying" onlookers", and yet, it is, after all is said and done, a hanging! This only adds to the B&W feeling! BRILLIANT!! (And yes, this comment is longer than the one that didn't post!)

DawnJDawnJover 16 years ago
Paradoxical... what I would call this poem. A study in contrasts. A black-and-white vignette. When I read it the first time, I noted the "dream hanging" and saw the "pair of feet in the air", but did not make the gruesome connection till another reading. The strength of this poem lies in the deceptive power of its oppositions - like a black-and-white photograph, there is the stark contrast between the halcyon feeling of women in "gleaming dresses" and "dandy men" in hats "carelessly slanted" and the dreadful horror of "feet in the air". The hanging is rendered dream-like, as it is trivialized by the "partying" onlookers", and yet, it is, after all is said and done, a hanging! This only adds to the B&W feeling! BRILLIANT!! (And yes, this comment is longer than the one that didn't post!)

DawnJDawnJover 16 years ago
Paradoxical... what I would call this poem. A study in contrasts. A black-and-white vignette. When I read it the first time, I noted the "dream hanging" and saw the "pair of feet in the air", but did not make the gruesome connection till another reading. The strength of this poem lies in the deceptive power of its oppositions - like a black-and-white photograph, there is the stark contrast between the halcyon feeling of women in "gleaming dresses" and "dandy men" in hats "carelessly slanted" and the dreadful horror of "feet in the air". The hanging is rendered dream-like, as it is trivialized by the "partying" onlookers", and yet, it is, after all is said and done, a hanging! This only adds to the B&W feeling! BRILLIANT!! (And yes, this comment is longer than the one that didn't post!)

DawnJDawnJover 16 years ago
Missing comment

I made a long comment before, and didn't see it posted. And it was a good comment, too! Very detailed. Will wait tos ee if it posts, before redoing it!

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