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A Birthday Treat

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A trip to the bar produces one hell of a birthday present.
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Chapter 1

Rick Watson walked into the bar and looked around. He had no idea what had possessed him to come here. All he knew is it was his birthday and he wanted an adventure. Of course in his 21 years, he had never imagined he would spend his birthday in a gay bar.

Rick realized he was gay a couple of years ago, when he accidentally walked in on his father and his father's lover having sex in the shower. Rick had no idea who his mother was, she left when he was 3. She couldn't accept the fact that her husband was bi. Rick always wondered why she didn't take him with her when she left. He asked his father about it but he would just shake his head and say he didn't know, but he was glad she didn't. Then he would kiss him on the top of his head and tell him to go wash up for dinner.

Rick had been home for the summer from college when he walked in on the couple in the shower. He had felt his cock lengthening in his pants as he watched his father plowing his 8 inch cock into his uncle's ass. Of course Mark wasn't really his uncle but that is what Rick had been calling him since he was little and it just stuck over the years. He had turned red but couldn't seem to make his legs work to leave the room. He knew he shouldn't be watching his father and uncle but he was so turned on he started panting. His eyes were stuck on the hard cock drilling into his uncle's ass, and he relished the moans coming from the two men's mouths as they were lost in their passions.

Suddenly his father cried out and said he was cumming as he buried himself inside Mark's ass. Rick tore out of the bathroom and ran into his room slamming the door behind him and breathing heavy as if he had just run a marathon as he leaned back against the door and closed his eyes. His cock was throbbing against his jeans and his breath came out in ragged pants as he recalled what he had just seen.

He slowly pushed away from the door and moved over to the bed. He sat down on the edge of the bed and pulled his jeans open pulling out his 9 inch cock. He sighed as he released it, it was rock hard and throbbing. Nothing had ever turned him on as much as watching his father and uncle go at it. He leaned back on his arm as he closed his eyes and started stroking his cock. He could see the action from the bathroom in his head and it wasn't long before his breathing became erratic and his hand moved faster of his hard shaft. "Oh god that was so hot." He panted stroking his cock faster as he felt the cum boiling in his balls. "Ugh, oh fuck." He growled as his cock started shooting up onto his t-shirt. He continued stroking himself as he finished cumming then slowly let go of his softening cock and took a deep breath. No wonder no girls had ever caught his attention, it looked like he was following in his fathers footsteps in more ways then one.

He grabbed a towel off the floor and cleaned himself up then fixed his pants and headed downstairs looking for his father and uncle.

Rick was pulled back to the present as somebody bumped into his shoulder. He glanced over and smiled. "Sorry, guess I was daydreaming." He said softly to the man standing in the door way staring at him.

The man smiled back, "no problem, but would you mind moving? It is kind of cold out here."

Rick blushed and stepped further into the bar. "Yeah, sorry about that." He moved so the man could step into the bar and close the door behind him. He watched as the man walked down the steps into the main area, his ass swinging. Rick watched the man and felt his cock start to lengthen. He shook his head then continued into the bar wondering what he was doing here. He glanced around, there was a few tables scattered around the place next to a dance floor where several men were dancing close together. Rick watched the dancers for a minute, then moved slowly over to the bar. He sat down on a stool and looked at the bartender who smiled at him. "What'll it be handsome?" The bartender asked with a slight southern drawl and a wide toothed smile.

"Um... I'll take a beer." Rick stammered putting his hands on the bar and clasping them together.

The bartender put a bottle on the bar and smiled at him again. "Haven't seen you in here before. First time?"

Rick took a drink of the beer and blushed. "Yeah, it's my birthday so I thought I would check this place out."

The bartender poured himself a shot and downed it then smiled at Rick again. "Well happy birthday. The beer is on the house."

Rick looked at him in surprise. "Um... thanks."

The bartender winked at him then moved down the bar to help another customer.

Rick sat at the bar, nursing his beer and thinking. He knew he should get out of here. This wasn't his kind of place, he had no idea what he had hoped to find by coming here. He had decided to finish his beer and leave when he felt fingers brush against his shoulder. He jumped and turned looking into the deep blue eyes of the man who had talked to him when he first came in. He blushed as he remember his reaction to the man's swinging hips. "Hey, I was wondering if I could buy you a drink?"

