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A Boiled Frog Pt. 01

Story Info
Wife slowly brings husband into feminine lifestyle.
16.6k words

Part 1 of the 7 part series

Updated 04/27/2023
Created 03/01/2017
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Author's Note: After three months of trying to find an editor or get some feedback, I'm giving up and will just post my story and see if I can get any feedback to help it out. It's my first attempt at writing a story and I know it needs work, so please be kind. Any helpful feedback is appreciated.


Chapter 1

With the last pass over my lips with a light pink gloss, I look in the mirror at the reflection before me. Hair done, check. I got it styled in the salon on Saturday and it still looks good. Makeup done, check. Nothing over the top; I'm going to work, not the night club. Clothes done, check. Blouse, skirt, hose and heels all on and ready to go. Glancing at my Movado Women's Rose Watch, a gift from my girlfriend, I see that I have 20 minutes to spare before I have to leave. I take a deep breath and stare at myself, wondering if I can do this. This will open up a big, new chapter in my life.

My wife walks in, looks at my reflection, sees my nervousness so she reaches down and kisses me on the cheek. "You look perfect", she says. "I know you will be great." She then grabs her keys and purse and heads out the door, off to her own job.

I continue to stare out at myself. Doubts run through my mind. "Can I really do this?" and "How on earth did I let this happen?" I try to picture myself as I looked just a few short months ago and I can't. The beard and my grunge "band drummer" look are gone - my hair is now a completely different color - lightened and dyed a ginger red. My nails, which for years have been ragged with black gunk under the finger nails from working construction and restoring cars, now are styled artfully with a French manicure.

Here I sit, a straight married man, about to start a new job as a female medical sales rep, where my lesbian lover, who got me the job, tells me all I have to do is to "flirt with doctors." When did my life get so complicated?

"I can't believe I am doing this," I say to myself. "Is this really who I am?" My life has been a whirlwind of change and yet I allowed it all to happen to me. Each step in this journey I had let happen, all the time never thinking it would lead anywhere. In all my life, I never dreamed I could be this person that I was looking at in the mirror. I was the guy who played on a softball team, drank beer with the guys, watched every sporting event I could, and had played drums in a rock 'n' roll band until just a few short weeks ago.

Then it hit me. I am the boiled frog. There is an old anecdote I had heard as a kid that says if you put a frog in a pot of boiling water, it will jump out - but if you put it in cold water, then slowly bring it to a boil, the frog will not perceive the danger and will be cooked to death. I have been cooked and slowly manipulated into an entirely different being. And it hasn't stopped. How far will I let this go?

I think I have isolated the first event that started this slow boil to feminization, for that I have come to accept is what I have let happen to me. It happened in early August when I got off work at my usual 4 p.m. and headed straight home because I had forgotten my gym bag that morning. As I pulled into the driveway, I saw my wife's car was home - that never happens during the daytime. I guess I should give you a little background so that you can understand.

My name is Chris Adams. I am 5'8" and weigh about 115 pounds. I have never been able to put on weight, so I can eat anything and usually do. I am athletic but not muscular. I played tennis and baseball in high school. Played second base on JV for three years before riding the pine on varsity my senior year as a pinch hitter and runner. I was better at tennis - varsity three years, but baseball was my love. Being extremely shy, I never had a girlfriend in high school although I was cute enough to get asked out a couple of times. All ended the same way, with me stammering all night and finally giving them a short peck on the lips before rushing back to my car dying of embarrassment. You can see why my sexual life never developed. But I kept myself busy, playing drums in a garage band with friends and sports whenever I got the chance. I was happy but naive.

My first semester in college, I met Julie, a beautiful athletic cheerleader who was an inch taller than me. I was nervous from the moment she sat down next to me. She had wavy light cocoa locks that fell to the middle of her back pulled up into a pony tail, with a few loose locks jutting out that helped accentuate her beautiful face. Her eyes were sea green and her bone structure and complexion were flawless. From the moment she sat down next to me I was nervous. She was way out of my league. She was a senior who had put off her science elective until her last year and Astronomy was the only thing that fit into her schedule. Luckily for me, this had been a hobby of mine and I was taking it for an easy A. We ended up being assigned as lab partners and I became the teacher and she, my student. Besides being a knockout, she had a great personality and laugh, and after the first study session, I was smitten.

