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A Better Valentine's Day


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Mom also had a slightly stunned look on her face, one that didn't abate as she first watched me approach and then as she took in her surroundings. Mom was so surprised, she didn't even flinch when I reached her and kissed her on the lips and said, "Mom, you are without a doubt the most beautiful mother in the world!"

I offered Mom my arm and on instinct she took it and I began to walk us inside, the doormen nodding respectfully and a little enviously as we passed. I don't blame them. I was the luckiest man alive!

Finally, Mom recovered enough to say, "John, what have you done? How much is this costing?" She paused in the lobby, looking around at the old fashioned chandeliers and the beautiful rugs and I felt her newly done nails dig into my arm. "John, you didn't get into your college savings, did you?"

I just smiled innocently and shook my head while patting her hand. I might mention I was also enjoying the sensation of Mom's heavy breast rubbing against my upper arm and the fact that I was getting a bird's eye view of almost half of Mom's heavy breasts which appeared to be on the verge of falling out of her sexy dress. I could feel my cock quickly hardening inside my slacks.

We approached the ballroom where a maitre d was watching us approach from his podium, his eyes roaming appreciatively over Mom. I confess I was surprised that it inspired pride in me rather than jealousy. "Coralyn and John Hanson," I said to him. "We have reservations."

His eyes flickered over his paperwork and he smiled and nodded. "Of course, Mr. Hanson. If you and your um, wife would follow." A hostess standing nearby took over for him as he personally lead us to our table. The ballroom had been divided into two sections – one for the orchestra already playing and for the dance floor where several couples were already dancing. The other was filled with small tables set for two – dimly lit with candles at the tables evoking an intimate and romantic atmosphere.

"Here you go, Mr. Hampton," said the maitre d. "Shall we bring out the Dom Perignon now?"

I nodded affirmatively to him as I held out Mom's seat for her – the confused look on her face so adorable and sweet. I nodded and peeled off one of Dad's hundreds and slipped it to him. "Take good care of us tonight," I said, winking at him. He smiled and winked back, pausing to give Mom's luscious body one more lascivious leer and departed.

I slipped into the chair next to Mom and set my hand on top of hers and said, "Happy Valentine's Day, Mom!"

She tried to smile, but then shook her head and said. "What in the world is going on, son? How the hell are you paying for all this?"

I smiled smugly and said, "Well, what's going on is that I love you and I wanted to make this a better Valentine's Day than you've ever known before." I squeezed her hand affectionately and was pleased when she rolled her hand over and squeezed back, our fingers interlacing. I was even more pleased when neither of us let go and we sat there holding hands.

I could tell Mom was blushing even in the intimate but dim light of the table's candles. She couldn't look me in the eye when she said with more passion than I ever heard before, "I love you too, John. With her eyes studying her lap, Mom asked again, "How the hell are you paying for all this, son?"

I got a little daring and reached out with my free hand and lifted her chin until she was looking into my eyes. I resisted the sudden urge to run my thumb over her full and luscious lips. "Well, Mom, it's like this..." And I recounted my conversation with Dad while driving him to the airport and then his error in throwing me his big money clip and credit card.

Mom's face during my explanation was a study in different emotions – pure rage crossed her face as I recounted his indifference to leaving her alone on Valentine's Day, muttering, "That fucking bastard," and then pure mirth as I confessed to letting my father unknowingly bankrolling my Valentine's Day present to her. Mom whooped with laughter, drawing curious looks from others in the room. Finally, there was pride and love as I told her how I had planned out the day and evening in perfect detail, her hand squeezing mine affectionately as I walked her through each step.

"I really hope it's the best Valentine's Day ever, Mom!" I said.

Mom's face glowed with excitement and love as she leaned close to me and said, "Oh yes, I've never been so spoiled in my entire life. Being chauffeured around and pampered – I've felt like a princess in a fairy tale!" She drew closer still, the horny male in me not failing to take note of the magnificent view of her cleavage as she leaned in, and kissed me chastely but passionately on the mouth. "Thank you, John! I love you so much."

My heart was pounding in my chest and my cock was stiff in my pants and I started to reply, but a tuxedoed waiter chose that moment to arrive with our bottle of Dom Perignon. He opened the bottle for us, both of us jumping a little as it made a loud pop and then he poured us each a glass and departed, leaving the bottle behind in a bucket of ice.

