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A Billionaire's Life Ch. 07


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She shrugged. "But you know what's best for me anyways. Can't I just trust that about you?"

"Relationships go both ways, Kate. If you just lay back and let your next boyfriend do whatever he wants, you'll end up right back where you started."

"Doesn't matter. I won't have a next boyfriend. I just want to be with you forever."


"I'm in love with you, John. How could I possibly think about having another boyfriend?" She said breathlessly and leaned forward.

"But why? What's so special about me?"

"You care, John. You're a good man with a good heart. That's a rare thing in this town. You got handed this big silver platter and you've more money than God. But instead of turning into a self-absorbed hedonist, you stayed a good guy. You work pretty hard, and for what? More money? You could be lying at home all day just fucking everything that moves."

"I do that quite a bit."

She sighed. "If you wanted, every day could be like that party at Giorgio's. You could line up a hundred gorgeous women and just use them whenever it pleased you. You could be hopped up on every illegal drug you wanted. You could have turned into a sick eccentric and started getting off on really messed up things. I've seen how weird rich people can be. Yeah, you spend a lot of money and you've got some pretty luxurious things, but you're as down to earth as rich people get. Hell, you took me rollerblading in Central Park, John."

Kate took my hands in her own. "Stavros once traded me for twenty bucks. He was playing poker with some friends and he was $20 short of putting this other guy all in. So he literally bet me as collateral for the other $20. Thank God he won, but still. On that night, Stavros told me how much I was worth to him."

I looked at the pretty girl in mixed anger and disbelief. "Damn..."

"You'd never do that. I KNOW it." Kate squeezed my hands. "You want to know why I want to be with you? Because getting one-hundredth of you is better than getting all of every man I've ever been with. I idolize Taylor. She's a wild one but she always kept coming back to you for what, seven years? I trust her taste in men."

I felt my ego puffing but I also felt guilty about it. And Kate just kept going. "Cassandra's the smartest girl on the planet, and she's devoted to you. Charlotte is sweet and so completely defenseless. You could really hurt her if you weren't careful, but you guys have been great with her. Rebecca and Mia were cool friends, and I'm sad that they left to build their own lives. But if you just crooked your finger to either of them, they'd come back, marry you, and devote their lives to you in a heartbeat. It's not just the money. We can just tell how great a guy you are inside."

"You're putting me on this big pedestal, Kate," I said with trepidation.

"It's where you belong."

I shook my head. I was a flawed, flawed man and I knew it. But how could I convince Kate of it? Did I even want to convince her of it? I leaned back and tried to figure out how my life got so complicated. It was absolutely wonderful and pleasurable to have so many women around me. But it was DAMN complicated.

Kate rubbed my hands with her thumbs. "You looked stressed. Do you want me to get you off?"

I sighed. Kate was really locked into "mistress" mode. I had a lot more work to do with her. "No. Actually, I still need to talk to Ashlyn tonight."

"Oh, that's right," the blonde nodded.

I moved to get off the bed. If I stayed any longer, I figured Kate would find a way to puff up my ego even more. I started for the door but Kate's voice stopped me. "John?"

"Yeah?" I turned.

Kate flashed me a radiant smile. "I was beginning to worry Ashlyn would actually kill herself. But one night with you and she's back to normal. You really are something special." The young blonde looked at me with what looked like hero worship in her eyes. "Thank you for taking care of my friend."

I chuckled. "Taylor told me the same thing about you."

Kate beamed. "You do take care of me. And I'll always love you for it."


Ashlyn came quickly to the door when I knocked. "You're home!" she gushed and eagerly stepped forward to hug me. I was a bit surprised, given that our relationship had never been affectionate before.

Then again, our relationship had never been ANYTHING before. And as the gorgeous copper-haired model clutched herself to my chest and put her head on my shoulder, I found myself wrapping her up tightly in my arms and squeezing her gently. She felt so good, I ended up lifting her off the floor and spinning us before I realized what I was doing and hastily set her down.

We both realized we'd gotten caught up in the moment and we each stepped away from each other. I figured that any deeper attachment to me was rebound behavior and I knew that if I wasn't careful, my long-buried crush on her would affect my decision-making as well. I had to stay in control and not make any promises I couldn't keep.

"So, how are you feeling?" I asked.