Somewhere during that semester, on those dark and starry nights, I won her interest. With her taking the first moves, and leading me all the way, I lost my virginity and fell head over heels in love with her. That began an awkward romance which Julie found adorable. The night before her graduation, she actually got down on one knee and asked me to marry her since I was too hesitant to take a chance on anything that might possibly upset her.

Julie wanted to go to law school but was getting no help from home, so I dropped out of school and went back to work right after the wedding. I got a job at a local construction company as a laborer, unpacking and carrying parts around the yard. Me working allowed her to focus on school, graduate, pass the bar and become an attorney. I eventually worked my way into the office as a junior CAD designer. The pay wasn't great, but every little bit helps pay back on her student loans. I have always been very miserly with money and hate to be in debt.

Life was perfect except for sex. I still played in a band on the weekends and played softball two nights a week, one with the guys and one with the office co-ed team, to keep in shape and hang out with old friends, since I didn't really care for Julie's. Julie was working like a mad woman at her job - I guess attorneys work long hours - so when she did come home she was tired and stressed out. The last few years have been especially tough as she has worked 80+ hours a week trying to make partner.

Back when we had gone on our honeymoon to Vegas, we had come across these old saloon coins that said "For a Good Time, 5 cents" and "Good for One Good Screw" and so on and Julie had laughed and bought a dozen of them, saying six were for me and six were for her. Over the years, we have passed these back and forth for favors, mine usually going to her when I wanted sex real bad and she wasn't in the mood, hers going to me when she wanted me to clean the garage or some other nasty chore, although she did use them to initiate sex occasionally. In fact, the only time I had ever used them in a non-sexual way was to get out of going to events I hate like her niece's wedding or her office work party.

Anyway, for the last couple of months, something had changed. She was working more than ever and later than ever. Several nights in the past month she came home after 11 p.m. and two nights she told me she slept at the office. For the first time ever, Julie held all 12 coins. And for the last couple of weeks, I had practically been begging her for a chore to do so I could earn one. I had never considered cheating on her but I was tired of masturbating and wanted to have sex with my wife.

But, back to that eventful day where I jumped into the cold water and started becoming a boiled frog. (It's kind of ironic, I did jump into water that day - just not cold water). I pulled into the driveway and saw my wife's car in the garage. It was a Thursday; no way should I see her before 8 p.m. I wandered into the house and looked around. Her purse was on the kitchen counter, but no other sign of her. I started upstairs to our bedroom, when I heard music playing. Entering the bedroom, I looked around and noticed her suit coat lying on the bed, but still no sign of her. The bathroom light was on so I decided to sneak in and surprise her.

Sneaking into the bathroom, I saw the bathtub was 80 percent full of bubbles and water with the faucet only slowly adding water to the tub. Still no sign of the wife. Then I noticed the light under the toilet's door. Our master bathroom has a door to enclose just the toilet. She must be taking care of business. Easing back out into our room, I quickly ripped off all my clothes, than headed back into the bathroom where I slowly lowered myself into the tub to surprise her.

The water was way hotter than I liked and had a very feminine scent wafting up from it. Maybe this wasn't such a good idea. I sat there quietly with the water up to my chest waiting patiently for her to come out of the toilet room. The water was almost up to the rim of the tub when she flushed the toilet and walked out into the bathroom, completely naked.

She saw me sitting there in the tub, and immediately started laughing. So much for my surprise. I looked at her and said, "What's so funny?" She responded by saying, "Lisa gave me a new experimental product to test out. Its oil you add into your bath to make hair removal easier. Now stand up and let's see what you have done to yourself."

Blushing, I stood up and looked down. Hair had come off in patches here and there and I looked like a patchwork quilt. The pubic hair right above my cock was completely gone on the right side, but bushy as can be on my left. Patches on my left leg and arm were bare as well. She sighed and said, "I can fix this but you are going to be bare for a while." Grabbing some gel and a shaver she had me stand there in the water and went to work, shaving the hair off of me.

