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A Dangerous Man

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A Karin Roland Mystery.
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This is our seventh story that features Karin Roland, Private Investigator, and the third Karin Roland mystery since the Roland family moved to Portland, Oregon. We hope you enjoy the tale as much as we enjoyed writing it. As with our other Karin stories, there's no explicit sex in this one. We publish these stories in Loving Wives because that's where the majority of our followers found us and, well, Karin is a loving wife.

This is a work of fiction. All characters and incidents portrayed and names within are fictitious and any similarity to the name, character or history of any person is entirely coincidental.

A Dangerous Man

Karin Roland started to drift off in the chaise lounge, the paperback mystery on her lap closed before she had a chance to mark her place, when she felt a shadow blocking the sun. Karin opened her eyes to see the hulking form, all six foot-four and two-thirty pounds.

"You're in my sun; not to mention you woke me." Karin lifted her sunglasses to get a better look at him.

Bill Roland held out his right hand to offer his wife the frozen daiquiri. "Thought you could use another cold drink."

"Bill Roland, are you trying to get me drunk?" She said it with a smile.

Bill returned her smile. "Not drunk, a bit loopy, maybe."

"And then?"

"Then I take you back to our room and ravage your body."

"And you think you need to ply me with liquor first? When have I ever refused you such an offer?"

Karin and Bill were enjoying the second afternoon of a long five-day weekend in the Palm Springs sunshine. Back home in Portland, the weather was only now coming out of the grey cloud cover of winter and spring. It had been a wet winter, their neighbors claimed it was probably the worse in the past decade and the Rolands needed this dose of desert sunshine.

Bill handed Karin the drink before sitting down in the lounge next to her with his beer. Karin caught him looking.

"What are you staring at?"

"Never thought I'd ever see you in a bikini that small, that's all. Can't blame me for looking."

Karin couldn't help but laugh. "I can't believe you talked me into wearing this thing. I'm a forty-eight year old mother of two teenagers. Do you realize Hannah will be twenty next month?"

"None of that changes the fact you look great in that bikini." Bill was pleased, not only because Karin was wearing that tiny suit, but she seemed less self-conscious about her legs. Granted, Karin made certain they were sitting in the least crowded area of the pool, where few people walked past. Karin's right leg ended just past her knee and the left leg still carried the scars of both shotgun blasts.

Karin decided this was as good a time as any to tell Bill what she was planning.

"I've been thinking of getting an office in the city and starting to take on more PI work. Anthony will be graduating next year and I don't want to be one of those empty-nesters without a purpose after he leaves for college. You have at least a dozen years or so before you retire and I can't be sitting on my ass 'til then."

None of this surprised Bill. In fact, he'd been expecting it. He saw the spark and extra zest in Karin's attitude after the last few cases she'd taken. The only surprise was Karin had lasted this long since she sold her half of the New York detective agency to her partner. Both of their kids benefited from the nearly three years Karin spent as a homemaker, and it was nice to have her run roughshod over the family's move to Portland, but it was time to let her do what she did best.

Karin waited for Bill's response, but after twenty years of living together, understood he was letting her talk it out, so she continued. "Meeting in the coffee shop lacks professionalism and I'm not comfortable meeting in our home office. I found an office in the Pearl District; it's a two-year lease for seven-fifty a month. The Covid shutdowns have really left the landlords scrambling for tenants. What do you think?"

"Well, I like that your office will be near mine; and the price is right. Are you planning to hire a receptionist?"

"Not yet; it will take a while to get established. One nice thing, with online advertising, I can get my name out there right away. Remember last time? I had to wait over six months for the new Yellow Pages phone book to be published."

They spent the next fifteen minutes discussing Karin's plans until their drinks were empty. Karin was slurping the bottom of her drink with the straw. "Let's go to the room." Bill didn't need to be asked twice.

Bill picked up their books and things while Karin started her way to their room on her crutch. She had left her prosthesis in the room since the resort had a saltwater pool. Bill hurried to catch up, enjoying the sight of his wife's ass in that bikini.