"Wonderful," she smiled. "Actually, I was just okay, but for some reason I'm feeling incredible now that you're here." Ashlyn looked incredible as well. She was wearing a baggy button-down pajama top, and I wasn't sure if she was wearing anything else. Her legs were bare and as she shifted towards the bed, I found my gaze lingering to see if she was wearing any panties.

I blushed and then immediately took a deep breath and tried to assert myself. 'Get a hold of yourself, man. Quit acting like a lovestruck teenager!' I'd had 'The Talk' with both Rebecca and Mia before, but then I'd never felt quite THIS attracted to either of them.

I took two steps forward around the bed and gestured for Ashlyn to get comfortable, since I didn't trust myself to sit with her on the bed. To the side, there was a wide, padded chair with no arms that looked like it might seat two people if they squished, so I pulled it over beside the bed and sat directly in the middle of it.

"Last night was very special, Ashlyn," I began. "But crossing the line between friendship and intimacy is a delicate thing."

Ashlyn sighed. "You make it sound so cold and clinical. We made love last night, Johnny. We fucked each other's brains out. And it was the most amazing sexual experience of my life!"

I smiled at the memory, and I wanted to say 'me, too.' But that would start me down a path I didn't want to follow. "It was incredible," I agreed. "But I just want to make sure we're on the same page of where we stand."

"I told Taylor, I'm not looking to steal you from her or become your girlfriend or anything. Not even like Kate. By the way, it's really sweet what you're doing for her."

"Thank you. I just want to see her happy."

Ashlyn shook her head and sighed. "Don't say that around me. You might actually make me fall in love with you."

Would that be so bad? But a second after I thought it, I shook the idea away. I had MORE than enough on my plate. "I'm not sure I'm your type anyways, Ashlyn."

"What? Rich, handsome, great in bed? You're exactly my type."


"No, no. Don't worry. I know I'm still emotionally shaken after Marty and my head is spinning so much I'm certain I'm in rebound mode." She looked up at me. "That means I want to marry you right now, but I'm a smart enough girl to know that's not my brain talking."

"At least you have an excuse," I muttered.


"Oh, nothing. Sorry." I tried to find a way to physically push aside my attraction.

"What? You want to marry me too?" Ashlyn teased with her tongue across her lower lip.

"I'm already married."

"Rich men change wives all the time." And at the same time, she pulled her knees up to her chin and spread her feet just wide enough for me to see that indeed, she was without her panties.

"Ash..." I said warningly while still staring at her naked vaginal lips.

"Fine, fine. Can't take a joke." She closed her legs.

"You're not joking."

She sighed. "Like I said, that's not my brains talking. Right now, it's my pussy talking. If I could get fucked like that every night..." Ashlyn started vibrating. "Oh, I feel like I could cum just thinking about last night."

I chose not to respond to that.

"Anyways, there's no way I could do that to Taylor."

"Don't sweat it. I would never leave her."

"Well... I haven't tried to steal you yet, have you?" she said saucily and leered at me while doing it.

"Ash..." I warned again.

"FINE." She glared. "You know it's not MY fault you've got such a crush on me."

I sighed and got up from my chair.

"No, wait. I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I tease a lot. It's the way I am. But seriously, Taylor is my friend. If she wasn't such a good friend, I would have done a lot more to seduce you long before. And that includes now. I'm not going to do anything to mess up your marriage, okay?"

"Okay." I hadn't sat down and I started putting the chair back into its spot.

"But..." Ashlyn began with a hint of seduction in her voice. I turned to face her. And she then unbuttoned her pajama top and pulled it apart to show off her ripe, creamy breasts, so full and round and capped with pretty pink nipples. The tails of the shirt she also threw outside her legs, and I could see her wet pussy spread wide and inviting. "But... we can still do it again, right?"

I took one step forward before stopping myself. My jaw went up and down a few times and I nearly started drooling as I openly ogled her tits. But then I managed to force my gaze up to Ashlyn's sparkling blue eyes. "Yes, if things, uh, come up. But not tonight."

"Why not?"

"I..." I stared at her naked body while my heart threatened to explode out of my chest. I wanted her. I wanted her so badly. Last night I had been willing to throw away my marriage to be with Ashlyn, she simply had that much of an effect on me. And if I couldn't say 'no' just this once, I might never be able to say 'no' to Ashlyn ever again.

So I made up an excuse. "I can't. I promised Taylor I'd be with her tonight."

"Come on, Taylor wouldn't really mind you fucking my brains out two nights in a row, would she?" She moved on hand to cup a breast and hold it up towards me in offering while she began to rub her fingers in her own pussy.