Mom looked at me over her glass, the champagne fizzing noisily and said, "Should we have a toast, son?"

I raised my glass and smiled lovingly at my mother. "Absolutely! "To my mother – the most wonderful woman I know and love. May this be your best Valentine's Day ever!"

Mom shivered a little and said in a soft, almost inaudible voice, "Thank you, John," and drank as I did. I gotta say right up front, I would've preferred a beer (although technically I was too young for either – Dad's money carried a lot of weight). When she sat her glass down, she gave a sigh and looked around the room before giving me a piercing stare. "I can't believe you did all this. Your father will be furious!"

I shrugged and replied, "I don't care. You're worth it, Mom. You deserve to be treated like a queen tonight...all this, dinner and dancing..." I paused and then blurted out, "And so much more!"

Mom raised an eyebrow at me and after taking another sip of champagne said, "Hmmm, sounds like dangerous talk. Is there more surprises to come?"

I grinned and felt myself blushing as I answered, "Well, if there is, I can't tell you, Mom. Then it wouldn't be a surprise." I filled her glass again and mine and continued. "Let's just have a good time and no worries about tomorrow."

Mom studied me for a long minute, her glass at her lips before she nodded in agreement. "You're right, honey. Tonight, let's have fun!" She took another long sip of champagne and then set her glass down and pushed it away. "Whooo! This stuff can go right to your head." Mom leaned back and used her hand to fan herself. She turned her head as the orchestra began to play again and a short haired woman in a dark blue gown stepped up to a microphone and began to softly croon. The first lyrics were, "Somewhere there's music..."

Mom sighed and said, "I love this old music. I always thought it had a certain romance to it."

Mom sighed again, my eyes drawn to her heaving breasts that began to wobble as she slowly swayed to the music. I stood up and held out my hand. "Would the lovely lady care to dance?" I asked.

Mom's eyes glowed with pleasure as she took my head and replied, "I'd love to dance, John. It's been so long..." Hand in hand, we walked out onto the dance floor and I tried to look more confident than I felt. I had actually taken ballroom dancing lessons to impress a prom date back in high school and I was hoping I could impress my mother or at least, not step on her toes!

Mom put her arms around my neck and tried to keep an chastely appropriate distance between us – a difficult task considering the size of her breasts. I decided to be bold and after slipping my arms around Mom's waist, I pulled her close against me, my cock jerking in happy delight as Mom's warm body molded against mine. Mom let out a little "Eep!" in surprise, but to my delight she didn't pull away, instead wiggling a little as if to more comfortable press herself against me. I looked down and almost lost myself in her wide open eyes.

We began to dance, barely doing more than swaying to the music. I was on cloud nine! Even if nothing else happened, I had my mother in my arms, her body pressed against mine, allowing me to know the incredible sensations of her softness and her heat. I could feel her heart beating in counter time to mine and just the knowledge that my mother's huge, soft breasts were pressed against me close enough to allow me to feel her heart beat was almost enough to make me swoon! My cock was throbbing in my slacks, as hard as it had ever been in all my eighteen years!

My lessons came back to me and Mom after a minute or two of silence said, "Son, I had no idea you were such a good dancer!"

I sighed, feeling like the king of the world and I murmured in reply, "You might be surprised, Mom, at all that I'm good at!" That drew another surprised look from Mom and then she smiled and placed her head on my shoulder and let me guide us along.

The song ended and a new one took its place – Mom said later it was a Streisand song...something called, "Evergreen." We continued to slowly move over the dance floor, not speaking and only occasionally looking into each other's eyes. Neither of us could hold such a stare for long – it seemed to be too intense an experience for both of us.

When it ended, we kept moving for several seconds, I suppose listening to the music in our hearts and then Mom let me go, looking up at me a bit sheepishly. "That was wonderful, son," she said softly. "I don't think I've ever enjoyed a dance more."

I took her hand and guided her back to our table, saying as we wound our way back, "Anytime, Mom. I'm yours for the asking."

Mom gave me a sharp glance then, at first smirking at my words – a smirk that dissolved into a goofy grin. "Be careful, John," she said. "I might take you up on that!" She batted her eyes at me and then broke into giggles as we took our seats and had another glass of champagne.

