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A Futa Futcha Ch. 02

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The second of my Futanari trilogy.
6.7k words

Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 10/20/2022
Created 05/29/2010
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~ Previously on Futa Futcha ~

OK ...so ...to recap ...the ancient device found on a long dead planet a long time ago in the depths of space was finally unlocked by some hugely clever male scientist, though not that clever it seemed as it unleashed a genetic plague that wiped out every human male on earth for now and evermore, leaving only the female of the species. Everything appeared bleak for the species survival, but a clever little drug was developed called 'Futanarium' which temporarily endowed the female with a huge rampant rod and the will and desire to use such a rutting tool.

We focus on a ship in the depths of space ...tis a huge ship. The Vancouver is a transport ship the size of the average city, well, maybe not the average city, but from end to end it is easily as long as the olde world city of New York. As big as the ship was, it only had a total of five crew ...there was Justine, an experienced Captain with hair like liquid gold, Simone, the raven haired navigator ...Katalina, the comms officer with a fetish for piercings and who marked each time the ship made landfall by getting some or other part of her perfectly proportioned personage pierced. There was also Martinique who was ships security ...though it was often said that she only ever took on that position so she could abuse it and smuggle stuff on board that would otherwise have been confiscated by any security officer worth her salt. Finally there was Tasha, the helmswoman and one of note, a decorated flyer but one who flew with instinct rather than beholden to regulation.

It was on some such routine delivery assignment that they also encountered a megalomaniacal entity known only as Minge the Merciless whose intentions of ruling the universe seemed unstoppable, but for a navigational error on Tasha's part that bought the huge transport ship directly in line with Minge's 'Black Hole Cannon' {Patent Pending}.

Fortunate too, I guess, that the somewhat dodgy security officer on board had a stash of an illicit chemical which they imbibed in order to take on the forces of evil. And so it was that after a pitch battle, our Horse Hung Heroines were able to subdue the evil Overlordess and save the day and universe after rendering the evil Minge senseless with their phallic pummeling and then Tasha used the Vancouver as a cue as she played 'pool with meteors' and sent a huge chunk of orbit rock slamming into Minge's homeworld which had enough force to shunt the planet into the pull of the black hole, tipping it over the edge of its event horizon.

~ ~ ~

What ...might you be asking has this to do with now ...the answer is nothing, not a thing, nada ...though it made for an entertaining log entry as to why they were running late for deliveries yet again. Anyway, it might also help to explain why the Vancouver sought to dock at this far flung space station that currently loomed into view and ...why a gifted pilot such as Tasha, was having such a problem maneuvering the behemoth of a vessel into position as, after all, being hit with the quantum retardation effects of a BHC and using the ass end of the ship to knock a meteor out of orbit, the vessel was pulling to the left a little, all of this made for a tricky little maneuver when it came to aligning up the docking arm of the station ...all of this relaying in the expression of consternation as the bridge of her nose screwed up

The ship jolted and shuddered as she was narrowly able to counter the piss poor handling of the vessel as it stands right now. She breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that she had been able to avoid disaster , but the sudden mechanical feminine tones that blurted forth from the main console gave the impression that things were a little more amiss than at first appeared

"AleRt ...AleRt ..." the dire sonorous tones of 'Mother' rang out across the bridge accompanied by the sounds of a pitch wailing siren and the intermittent flashing of a red light that danced against the bulkheads

"IstaBiLitY iN CarGO HoLd. RUPturE DeteCted, AcTivaTIng VenTiNg ProCeDuRe."

From deep in the confines of the city sized transporter came a grind and a clunk ...swiftly followed by a whoosh as the great turbines housed in the depths of the cargo hold suddenly spun into action and drew out whatever contaminant had leaked into the ship, and given what they were carrying, that could be just about anything

"Er ...where exactly did Mother vent that?" Justine looked a little unnerved as her eyes danced against the console spread out before her.

Simone scanned through the logs and then caught the Captain's eye with a somewhat awkward look, "Left side ...straight into the station we docked at."

"Mother?" Justine looked upwards at the viewing screen that displayed all manner of 'heads up' information, one such thing being the fluctuating voice algorhythm of Mother that boogied as she spoke.


