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Silent Angel

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Dreams of an Angel
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Her halo angled on her head
it tells me something there and
she says something...
I heard the word in my mind
and I know the meaning of it
and I'm nothing...but compliant.

Silent Angel speaks to me with
her mind and I hear her words
here in my head...
one at a time they come to me
she speaks freely with a smile
when I'm in bed...and compliant.

The night speeds by, morning comes
my dream of her it fades away...
as the moon lingers in the sky the
sun rises up in the sky so high...
and I just want to stray...away.

Silent Angel speaks to me when
I dream of her so silently...
my mind it dreams sweet dreams
of her and I know she is sure...
I am compliant.

My Silent Angel is in my mind again.

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