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A Demon...Or Two Just For Me

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Violet finds that her prince comes with more than a crown.
9.5k words

Part 1 of the 5 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 08/07/2013
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(I don't really have much to say about this story, the demon is half and half and has a few different traits from the normal incubus one would read about.)


I remember the first time I met A.J., my sister and I had just come home from our first year of college for Summer break. Our parents sent her to one of the best art schools in the state so she could pursue her dream. I had had to pay my way to one of the local community colleges, I wanted to be a nurse but I was going to have to start slow to get where I wanted. In short, I hadn't seen her that entire time I had more work to do to keep my scholarship. She brought him home with her and our parents welcomed him with open arms. I only waved but the man was hard not to stare at.

He had chiseled good looks, strong cheek bones, short black hair with a few strands sexily covering his baby blue eyes, he had a light tan from all the time he spent in the pool and soaking in rays. He didn't sag he wore black jeans and blue tee shirt that clung to muscles I would have loved to run my hands over. He even had a bit of five o'clock shadow and with those dimples and that smile it looked good on him.

My sister was a bubbly brunette, and had been slim her whole life I on the other hand still hadn't lost my baby fat or any of my other fat by graduation. I'm a redhead like our mother and as Katie's eyes are blue mine are hazel and covered by glasses. I know I know I shouldn't pine for my sister's man but it's hard not to, he just looks too good in his jeans.

I figure if I can at least look good to him then perhaps I'll snag a good looking man of my own, meh not really but a girl can dream.


Now three years later I've scored another scholarship to finish my education, but before that I decided to come home for Summer vacation.

I had slimmed down, granted my weight wasn't so bad considering the way I ate, but both my mother and sister were slimmer than me and loved to point it out. Instead of letting myself be overcome by self pity I stayed away for two Summers and worked on my appearance. I had reached my target weight but my cup size remained in the C range. I had straightened my hair and gotten cuter glasses.

I got out of my truck and glanced up as A.J.'s shiny silver Corvette pulled up next to me. I straightened my skirt and the belly baring tank top seemed too small right then. Katie got out and was wearing a green bikini top and daisy dukes, she took off her glasses.

"Violet is that you?"

"Hey Katie."

"Oh Violet, you like lost all your weight finally, looks like you'll need to lose forty more pounds though."


I walked past her to get my bag, A.J. got out and I heard a wolf whistle behind me.

"Just who do we have here? Is this one of your friends babe?"

I turned and he took off his sunglasses.

"Oh it's Violet , looking good."

I smiled at him.

"Hi A.J. you don't look so bad yourself."

He winked at me and put his glasses on his head, then walked over and took my bag from me.

"Let me get that."

"Oh baby no, you have to carry all of my things." Katie mumbled.

"I can handle this one too."

I thanked him and ignored the pout she sent to me, sorry sweetie it didn't work when we were kids and it wouldn't work now.


A.J.'s POV

To say I was pissed when we arrived was an understatement, Katie had been more annoying than usual. I wasn't sure why but it really got on my nerves to have to spend time with her. I tried not to make excuses for not showing up, I wanted to stay on her good side. Even if I couldn't understand why I was feeling such strong dislike towards my life mate, I had to make sure I didn't drive her away. My parents could tell I wasn't as fond of her as I should be.

In the beginning I was more than happy to throw her on my bed and have my way with her. Now I'd rather masturbate and for an incubus that's pretty sad, rubbing yourself off just doesn't keep a demon calm like a tumble in the sheets does. I wondered if there was something wrong with me and asked my parents if maybe I was disabled in some way. My father wondered the same thing, it wasn't every day an incubus tempted an angel to the dark side and had offspring to prove it. Either way her constant talking was dragging on my nerves and placing them six feet under.

The scent that marked her as my mate had always been weak and my mother thought it was because angels didn't find their mates the same way any type of sex demon did. I mean demons, in my family anyways, understand and crave love as much as a human would but either way I felt no connection to this woman. It kind of made me feel bad because when it was time to have kids they would know I didn't want their mother.