The water had come up to my chest and had removed the few hairs I had around my nipples, but luckily I hadn't gone underwater or gone deeper than I had. My beard and arm pit hair -making me a man - were intact. She started shaving the rest. While one hand of hers was shaving, the other was running along my now-smooth skin, tantalizing me. As she got to my balls, she grabbed my cock and lifted it up. It grew and stayed up and she lightly ran the razor over my privates.

As she finished getting it completely bare, a strange glint appeared in her eyes and she eased forward and took the tip of it into her mouth, giving it a hard suck. I gasped in appreciation. She continued to suck, looking directly at me and inched further and further down my penis with each bob of her head. Then the music on the radio changed to Tubthumping by Chumbawamba, one of her favorite songs and she started to hum along. I felt the vibrations right in my dick and it put me over the edge. "I am going to c..." I got out before I shot right into her mouth. The blast was one of the biggest loads I have ever had. She swallowed and swallowed but couldn't keep up, eventually leaking some out the sides of her mouth. She wiped her face with the back of her hand, stuck it in the water and swished it around.

I had found heaven. This was my first blow job to completion. Julie had tried once when we were dating, but she kept gagging from my pubic hairs and stopped after a few minutes. I realize now, no one had ever taught me about grooming my pubic area and it was a mess. Naivety again. It had cost me almost eight years of bliss.

Julie, still smiling, said, "Turn around." I did, and she picked up the razor and continued with my back side, giving me a spank on the rear. She even had me bend over and spread my cheeks. After getting my legs and feet, she gave me a once over and then said, "Wait one second," walking out of the room. I pulled the drain cord and started to let the water out. She returned a second later and said, "I need a favor" handing me three coins.

This was the first time either one of us had offered multiple coins for favors or I stared at her suspiciously. "I want it all gone. I want to see what it looks like." I looked puzzled. "Want all of what gone?"

"One for the beard and one for each armpit. That's the three coins," Julie said. "I know how bad you want these." Now I like my beard and think it looks rather good on me, but I responded in less than a second. "Done." I knew what I wanted those coins for now. Heaven was in reach once again.

The next morning, I got up early and fixed breakfast for her -pancakes and eggs and bacon. As she came downstairs dressed for work, I had set one coin on her plate. She looked at it and then smiled at me coyly. "What's this for?" I stammered a second and then spit it out. "Can I have another blowjob?"

Dropping to her knees she gave me a second trip to Heaven. One I cherished because she did it completely dressed in her business attire. There was something erotic about Julie in her power suit and heels kneeling before me. It put a bounce in my step all day. I didn't even mind the teasing at work from the missing beard. That night, I was determined to wait but couldn't resist. Thirty minutes after Julie got home I was handing her another coin and asking for a blowjob again.

I woke up Saturday with a raging hard-on. Julie was still in bed next to me, making love by mutual consent last night. No coins on either side. This morning I wanted another blowjob, but knowing how Julie hated being woken up for sex, I reached for my final coin.

"Julie," I stated as I shook her shoulder with one hand and holding the coin in front of her eyes with the other. "I know how you hate to be woken up for sex, but I really want some right now. Is there any way I can use this?"

She groaned and rolled over to face me. "Seriously," she said groggily. "You just got that two days ago and you are already willing to cash it in. Whatever happened to saving for a rainy day?" I whined at her desperately. And she said, "Ok, but give me a minute to wake up."

I ran downstairs to make her some coffee and hope that would put her in a better mood. When I brought it back, I found her sitting on the edge of the bed stretching out her arms and yawning. I walked over to her naked with a coffee in one hand and my dick pointing directly at her face. She took the coffee and said, "Thanks," taking a sip with my dick 10 inches directly in front of her.

After a second she looked at me and said, "You are starting to get stubble already. That is going to scratch like crazy. How 'bout you let me clean all that hair up and I will take care of you and you can save your precious last coin for later?"

