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A Hawke and his Princess Ch. 01-05

Story Info
Hawke meets Elayne and falls in love.
31.9k words

Part 1 of the 21 part series

Updated 06/22/2024
Created 02/18/2024
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The Hawke and Cousland story:

Author's notes:

The following story is based on the Dragon Age video game: an RPG game produced by Bioware. This is a FANTASY romance story!! This is my story of my cannons between Elayne Cousland, my protagonist from DA: Origins and the protagonist, Arik Hawke from DA 2. This story starts a few years before the start of the Dragon Age: Origins game.

For those that aren't familiar with the history surrounding the people, characters and the lands, I haven't quite figured out how to incorporate it into the story but I know it won't be all at once but gradual; I don't want to give away to much too quickly lol.

This story is NOT REAL! All the characters in the sex/romance scenes are 18+. The magic system used is altered a little from the game.

This is my very first attempt of a story on here, it's something I've been working on for a few years now. So try not to be too harsh on the criticism, I'm aware that I have an issue with long sentences. I'm aware that I need to work on my writing style, my spelling and a few other things but like I said, this is my first attempt at doing a story on here. I'm aware that there's going to be a few spelling errors, (as much as I've gone through this story, I hope not, lol) but hey, nobody's perfect.

A warning for those not interested or those that are; This story does include: m/f, m/f/f and f/f scenes. Fair warning, I have no experience with the m/f/f or the f/f action, I tried to do what I could from what I've read and the imagination so be gentle with me on that department. Absolutely no incest is involved or will be, so don't bother asking. In one chapter there is a blackmailing/reluctance scene and in others anal, but not for a while.

One last thing before getting to the story; this will be a long story and in some area's it might seem drawn out or too quick in others, but there is a reason for me doing it this way. I'm working on a time frame for my couple before the actual story from the game starts, I want certain things to happen for them before then.

Anyways hope you all enjoy this story and remember feedback is very much appreciated. Thank you.

Elayne Hawke.


The meeting:

A young man of twenty-one came riding out of the woods with a horse and wagon. He was tall, about 6'6" with a very muscular build, eyes as crystal blue as a lake and hair as black as coal. He was heading to Lothering to drop off and pick up supplies and check on the local news. He had plans on being there for a couple of days, leaving his mom and siblings back at the farmhouse. He was looking forward to this little adventure even if it was just going into town. He needed this, needed the distance away from his family. Since the mantle had been passed down to him after his father passed away, time for himself was a luxury with all the demands of the family and farm.

He was the oldest son of Malcolm and Leandra Hawke, the oldest brother to Carver and Bethany. Much to Malcolm's dismay, as he did not want his children to be ostracized for their magic, his daughter Bethany and Arik inherited his powers. He taught them how to correctly use their powers and how to keep them a secret. Since three of them had magic in their blood they'd been on the run for many years until he and his family settled down on the outskirts of Lothering around eight years ago. Where he made every effort to ensure that his children didn't fear magic, and were well insulated against those who did. So far they hadn't had any reason to leave, no one questioned them. They were a quiet family who kept mostly to themselves while trying to give back to the town of Lothering however they could.

Even though Malcolm was from Ferelden, he had been sent to the Circle in Kirkwall, but he never said why he left the Circle, until right before his death when he told Arik. When Leandra became pregnant with Arik, Malcolm asked her to run away with him. She agreed, and they married in secret. By the time Malcolm secured passage for himself and Leandra to Ferelden, Lord Aristide Amell had learned that his daughter, Leandra, was pregnant with Malcolm's child, a mage's child. Lord Aristide had forbidden Leandra to leave the family home and sent men after Malcolm. Leandra was able to get a message to Malcolm, through Gamlen, her brother, warning him of the danger he was in. When Hawke tried asking how he had escaped the Circle, and Kirkwall, all he said was that he had help from a Templar and people that owed him a favor. When Arik questioned him further, he knew there was more to the story, but Malcolm refused to tell him.