An hour later, Bill was lying on his back staring up at the ceiling, a grin plastered on his face. In the nook of his arm, with her head on his shoulder, Karin was breathing quietly, almost asleep. Bill loved these moments, even after twenty years of marriage. Karin's naked skin against his, her left leg over his, her arm across his chest; both relaxing after their love-making. How lucky can one man be?

Twenty years ago Karin literally fell into Bill's arms as she tripped going up the subway steps, six months pregnant with Hannah.

Karin and Hank Price, Hannah's biological father, had ended their brief affair before she knew she was pregnant. They had met while both were assigned to an anti-terrorist interagency taskforce shortly after the Twin Towers came down and the country was fearful of what might happen next. Karin was a NYPD detective and Hank was with the FEDs. The affair ended when Hank was reassigned to the Middle East. Within a month of his leaving, Karin's pregnancy was confirmed.

So Hank Price was off fighting terrorists in the Middle East, working for one of the U.S. alphabet agencies, Detective Karin Baker was given a desk assignment when she started to show in her fifth month. Karin didn't expect a marriage proposal from Hank, their relationship wasn't based on that level of love; but she was pleased when Hank agreed to help support the child.

Then fate intervened. Karin was walking up the subway stairs on her way to work when she stumbled and fell backwards - right into the arms of Bill Roland. Bill bought Karin a cup of coffee and the rest, as they say, is history. It didn't take Bill more than a few dates to fall in love with Karin. With Hank's approval, Bill adopted three month old Hannah when Bill and Karin married.

Now, nineteen years later, Hannah was finishing her freshman year at the University of Oregon and Anthony, their son, was finishing his junior year of high school. In fifteen months, Anthony would be going off to school and for the first time in their marriage, Bill and Karin would be in a house without children. That thought brought a smile to Bill's face. Imagine, walking down to get his first cup of coffee without throwing on a robe. Better yet, imagine Karin doing the same. Bill nodded off with that picture in his head.


The resort's Italian restaurant was fairly crowded at seven-thirty when Karin and Bill made their way down for dinner. Karin wore a pair of stylish slacks and sleeveless blouse. She only wore skirts when she could wear opaque leggings to hide her prosthetic right leg and the scars on her left; tonight was too warm for leggings.

They were seated behind a table where two couples were finishing their meal. Bill nearly asked the Maître d' if they could change tables because one of the women was obviously drunk, she was too loud and too shrill. In retrospect, he wished he had, but held off when he saw they were having dessert and assumed they'd be leaving soon. Hindsight is almost always twenty/twenty.

Bill and Karin finished giving their orders to the waiter when it happened. The drunk woman, who was facing away from them, said in a voice loud enough for several tables nearby to overhear. "And did you see the middle-aged MILF-wanna-be at the pool? For god's sake, cover your damn legs."

The woman across from the drunk loud-mouth looked at the Roland's table in horror. "Quiet Joyce." She tried to stop the drunk from continuing, without luck.

"Whatta ya mean, quiet?" she slurred. "Don't shush me. I'm not the one grossing out everyone at the pool with that stump."

"Joyce - shut the fuck up - now!" The two men at the table followed the woman's eyes and saw Karin at the next table. Joyce started to say something; but was interrupted by one of the men.

"Joyce - stop!" He stood up and grabbed Joyce by the arm, pulling her to her feet. "Jim, Maggie; could you escort Joyce out of the room? I need to apologize to this couple."

As the other couple led a now screaming Joyce out of the restaurant, the man stayed behind. His face red from embarrassment.

"I won't ask you to excuse my wife's behavior; there's no excuse for such unkindness. I'll only ask that you accept my sincere apology for her display." The man stood there, not knowing what else to say. He literally ached when he saw the look of hurt on Karin's face, he then turned and left the restaurant.

Karin placed her hand in Bill's. "I don't think I can eat. Call our waiter over and cancel our meal, please."

Bill could see Karin holding back her tears. Of all the lousy luck, it was only yesterday when he finally talked Karin into ignoring the stares she got whenever someone saw her legs. Today had been such a special day; Karin swimming in the pool and sunning in that tiny bikini. Bill caught the waiter's attention and cancelled their meal. The waiter, having witnessed some of the event, said he perfectly understood and offered his apology as well.