The man had a soft voice, that sent shivers down Rick's body. His voice was almost husky and he had a million dollar smile that was directed right at Rick. He sat down on the stool next to him and watched him warily.

"Um... sure." Rick smiled at him and the man relaxed and smiled back.

The man signaled the bartender, ordered two drinks then turned back to Rick. "First time here?" He asked with a smile.

Rick took a drink of his beer and blushed. "It that obvious?"

The man chuckled and ran his fingers over Rick's thigh making Rick shiver once more. "No... It's just I pretty much know all the regulars and I definitely would have recognized you if you had been here before."

Rick sucked in his breath as the man's fingers worked their way up his leg until they brushed barely against the bulge in his jeans. He felt his cock harden and swallowed hard. "I...I'm Rick." He stammered staring into the man's eyes.

The man smiled again, this time brighter and moved his hand to where he was actually grabbing Rick's cock through his pants. Rick gasped and looked at him wide eyed. "I'm Terry." The man said with a grin as he ran his finger across Rick's cock. He leaned forward until his mouth was against Rick's ear. "You are the hottest thing in here. Wanna dance?" He squeezed Rick's cock and Rick moaned softly.

Rick licked his lips and lifted his hips pressing against Terry's hand. "Um... I would like that." He said softly.

Terry pulled his hand away and stood up holding his hand out. Rick reached down and readjusted his pants then put his hand in Terry's and let him lead him ot the dance floor. There was a slow song playing and Terry pulled him into his arms, holding him close. Rick wrapped his arms around Terry's neck and lost himself in those blue eyes that were staring at him with heat in them. He felt Terry's hand grip his ass and pull him tight against him and Rick moaned hotly and closed his eyes.

Terry ground himself against Rick as they danced and Rick started panting and tightened his arms around the other man. When Terry leaned over and whispered in his ear, Rick thought he was going to cum right there on the dance floor. "I want to take you home and fuck your brains out." Terry growled against his ear as he ground his crotch against Rick's. He licked at Rick's ear, teasing his flesh with his tongue and Rick moaned softly grabbing Terry's ass and pulling him tighter against him.

"L...Let's go." He stammered softly. He was so hot he felt like his whole body was on fire.

Terry stopped moving and looked into Rick's passion filled eyes. "Really?" he asked huskily.

Rick just nodded and Terry grinned. He cupped Rick's face in his hands and pulled his lips towards him. He captured his mouth with his own and kissed him softly. Rick moaned against his mouth and wrapped his arms around Terry holding him close. When Terry deepened the kiss and his tongue pressed against Rick's mouth Rick whimpered and opened his lips allowing the tongue to duel with his own. They kissed for a minute in the middle of the dance floor, each holding the other in a tight embrace then Terry very slowly pulled away. "Come on, let's get out of here, I want to be alone with you."

Rick looked at him through dazed eyes. His breathing was erratic and his cock was throbbing pressing hard against his jeans. He had no idea what Terry had done to him but he wanted him and he wanted him now. "Okay." He replied softly.

Terry took his hand and led him from the bar. Once they were outside, Rick relaxed a little and took a deep cleansing breath. Terry led him over to a Harley and threw his leg over it then looked at Rick. "Climb on."

Rick looked at him uncertainly. "What about my car?"

Terry grinned at him. "We'll come get it later."

Rick slowly threw his leg over the bike and sat down. He pressed his chest against Terry's back but was unsure what to do next, he had never been on a motorcycle before. Terry looked over his shoulder at him with a smile and squeezed Rick's knee. "Put your arms around me baby and hold on." He kicked the bike to life and Rick wrapped his arms around him then pressed his face against Terry's back inhaling his scent. Terry backed the bike out then turned to look at Rick once more. "Ready baby?" he asked squeezing his knee.

Rick smiled and tightened his grip. "Oh yeah, lets go."

Terry grinned, kissed him softly then turned back to the front. He headed out of the parking lot onto the street and Rick just held on tight sighing softly as he ran his hands up and down over Terry's chest.

Terry grinned as they rode through the night, heading towards his place.

Terry pulled the bike in front of a two story Victorian style house and cut the engine. Rick had enjoyed the ride and was in no hurry to let go of the man in front of him. Terry squeezed his hand and smiled. "Gotta let go babe." He said looking over his shoulder.

Rick sighed and opened his eyes. He kissed Terry's back then reluctantly let go. Terry just chuckled and climbed off the bike. "Come on." He held his hand out to Rick.

