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A Family Pursuit

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Maybe his sisters or even mom can help.
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At just 21, I regularly assess the good and the bad in being raised as the only male in a house full of females. But has being brought up amongst so many dominant women played a part in me becoming a shy, cautious non-adventurous person through my late teenage years? We do have a male dog in the house, but I can claim to be the only human being with a penis around here.

One positive that springs to mind is that I have never been viewed by any of the women in this household as a member of the opposite gender ... only ever as a sibling or son. It's almost like they regard me as one of them. So, at 21, I constantly see all four of the gorgeous women who live in this house roam around completely uninhibited, seemingly oblivious to my presence ... unfazed by my seeing them in their underwear, nightwear, and other various stages of undress. I've seen more camel toes and bare bums than any other male might see in a lifetime. I may be a shy young man but I'm also an extremely horny one, so I find myself embarrassingly erect nearly every day.

Whether they are completing their regular household chores or just lounging around, the women of this house are inclined to do it in their bra and panties, or short nighties, even making occasional topless appearances. That's the way it's always been because I am just one of the family ... the little brother, youngest of four siblings, and son to a doting mother, adored by her probably because I am the odd one out. None of them seem aware what their constant flashes of bare flesh do to a maturing young man with a huge libido.

My sisters, all still single, none even engaged yet, are 24, 26 and 28. Each has inherited our mom's good looks, and good figure. So, being around them regularly, I feel almost like Hugh Hefner reincarnated. It is nothing for me to have an up-and-down erection six or seven times a day.

Mom is only 47 and looks great for her age ... not an ounce of cellulite anywhere on her curvaceous body. She had her first daughter out of wedlock at 19, after a one-night fling and passed up the chance to have an abortion. She made the decision to keep the baby, even rejecting a half-hearted marriage proposal by the guy who deposited his potent sperm into my mom.

I know the whole saga of my oldest sister coming from a different father, as well as stories of the day-by-day sex lives of all three sisters. For as long as I can recall, mom has encouraged each of them to openly discuss the intimate aspects of their lives around the dinner table. They have to reveal the name of their current boyfriend, or at least who they are fucking, and mom even demands they rate their male partners out of ten for their sexually competence. We all are encouraged to contribute our own thoughts and opinions, keeping everyone in the loop.

Alright, so you're curious as to ask where is the husband/dad in this family? To which I will ask you which would you like to know about. None are still around. The first actual official husband courted and wed my mom shortly after she gave birth to first daughter, Ashley. He stayed around for a while ... for almost five years. I guess he eventually decided he couldn't cope with three squealing young girls of 4, 2 and a baby.

My mom is so beautiful and so sexually needy that it didn't take long to find a willing replacement. She married for a second time - this one being my father - two years after the youngest of the girls, Courtney, was born and doing the math, it seems I was conceived within three months of marriage. He too lasted five years ... that seems the maximum for mom. She'd had enough of my dad and sent him packing. At four years of age, I had no say in that.

Mom gave up on marrying the men she fancied, so from that young age, I've had no male role models in my life, but I have had four strong females to follow around and, from puberty on, to watch and admire, and maybe ogle just a bit too. No, not a bit ... a LOT. I can add voyeur to my capabilities.

I mentioned how the dinner table conversations stretch to who's fucking who or being fucked by whom, as the case may be. But that's only the most salacious part of nightly news. Periods are a regular topic for discussion - who's about to have theirs, who's in the middle of one ... handy information to have in anticipating the grumpiness and moods ... and who may have missed one ... usually accompanied by an assurance not to start ringing alarm bells yet.

Then, there's who has a UTI, assessments of every eligible male around town from guys of my age - some of my buddies get a mention - through to possible husband prospects for all three siblings, Ashley, Brittany and Courtney. It doesn't stop at 20-somethings, men right up to age 50 are reviewed for mom since the girls think she should be getting regularly laid. Mom always reassures us all that she's doing ok without naming names.

So, I have described my world as best I can so that you can appreciate what a female world I live in, despite me having a hetero mindset and lusting after every feminine body I see. The problem is that I see a lot more of my sisters and mom's very feminine bodies than I do of possible sexual conquests that I might come across in my day-to-day life.