"Why did you activate the left side vents?" Justine queried.

There was a moments pause ...if it were possible for a ship to shift uneasily from one foot to the other then likely this one would be doing that right now, as the question was met with an embarrassed silence and a thin whirring clunk of machinery that reverberated along the ship. Justine shook her head, the last thing she needed was to be lumbered with a repair bill for the station as well as the Vancouver.

"Tasha ..be a dear and go check out the station will you?" Justine smiled, and watched as Tasha rose from the helm, hell the real reason Justine had asked Tash to leave the bridge was simply so she could ogle that perfect pert rounded pair of peaches she possessed. That old say about 'hating that you go, but love watching you leave' was never more apparent than now, and she bit down on her lower lip as her eyes glazed over in lascivious lusting.

Justine sighed softly as the doors to the bridge opened and closed behind Tash, a delicate twinge shivering through her nethers as her flesh responded to some deep seated memory of sweet sexual satisfaction that they had shared ...bent over the helm ...with Justine's tongue 'going where no woman had gone before', well, ok, that wasn't exactly true of course, but you have to forgive me the reference. The crew of the Vancouver ...were ...how shall we put it ...very close.

"Get Marti on the comms will you? Get her to give the hold the once over as a precaution." Justine glanced across to Katalina and smiled upon noticing that she bore the self same expression that she had worn on watching Tash as she left. Kat shifted somewhat embarrassingly at being caught mid fantasy and hurriedly flashed a grin and opened a channel.

"Hey Kiki ...you there?" For some reason Katalina referred to Matrinique as 'Kiki', there was obviously a story behind this, but whenever any one or other of the crew pressed for unwholesome details, the response of either had been a flash of exchanged glances and a chorus of giggling.

For a few moments there was nothing but white noise before the highly sexed ships security responded. "Hey there Katty. I was just ...thinking about you." it was clear from her voice that Martinique was a little ...er ...breathless. "...I was thinking of you down between my thighs ....your tongue ...oh god, your tongue. The things you did last night, I have never know anyone get so dee...."

Katalina's voice raised a few octaves, her mortified squeal stilling Martinique in the tracks of her toe curling concentration.

"Your ....your on the bridge ...aren't you." came Marti's voice after a moments of uncomfortable silence.

"Yeppers." Katalina flicked her eyes around the bridge, her cheeks burning scarlet from the blend of Matrinique's inference and the barely concealed amusement that played against the expressions of both Justine and Simone. "Er ...could you do me a favour and go check down in the cargo hold? Mother ...has had an accident." Katalina spoke as though the Vancouver was an incontinent relative on day release from the care home.

"You got it ....gorgeous." Martinique's words were soaking in a huge grin as she flipped closed the comm channel and went about her task. As she slinked off along the corridor she passed Tasha on her way to the airlock door ...the two of them exchanged explicit grins, no doubt born from the resurgence of some shared memory or other that would have seen them charged with dereliction of duty on any other ship.

Tasha continued on through the winding passageways before taking a lift down into the lower reaches of the vessel where the umbilical attachment of the docking arm had extended outwards and snagged against the orbital space station. She stepped through the airlock and into the station, her perky little nose creased at the stale air within, but ...it wasn't just that, no, there seemed as though there was something else hanging in the atmosphere ...something that wasn't altogether unfamiliar, but she couldn't quite place it.

"Hello....?" her voice echoed off down along the mechanical looking corridor of the space station, however, it was met with silence ...which, in and of itself was unusual, after all, the Vancouver was not a craft graced with stealth. Trying to conceal the Vancouver's presence was like trying to hide a approaching tsunami behind a piece of rice paper.

So it was that she started off along the corridor, her footfalls clipping against the metal gantry and her subsequent called out greetings going just as unheard as her first. This was a little strange though, it wasn't unheard of for space stations to be unwomaned when they lay this far out.

