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A Helping Hand

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An unknown visitor gives me a helping hand, and more.
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I'd just turned off the light in my bedsit (a perk the lucky few who were 18 and in their last year at boarding school were entitled to, which meant no more sleeping in communal dorms), and climbed into bed.

I was drowsy and while my thoughts wandered, my hand dipped under the bedsheets and idly started playing with myself. I wasn't masturbating but simply letting my fingers caress my dick and balls. In fact, I wasn't even hard.

After a few minutes, my eyes were finally starting to close when I thought I felt another hand join mine under the sheets.

At first, I wasn't sure what was happening - I'd not heard my bedsit door open or close, and my room was almost pitch black so I couldn't make out who it was.

His other hand (yes, this was an all-male school) put a finger on my lips, indicating I should say nothing, while he gently removed my hand from my dick.

Slowly, he began moving his hand up and down my rapidly hardening shaft.

This was the first time that anybody (with the probable exception of my mother when I was a baby) had ever touched me there, and while I had never considered myself to be gay, I was surprised to discover that the experience was actually quite pleasant.

Part of me was stunned that this was happening, and part of me wanted it to continue.

Silently, the unseen owner of the hand continued stroking up and down for several minutes - until he stopped without warning.

The next thing I felt was him turning down my sheets, exposing my erection to the slightly cool night air.

I was confused. Why had he removed his hand, just when I felt the beginnings of my orgasm building? What was he doing?

What happened next was even more unexpected.

I felt his lips around the head of my dick.

His tongue briefly caressed the head before he took my entire erection in his mouth.

This was truly a unique experience - I'd never so much as romantically kissed another person on the lips before, never mind indulged in foreplay or sex.

His head bobbed up and down, and it was the weirdest sensation. What surprised me was how much I enjoyed it, and the fact I felt no revulsion at all that I was being pleasured by another male. Not that I thought about it much, but I had certainly never assumed my first sexual encounter would be like this.

Once again, I felt the pressure building inside.

This being entirely new to me, I had no idea about the etiquette of "spit or swallow", and quite frankly, I was enjoying this far too much to even consider warning him I was about to cum.

I suspect he must have sensed it too, because his mouth moved more rapidly up and down my cock until the inevitable happened - spurts of warm salty semen flooded his mouth.

While I was catching my breath, I felt him take my hand and place it around his own erect dick.

I had never touched anybody else's penis before, but instinctively I knew it was large - much larger than my own.

He removed his hand from mine, and I didn't need any instruction on what to do next.

It felt strange masturbating another person's dick - strange, but not disagreeable.

I did my best to maintain a steady rhythm, while gripping him not too firmly and not too softly.

The quiet was eerie - we obviously didn't want to make a noise in case we were discovered, but even his breathing was hard to detect.

His erection started pulsing, and he promptly removed my hand.

OK, I thought, my turn to suck dick.

It was still too dark to see anything, but somehow his cock found my waiting mouth.

This was all so new to me, but I'd just had my first lesson, so I tried to emulate what he had done for me.

I licked the tip of his dick and discovered it had a unique taste - definitely like nothing I'd ever tasted before.

I tried to take all of him into my mouth, but he was too long and thick to engulf its entirety.

He was standing immobile, letting me do all the work, moving my mouth back and forth along the length of his throbbing cock.

Even without any prior experience, it soon became obvious to me that he was going to cum soon.

I wondered how it would feel.

I had tasted my own semen before - but only by licking it off my hand. I suspect there's not a man alive who hasn't tried this at least once.

But this would be more than just a lick. Based on the size of his cock, I expected there to be a considerable quantity.

Would it make me gag?

Would I be able to swallow it, since spitting it out would almost seem rude?

I didn't have to wait long for my answers - I felt his body tense, his dick throb even stronger, and suddenly, there it was, a mouthful of his semen.

The consistency was weird, the taste salty, as I knew it would be, and the volume more than I had anticipated.

As he squirted the final drops out, I did my best to swallow it all, sucking him dry as he slowly removed his still erect dick from my mouth.


Contemplating what had happened occupied my thoughts - so much so that I realized I was, once again, alone in my bedsit. And as before, I had never heard my door open or close.

Was there anybody awake in the dormitory beyond my door who'd seem him enter or leave?

If so, did they know who it was?

Damn, would I ever know who it was, for that matter?

Should I have enjoyed it?

Did it mean I was gay after all? I didn't think so. After all, I'd been turned on by photos of naked women in the Playboys and Penthouses that were frequently shared around, but I could not recall ever being turned on or even attracted to a man before.

Or did it matter that I'd had my dick sucked by a male? After all, especially in the dark, the only thing that mattered was that I'd experienced a very enjoyable orgasm. Would being given a BJ by a woman be different? Maybe I'd find out one day.

But what about sucking his dick? I couldn't justify that in the same way, now could I? It was certainly a mouthful, in more ways than one, but was it disgusting or distasteful? No, perhaps not.

So many questions that kept me awake for a good hour or two.

Including one final question - would he ever return?

And as strange as it was for me to think it, I actually hoped he would.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago

Nice story I hope it continues on . Had a nice boner while reading it :)

Rwa4768Rwa4768almost 6 years ago

This is a hot story, I hope he returns.

63lsmith63lsmithalmost 6 years ago

Your story was very nice and true or not, I can easily see this happening. I think he will return and you will find out who it is. Please continue this story, it will be interesting to see where it goes.

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