Is it any wonder that I have been getting regular hard-ons when coming across the women in my home? I have been dating for a few years now, but I don't have a good track record when it comes to forming any kind of ongoing relationship with girls I date. I haven't had one that has lasted longer than four or five dates. Now, of course, as all red-blooded males know, four or five dates with one person usually only gets a guy to first base. So, am I doing something wrong when it comes to sex that I get dumped before getting the first fuck with these women?

I need to get laid. Lately, I find my mind wandering, at 21, to how good it would be to have a passionate sexual encounter with my beautiful mom. To put my raging cock right up inside that passage that brought me into this world. But how can I even broach the possibility. I mean, I can't walk up to my loving mother and hit on her with some sort of 'come on' line. This is my mother we're talking about here.

Well, if it's a bridge too far to expect my lovely mother to introduce me to the much anticipated delights of sex, then is it more likely that one of my wonderful sexy sisters might just be crazy enough to oblige me, to help me solve my problem of not retaining a girlfriend by coaching me in the art of sexually satisfying a woman?

I know that what I desireg is called incest and is considered taboo in modern society, but my years of cohabitating with these beautiful four women has placed them on a pedestal as the women I most admire and would most like to fuck.

I begin to listen more acutely to the nightly dinner table talk. Who is regularly fucking and who might be missing out currently. The youngest of my sisters, Courtney has just ended a one-year relationship and there's no new boyfriend on the scene that I'm aware of. I immediately decide that Courtney will be my target. Like an animal hunter stalks his prey, I realise that I must isolate her from her sisters, have her come to my room, to hang out more.

It's handy that I have picked Courtney because she is closest in age to me. Therefore, we have a lot more in common. I know how hard it would be for me - at 21 - to try to seduce eldest sister, Ashley, who's 28.

Being the eldest, Ashley has her own room, Brittany and Courtney share a room. About ten this night, I put my head in the door of their shared room and ask Courtney, "Hey sis, you got a minute to talk?"

"Sure, Andy," she responds warmly and follows me to my room. Courtney is wearing what is almost regulation uniform for my sisters around the house ... a bra through which I can make out the shape of her nipples and a brief pair of panties.

I point to the bed, and she sits cross-legged at the foot of the bed. Immediately, I can spot a camel toe in the crotch of her panties, and I start to get hard. I too sit cross-legged, opposite her at the head of the bed. "What's up, bro?" she starts.

"I ... err ... um, I just wanted some advice from you, Court. I won't beat around the bush, as mom often says. I'm 21 now and I expected when I was younger that by now, I'd have a regular steady girlfriend. Perhaps should have had two by now."

"Oh, for sure, Andy. By the time I reached 21, I'd been through three long steady relationships."

"And if I recall correctly from mom's nightly dinner table confessions, you were having sex with each of those guys."

"You better believe I was. I started dating Brad at 18, and it didn't take long for me to want to end the drought. You probably know he was my first; mums always encouraged us girls to talk freely about all that stuff. We went together for nine months."

"Having sex on every date?"

"Of course! Once you start, there's no point in only having it occasionally. You want it all the time."

"So, the same with John and Terry?"

"Oh, you remember their names, Andy, that's sweet."

"Well, they were around the house a lot while you were going out with them."

"Yes, John was only for six months but Terry lasted a year ... until just last week."

"And what happened with him? You seem cool about letting him go."

"Yeah! Well, I never viewed him as marriage material, so I had no expectations that it would last."

"You don't miss him, even a little bit?"

"No, not really, we became almost like a married couple and mom has warned me about letting relationships become like that. He suggested we take a break but if he hadn't, I would have soon. All I miss about him is the sex. I've never jumped straight into bed with any guy, I like to take about four or five dates to get to know a guy before letting him have sex with me. So, I can expect it to be a few barren weeks until I can find a suitable steady replacement and start having hot sex again."

I see an opportunity open up for me. I jump in, "So, Court, you do miss the sex?"

"Are you kidding? Of course I do ... Mr Dildo is working overtime. But as open as all we girls are about these kinds of things, thanks to mom, I do have to share a room and I still get embarrassed that Britt can hear the hum of the dildo. She's probably counting the number of times I use it and thinking I've become some sort of nympho."