Another few steps and she came to a halt, something wasn't right, the cloying air that she was breathing wasn't sitting all that well with her and for a moment Tash felt dizzy ...enough to shiver her balance off centre and see her hand seeking support against one of the bulkheads while her free hand rose to her temples, her eyes crushing shut as she tried to push aside the wave of dizziness and nausea that washed across her for a moment. Just when the pain seemed to peak ...it was gone again ...and her breathing relaxed. She pushed herself away from the bulkhead and tested the weight of herself against each foot. Everything seemed normal enough ...but it took a few moments for her to shake the strange feeling from her head, though the tingle in her loins remained.

Pressing on she walked through the cold metal passageways and gantries ...there was nothing pretty about this place, it spoke more of functionality that comfort. It was as she walked across one such gantry that she espied movement below her. With her fingers braced against the basic metal rail that ran along the edge of the walkway, she peered over ...her eyes squinting in an effort to discern detail.

This woman was probably a couple of floors down and she wore an engineers jump suit, nothing fancy at all. Tasha screwed up her perfect little nose as this woman turned around and started to study one of the many consoles that littered that deck ...all the while cleaning her hands with an oily rag.

Damn ...but she was ugly ...her body looked a little more muscular than lithe beneath the jumpsuit and her black hair was really quite short and bore no style to it, which was a shame for it might have taken the emphasis off her face which really was a little uncomfortable to look at. Although it appeared that she had nice eyes ...sexy pools of brown ...she was somewhat unfortunately afflicted with a hirsute chin and cheeks, obviously she tried to shave but it left a dark shadow of stubble along her jaw line. One other thing Tash noted was that amongst her other physical traits, that the poor woman had next to no breasts at all ...she seemed very flattest ...to the point of looking like two cherries sat on top of an ironing board.

Tasha shook her head sorrowfully for the poor woman ...but it was only then she quirked her head in deeper thought. This 'woman' bore many of the traits of something that she had seen once in the Natural history museum, in a exhibition dedicated to extinct life forms. There were various wild cats and birds and other such fauna ...but at the heart of the exhibition was a bipedal life form sporting a beard and a muscled chest ...a ...a ...a

Tasha's eyes went wide and her jaw fell open. She pressed her two fingers against the comms in her ear, opening a direct line to the bridge of the Vancouver

"Just? You there Cap?" her delicate voice bustled over the airways

"What's your status Tash? Anything to report?"

".....yes ....." it was a while before she could find the right words, well ...word really, but that was mostly because it was a word she hadn't heard since she was in high school, and one of the few occasions she had actually been attentive.

"Well ...spit it out babe." came Justine's less than formal response to her talented helmswoman.

...and spit is out Tash did ...which was a first for her really as she was more a swallowing kinda gal, but I digress somewhat.

A single word slowly formed on her lips ...her delicate mouth taking its shape and rolling it around for a moment, tasting it ....savoring it, before allowing it to pass into the open.


The comms went silent ...on the bridge of the Vancouver Justine's mouth fell agape, her eyes flitting from one girl to the other, each of then displaying a similar incredulous expression at the notion of

"Say that again?" Justine's voice a hoarse whisper.

"Man ...." Tash spoke softly again, having not yet blinked since she first lay her eyes on him. "....it's a man!? A real live man!"

There were rumors of course, that men still existed in far flung reaches of the universe, kept safe from the virulent plague that had wiped their kind from the face of the Earth and seen to it that no male could ever again prosper or play upon its surface.

Though, it is at this point that the fates had decided to play their twisted little game, just as the hand of fate can so often be found beating the bishop of life to create on unholy sticky mess upon the bed sheets of existence.

Tash's nose creased again ...there was that scent in the air ...a familiar one, something she recognized from ...oh dear god! The dawning hit her like a slice of lemon wrapped around a meteor ...industrial Futanarium. It was a canister of that which had been breached in the cargo hold ...its concentrated form vented straight into the orbital station and was now being filtered through the entire facility upon the currents of the air recycling system.

She started to run towards the staircase that would take her to the next level ...the sound of her footfalls on metal now attracting the attention of the man below her ...his eyes narrowed in surprise at her presence and he started to run towards her, making for the other staircase. Suddenly Tash was almost floored by a spearing of intensity at her groin, her hands dropped there in an instant and pressed against her femininity ...only ...things were changing "Shit" she whispered under her breath as she steeled herself to continue towards the man.

