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A Doctor and his Spy Ch. 08 - Final

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Claiming what is mine!
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"Hey Sweetie!" Way's deep voice sounded louder than normal on FaceTime. They were to finalise their wedding officially the next day and were staying away from each other tonight.

"Hoz my stud? Missing me?" Ignis said quietly as he put on his pods, shutting himself in Bru's extra bedroom.

Way panned his phone down and palmed his 8 inches dick to show how hard he was for Ignis.

"Hmm!" Looks like dinner is served and I am kept away from it? Esta gente me esta matando de hambre!" Ignis grimaced and pouted at Way.

"Fuck it! I am coming and getting you from Bru's place... they shouldn't keep us apart like this and I can't see you sad!" Way almost shouted and got up, his phone camera now focused on his bare torso, his huge chest and red penny size nipples on display for Ignis.

"Baby! Baby! Hey Querido! Listen... LISTEN!"Ignis raised his voice to get Way's attention.

"What?" Way huffed and sat on the floor and adjusted his phone on the bed so that Ignis could see him fully.

"Honey! It's one night... it's tradition... let's endure it... let me show you what I am wearing tomorrow."

"I thought that's not allowed too!" Way frowned.

"I want to show you what I am wearing under my suit." Ignis said coyly.

"Don't!!! I have been touching myself the entire day and have cum thrice thinking about how I will fuck you repeatedly tomorrow... don't rile me anymore,I will come and claim what is mine, right now!"

"I haven't touched myself at all... I want to cum with you inside me!" Ignis promised.

"Iggy!" Way came close to the phone, placing his hands on the bed and his chin on his hand, "You love me?"

Ignis smiled his dazzling smile and looked into Way's blue eyes, "Enough to do this!" He took off his Tshirt, displaying his beautiful tightly muscular honey coloured hairless chest on screen.

On his chest, next to the 'W' gold pendant, where he was burnt by his kidnapper with the earlier pendant, was a freshly made tattoo, the letter W to match the I on Way's left finger.

"Fuck!" Way mumbled,"Fuck!" He took off his glasses and wiped his eyes with both his palms.

"See you tomorrow, Doc!" Ignis kissed the screen and disconnected the line before he submitted to the temptation to take the car keys and drive to Way.


Bru sat at the back of the party hall feeling stuffy in the tux and leather shoes when he saw Jo walk towards him in a light blue lace Ignis's best woman dress. His face lit up when he saw Jo, 'Fuck! She is beautiful,' he thought. He moved a bit and adjusted his legs for Joanna to sit sideways on his lap, she encircled his shoulders with her arm and kissed him. "Hmm! You taste like strawberries and champagne!" Bru kissed her again and again.

"Why is the best man sitting alone?" Jo asked and looked around the large room full of people, with the live band performing and lots of the guests were dancing. "They have started dancing without the first dance by the grooms!" She observed.

"Free Fucking Loaders!" Bru smiled, "Who the fuck are some of these people anyways?"

"That is Chim and his boyfriend Reggie!" She pointed at the super cute Thai Man with his Hippie millionaire game designer boyfriend. "That's Danilo and Deng." She pointed at a small snow-white beautiful boy with a large black stud, towering over everyone else in the room.

"Danny and Deng ... really ... that's a stage name or something?" Bru wondered.

Jo slapped his hand playfully, "Don't be mean so early in the party! That one is Estelle and her husband." She pointed out at the middle aged couple, waiting at their table for the couple to dance first before they can join them on the dance floor.

"I like them ... they deserve a much better life ... she saved Ignis." Bru approved and hugged Joanna waist tighter.

"Huh... You know Hannah and Caleb... Ignis's bosses and the Italian federal officer with his family. Ya! That's it, others are Davises, Hanks and Ignis Mama, sister, brother-in-law and many unclaimed children. Hmm ... so ya loads of people!" She agreed.

"Jo! Babes! We will not have so many people at our wedding!" Bru pleaded.

"Obviously not! Why do you think I invited all the people we knew to this reception ... Everyone loves gay weddings ... and Ignis and Way are loaded with money and they practically don't care who is in the room if they are together. So you and I have done the socialising and we will keep our wedding limited to twenty people and a dinner." She kissed Bru lightly.

"Hey! Sorry to disturb you but where are the grooms?" Jake asked, holding hands with his husband Mike both wearing the bridesmaid light blue tux.

"Will get them in a minute, you guys go ahead!" Bru assured them.

