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A Billionaire's Life Ch. 07


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She blinked twice, unable to hide her disappointment. I hated to hurt her, but I just couldn't say the words. I loved what we were doing, but I just didn't feel for her the same way as I did for Taylor or Cassandra. Hell, I didn't even feel as passionately about her as I did Ashlyn.

After I pulled out, I flopped onto my back and I stared at the ceiling trying to think of a way to make it up to her. Kate herself just lay where I left her, idly rubbing her clit while sighing and doing some heavy thinking herself.

It came to me then. "We should go out on the town tomorrow night. Pick a restaurant, any restaurant. It'll just be the two of us."

I'd always planned to step out in public with Kate as my date. Sooner or later, I would have to make that decision to make clear that I was polyamorous. Sure, lots of wealthy men were screwing multiple women. But I'd made it clear that I didn't want to be one of those guys hiding away his mistresses. So the only choice was to be public and honest about it.

Unfortunately, my planned announcement for New Year's Eve had gotten derailed by Ashlyn's pregnancy and Taylor's miscarriage. But I supposed it was better late than never.

Kate rolled up to me and kissed my cheek. "Really?" She asked. "I'm finally going public?"

"Yes you are, girlfriend of Jonathan Kwong," I said warmly. And then I leaned over to kiss her. We had plenty of time for a shower and then round 2.


I hadn't seen Kate for the entire day. Taylor joked that the young model was spending the whole time in her room getting primped up and trying on a hundred dresses in order to figure out just the right one. It made sense to me since Ashlyn was holed up in the room with her as well.

I was supposed to "pick her up" at 8pm. The restaurant Kate had chosen was black tie and very upscale, so I was dressed to impress and Taylor helped to make sure I looked suitably dashing.

"Can you believe you're helping me get ready for an actual 'date' with another woman?" I asked.

Taylor shrugged and replied, "It's just Kate."

"Still. This will be my first evening 'date' with a woman other than you. I haven't even gone out for a public, romantic evening with Cassandra."

Taylor smiled sweetly and said, "I'm helping a wonderful man get ready for an evening where he's going to make one of my friends very, very happy."

I turned and kissed my wife, but then she rubbed her thumb over my lips to make sure she hadn't transferred her lipstick. She grinned. "Still, it wouldn't do for you to go on a date with Kate wearing another woman's lipstick."

At 7:56pm I collected the beautiful bouquet of flowers Cassandra had ordered for me and I headed downstairs. But when I hit the main foyer, my heart stopped.

Kate stood there in jeans and a baggy sweater. Her hair was loose and tucked beneath a stylishly cute hat. She looked good, but her attire certainly wasn't for a black tie dinner. But what really killed me was that her suitcases were packed and ready by the front door. I was hit with a sudden wave of déjà vu and as vertigo set in, Taylor had to catch me and set me against a railing lest I fall flat on my face.

"You're leaving?" I managed to croak to Kate, my throat dry. Evident pain was on my face.

The pretty platinum blonde looked at the floor and nodded, nervously playing with her own fingers. She looked up at me then and said, "I can't stay, John."

"But, but why?"

"I..." she took a deep breath and glanced down for a moment before fixing her dark eyes back on me. "I want more than what you can give me."

Kate looked down and away from me, as if ashamed for having desires that didn't include me. But then, as I looked at her, I realized that this was *exactly* what I'd been hoping for her. True, I'd miss her. But she *deserved* more than what I could give her, and it seemed that she finally had realized it.

Getting my balance, I walked forward quickly to stand right in front of her. The young platinum blonde still wouldn't meet my gaze, but I gently brought her chin up with my hand until she looked at me. "I'm so proud of you," I said with a warm smile.

Kate looked rather confused by my comment.

"You want love?" I asked softly and dropped my hand away. She hesitated a moment then nodded.

"You deserve it, Kate," I said earnestly. "You're WORTH it."

She seemed to finally understand what I was getting at. "Thank you," she said and stood up a little straighter, with confidence.

"So what made you decide right now, tonight?"

Kate shrugged, "This date. I realized that if I really want to go out there and find a man of my own, a man who will love me the way I want to be loved, I can't go out in public as your girlfriend. It would just complicate things too much."

"What, you'd be embarrassed to have me publicly linked to you?" I teased.

She grinned. "No, no. You're just too intimidating. No man would want to be my boyfriend immediately after Jonathan Kwong... billionaire."

"But you are going to find a boyfriend, right? Someone who will treat you like a girlfriend?"

"Yeah," Kate smiled. "Someone who will treat me as an equal. Someone who won't just throw money at me if I sleep with them. I'm not a mistress anymore. I'm not a sex toy anymore."