A perfect scenario, I thought. Nodding my head eagerly, I moved as she got up and pulled me by my penis towards the bathroom. Thirty minutes later, I was completely bare again and completely satisfied. I thanked her and told her I loved her blowjobs. She then surprised me by saying, "That's weird; my last boyfriend told me I was horrible at them." This really shocked me as it was the first time she had ever mentioned a love life before we met. I mean, I knew she had dated people before she met me. She wasn't a virgin when we had first had sex, but any time I had asked about past lovers or whether she had done something sexual, she'd always said, "That was the past, and you are my future. And that's all that matters."

It was Saturday, a day off for me, but not necessarily for Julie. In fact I was a little surprised that she hadn't immediately jumped off and ran out the door to work. I was hoping to spend the day with her and tentatively asked, "So what are your plans for today? You do remember that you promised to come to my gig tonight and be my groupie?" Our band had been moved to top billing at a local show when another group had to cancel.

Without saying a word, she leaned over to her nightstand and grabbed one of her coins and handed it to me. "Sorry, I can't make it. I have a work meeting with Lisa. It's important. If I finish in time, me and Lisa will come and cheer you on." I slid the coin back over to her and said, "That's okay. Have a good time. We will get along without you two."

Now I don't get along with ANY of my wife's friends really. Without exception, they all seem to make me feel inferior. Most are rich, educated, sophisticated women from her firm or clients of her firm and look down upon me, in my opinion, because I am a college dropout. Never mind the fact that I dropped out of college to work so that my wife could afford to go to school and get her law degree...

But of all the friends my wife has, the one I like the least is Lisa. Lisa is a 6'1", platinum blonde, statuesque goddess of a woman. If it helps, picture Ali Larter with massive boobs. They could be sisters. Her personality is cold and very dominant. Everything and I mean everything goes according to her desires. She seems to have this stare that just forces people to succumb whether they want to or not. Even worse, she is a complete man-hating lesbian and tried to talk Julie out of marrying me. Honestly, she just intimidates the hell out of me.

Lisa was my wife's roommate in college for three years. When Julie graduated and we moved away to law school, Lisa went away to med school. She graduated top of her class, became a plastic surgeon and reentered our lives about three months ago when the local hospital hired her to be on their board or something. All I know is that I lose more time with the wife now, as Lisa has always been the one person that Julie can't seem to say no to. In fact, thinking about it, the only time I remember her not capitulating to Lisa's demands is when she wanted to marry me.

I came home from my gig (where I totally rocked it) half-smashed and I climbed into bed alone. Julie was still not home. In the middle of the night I woke up to a sharp prick on my inner thigh, like someone popped it with a rubber band and I looked down to see Julie between my legs with my hard penis between her lips lightly suckling it and her do-it-yourself hair removal gun in her hands.

"What on earth are you doing?" I mumbled. She lifted her head off and said quietly. "Just cleaning things up. Go back to sleep. I am sorry I woke you."

"What the hell?" I thought she had lost her marbles. She sped up her blowjob until I ejaculated and I laid back, closed my eyes and drifted back to sleep.

Chapter 2

A week later, the next log was thrown onto the fire. Julie's birthday was coming up and we had planned a trip to San Diego to relax on the beach for the weekend. Two days before the big trip, she calls me at work and tells me that the trip is off. She is finalizing a deal and will have to work all day Saturday - her birthday. I tell her that completely ruins what I had gotten her for her birthday. I had rented a private yacht for a romantic candlelight dinner on the water. She then tells me I can make it up to her by being her personal sex slave all day Sunday. That's a no brainer. "Deal," I said.

I woke up Sunday morning to my wife tugging on my legs. I gazed down and saw a lacy purple and black garter belt around my waist, one black thigh-high nylon stocking already on my left leg attached to the belt and my wife maneuvering another one over my knee on the right leg. I then focused on her and she saw she had on the same thing but even more. She was dressed in a red and black bustier, garter, thigh highs and 4-inch high spiked, open-toed sandals.

"What the hell?" That seemed to be becoming my go-to morning response. She stopped attaching the hose and started rubbing her hands up and down the silky nylons on my leg, causing my morning wood to grow even harder and sending shivers up my spine. It felt wonderful.


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