When we pulled up I moved to get her bag out of the back seat before I got out to get all of her things from the trunk and noticed her sexy friend bending over. She had real curves none of that stick thin garbage that turns on most humans. She was wearing leggings so I didn't get to see the panties she wore but they gripped her shapely legs just the way I liked it. I whistled at her even though inwardly I was confused, the male demon half of my family were definitely the whores of demon kind but it was far different when it came to courting a mate.

You just didn't want anyone else, again pointing out the males in my family and their loose ways if we found the one woman we were willing to settle down for who would throw her away. She had to be high quality to tame an incubus, but my pants were getting tight and I wanted this girl and I don't give a damn who I had to step on to get to her. When she turned and I saw her eyes I knew it was Violet.

She had been one of those girls that was always really curvy, not fat, but Rubenesque she covered it up in unflattering skirts and heavy sweaters. I always thought she was beautiful with that wild hair of hers, almond shaped hazel eyes, and that honest smile. The one time I saw her in jeans and a tee shirt I took her sister upstairs to deal with the consequence of that.

Even now she wasn't skinny like her sister, she was toned, and the very light abs disappeared in her top that looked far too tight. I would have to make sure to take her shopping so I could make sure that I would get to see more like that. I had been disappointed when she didn't come again after that one Summer but better late than never.

We greeted each other and I took her bag ignoring the high pitched whine coming from Katie, she didn't know I was anything other than human but the bags were light. Besides, even if I didn't want to bang her sister I still would have been able to carry her single bag on top of everything else. We walked in and I greeted their parents.

Judy wasn't so bad, she had had quite a bit of plastic surgery and it was hard to tell if she was actually smiling or stuck. She looked like an aged politician's wife, her husband Aaron was a little heavier and always wore some type of tacky sweater and slacks no matter how hot it was.

"Oh Violet I didn't see you there, still chunky dear? You really shouldn't eat so much fried food."

Violet looked at the ground with one of those closed mouth smiles that stopped her from speaking her mind. It pissed me off, couldn't she just be happy to see her daughter and welcome her the same way she welcomed Katie? Of course not, I'll never understand human families like this. Aaron had Violet help him take the bags upstairs, when she came back she was wearing one of those knit sweater jackets that reached a girl's thigh and jeans. I shook my head I should have known one of them would make her cover up.


Violet's POV

I wasn't really annoyed that my mother had belittled my weight loss, I expected that, but when dad took me upstairs and said it was shameful for me to dress this way..that did piss me off. He said I should dress to fit my age, then had the nerve to ask if I had put on this revealing outfit because I knew A.J. would be here. I put on my sweater and a pair of jeans before I ignored him, but really? Dress to fit my age? Katie is the older sister and she has dressed life a fifteen year old since before she actually was fifteen.

Oh well not much I can do about that.

We sat at the dinner table and I picked up the mayonnaise to put some on my burger, Katie giggled.

"Like starting on the calories already? You still haven't reached your goal."

"Leave me alone, I'm not too lazy to exercise so I can eat what I want."

"Violet, behave yourself, your poor sister is just looking out for you." our mother said.

I rolled my eyes and covered my burger anyways, I noticed A.J. looked uncomfortable.

"What's the matter A.J.?" I asked.

He glanced at me and smiled, I felt my legs turn to jello and was happy to be sitting.

"Nothing just a little tired."

I nodded and pretended I didn't see the glare that Katie sent my way, and to think I was just making conversation.

"Vi, I have the number to this great liposuction doctor so you can eat even more, I know it's hard to keep you full." Katie offered.

I glared at her and kept my mouth shut, A.J. got up and walked out of the room, I watched him leave.


J.'s POV

Fed up I left the room, I don't know why it bothered me so much but, it was like her mother and sister were going out of their way to make Violet feel unwelcome. I wondered if they were just jealous that they didn't have neither chest nor ass to speak of. I lit a cigarette and stayed on the porch until it was dark, Colorado had some of the best sunsets or maybe it was because they looked like purple fire. Every demon I'd ever heard of had a figurative hard on for fire.

I looked up as Violet came out she went down the steps and looked like she was leaving.

"Hey Vi."

She stopped and looked at me.


"Where are you going?"

"Somewhere where I can take a bite of a burger and not get bitched at for it."

