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Pouring a glass of Poetry~

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Vineyard balcony
casting cross legged smiles
watching grapes swell
lost in time

Yesterday's clouds
still linger in the blue
'pop' a cork
a bottle of '1962'

Recollections of a 'Lady'
sweetly soured grapes
a breeze across the balcony
dances with the drapes

Raising the bottle
and raising a glass
into this day
pours the past

the aroma reminds me
of a scented lady's breeze
a bouquet of emotions
pouring a glass of poetry

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TeeTeeTeeTeeover 17 years ago

Thanks for the memories! Cheers :) enjoyed the read.

Bill DadaBill Dadaabout 19 years ago

A bunch of fancy words to tell us about whiskey, women and song. Works for me, what else is there to sing about.


AnonymousAnonymousover 19 years ago
from the past

and from the thoughts of the past.......brings forth.....the thoughts of the future


wildsweetonewildsweetoneover 19 years ago

as i read this i thought 'bottle of '62' also. i like this one Art.

AnonymousAnonymousover 19 years ago

Your poem was mentioned in the new poems review thread.

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