Rick took his hand and climbed off the bike. His cock had lost some of its fullness due to the ride but it was getting hard once more as he looked at the man in front of him. Terry gave him a shy smile and led him towards the house. He let go of Rick's hand long enough to open the door then led him inside.

They walked into a tastefully done living room. With a couch, coffee table and a computer desk sitting against the wall. Rick didn't have much time to look around because Terry was leading him through the room and into a hallway. There were two doors one of the left side of the hallway and one on the right. Terry smiled at him as they passed the first door. "That's the bathroom." He said nonchalantly leading Rick to the second door. He opened the door then stood back letting Rick precede him into the room.

Rick walked into the room and gasped. There was a queen sized waterbed taking up most of the room. The room was dim thanks to a lamp on the end table with what looked like a red towel over the top of it. There was a dresser off to the side with a tv sitting on it. Rick walked over by the bed then stopped and turned when Terry walked into the room and closed the door behind him leaning back against it. "Nice huh?" He asked with a smile.

Rick looked around and smiled then looked back to Terry. "Yeah, amazing."

Terry stood there staring at him for a minute. "You want something to drink?"

Rick just shook his head and licked his suddenly dry lips. Terry pushed away from the door and walked towards him. "You sure you wanna do this?" He asked running his hand over Ricks' face slowly.

Rick closed his eyes and sighed. Opening them they were full of fire. "I've never..."

Terry smiled and kissed him softly. "I kinda got that impression. I'm honored that you want me to be your first. But I want to be sure this is what you want before we go any further. I can take you back to the bar if you want."

Rick looked down and licked his lips once more. Now that they were here he was nervous but at the same time he had never wanted something as bad as he wanted Terry. "I...I want to do this." He said looking into Terry's eyes.

Terry cupped his face and smiled. "Okay." He leaned forward and pressed their lips together, kissing him softly at first then deepening the kiss until both men were breathing heavily when they broke apart. "God you are so hot." Terry breathed running his hand down Rick's chest and sending shivers down Rick's back.

"So are you." Rick replied softly trying to control his breathing. "I want you so bad I can taste it."

Terry ran his hands down Rick's chest to his pants and undid them then reached his hand inside grasping Rick's cock. Rick gasped and moaned as he threw his head back. "Sit down and take your shoes off baby." Terry cooed stroking rick's cock for a minute then pulling his hand free.

Rick opened his eyes and put his hands on Terry's arms to steady himself then slowly sat down on the bed. He pulled his shoes and socks off then looked at up Terry through passion filled eyes. Terry smiled at him and pulled him back to his feet. He grabbed Rick's jeans and pushed them down along with his boxers until he was able to step out of them. Rick reached up and took his shirt off then stood there naked staring at Terry with heated eyes. "God, you are sexier then I imagined." Terry breathed huskily running his hands over Rick's chest. He leaned forward and licked at Rick's nipple making the other man moan and grab his head holding him against him. Terry lifted his eyes then licked at the small nub once more, while he wrapped his arms around Rick's waist holding him tight. Rick whimpered and his legs started shaking as his cock throbbed with need. "God, what are you doing to me?" He stammered trying not to fall into a puddle on the floor.

Terry gently bit on Ricks' nipple and Rick gasped and threw his head back, closing his eyes. Terry ran his nose and lips down Rick's chest until he was kneeling before him. "God, you are hung baby. I can't wait to get this inside me." Terry moaned wrapping his hand around Rick's cock and slowly running his hand up and down over him.

Rick moaned and looked down at him through half closed eyes. "You're going to let me fuck you?" He asked surprised.

Terry looked up at him with a grin. "Oh yeah, I love having a hard cock up my ass." He squeezed Rick's cock and smiled. "Unless you would rather I fucked you."

Rick looked down at him with wide eyes. The thought of Terry fucking him made his ass tingle with need. He had never thought about having a cock up his ass before but if it was Terry's he was definitely interested in trying. He licked his dry lips and smiled. "Can't we do both?"

Terry grinned and squeezed his cock once more. "Oh yeah, we've got all night baby. Right now though I want this hard meat in my mouth." He leaned forward and wrapped his lips around the head of Rick's cock and sucked gently on it. Rick moaned and closed his eyes as he bucked forward with his hips burying more of his cock in Terry's hungry mouth.