Taylor stepped forward. "Good for you, Kate." And then Taylor wrapped up the younger woman in a hug. "Do you already have somewhere to go?"

"Yeah," Kate patted Taylor's back. "I just talked to M&M. They'll let me crash at their place until I get on my feet."

I blushed at the mention of Maile and Milena. Kate caught my flush and then added, "I'm sure we'll have a LOT to talk about..." There was a confident tease in her voice.

Then Kate came over and hugged me warmly. "Thank you, John. Thanks for being such a sweet guy. And thanks for showing me that I'm worth more than just a plaything."

She released me and then stepped back. An impish grin came to the platinum blonde's face and she coyly said, "By the way, if you ever want to go for a Ferris Wheel ride... let me know."

Then she turned to my wife. "And Taylor. I love you, sweetie. But if you don't take care of this man, I may just come back to take him off your hands."

Taylor laughed. "Believe me. He's got his hands full enough already."

"Yeah," Kate sighed. "That's kind of the point."

"I'm sorry, Kate," I said sincerely. "I never meant for you to feel lost in the shuffle."

"It's okay. I get it. It's not that you don't love me because I'm not worthy of being loved, which was how I saw it at first. I'm worth it, but you've already found your soulmates. What you have with Taylor and Cassandra is special. And honestly, I think you and Ashlyn have got something pretty interesting going on as well."

Kate stepped up and stroked my cheek. "I admit I wish things could have been different, but they're not. The guy for me is out there somewhere. The sooner I start looking the sooner I'll find him."

"In the meantime," Taylor put in. "Don't be a stranger."

"I won't." Kate stayed with one hand on my shoulder as she turned her head to my wife. "My best friends are here. I'll be back to visit. And you WILL meet up with me downtown."

"Of course," Taylor smiled warmly.

"And you," Kate said as she returned her full focus to me. Tugging gently on the back of my neck, she pulled me down to her for a soft kiss. When she pulled away, she husked, "Don't forget about me."

"I couldn't if I tried." I set my forehead to hers, and then we finally said goodbye.



"Hmm?" I asked absentmindedly.

"Jonathan. Earth to Jonathan."

I blinked twice and then rotated my chair away from the skyline view of Manhattan and over to Cassandra. We were in my downtown office.

"You haven't heard a word I've said, have you?" My ever-loyal assistant asked.

"Uh, no," I replied after a quick search of my short-term memory.

She sighed and closed up her notebook. "What's on your mind?"

"Too much."

"Let me guess, your complicated love life?"

"Sometimes, I wonder if it's all worth it." I waved my hands to the sides and sighed. "I mean, when I was just another finance geek on Wall Street, all I could imagine was finding one woman, a lifelong partner to get married and have a couple of kids with. You know: cramped Manhattan apartment, day job, day care, etc. It would have all been routine, but it would have all been simple. Not like this."

"What, you want to give up the money and the mansion and the parade of naked women walking into your bedroom?"

I smirked. "Well, I wouldn't go THAT far. But I do think about how different my life could have turned out. I love my life, but it's a lot more complicated this way."

"Well, Kate moving out *is* one less woman to worry about."

"Not really. I don't have the romantic complications but I still worry about her."

"You'll see her this weekend at Taylor's birthday party."

I chuckled at the thought of that guest list. With everything that had gone on, we'd scrapped anything too elaborate event-wise, but the guest list read as a who's who of the women in my life. Besides the casual friends and models and other people in Taylor's industry, on the list were no less than fifteen women I'd had sex with in the past ten years, including Maile, Milena, Jenna, Kaitlyn, Rebecca, Mia, and Kate. And that's not to mention the women currently living in my house.

I was on pretty good terms with just about all those women. And they were just further distractions on top of the delicate balancing act that had formed between myself and the three primary women in my life now: Taylor, Cassandra, and Ashlyn.

Taylor and Cassandra had already worked out their relationship. It was easy, Taylor deferred to Cassandra on all household matters and my wife never tried to be Queen of the House or adopt any sort of imperial ego. Cassandra let Taylor be my wife and never tried to rival her for my love, even thought both women explicitly knew I would share some of my personal time with my personal assistant.

Ashlyn was a bit of a curveball into the mix. She wasn't my wife, and as such had no priority over Taylor or other such competitive advantage. But she was the mother of my child and I inevitably found myself going out of my way to pay attention to her to make sure she was comfortable and had everything she needed. Ashlyn was also the "newest" and most unknown woman, always a powerful attractant physically.