Her feet clattered down the metal stairs while his rattled upwards. Moments later they were in front of each other ...Tash wearing an expression that was somewhat alarmed while his own shivered with a perplexing mask. His eyes flicked open ...they shone of sapphire in the nights sky and as they danced against Tash, she felt her whole body twinge in from a mixture of his stare and the chemical that pulsed through her bloodstream

"Who are you?" he spoke ...his words ringed with such masculinity as made her shiver ...she had never heard a male voice that wasn't a recording from some distant era, to hear one in person was just enough to bring about a minigasm of delight.

"T ....Tasha ....." she finally spat out, gaining some degree of control.

He smiled ...only a little though, there was a flicker of something discomforting behind his eyes, "Dave." he spoke after a short while ...though his voice now seemed a shade pained.

....and then there was that twinge again ...Tash dropped to her knees and clutched at herself, her eyes drawn to the shock written on his face while her own thoughts turned to the notion of that if this was happening to her then what would be the effect of Futanarium on him ...it was something that had never been known before as there was no male to test such a chemical on ...and of course, had there been then there would have been no need for Futanarium in the first place.

The look of pain grew on his face ...a grimacing mask that flashed for a moment, "What is this! What's happ....ppening." he staggered against the bulkhead, doubled up in pain with his hand clutching hard against his flaccid fruit of fornication. His teeth gritted hard ...sweat beading like rain against his brow as a crucifying pain shot through his jewels. It made no difference to the pain though, the harder he crushed against his manhood. It wasn't long before the agony bought him crashing to his knees ...hands clasped over his tackle, his head raised high as a scream of anguish assaulted him ...a scream that danced up a few octaves before it culminated into a pitched squeal ...it was a noise that shocked him into silence.

Dave left his hands pressed against his crotch ...something was wrong ...no wait ...something was far from wrong, something was fucking missing! He gasped out, his voice a squeal and far less masculine than he expected it to be but then, the icon of his masculinity seemed to have inverted itself. No longer had he an 'outy' but an 'inny'. His flaccid phallus had, under the influence of the genetic waste chemical that 'Mother' had vented inadvertently into the station, been drawn into his body, his rod now a sleeve of sexuality ...a purse of promiscuity. This was somewhat unexpected and it registered in his expression.

But how had this virulent vapor affected Tash? Well, you probably have figured that out already and you would be right. The woman gifted with that joystick at the helm of the Vancouver, was now sporting an ever growing 'joystick' of her own that creaked the tight leathers of her crotch ...she threw her head back ...her body taken deeply by the strange cocktail of sensations that boiled in her blood and mauled her luscious form. One hand drifted down to her crotch and started to subconsciously trail against the massive meaty member, her lips pursed in a soft groan as her toes curled with the tightening swell of sensations that rocked her body. For a few moments more she shivered in this tempest of toe curling before her eyes snapped towards Dave and her sweet little button nose sniffed the air ...she smelt something that found favour with her, a heady tang in the air of a slick sodden snatch.

"You smell fucking good ...and good for fucking." she grinned as the surge of testosterone hit her cerebellum and resulted in a cascade of carnality that ached fulfillment. As she spoke she was a little shocked at the sound of her voice, it was deeper, more masculine, though it was only logical really given that her body had been assailed with that tornado of tempestuous testosterone.

Tasha slinked towards him, well, as best as a foot long throbbing member imprisoned in your pant would allow you to slink, but she did a nice job of it, her pert peaches swaying as they always did in her sexual sashay. She came close to Dave and lowered to her haunches.

"Aren't you a pretty little thing?" Tash smirked as she drew her lithe slender digits against Dave's jaw line, those beautiful blue eyes of his were like the crystal clear oceans that she just wanted to dive right into and feel how wet they were.

"Please ...wha ...what happened? Where have my ...my ..." he had no idea how to even finish that sentence.

Tash smiled, "Don't worry about what you lose ...think about what you have gained." she grinned and winked at him.


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