The evening just seemed to get better from there. I was seeing Mom in an entirely new light – seeing her just enjoy herself and as much lust as I had for my mother was counterbalanced by the love I was feeling for her as well. Our talk was mostly cheerful chatter laced with a few obvious double entendres from me, each one drawing an amused or speculative look from Mom.

Mom eased off the champagne after the third glass, winking as she said, "I think I need to keep my head clear tonight – the last thing you need is a drunk, middle aged lady to take care of." The dinner belied the reputation of the hotel as a first class experience and we spent a great deal of our time out on the dance floor, each dance feeling more intimate than the last. Mom seemed to just melt into me, her body coming against mine, touching as much of me as seemed possible. Mom never mentioned the hard-on in my pants, although there was no way she could not be aware of it. It seemed to me like our bodies were meant to come together – that we fit each other perfectly. By the end of the evening, we could anticipate each other on the dance floor and moved as one.

At the end we were barely moving, holding each other tight, Mom's face nestled against my neck, her breasts pillowing against my chest, nipples hard against my shirt, clearly visible against the thin material of her dress on the rare occasions that we moved apart and me so stiff that it hurt – my cock was in need of some serious relief! The band announced its last song of the night, the old Casablanca theme, "As Time Goes By," and Mom sighed unhappily as she gently rocked her body against mine as the song went on. It was an almost perfect moment and I never knew I could feel so much in love with my own mother.

Somehow I managed through all this to mask my nervousness and anxiousness at taking Mom's Valentine's Day to the next step. We danced till the last note had been played and even then, we moved on to our own internal music while other couples began to slip away towards the exit.

Finally, with regret from both of us, Mom stepped away from me, her eyes glowing with something I'd never seen before, something full of love and desire and regret. In a halting voice, Mom said, "That was wonderful. Oh, John, I wish this night didn't have to end!"

We collected Mom's bag and strolled towards the ballroom's exit and I took Mom's arm and as she turned to head towards the lobby, I pulled us the other way and pointed towards the elevators. "Who said anything about this ending, Mom?"

Mom's eyes grew wide. "John, what have you done now?"

I laughed and said, "Just following Dad's orders, Mom. Making sure you had a good Valentine's Day. Remember, I said there are surprises yet to come!" I pretended not to hear Mom's stuttering questions as I walked us onto an elevator and pressed a button for one of the higher floors. Instead I just smiled at my sexily clad mother, enjoying the view of the most beautiful woman in the world.

We reached our floor and Mom was now flushed and concerned and a little nervous. "John, what are you doing?"

"Sshhhh," I replied, putting a finger on Mom's lips as I led her into a hallway. I left my finger in place for a moment, her soft, moist lips feeling wonderful. I had a sudden, wild fantasy of Mom sucking on my finger and I felt my cock throb painfully in my slacks – the vision in my mind bringing me closer than ever to cumming.

I walked us to the end of the hall to a door and fished a key card out of my jacket. I worked the key and opened the door and took us inside, Mom meekly resisting, but allowing me to pull her inside as I hit the lights. Mom gasped again as she took in the luxurious suite I had booked for us. I reluctantly let go of her hand and allowed her to roam around and take in the sumptuously decorated rooms.

"Omigod, John! How much did this cost?" Mom said in a hushed voice. She peered into the bathroom, complete with a massive sunken tub.

"Who care, Mom – its Dad's treat." I answered, shucking off my dinner jacket and draping it over the back of an upholstered sofa.

Mom giggled and then paused as she opened a door that revealed a large bedroom complete with a huge four poster bed and on the night table, another bottle of Dom Perignon chilling in a bucket of ice. Mom's hand flew to her mouth after she opened it and then closed it without saying anything. She turned around, looking the entire suite over and then she looked at me with a growing sense of comprehension in her eyes.

"Son, there's only one bedroom." She looked around again, her hands rubbing nervously against her gown covered hips. She took an instinctive step backwards as I walked towards her, bumping into the wall behind her. Mom pressed her hands flat against the wall, giving her an appearance that was both frightened and erotic.