"That Jake... he looks ..." Jo tried to think.

"As per Way, they belong to Ignis's AA group!" Bru explained.

"AA? I didn't know Ignis had any problems!" Jo sat a bit straighter.

"Adonis Anonymous, a support group for good looking men." Bru clarified.

"That's a very bad and insensitive joke... Even as per Davis brothers' standard. But that's not it!" She said and combed Bru's hair with her fingers, "You should have cut your hair for this ... being Way's best man and all!"

"Sorry! Don't want to interrupt but my husband has sent me again to check for Way and Ignis!" Jack looked embarrassed and smiled, showing off his bunny teeth smile and dimples and left quickly.

"That's it ... he looks like Ignis and Way's love child, who had his hair bleached!" Jo started laughing.

Bru gently placed Joanna on her feet and got up, "Let me get those two and get the dance thing done, before more gay men come marching for me!"

"Where are they?" Joanna asked, straightening the creases on her dress.

"What do you think?" Bru made a face, "Eww! Really!" Joanna smiled.

"Horny fuckers those two!" Bru smiled," But exactly what we will do before our first dance!" He kissed Jo.

"Unlike you men, I will be wearing a very complicated white dress." Joanna said smiling and kissed Bru lightly.

"We will do a couple of rounds of dress rehearsals to get it right on the wedding day!" Bru smiled and left the room, just when Jake came back looking positively terrified. "Huh... Mikey sent me again!" he smiled. "Let's find Mikey and dance with him till Bru gets the grooms." Joanna held Jake's hand and took him to the dance floor towards a much frazzled Mike.


The husbands were on the floor of the dressing room in the arch position, Ignis lay face up and lifted his hips upward, while keeping his feet and the back of his neck planted on the floor. Way knelt facing him, deep inside Ignis, his pelvis underneath his lover's raised hips. Ignis was moaning constantly as this angle of penetration was intensely stimulating and pleasurable for him.

Way changed position and gently laid Ignis down his back, shifting his pelvis so that one leg was down and the other was up in the air. Way got between his thighs, facing Ignis, and put his elevated leg on his shoulder and entered him, enabling deep penetration. He pushed the elevated leg towards Ignis's head for an even deeper and more intimate experience, grunting loudly as he slapped his body against his husband. They came for the third time in the last twenty minutes of their disappearance from their own wedding reception.

Way sat up and watched the man he loved with every ounce of affection he had. "Never ever are we going to do this staying away for a night thing! It makes me extra horny for you!" He said as he took the wet wipes out of the box and cleaned Ignis, who was lying on the floor, unable to move, talk or breathe.

"Can't dance now! Tell everyone, you have fucked your husband unmovable under his waist and his arms are numb and his brain is like marshmallows. Tell them, my body and mind is saying, Way! Way! Way!"

Way smiled feeling like the most powerful man in the world as he put the black sheer net underwear on his husband. He took his bow tie off, which was the only thing he was wearing besides his glasses and black socks.

He put on his white CK and shirt, still looking nowhere but Ignis, laid on the ground, his thin muscular frame contrasting with the white carpeted floor, his hair now cut into a stylish hair cut, his lips slightly swollen and cheeks flushed, a smile never leaving both their faces.

Way dressed, wore his shoes and bow tie and clasped the gold cufflinks gifted to both the grooms by Jo and Bru.

He put his hands under Ignis' waist and physically picked him off the floor and made him sit on the armchair. He kneeled between Ignis' knees and kissed him deeply again.

"Hmmm! Way! Way! Way!" Ignis muttered, drunk on half a flute of champagne and three rounds of Way.

Way got his husband dressed and covered his body with thousands kisses. He licked the 'W' tattooed on Ignis's chest covering the burn mark, over and over again before buttoning the shirt.

"You horny gay fuckers! Get the fuck out and do your shit dance! Your love child and his crazy husband are up my ass to find you two ass munchers!" Bru knocked loudly on the door.

"At least this time he didn't interrupt!" Way smiled, as the straightened Ignis blue bow tie and kissed his lips lightly.

Way invited Bru in the room, one look at a smiling Ignis, made what they were doing extremely clear. "It's a big Eww! And I am not stepping on the floor... Eww! Now Igs! Get your ass over here. We go to the dance floor first and then Way, you shall follow us!" He reached out and took Ignis' outstretched hand.