My head moved forward six inches, enough to push me off-balance and take an additional step forward. But then I clamped my jaw shut and squeezed my eyes shut. "Good night, Ashlyn. I'm going to go upstairs to my wife now."

Ashlyn grinned and then closed up her top, removing heaven from view. "Good night, Johnny. Give her a good pounding for me. I'll be masturbating to thoughts of you."


"Ungh!!!" I grunted while trying to cram an extra half-inch of my dick into Taylor's pussy. And then I was involuntarily holding my breath as I felt each pulse of semen fly out of me and embed itself into her vaginal walls.

"Ohhh...." Taylor sighed as she came down from her orgasm, her fingernails digging into my biceps where she held me atop her.

And then we were both panting as we fought to catch our breath. Taylor turned on her side and I automatically moved myself behind her to spoon. My chest was still heaving and it took me a while to calm down.

Taylor gasped desperately for oxygen. "Weren't you saying something about not getting my heart rate too high?"

"Didn't YOU say the O.B. said sex was healthy?" I whined.

Taylor just chuckled. "Well, if visiting with Ashlyn gets you THAT wound up, I should probably send you down to get teased by her *every* night."

I just started growling and reached my hand down to start pawing at my wife's crotch and rubbing my half-hard dick against her ass.

"Again?" Taylor exclaimed in disbelief as I started grinding against her.

"Cassandra!" my wife yelled. "CASSANDRA! HELP! It won't go DOWN!"


On Monday, Rebecca came by for our regular workout. She was feeling a little antsy and got me worked up with the promise of an extra-special reward. Half an hour later, I nutted up her asshole while the shower sprays surrounded us.

Rebecca, Cassandra, and I then met up with Taylor, Kate, and Ashlyn for lunch. Afterwards, I took Kate alone on a date to Coney Island of all places. She gave me a blowjob on the Ferris Wheel and I was pretty sure the fifteen-year-old kid in the next car saw us.

I sincerely hoped he wasn't a paparazzi in disguise.

That night, in Kate's bedroom where we were securely hidden from any such media risks, I returned the favor to my cute girlfriend many times over.


On Tuesday, we stayed at home for the whole day. Taylor brought Ashlyn into our bed, where the three of us made love for hours on end. After watching the gorgeous redhead slurping my cum out of Taylor's box, I got so aroused I tackled Ashlyn and the three of us fucked like rabbits again, then I lay my cock into the valley of Ashlyn's cleavage and rutted uncontrollably between her tits until I painted her face with my creamy jism. And after my wife cleaned our houseguest's face with her tongue, I took turns fucking each of them before nutting into my wife's mouth and then watched her snowball it all to her supermodel friend.

After that, Taylor promptly went to sleep. As her pregnancy continued, she was taking more and more afternoon naps anyways. So Ashlyn and I wrapped ourselves in soft robes and went out to the cuddle chair in the Master Lounge.

We spent the next hour and a half just talking. Ashlyn told me about losing her virginity at fourteen and getting addicted to cum by sixteen. But she also told me about the worn stuffed puppy she kept in her bedroom and how she cuddled it to sleep almost every night.

Then, at the end of the hour and a half, just before Taylor woke up, Ashlyn got a cum craving again and she blew me for fifteen minutes before she coaxed my load down her throat.


On Wednesday, a bad meeting with Sharpley led Cassandra into locking us into my office downtown. She simply opened her blouse and wrapped her tits around my erection. And after a few minutes in my statuesque assistant's abundant cleavage, I poured my cum into her mouth.

Afterwards, I wasn't so stressed out anymore.

Then when I got home, my girlfriend Kate was swimming laps in the pool and then she dragged me down to the Underground Bar to do give me her own de- stressing therapy.

Even she admitted that the sex was a lot better when she knew she didn't HAVE to do it.


Thursday found Taylor and I in the dungeon. My wife didn't want to exert herself and so I was her proxy, whip in hand, to punish Charlotte for some minor offense. I swore that Charlotte screwed up on purpose every week or so just to get punished.

In any case, Charlotte's punishment ended an hour later when I pulled my cock out of the young brunette's lewdly-stretched anus and my cum bubbled out to drip onto the floor, joining the puddle of Charlotte's own fluids which had been dribbling out of her pussy for the last half-hour. And it was only when Taylor pulled the thick glass dildo out of Charlotte's throat that the used and abused submissive was even able to moan.