"That's right, Mom," I replied, smiling at her and acting a lot calmer than I felt inside. I slipped my hands around her waist and looked down her face. "We only need the one bed," I whispered and then I kissed her like I've never kissed Mom before...not a loving peck on the cheek or a chaste kiss on the corner of the mouth or even flush on the lips. I kissed Mom like a man should always kiss the woman he loves – with passion and strength, pulling her warm, soft body against mine.

I opened my mouth and brushed my tongue against Mom's lips, drawing a cry of surprise from her and giving me an opening that I happily seized, thrusting my tongue into her mouth and rolling it against her own tongue. My cock throbbed painfully and I could feel my heart pounding so hard I thought it would explode in my chest! Mom tasted wonderful!

For a sweet moment, it seemed as if Mom was responding to the kiss and then she broke it, pushing lightly against my chest with her palms as she cried out, "John, I'm your mother, for God's sake! What the hell do you think you're doing?"

I held Mom tight against me, savoring the feel of her heaving bosom against me while I replied, "Being the man that Dad isn't! I love you, Mom. I want you...I always have, you know that!"

Mom stared up at me in almost slack jawed amazement and then shook her head. "I'm your mother! We can't...it isn't right. I'm married to your father...I'm your goddamn married mother! WE CAN'T DO THIS!" Mom struggled to break out of my embrace, but not with great effort and I kept her in wrapped up in my arms.

"I love you, Mom and you love me," I said. "Tell me you haven't thought about it today. Tell me you haven't thought about us together doing what men and women are supposed to do!" I ducked my head and kissed her again as she struggled meekly – somehow not being able to keep me from French kissing her again. Mom's tongue responded to the courtship of my tongue and the two danced briefly before I broke the kiss this time.

"Dad doesn't deserve you, Mom," I hissed. "Dad doesn't love you like I do...like I have for so long. This is right, Mom...you know it is. Tell me you've not imagined it – you and me, son and mother becoming lovers!"

Mom shivered and looking downwards, suddenly unable to look me in the eye, shook her head from side to side. "No. I haven't, son. That's wrong, you know it's wrong!"

"It's not wrong," I said, whispering it in her ear as I gently kissed her lobe. "You have thought about it. You've dreamed about it today...all day." I kissed her again, my tongue gaining even quicker access to her mouth than before. Her tongue chased mine and I relished the deliciously sinful feeling of Mom's wet, slick tongue rolling and intertwining with mine. Her hands quit trying to push me away and slowly went upwards until her arms were around my neck.

"You want this too, don't you, Mom?" I whispered in a breathless voice. "You're wet for me, aren't you, Mom? You've been wet all day because you've known what would happen at least since you put on this hot dress I've picked out for you. Your pussy has been hot for me all evening as we danced, feeling what I have waiting for you." I rolled my hips and left her no illusions about the size of my erection. "You knew what was happening when I brought you up here – it's what you hoped for, wasn't it, Mom?"

I stared into Mom's eyes, hoping and praying she would see the love and desire I had for her in my eyes. "It's Valentine's Day, Mom – the day for lovers and I want you to have a better Valentine's than you've ever had before. I want to be your lover...your man and treat you like you deserve to be treated. I love you, Mom!"

I moved to kiss Mom again only to be met halfway by her, her lips pressing against mine, her tongue slipping willingly into my mouth, searching and finding my tongue and coiling possessively around it. As we kissed, I could feel her hot tears spilling from her eyes to trickle against my cheeks. I was a bit alarmed even in the throes of delight while realizing she was actually kissing me back – making Mom cry wasn't in my plans. I started to break the kiss, but Mom resisted and kissed me all the more fiercely, her arms tightening around my neck as she pressed herself against me, doing things with her pelvis I had never imagined.

The kiss seemed to go on and on, making my head spin. Mom grinded herself against my crotch, heightening my desire and my need for her. Emboldened, I let my hands slide down the small of her back and over the luscious curves of her ass to cup her cheeks, caressing her soft and meaty flesh. Mom moaned approvingly into my mouth, her tongue a mad dervish teaching me new pleasures as she continued to writhe against me.

When the kiss ended, Mom's hands guided me downward from her lips and I showered her long neck with kisses as she pushed me lower while gasping. "Yes, yes, baby...oh yes! I want you, John! I've been dreaming it over and over. If you want me, son – I'm yours. Do what your father won't...fuck me, love me, make me remember what it feels like to be loved!"

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