"Can't walk!" Ignis hugged Bru, giggled and kissed his cheek. "Eeeewwwwww! Why do you two fuckers have to give me unnecessary and unsolicited details? WHY? What past sins have I done?" Bru smiled as he helped Ignis out of the door.

"Baby! Baby! I love you!" Ignis called out.

"Love You Too, Mr. Davis!" Way called back.

"Who? Me or Dad?" Bru laughed at Way as he walked away with Ignis.

"My Mr. Davis, who I just fucked senseless on the floor, three times!" Way called behind Bru.

"Yuck!!! You say that again and I let go of your Latino husband and drop him on the floor!" Bru let go on Ignis's one hand.

"Way!" Ignis whined, "Bru is being mean again... hit him!" He giggled and hugged Bru's neck tighter, pulling him closer towards him and kissed his cheek.

"You OAF! Just don't stand there and perv on my brother's ass and start walking." Bru shouted at a frozen Way looking at Ignis.

As Way walked out of the door, Ignis called for him again, "Hey Hubby!"

Way felt overwhelmed with love and affection for Ignis, he smiled at his husband, his eyes wet. "Yes, IGGY!" He shouted back.

"Get our jackets with you!" He smiled and mouthed 'love you'.

Love you too! Way mouthed and sent flying kisses and went in the room to collect the white coat and black suit jacket.


Tink tink tink... Bru tapped the champagne flute with the dessert spoon to get the crowd's attention and cleared his throat on the microphone.

" As the brother of the groom and Way's best man! I need to give this toast. So bear with me, I have asked the caterers to not start dinner till I am done and there will be a pop quiz before the plates are handed over." There were giggles around the room but people who knew Bru, were unsure if it was a joke or not.

"I was asked to write good things about both of these guys, my brother Ignis Davis and his husband, my brother Dr. Waylon Davis. I couldn't find anything nice to write about Way!" Bru smiled and got a wave of applause from the crowd including Way.

"Because the best thing about Way is Ignis. And I can write a hundred word essay about how much better Ignis could have done than Way." He pointed at Ignis, who was teary eyed but smiling ear to ear, his fingers intertwined with his wolf-whistling husband.

"But this story is not about how a big dumb quarterback hoodwinked a beautiful intelligent Latino stud.... It's about love... it's about persistence and unbending belief between these two men." Bru cleared his throat as his voice caught.

"When Way was about to lose everything, he found Ignis. Ignis was there, not caring about richness or poor."

"When Way was hurt, Ignis was there, tending and caring.. in sickness and health." "When the world refused to believe, Way held on... stubbornly refusing to let death tear them apart."

"Their love story is about perseverance and determination. About all consuming love and fight to be together and dream of a peaceful future. Knowing them, I wouldn't be surprised if the SWAT team bursts into the room and takes them away on a chopper. Even at that, I know they will be the happiest people in the world, if together." Bru paused and let the giggles die down.

"I, Bruno Davis, brother, best friend, best man and stereotypical straight white ally, request you all to raise a toast for the grooms, to Waylon and Ignis Davis, wishing them love and peace and no more adventures!"

"To love and peace!" Everyone shouted.

Way wiped tears of joy from Ignis's cheeks and kissed him, " To us! And a life of no more adventure, love and peace! Together, forever." Way whispered and kissed his husband again, wiping his nose with tissues, both smiling now.


The only music Ignis could hear as he slowly danced with Way was his husband's heartbeat. Being wrapped in his large muscular arms, their bodies mushed together, his musky all male fragrance and Bleu De Chanel perfume mixed into an intoxicating erotic blend and the fact that they were both hard for each other made this one of his best moments in his life.

For Way, to have lost and found Ignis so many times and finally announcing his love for his husband to the world, felt like he was finally home.

Ignis was his lazy Sunday morning,when he would cook breakfast as it rained outside and the only plan was to spend the day in their sweatpants and have sex.

Ignis was his burnt cookie moment on Christmas Eve, when they would laugh about his bad baking skills with their family and friends.

Ignis was the last name he wanted to take when he slept and the first person he wanted to see when he woke up.

The commotion at the entrance of the room shook them out of their cocoon and they made their way to the door.

"We are here to see Miss Joanna Hank." The uniformed officer handed over a legal document to Bru. Jo came up behind Bru, Way and Ignis flanked her when they approached the entrance.

"Miss.Hank, you are under arrest for the conspiracy and involvement in the murder of Mr. Emiliano Castro!"

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