Terry moaned and closed his eyes as he wrapped his tongue around the hard meat in his mouth. He bobbed his head back and forth, taking more of Rick's cock inside him with each forward thrust. When he felt the head push against the entrance to his throat, he relaxed his muscles and pushed forward letting Rick's cock slide into his throat. Rick moaned and threw his head back and tangled his hand in Terry's hair holding him against him as he slowly fucked his face, working his hips back and forth and pulling more of his cock in and out of Terry's mouth. "Oh god that feels so good." He moaned.

Terry moaned and sucked harder at Rick's cock pulling it into his throat and tightening his muscles around the hard flesh. Rick whimpered and started fucking his face faster as his breathing became ragged. His fingers tightened in Terry's hair as he bucked his hips back and forth pushing more of his cock into Terry's hot mouth.

Terry reached out and grabbed Rick's hips holding him tight as he continued slurping on the hard cock. Rick whimpered and tossed his head back. "Oh fuck, I'm gonna cum." He cried slamming forward with his hips.

Terry sucked harder at his cock. He was hungry for the hard meat in his mouth but he was hungrier for a mouthful of hot cum. He whipped his tongue over the head of Rick's cock and was rewarded with a spurt of cum as Rick cried out and started shooting. Terry swallowed as fast as he could and just barely got all of the cum Rick spewed out of his cock. Rick stood there shaking trying to control his breathing. Terry sucked at him for another minute then slowly pulled his mouth away. He licked his lips and smiled. "Damn, you taste good baby."

Rick stood there panting and looked down at him with a smile. "That was amazing, but I think I need to sit down." He reached behind him and grabbed the bed then collapsed back on it. He felt it move under him as he slowly got his breathing back to normal.

Terry stood up and quickly stripped out of his clothes. His own 8 inch cock was resting against his stomach, hard and throbbing. He climbed onto the bed beside Rick and leaned over him kissing him softly. "Worn out already baby?" he asked with a grin.

Rick opened his eyes and smiled at him. "No, just gotta get my breath back. I've never cum that hard before."

Terry ran his hand down Rick's body until he was able to grasp his still hard cock. "Good, I still want this inside me." He squeezed his cock and Rick smiled.

Rick lifted his head and kissed Terry softly. "Whatever you want baby."

Terry grinned then pulled Rick into a sitting position. He reached over into his nightstand drawer and pulled out a condom and a bottle of lube. "Here you're gonna need these."

Rick tore open the condom and rolled it down his length, then opened the bottle of lube and coated his cock in it. Then he turned to Terry with heat filled eyes. "Assume the position love." He said with a grin.

Terry leaned over and kissed him softly then moved to the middle of the bed on his hands and knees. He wiggled his ass as he looked over his shoulder at Rick. "Come give me that sweet meat."

Rick moved up behind him and rubbed his ass-cheeks. "Do I need to lube you up?"

Terry shook his head. "As long as there is lube on your dick that is good enough, fuck me."

Rick stroked his cock a couple of times then pulled Terry's ass-cheeks open and lined up his cock. "Ready baby?" He asked rubbing his cock up and down against the tight hole.

Terry closed his eyes and lowered his head to the bed. "Oh yeah, fuck me, fuck me now." He begged pushing back so the head of Rick's cock started to enter him.

Rick looked down at his cock partially embedded in Terry's ass and slowly pressed forward with his hips watching his cock disappear into the tight hole. "Ugh, oh fuck yes." Terry moaned tossing his head back as he felt himself being impaled on the hard meat. "That's it, fuck me. Fuck me good." He tossed his head back and forth as he worked his hips back and forth pulling more of Rick's cock inside him.

Rick grabbed his hips and held him tight as he continued slowly pushing into him. Terry whimpered and tightened and loosened his ass muscles. "Fuck me." He purred feeling his ass full of half of Rick's hard cock.

Rick pushed into him until he had all of him then stopped and sighed. Terry's ass was so tight and was caressing his cock. "Oh god, your ass feels so good." He sighed closing his eyes and tossing his head back.

Terry grinned and hung his head. "Your cock feels fantastic inside me. Fuck me baby, fuck me good."

Rick pulled about halfway out then slammed forward with his hips burying himself inside him once more. Terry gasped as pleasure coursed through him and his own cock throbbed with need. "Oh fuck, yes just like that. Pound me." He purred tossing his head back and forth forcefully.


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