Bill and Karin made it back to the room and before the door closed, Karin sat on the edge of the bed and let it out. For maybe the fifth time in their twenty years together, Bill saw Karin cry. He sat next to her with an arm around her shoulders without saying a word.

Karin broke the silence. "Did I ever tell you I was voted 'best set of legs' in my high school yearbook? Damn it Bill, I had great legs!"

Bill actually knew this; Karin's mother had shared this tidbit about the yearbook when the two of them were sitting in the hospital waiting room while Karin was recovering from the operation to remove her right calf and foot. Karin's mother took the amputation harder than Karin; but never shared it with anyone but Bill.

Bill let Karin cry and talk for a while. After fifteen minutes or so, he suggested they walk outside to enjoy the evening's warm desert air. Karin agreed and the two of them went out to walk one of the resort's golf cart paths. After a half mile they sat on the bench near the third tee. This is when Karin became Karin again. "I know I'm being too sensitive."

Bill almost laughed out loud when she said this. He was married to one of the toughest men or women he knew.

"It wasn't your legs that first attracted me to you."

Karin looked into Bill's eyes. "No? What was it?"

"Your glow."

Karin laughed. "That wasn't glow, it was heat stroke and sweat. I was six months pregnant and it was eighty-plus degrees in that subway car. No wonder I almost fainted going up those stairs."

Karin squeezed Bill's hand and spoke. "I know how lucky I am. And I shouldn't let some drunk bitch ruin our vacation. And I won't. Take me back; let's go get a drink and have some hors d'oeuvres. I couldn't eat a full meal, but I need something." Karin stood up and grabbed Bill's hand to pull him off the bench.

They had just sat down at the bar when they were approached by the resort's assistant manager.

"There you are Mrs. Roland. I knocked on your door and just now saw you walk in here. Mr. Tinsdale asked me to give you this note. He also asked me to tell you that he's paid for your stay here for all five nights, including your bar and restaurant bill. Mr. and Mrs. Tinsdale have already checked out, so there's no arguing." He handed Karin the note and walked away.

Karin opened the note.

My dear Mrs. Roland (and Mr. Rolan):

Mr. Avery gave me your name so I could address this directly. Please, once again, accept my apology for my wife's drunken display. I am appalled, but unfortunately not too surprised, by what transpired this evening. Mrs. Tinsdale is, to put it bluntly, a spoiled brat and has a habit of hurting people.

My wife suggested this weekend to 'reconnect'. I'm afraid it only reinforced for me all the reasons why we'll soon no longer be husband and wife. I can no longer tolerate her behavior, nor can the couple with whom we were dining tonight. I'm telling you this personal information so you both know that my wife is an aberration, and not reflective of most people. I write this in hopes that you both can enjoy the rest of your time here. Please accept my humble gift, your room and other fees, with that intent.

With humble apologies,

Simon Tinsdale

Karin finished reading and handed the note to Bill.

"I'll be damned."

Over the next three days there were moments of angst; but they did their best to push through those moments and enjoy their time before returning to Portland - tanned, rested, and relaxed.

Four Months Later

Karin spent the past half-hour cursing her terminal. Whoever said this QuickBooks accounting program was a snap had their head up their ass. After cursing out her terminal, she reserved a few choice words for herself for being so damn computer illiterate. If it wasn't for Anthony, she'd be totally lost. Karin decided to wait until the weekend and let Anthony take care of the bookkeeping. The outgoing invoices and bills which needed to be paid would just have to wait.

On the other hand, at least there were invoices to be sent out. Less than three months after restarting her agency in earnest, things were going better than expected. Roland Investigations was earning enough to pay the rent and expenses; and she had already contributed a few thousand into the Roland's retirement fund. Not bad. Her old friend at the Portland PD, Captain Glenn Hutchins, helped by sending clients her way. A few other officers, impressed with her work solving the Miller murder, did the same.

Just last month, Karin was able to find a fifteen year old runaway. The young teenager was found living in the hills east of Eugene with a twenty-five year old meth addict. Her parents were happy to get their daughter back, although Karin knew from experience that the young girl would be spending months in rehab; the girl exhibited every indication of the Stockholm syndrome. Hopefully, she'd be fully recovered before the meth addict was released from prison in ten or twelve years.