"If you want some privacy, you can always come in here to get off with your dildo."

"How is that any better, Andy? Then, you'll be the one to hear the humming sound and form an opinion that I'm a nympho."

"The difference is, Court, that I'm never judgemental."

"Speaking of sex, how's it going for you, Andy, are you getting your share? At least you have your own room if you need to have a wank."

"Not getting my share at all, sis. I can't seem to form a relationship with any girl that lasts long enough to become sexually active."

"What the fuck? And you're 21, how come?"

"I don't know, I try hard ... maybe the girls I date don't like my approach to foreplay. Actually, that's the reason I asked you in here for a talk. I need you to give me some pointers, put me right if I'm doing something wrong."

"And how do you see that working, bro? You surely don't expect to practice on me ... I remind you that I am your sister. I'm not into that incest stuff."

"I don't know what I expect, Court. I just wanted to talk to you, tell you of my plight and ask for your advice."

"Oh, fuck! I don't know if I'd be any good at that. Have you tried asking Ash or Britt?"

"No, you and I are closest in age, so I thought of asking you first."

"What about mom? We have the most broadminded mother there's ever been. Her brothers call her a free spirit, they say she's into anything. She'd put you right."

"I did think of her but then I couldn't work out how to even open the subject with her. And I can't see me tongue kissing mom to find out if I'm doing it right."

"Yet you think you can with me? Oh yuck, think again, little brother."

Her reaction is deflating me and my incestuous desires. She must see it on my face.

"You really did think that ... didn't you? Is that why you asked me to come to your room? Oh, Andy, I'm sorry to disappoint you but as much as I'd like to help my little brother, I can't see us going down that road."

"Court, you said you were missing the sex. I could hold the dildo for you."

"Now this is getting ridiculous, bro. I'm going back to my room."

Courtney gets off the bed and walks to the door. She turns to look back at me, "Sorry, Andy, I'd love to help you but the thought of us doing anything intimate together just weirds me out."

She closes the door behind her. I fall back flat on my bed. My cock is hard simply from having my sister in my room, so close to me, sitting on the end of my bed, wearing only a skimpy bra and panties. She looked great, she smelled great and hearing her talk about how much she loves sex has turned me on big time.

I pull my shorts down and take a hold of my hard-on. I begin to tug on it furiously, eager for the ejaculation I need to have.

Only about thirty seconds in, and without a knock, the door flies open, and Courtney reappears. She takes just one step inside the door before her eyes register what is happening here ... my fist is wrapped around my rampant erection, pumping away as fast as I can."

"Oops! Sorry, Andy, I should have knocked." Seeing the shocked look on my sister's face, I expect her to turn on her heels and make a rapid exit. But she doesn't, surprising me by standing her ground and staring at me, as if in awe of what she sees. Leaning back against the door, she slips one hand behind her to close it firmly. "Oh my god, look at that! What's made you so hard, bro? Did I cause that? Did it come from talking to me about sex?"

"Yes, talking to you about sex but not only that. Having you sit on my bed in only your underwear and seeing your camel toe," I manage to gasp out. With Courtney staring at me while I beat off, I slow the pace of my strokes so I can hold a discussion with the sister that I would most love to put this erection into, instead of wasting it in my hand.

Courtney drops her eyes, leaning forward to check her panties, "Can you see a camel toe?"

"Yes, I could when you were sitting on my bed."

"I did notice you looking down there."

I ponder whether I should stop masturbating now that she doesn't appear put off by what she sees ... unlikely to flee my bedroom again? I decide no, I do need a release badly.

"What do you want? Would you prefer I leave, Andy?" asks Courtney, her eyes glued to the action in my lap.

"It doesn't bother me either way, sis ... stay or go but I still need to get my rocks off whether you're here or not."

"I love watching a guy wanking, but Terry would never do it in front of me. Come to think of it, neither did John. Do you mind if I stay and watch?"

"No! Be my guest, pull up a chair."

My sister slowly approaches my bed and stops, avidly watching me.

"Do you do this often, Andy?"