But even with all the crazy sex I had during the week, Friday blew my mind. And it only took one woman to do it.

It was the last Friday before Christmas. A lot of companies were shutting down operations or at the very least, their employees were leaving on vacation. Either way, the last couple weeks of the year was NOT a time when the movers and shakers of the business world wanted to be worrying about mergers and acquisitions.

That just meant everything had to be done by TODAY.

For the first time in months, I actually stayed at the office for over eight hours. We were so busy, Cassandra didn't even have time for a quickie mid-day.

And it didn't help that Ashlyn was calling me constantly. The first call, she just wanted a vague idea when I was coming home. When she found out I wasn't even going to be back in time for dinner, she pouted as if her plans were being ruined.

The second call, I clarified that I didn't know when I'd get home and we hung up shortly thereafter.

The third call, I'd started to get annoyed. Ashlyn was the kind of girl used to getting a lot of attention, and she hadn't been getting that much from me. She complained about this fact and I reminded her, "We're just friends, remember, Ash? If you're lonely, you're free to go out and pick up a boyfriend."

"I don't want a boyfriend. I need YOU to fuck me silly! Tonight! Promise me!"

"I can't make promises like that, Ash. I have a wife and a girlfriend. What if one of them wants my attention? It IS a Friday."

"FINE. I'll call you back."

Half an hour later, Taylor called me. "Oh. My. Gawd. Johnny, tonight can you please just fuck Ashlyn so hard that she won't be able to walk straight in the morning? She's driving me and Kate INSANE." And then before I could respond, my wife handed off the phone to the horny redheaded supermodel.

"See!" Ashlyn crowed into the phone. "Now when are you coming home?"

"I don't know!" I said in exasperation. "We'll get there when we get there."

"But if you come home now, then I'll..." Ashlyn then proceeded to spin the raunchiest, filthiest fantasy I'd ever heard over a phone line. By the time she was done five minutes later, my cock was so hard that I was certain the seams of my pants were about to bust.

Abruptly, Ashlyn finished and then hung up. At almost the same moment, Cassandra came into my office with the blue light on her earpiece lit up. "Uh-huh, his cock is trying to break free of his pants... No, Taylor, I wasn't here... Well, I'm not surprised. Ashlyn's got a dirty mind... Yeah, I wish I could have heard it."

My eyes were bugged out as I ogled Cassandra's ample chest and I started gesturing her towards me. Automatically, Cassandra approached as she saw the gleam in my eyes and she quickly sank to her knees before me. But just as she reached for the clasp to my pants, Cassandra jerked her head and said into her earpiece, "You serious? Okay, okay... This should be interesting... Of course Taylor."

And with that, the blue light in her earpiece went out and my assistant moved her hands to her own blouse. Unbuttoning it slowly, she reached inside and freed one of her heavy orbs, the nipple quite engorged. And then while she closed her eyes and moaned, Cassandra lifted the breast to her own lips and began to suckle at the teat.

I groaned and then gestured back to my crotch, unable to form words I was so turned on. But then Cassandra simply put her boob away and stood up. Her cleavage was practically spilling out into my office. And then she held up a finger and waggled it at me reproachfully. "You're not allowed to get off before you get home. Taylor's orders."

I sputtered for a few seconds before I managed to wrap my lips around coherent words. "Taylor? Taylor's orders? I'm the fucking boss! And I fucking order you to fucking open my up my pants and fucking get me off!"

"Sorry... *sir*..." Cassandra actually grinned before spinning on one heel and then buttoned her blouse back up as she went to leave my office.

I steamed and threw a book against the wall.

An hour later, Cassandra came into my office and then said into her earpiece. "I'm here."

Seconds later, Ashlyn called. "Are you coming home yet?"

I rolled my eyes and stared at the work on my monitor. "No, not yet."

"Well, if you WERE home, right now I'd be..." My brain partially shut down as Ashlyn launched into her sexual tirade. If I thought Ashlyn was naughty before, she was downright NASTY this time. With a seductive purr in her voice, Ashlyn practically made me cum just by talking to me and in fact, I finally caved and just shoved my own hand into my pants to start beating off to the images Ashlyn was putting into my head.

But in a flash, Cassandra was beside me and she got a firm grip on my wrist, yanking my hand out. She laughed and then told her earpiece, "He tried to start jacking off."

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