The personnel background checks for a half dozen commercial clients still helped pay the bills. If the other business continued to grow, Karin would have to consider hiring a part-time employee to do the more routine background work. Not a bad problem to have after such a short time.

Karin shut down the computer and was getting ready to leave the office for lunch when the phone rang.

"Good morning, Roland Investigation; Karin Roland speaking."

"Good morning Ms. Roland. My name is Larry Parker. I have a situation and need your help. It involves a paternity issue. Are you available to meet to discuss it?"

"I'm available at nine tomorrow morning. Will that work for you? We can meet here in my office."

"I'll be there. Is the address on the website correct? On northwest Marshall street?"

"That's it. Hit two-five on the callbox and I'll buzz you in. See you tomorrow at nine."

Karin spent the rest of the day clearing her inbox, getting ready for what tomorrow might bring.


At eight-thirty the next morning, Karin parked her car and walked the two blocks to her office building. As usual, Randall was sitting in the doorway; his sleeping bag rolled up and his two backpacks filled and ready to move.

"Good morning Karin."

"Morning Randall."

Randall moved out of the doorway to allow Karin room to open the door.

"Am I the first in the building today?"

Randall picked up his two bags after stuffing his sleeping bag in one. "No, Mr. Nesbitt came in earlier. He said I could wait until now to move on. Hope you don't mind."

"Any trouble last night?"

"No, most everyone knows this is my spot now."

Randall is one of the many homeless who have made Portland their city. When Karin first started renting here, there were two or three men who would jockey for the privilege of bedding down in the sheltered doorway of this building. One of those men was particularly malicious; refusing to move when any of the tenants or their guests tried to enter the building. He also had the nasty habit of urinating in the doorway. Calling the police was a waste of time, so Karin made a deal with Randall, who seemed to be the most well-mannered, not to mention the largest, of the men. Karin paid Randall one-hundred-fifty a month to make the doorway his own, keep it clean, and vacate it in the morning when the tenants started to show up. Two of the other building tenants showed their appreciation to Karin by splitting the cost with her.

Karin just finished brewing a cup of coffee in the Keurig when the callbox buzzed. "Twelve minutes early," she thought, "must be anxious." Karin buzzed Larry Parker in.

Larry Parker sat across the desk, a fresh cup of coffee in his hand. The best way to describe Mr. Parker is average. Five-ten, brown hair cut short, brown eyes, medium build and neither handsome nor plain. The kind of man you could pass in the street a dozen times without noticing. Mr. Parker could be described as average, but the reason he needed help was unique. Karin took notes as Parker talked.

"Ten years ago I met my wife, Julie." Parker paused. "When I say my wife, I mean ex-wife, she died four months ago. She had a congenital heart disease that was never detected, never treated, she was only twenty-nine." Parker paused again; Karin reached for a box of tissues because he looked as if he was about to cry.

Parker held it together and continued. "When I met Julie, she was working as a waitress at a diner where I always ate breakfast. She wasn't wearing a ring, so I asked her out. On our second date she surprised me by letting me know she had a one-year-old son. Hard to believe because Julie looked too young to have a baby; turns out she was only nineteen.

"I met the boy, Gunner, the following day. He was the cutest kid, so happy. Most everyone thought I was nuts, continuing to date Julie; I was only twenty-two and most guys my age weren't interested in an instant family. Especially raising a kid who's not his."

Larry Parker stopped to take a sip of his coffee. He couldn't know what Karin was thinking at that moment - that Bill Roland may have been a little older than twenty-two when they met, but Bill never hesitated in adopting and raising Hannah, her child conceived by another man.

Parker put his coffee down and continued his monologue. "Julie didn't talk about her past except to tell me she grew up in Ohio, that her mom died when she was thirteen and her dad when she was seventeen. She said Gunner's father took off after learning she was pregnant.

"So, call me naïve, but the lack of details didn't give me pause. I was head over heels in love with Julie and with Gunner. Within a year we were married and everything was great. Julie got her GED and started working as a receptionist-admin for a State Farm agent here in Portland; I finished my degree at Portland State and have been working as a systems analyst for Nike - I work remote. I adopted Gunner within the first year after we married and Gunner and I get along great. I'm his 'Dad'.

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