I jumped over the rail and shook my keys at her.

"I'll take you, this house is getting way too stuffy."

She smiled and nodded, I moved to open the car door and she got in I closed it then got in my side and pulled out of the drive way. She was quiet as we moved down the street I turned down the radio.

"So how ya been?"

She glanced over.

"Good, you?"

I sighed.

"Just fucking peachy."

She giggled, I couldn't remember if I had ever heard her laugh before but it was a lot nicer than her sister's squeaking.

"What's wrong?" she asked.

"I don't know, I seem to have hit a wall with Katie, and there is no way around it."

"You aren't going to dump her are you?"

-I'd be sad if I couldn't see you again...wait what am I thinking, this is my sister's boyfriend...- she thought

I glanced at her after hearing her thoughts, I wanted her to want to see me for whatever reason.

"No I'm not, I just don't know how to keep it interesting."

I could sense that she relaxed but still seemed a little disappointed I pulled into the drive thru of some fast food place and paid for dinner before I parked and killed the engine.


Violet's POV

I hadn't even finished a part of my burger before my mother and Katie made my appetite crumble. I got up and left but I was sure they didn't notice so I didn't have to excuse myself. When I left I didn't even notice A.J. was still outside but he called me, it was nice to hear my nickname from him, his voice was nice and deep. I was more than happy to go eat with him, he didn't have any issues with my eating habits. The conversation was light, and I had to mentally scold myself for practically wishing he was mine.

I offered to pay for the food and he took the money out of my hand and shoved it back in my purse. I thanked him and we ate silently in the parking lot, until he asked how school was. He seemed impressed to hear what I had to say, he told me Katie had tried to move in his place without asking but he told her he needed space. She also dropped out of college. Then he showed me a picture of one of her paintings, he tried to be nice but we both knew it wasn't very good. She had just thrown a bunch of paint on her canvas and it was now a brown blob.

It was titled, A World Without Color, she dropped out when her professor told her it was also a blob without a world. I shook my head and laughed a little, when he flashed that perfect smile of his again and asked if we could go for a drive I quickly said 'yes'.


J.'s POV

I drove to a secluded area, I didn't want to take advantage of her I honestly wanted to spend more time in her company. I would be sure to rejoice should that lead to anything else. I killed the engine and we got out and sat on the hood of the car, I glanced over at her. I suppose the jeans were alright they still gripped her ass.

"So..." She started.

I placed my eyes on her face.


"I heard our parents met, my parents seemed to think it went very well, is that true?"

I started laughing.

"Let's just say, if I said my mom hated your parents with a fire-y burning passion, that would the nice way of putting it."

She laughed again.

"Does she at least like Katie?"


"What about your dad?"

I shook my head and smiled at her she looked away but I noticed a blush on her pale cheeks. I sat up.

"You like me don't you?"

"Of course I do."

"You know what I meant."

She sighed.

"Maybe more than I should."

I wrapped my arm around her waist and pulled her closer she put her hands on my chest.

"Stop, you're with my sister I can't do anything with you."

"Violet, I doubt that if you were bratty sister and she was the nice one she still wouldn't consider your feelings."

She sighed.

"Maybe so...but."

I shook my head and kissed her I wasn't going to sit and listen to reasons that didn't matter. I heard her moan and slipped my tongue in her mouth, she tasted divine, like roasted honey and fresh cream. I made fun of some country songs, but I admit I now understood how one could get drunk on a kiss. She stopped fighting herself and kissed me back.

I moaned against her soft lips and pulled her into my lap I could feel the heat coming from the sweet pussy I was dying to taste. I knew from her scent that she wanted me too, if I could just get her to admit it we could move forward.


Violet's POV

He pulled away to bite on my neck, I panted and reason was fighting with lust and losing horribly.

"Tell me you want me..." he mumbled against my neck.

I shook my head.


He kissed me again, reason was about ready to give up. he pulled back again.

"Tell me.."

I bit my lip, I scanned his eyes and saw the lust bouncing in them.


He slid his hand up and massaged one of my breasts, I had experimented in college and found that as odd as it seemed to me my breasts were full of extra nerves most girls didn't seem to have. I moaned and pressed into his hand.