So Ashlyn and I both wanted each other, but we were always cognizant of Taylor's feelings. The situation tempered our relationship and prevented us from just falling into each other's arms at every moment and fucking like rabbits. In retrospect, Taylor's presence was just what we needed not to burn ourselves out in the white-hot flame of passion. And it kept our sexual longing for each other constantly on edge.

It didn't hurt that Taylor and Ashlyn were accomplished lovers and deeply attracted to one another as well. After the decision to keep Ashlyn's baby, I think the three of us got together as a triple more often than I was with either one of them alone, and quite frequently I would return from work to find the two supermodels making love without me.

It was still to be seen if we all would work out in the long-run, but I had hopes.

"What do you think about all this?" I asked Cassandra while staring out the window.

"All what?"

"My... my love life. Your life. All this." I waved my hands theatrically.

Cassandra leaned forward and put her hand on my knee. "I'm here for you, Jonathan."

I nodded but frowned. "I just don't want you to feel neglected."

She smiled and then lowered an eyebrow at me. "We've been over this. If I ever feel neglected, believe that I'll let you know. Right now I'm fine. And I'm always here for advice on your... uh... juggling act."

I smirked. "How am I doing so far?"

"So far so good. Just keep being you. Love without restraint. Taylor's an amazing woman and Ashlyn has a good heart. Trust that the women around you know what they're doing, Jonathan."

I nodded. I was supposedly the master of the house, but the reality was that my ladies had always been in charge. I supposed I liked it that way. "Okay, can you tell me anything about Taylor's birthday party?"

She shook her head. "Nope. Charlotte's handling all the arrangements. I'm as in the dark as you are."

I took a deep breath and then let out a long, long exhalation. I let it go. No use worrying about things that weren't in my control. I could trust that my women would capably handle things. So I shrugged and nodded. "Fine, where were we?"

Cassandra smiled and opened up her notebook. "You have a meeting with The Henderson Group at 3pm. They want to discuss..."


Taylor's party started off brilliantly.

Mia and Rebecca were some of the first guests to arrive. After the usual hugs and kisses and grab-assing, Mia glared at me. "So, for YOUR birthday, we fly out to Las Vegas and you get to line us up in a big circle and fuck our brains out; but for Taylor's birthday, you just take over a Manhattan nightclub? Sounds a little unfair."

I shrugged. "For my birthday, I wanna get laid. For her birthday, Taylor wants to party with fifty of her closest friends."

"And THEN I'll get laid!" Taylor crowed as she raised her Cosmo and then took a healthy swig from it.

"Hey, no fair!" Ashlyn swooped in and complained, patting her still-flat belly. "You shouldn't be able to drink in front of me."

"Price of getting yourself knocked up," Kate scolded and batted away Ashlyn's hand which was reaching for Taylor's drink.

Undeterred, Taylor proffered her drink in Ashlyn's face. "Wanna trade? Cosmo for baby?"

"Never," Ashlyn laughed.

Kate arched an eyebrow at Taylor. "Well, aren't you supposed to limiting your drinking if YOU want to get knocked up again?"

"Yeah," Taylor pouted. "Johnny's got me on a two-drink limit tonight." My wife glared at me and then snarked, "And so are YOU."

I held up my glass of water. Just then, Jeff and his blonde Architecture student girlfriend arrived and Taylor was quick to make introductions. "Kate, Ashlyn, meet Kaitlyn."

Kaitlyn giggled and then Ashlyn moved forward to hug the younger woman. "Cute name. Taylor's told us a lot about you."

Ashlyn then dragged Kaitlyn off while Kate slipped her arm into Jeff's and led them after the giggling pair. Now that we had a free moment alone, I swept my wife into my arms and planted a robustly wet kiss on her lips. Taylor giggled and wrapped her arms around me.

"Aww... you two are so sweet..."

I recognized the voice. I turned my head and Taylor was the first to exclaim. "Maile!"

Taylor went to greet Maile. Meanwhile, Milena simply walked up and then reached her hand to my crotch, where I'd started to get hard from kissing Taylor. "Mmm... any chance of a repeat... big boy?"

"Back off bitch," Taylor snarked, but without any heat. She quickly interposed herself between me and the Czech beauty and then grinned widely. "It's my birthday and I want ALL the presents."


"Good lord, Johnny. It was MY birthday and half the girls in there were falling all over YOU," Taylor laughed as we walked back into the house.

"Your fault. You've built up this mystique around me like I'm some sort of superhuman lover," I chuckled. "And you've got all your girlfriends believing it."

"Honey, half those girlfriends have screwed you and it's no mere mystique. We've trained you well and you fuck like a GOD."