As Hawke got closer to Lothering he could see the taller buildings of the town in the distance, and he heard the jingle of horses and armor and turned to see a group of soldiers coming up the road surrounding a carriage. The closer the carriage got he could make out the crest on it and on the soldiers armor. When he saw the crest he knew who the carriage belonged to, had heard a lot about the family behind it. People respected this family, in fact he couldn't remember ever hearing anything negative about the Cousland's. Bryce Cousland was the Teyrn of Highever, a place up North by the Waking Sea, one of only two remaining Teyrn's of Ferelden.

He was so engrossed in studying the soldiers that he failed to notice the young lady riding alongside the carriage. He couldn't see much of her but what he could see had him intrigued. She was pretty with blonde hair that was braided almost down to her waist. What had him curious was that she was wearing britches, and she had a sword hanging at her waist, but she wore no armor. She wasn't a soldier, that much he was sure of, for one her clothes were to fine a cut to be soldiers. Then he heard her laugh at whoever was in the carriage. Her voice was sweet, seductive and caressed his skin like velvet which made his pulse quicken. He found himself drawn to that laugh, found himself wanting to know who she was. He longed for her to look around, but they had already passed on by him heading to the crossroads.

By the time he got the wagon going again, they were already out of sight, and he couldn't help but feel disappointed. Whoever she was, she had stirred something in him, something he couldn't put a finger on, something he had never felt before. Which he didn't understand, women were always vying for his attention whenever he came into town. When he came into Lothering or any other town for that matter, but he had never been interested. The women were pretty, some were gorgeous, but that's as far as the interest was, and he had had no real desire of pursuing anything. Maybe it was the fear of what he was or his upbringing, or maybe it was something else but to him women should be respected and honored, most of all cherished.

Once he got in town and dropped off the stuff from the farm, he rode to the stables and dropped off the wagon outside and took Midnight to his stall and filled one trough with water and the other with grain. He took the brush and started brushing him from his mane down to his tail then took a carrot out of his pocket and gave it to him. By the time he dropped off the list of items that he would be taking back to the farm it was already dusk. Definitely time to get to the Inn for a hot meal and a good mug of mead. When he walked into Dane's Refuge old Danal came over to him, "how many nights Hawke?"

Hawke replied to Danal after shaking his hand, "three please, Danal, and some of that delicious stew that smells so good and a mug of mead please." Danal nodded and had Hawke follow him to the corner table in the back. Hawke chuckled to himself, Danal knew him to well as they went to his preferred spot. Hawke liked this spot, it was off in the corner where he could see anyone coming and going, plus the lighting here was dim, so it was hard to see in the corner unless you were right on the spot. Danal brought him his mead and stew and made small talk while Hawke ate. Asking how his family was, how the farm was doing. Hawke answered politely in between mouthfuls of stew which was as exceptional as it smelled. A couple other patrons came in and Danal went to take care of them, leaving Hawke to enjoy the rest of his meal in peace.

Hawke looked around the room noting who was all in the Inn. He noticed some of the Cousland soldiers at one of the tables talking and drinking amongst themselves. 'Now I know where the Cousland's went,' he thought. But he didn't see the blonde haired girl, was she just an escort or did she continue on after the Cousland's came into Lothering? Musing to himself he barely heard the voices from the landing. One voice or more like the laugh had him sitting up straight, his body on alert. From his corner he was able to see four people walking down the stairs, two men and two women. The two older people he recognized by their description, they were Bryce and Eleanor Cousland, the younger two must have been their children, Fergus and Elayne.

Elayne was the one that had his real interest though. She was walking beside her father who must of said something funny because Elayne started laughing again, but it wasn't just her voice this time that made his pulse quicken.