"Tell me.."

I gave in and didn't feel an ounce of shame or guilt.

"I want you....fuck me."


J.'s POV

That was all I needed to hear, I pushed off her sweater moved it out of the way I ripped her shirt and pushed up her bra. Her swollen breasts were a lush bounty, I got even more excited smelling and feeling that they were real. I latched on to one of her nipples and felt my demon responding to the pleasure she felt. I liked a sensitive girl, she arched against me and moaned before sliding her fingers in my hair. It use to be longer but of course I cut it for Katie, feeling a spike of pleasure from her light tug I made a note to grow it out again.

I rolled us over and let go of her long enough to throw my shirt on the ground, this time she initiated the kiss it felt glorious to have her warm breasts flush against my chest. I was cursing her father for making her put on jeans. I undid them and yanked them down she smelled sweet. I pulled out of the kiss and kissed my way down her stomach then carefully pulled her panties down with my teeth.

The scent was overwhelming, she had not known the pleasures of a male body this excited me even more. My cock was straining against my jeans, but the pain felt just as good. She had a small triangle of hair. I slipped my tongue in-between her lips and paid careful attention to them before I sucked on her clit. She arched.


Violet's POV

As if he wasn't overwhelmingly talented with his tongue already, he had to show me what else it could do. I moaned his name loudly feeling the way his tongue fucked me, there was no other word for it. I arched as he sucked on my clit, that only made me louder I tugged on his hair noticing he seemed to like it, in my boots my toes curled before I was met with a blinding orgasm.

He licked up every drop, when he pulled away, I pulled my panties up and sat up to return the favor bit by bit. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him deeply it made me all the hotter to taste my personal flavor on his lips. I moved to bite and suck on his neck, trying to remind myself not to leave a hickey or two. His manly moans pushed me forward as I clawed at his chest on my way down to my knees.

I undid his pants and pulled out his cock, I swallowed, it seemed to be about eight inches and it was nice and thick. I stroked his shaft and teased the head with my tongue, most women complained of the salty flavor but his had a bit of sweet in it, like salted caramel. He moaned louder and arched I took his head into my mouth and sucked slowly until I got a rhythm and started going faster. His moans told me everything I needed to know to please him properly. Despite being more skilled with females I sort of felt like a pro with his wordless instructions.

I massaged his sac gently and he held my head as he moved his hips I ran my tongue over his cock as he moved. When he said he couldn't hold it anymore I moved to deep throat,that was all he needed to go over the edge. He shot several streams in my mouth and I swallowed greedily. The whole time I had massaged one of my breasts and my pussy was aching for further attention.

He helped me up and we shared another passionate kiss before he pulled back and showed me a bottle of lube, I didn't know when he grabbed it but didn't really care. He turned me over so my legs were firmly on the ground and I was resting on the hood of the car.

"Are you sure?" he whispered in my ear.

"Fuck me...." I repeated.

He soon covered his fingers with lube and gently probed my pussy.


J.'s POV

I hadn't even gone limp, I couldn't believe what her mouth was capable of, when she told me to fuck her a second time I was sure I forgot how to speak so I couldn't have asked her again if I wanted to. My cock was throbbing but I didn't want to hurt her, no matter how far gone I was in pleasure. It wasn't long before she begged me for my cock I took out my fingers and carefully pushed against her entrance. I could hear my demon telling me to go faster I ignored it for the moment.

As a half breed I was separated from my demon half, he looked completely different and his cock was regrettably longer than mine. I had be careful not to hurt her because I was sure he would take over while I was inside. He's basically my fraternal conjoined twin, just in the demon sense, my parents figured the 'separation' happened some point in the womb, I had an angelic form with heavy white wings tipped in blue but he did not.

He had a demonic transformation and his wings were all black each feather could turn razor sharp on his command. Either way as I felt her tight walls squeezing my cock inch by inch I knew we would both fuck her senseless and I hoped she was ready because there was no turning back.

I broke her hymen but distracted her by massaging and pinching her nipples, once I was fully in she moaned loudly and screamed my name I started thrusting slowly at first before picking up the speed.

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