"I'll say," Ashlyn cheered.

"Well, this god is all for my wife, tonight." I swept Taylor up into my arms and while she giggled with glee, I started carrying her up the stairs.

"And we're coming to help!" Ashlyn called as she, Cassandra, and Charlotte all followed us.

Indeed, the instant I dropped Taylor onto the bed there were four pairs of hands pawing at her, simultaneously groping, caressing, and working to divest her of her clothing. I wound up kneeling by my wife's head, holding it steady while I gave her a passionate, upside-down kiss. Cassandra, my assistant and Taylor's confidant and friend, pulled off the straps to Taylor's dress and was snaking it down to her waist. Ashlyn, fellow model and one of Taylor's best friends immediately latched onto a bare breast with one hand and began kissing her way across Taylor's torso once the dress was out of the way. And once the dress was pulled to Taylor's waist, Charlotte took over to drag the flimsy material all the way off.

Now while our bed wasn't designed for heavy-duty BDSM play like the dungeon or Playroom, we still had a few toys. I caught Cassandra's eye and actually managed to communicate what I wanted non-verbally. She quickly got the attention of the other girls and while I kept Taylor distracted, the three others found the restraints and soon we had them clapped onto Taylor's limbs, tying her up spread eagle across the bed.

"Wha-?" Taylor wailed when she realized she was buck naked and unable to move her arms or legs.

I kissed her and then grinned upside-down at my wife. "Happy Birthday, honey."

Ashlyn was soon on one side, running her hands over Taylor's body while she began to nurse at one of Taylor's full breasts. Cassandra was on the opposite side, similarly with a nipple in her mouth. And Charlotte was between Taylor's legs, her tongue already embedded into her employer's pussy. Together, the three of them tongue-lashed my wife and soon she was wailing in ecstasy while beads of sweat started to form on her skin.

But the wailing only lasted a few minutes. Because after stripping off my own clothing, I then knelt by Taylor's head and fed my hard prick into her gaping mouth, which cut off her screaming. She moaned happily and hummed as she started sucking on me, all the while being pleasured by three of her closest friends.

Of course, I could only last so long before we got to the main event. Today was the first day that Taylor should be ovulating again. For the next three days or so, we fully intended to fill her with as many of my baby-makers as possible. So as soon as the triple-teaming by her girlfriends brought Taylor to orgasm, I pulled my cock out and moved around to take Charlotte's place between Taylor's legs.

I grinned when Ashlyn winked at me, still tonguing at Taylor's nipple. And then as I held my wife's thighs to the side, I aimed my cock and then sank it to the depths of her pussy in one diving thrust.

"Ungh!!!" Taylor grunted as I filled her. And as the girls released her restraints, Taylor's legs quickly went up around me.

As I began to slowly pump in and out of the raven-haired supermodel, I lowered my torso. And as I lay my entire weight on Taylor's body, she wrapped me up in her arms and tugged as if to somehow pull me even deeper inside her. I took a few moments to kiss my wife, our passionate liplock punctuated by short bursts to gasp for air. And when I pulled my head away to focus on my cock pistoning in and out of her pussy, Ashlyn was soon there to take my place on Taylor's lips.

So while I watched the gorgeous redhead frenching my hot brunette wife from an inch away, I found an extra burst of energy and really began to pound my way through Taylor's clenching snatch.

Meanwhile, Charlotte and Cassandra were not idle. The two assistants were quite familiar with each other and a couple of feet to the side of us, the two of them were engaged in a hot sixty-nine with Cassandra on top, her statuesque body smothering and dominating the smaller brunette beneath her.

But then Ashlyn's voice grabbed my attention again. "Feel that? That's Johnny's cock. His big, thick, cock is splitting you open. And in another minute, that juicy prick is going to open up and begin spurting thick, hot, gobs of sticky cum into your womb."

Ashlyn already had a sultry voice that would have made millions from a phone- sex line. Having her naked and husking those words right into my wife's ear was even better. "Ooh, that was a good thrust, wasn't it Taylor?" Ashlyn continued. "Just a few more, and then he's gonna cum in you. He's gonna cum a quart of semen into your womb, and that semen is gonna be filled with a million fast little sperm. And one of those sperm, tonight, is gonna get into your egg and make a baby. Heck, if you're lucky, maybe Johnny'll knock you up with twins! But it's gonna happen tonight Taylor. That's it, buck your hips. Fuck back at him. Because it's gonna happen tonight. Johnny's gonna bathe your womb in sperm. Just a few more. Harder! Deeper! That's it! That's it! Oh! He's cumming! He's cumming in you!"

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