"Yes, I guess I do, given my unsuccessful attempts to get laid."

"Can I ask you a personal question, bro?"

I nod my approval, desperately trying not to lose concentration in pursuit of cumming, but I sense already that my moment has passed. From slowing the pace of my strokes down to talk with my sister, I have lost the momentum. "Fuck! I think I'm losing it," I inform my sister before answering her question, "Err, yes, you can ask me whatever you want."

"Have you ever had that ... err ... what's your name for it, Andy...?"

"Penis, cock, dick, whatever ... I don't care. Call it what you like."

"Yes, well, my question is ... have you ever had that ... um, your penis ... inside a woman?"

"Boy! That sure is a personal question, sis. Why are you asking?"

"Err ... it was something you said when I was here before."

"What was that?"

"You answered my question whether you were getting your share of sex with a definite no, and you said you thought that girls didn't like your idea of foreplay."

"Yes, I did say that."

"That makes me really sad, Andy. I went back to my room, and I thought about you being 21 and still haven't had the fun of having a steady girlfriend. If I interpreted your comment correctly, can I assume you're still a virgin, bro."

"Picked it in one, sis, although I don't know if I agree with the term virgin applying to us guys since we have nothing to break, no blood to shed as evidence when we get to have our first."

"A first time is always special, Andy."

My hand slows my tugging even more, now barely moving and I support my upper body by leaning on an elbow. Why has she come back in my room? From where she stands beside my bed, her eyes now watching mine, her breasts are at eye level. I still hold on to my cock shaft. I can see the engorged shape of her nipples protruding visibly within the twin bra cups. Another thing about my sister that I find exciting. Good sized breasts with exceptional nipples.

Courtney catches me by surprise, reaching out with her hand to knock my hand away from my solid erection. Then, the softest touch as my youngest sister wraps her hand around my shaft and lightly and gently tugs. I feel an amazing surge of pleasure run up from my loins, raging through my whole body.

I can't help but close my eyes as my body absorbs the incredible feel of a woman's soft touch up and down on my cock shaft. Her hand pauses ... at least I hope it's only a pause. "Andy, I've never formed a strong opinion one way or another about incest. I do know I wouldn't feel comfortable with full-on sex happening between a brother and a sister but I'm not so hard and fast about doing this to maybe help you. If that makes me a hypocrite, then so be it. It makes me sad to hear that you are having difficulty in having sex with any women. But before you get the wrong idea, let me say this here and now, this thing I'm holding is not going anywhere near my vagina, so you can forget about that."

"No, I never expected to..." I lie to my sister. I've thought of little else these past few weeks than having sex with either my mom or Courtney.

My sister stops my words short by placing two fingers from her other hand up to my lips. I open my eyes at her touch; she resumes talking, "I think this might be contrary to my moral standards and I will probably regret what I am about to do in the morning but here goes. I can see how much you need some female contact, and our mom has always told us all how we must help each other when one of us is in need. Andy, what I am about to do will definitely be a once only and you're not to tell anyone else, no matter who. Got it?"

I nod ok nervously, wondering how far she is going to go. Is my sister about to gift me a hand job? Is there even the slightest possibility that she might widen the opportunity to include her lips too? I don't dare ask ... at least not yet.

Courtney drops to her knees in front of me, and she brings her second hand down so that both begin to fondle my cock shaft. Her soft touch surpasses anything that I've ever had on any of my dates. I am blown away by how good her fingers and palms feel against the hard taut stretched skin of my rampant erection. Her fondling turns into stroking, her fingertips are so whisper soft against the skin of my cock shaft. One hand cups my balls ... that feels good too. It all does!

Whereas my potential to cum faded away by the return of Courtney to my room and my own strokes slowing too much, immediately I am confident that her tender touching is going to lead to a release of sizeable proportions.

I lean back on my elbows, watching down over my chest, absorbed at the sight of her hands softly stroking my cock while my other senses register how good that stroking feels. She lifts her head to look up at me and smiles sweetly. Her lips part in a warm smile and I am pleasantly surprised when I see those parted lips widen further and her face dips down over my groin. I see - and feel - her wet lips close over the head of my cock where bubbles of pre-cum are oozing to the surface.

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