His breath caught in his throat, she was exquisite, achingly beautiful. He was pleased to see her in a dress. The dress was a pale blue silk that clung to her like a second skin. She was petite with a tiny waist and a wealth of curly sunburst hair tumbling down her back that drew attention to her beautiful bottom. Not a detail escaped him. Her face was heart-shaped with soft blue eyes fringed with thick long lashes. Even her nose and mouth were petite, those red sensuous lips begging to be kissed. His gaze slid lower to her slender neck, he noticed the necklace of sapphires like a deep morning sky, just like the strand woven into her golden curls which seemed to make the blue of her eyes even deeper. His gaze slid lower to her low cut bodice, to the way the gown hugged her high full ample breasts, the way her breathing would lift them invitingly and still lower his gaze slid. Lower to her narrow rib cage and her small waist and even lower, he noticed the venture between her legs as the gown clung lovingly to her as she moved. He found his hot gaze dwindling on her, his body stirring. She was exquisite, enticing, his blood surging hotly, and he found himself wanting to get to know everything about her right down to her hopes and dreams of the future. He could see himself in her future as he gazed into her eyes and then caught himself with the thought. He'd never really gave a thought of sharing a future with someone, he was after all a mage that was outside the Circle and Chantry.

He suddenly looked up when he heard a low chuckle beside him. "I often wondered if anyone would ever interest you, young Hawke, and I'm glad to be here to witness it. But I have to ask you, you do know who she is don't you," Danal asked quietly.

He nodded as he put his gaze back on her, unable to take his eyes off her very long, "she's Bryce Cousland, the Teyrn of Highever's daughter. I know very well who she is, but I can't help the feeling she's so much more than that to me. I've never had anyone hold my interest the way she does. She sparks something in me, makes me want something more, something more for myself." Suddenly she looked in his direction and he inhaled sharply as their eyes met and deep down inside him, he knew, knew for a fact that she was his future.

The more he watched her the more he needed to talk to her, to know her. Long into the evening he sat there thinking about how he could approach her, he couldn't just walk right up to her and start talking to her. He was after all just a commoner, and she was Teyrn Cousland's daughter. He watched the soldiers head outside where they would be staying in their makeshift camp, watched the Cousland family go up to their rooms for the night. With the exception, to his delight, of Elayne who was sitting there at the table drinking from her glass. He saw one of the few men still left in the bar walked over to her and started talking to her. He could see by her behavior that she was not interested. The man was a fool, Hawke knew who he was. Mike was a drunk who loved beating his wife, who'd spent more time with Hawke's mother then her own home. Hawke didn't blame her after she came over with multiple bruises on her face. He suspected she'd had more, but her clothing hid them from the eye.

He shook himself out of his musing when he heard a slap from across the room. He looked up to see Elayne's hand withdrawing from Mike's face and a hand print growing in its place. Hawke's blood instantly surged hot when he saw what happened next, and he was immediately across the room.

Before anyone in the room could react Mike grabbed Elayne by the back of her hair, shoved her head back getting ready to strike her, when another hand was jerking his arm back behind him before his hand made contact. He heard a soft menacing tone loud enough for everyone in the room to hear, "I would strongly suggest you keep your hands off the young lady." But Mike was far too drunk and far too angry to comprehend the warning in that voice, as he twisted around and bunched up his fist, took one look at who it was before he made contact with Hawke. Mike blanched and reeled back knowing that he just made a very big mistake when he saw that his punch didn't even faze Hawke. Hawke reached over grabbed Mike by his neck with one hand, dragged him up to him where they were face to face, "If you ever lay your hands on another woman again it will be the last thing you ever do". Hawke said in a quiet voice that sent shivers down peoples backs before his fist made contact with Mike's jaw, and he sank into a blissful oblivion.

Hawke dropped Mike like he was a rag doll, looked directly at Elayne with icy cold blue eyes, she was still trying to take in everything that had just happened. It had only taken a matter of seconds from the moment her hand had come in contact with that nasty mans face and him being unconscious almost at her feet. Looking up at the commotion from above she saw her family coming down the stairs, her dad and brother seeing the man on the ground by her feet, saw Hawke standing there by Elayne. He casually leaned back against the wall with his arms crossed and attempted to exude a sense of peace and calm. Before anyone could say anything Hawke reached over, took Elayne's soft hand in his, kissed it, bowed and bid her and her family a goodnight. He let go of her hand almost reluctantly it seemed to her, turned on his heel, walked up the stairs, giving her one last look before he was gone for the night.

She felt her body was suddenly hot, and she realized she was blushing from head to toe. She was still sitting there trying to take in everything that had just happened as she rubbed her hand where his mouth had been absently. When their eyes had first met earlier that night her breath had caught in her throat, she had felt a pull to this stranger. She looked up at her family with a bemused look on her face. Danal came rushing over to them, and she heard them asking what had happened when they couldn't get anything from Elayne. Danal started explaining what had transpired, and even hearing it herself she was still not quite sure what just happened. She came out of her shock when she heard her father asking about the man that went up the stairs.

"That was Arik Hawke, his family has a farm on the outskirts of Lothering. Young Hawke is a well respected, hardworking loyal young man. He's the kind of young man parents would be proud of," Danal explained with pride in his voice.

Elayne sat there listening to the praise that Danal was laying on Hawke and she found herself intrigued, wanting to know more about him. Before she could ask Danal anything she heard her dad thank the Innkeeper a goodnight, grabbed her arm and hurried her upstairs to her room mumbling something about young ladies being alone in a tavern by herself with a roomful of drunken foolish men.


The next morning saw Elayne downstairs at the table with her family, trying to piece together what had happened the night before when she saw him walking in from outside. His very presence filled the room. He moved easily, fluidly, power clinging to him as he flowed across the floor. He was tall, taller than anyone she had ever seen, she could see that he was heavily muscled under his tight shirt. The movement of his broad shoulders was fluid and masculine, a ripple of casual strength under his shirt. The top couple buttons of his shirt was unbuttoned, revealing a small patch of black chest hair. He was so beautifully male that he took her breath away.

He was nearly to her table when he stopped short looking straight at her. His hair was midnight black, he had dark crystal blue eyes that seemed to pierce deep into her very soul as he gazed down at her, a stunningly handsome chiseled face with a strongly defined jaw. As his eyes moved over her, she saw flashes of desire, possessiveness, warmth and tenderness, and she knew that she had found something she didn't even know she was searching for. With that look she knew her whole life was about to change, but she wasn't sure how, didn't know if the change was for the good or not. All she knew was nothing would ever be the same. She was so focused on Hawke that she didn't hear her father talking to her.

When her father realized that she was preoccupied elsewhere and saw the look on her face he shot his head up in alarm. Then he saw the young man from the night before who had come to his daughter's assistance. Saw the way the young man stared at Elayne and how she was staring at Hawke, he was both alarmed and amused. He never thought his daughter would ever be interested in a guy except for sword practices. When he stood up the young man shifted his gaze to him. His eyes became weary and nervous, cloudy with mixed emotions running through them before they became clear. But you wouldn't know it from his body language. He stood there alert, proud, fierce, he was powerful, full of confidence, this was a person who was used to getting his way, it came to him naturally.

Bryce waited for Hawke to acknowledge him then stuck his hand out to Hawke. "I wanted to thank you for coming to my daughter's assistance young master Hawke. My name is Bryce Cousland, this is my beautiful wife Eleanor, my son Fergus and my daughter Elayne. We would be honored if you would join us for breakfast this morning."

Hawke took Bryce's hand and clasped it, nodding at each person as Bryce named them, his eyes caressing warmly over Elayne.

"It was my pleasure sir. I wouldn't be much of a man if I hadn't come to the young ladies rescue. But it seems to me that she could handle herself very well. I would be honored to join you for breakfast. Thank you sir," he said as he seated himself between Bryce and Elayne. Hawke glanced over at Elayne, and noticed her cheeks getting red, either in anger or embarrassment as they talked about her.

Bryce didn't know if he should be shocked or annoyed, instead he found himself amused and looked at his wife and son and saw bewildered expressions on both their faces. Eleanor glanced at Bryce for a minute, both of them remembering what it had been like when they had first realized they were attracted to each other and both had a smile on their faces.

He looked at Hawke, curious about the kind of man he was. Then he looked at his daughter and watched as she shyly fiddled with her dress, looking at anything and everything except for the young man sitting beside her, and he couldn't help but chuckle. His fierce little warrior who always had something to say about everything, who had no problem standing up to him or her brother, who was becoming a skilled swordsman according to her trainer, was struck speechless by a man who obviously had eyes only for her. Bryce knew he had to be cautious and his first bit of business was to find out more about the young man.


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