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A King's Legacy Ch. 30

Story Info
Rust is after revenge. Tyfin and Aster choose their paths.
8.1k words

Part 29 of the 46 part series

Updated 05/27/2024
Created 01/21/2023
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A King's Legacy

Chapter 30: Aftershock

It was almost comical in a sense. All Stahl had wanted was some time alone with his human, and after it came in such a way, he wanted nothing more than for someone else to spot the smoke from his fire. He just wanted something besides such enduring silence after such a morbid task. He just wanted someone to talk to by that point... He was simply working up the courage to reach out first.

After the amputation, Stahl had successfully dressed the wound, stopping the bleeding and preventing the infection with the dressing. The wolf had cleaned the boy better afterwards, and dabbled the remaining salve over the multiple cuts and bruises littering Aster's body from the falling debris, holding him gently as he did so all the while. He put a heavy coat over the boy's back, where the tree branch had left bleeding welts as it raked across his spine in the chasm. Stahl had carefully dressed and tended to every single scratch with tender care, and finally even turned his attention to the four claw marks Oust had left on Aster's right shoulder.

Stahl had to pause and take a deep breath before examining them, knowing how poorly he had reacted the last time he had inspected the injury... Truthfully afraid that there may be some lingering part of himself that may feel that way again. Regardless, the wolf soon carefully examined the wounds, and found they were actually very shallow. There seemed to be no real sign of infection there, and it seemed the wound had been cleaned some beforehand, but Stahl wasn't taking any chances. He washed, and salved over these as well, moving delicately all the while as to not harm, nor wake his still sleeping mate. The beast changed these dressings daily, rinsing the used ones as best as he could.

When the wolf had finally finished tending to his lover, he laid him back down on the spongey moss near the waterfall, in a shaded spot beside a lush and green tree. The mist wasn't too heavy there, but it stayed nice and cool compared to most of the terrain they had endured on their journey. In truth, it would've been a great place for the pair to hide away from the world for a few days, given better circumstances... But Stahl was left alone here, and he could only keep his mind so busy for so long.

One of the first things he did was to build a fire, thankful for the skills his father and older brothers had shown him on past hunting trips. Stahl had an easy enough time sharpening a few spears from some smaller saplings, and was proving to have no trouble catching some fish every few hours to roast on skewers over the flames. He prepared two freshly caught ones every so often, ensuring Aster would have some food if he felt like eating when he awoke. The beast nibbled on his own fish a little here and there, but couldn't find much of an appetite for the most part.

The wolf had assembled a small lean-to near the tree, just in case they needed some quick shelter from any possible storms, but never had to use it. Stahl had been using a clean strip of cloth to transport some of the clear running water from the stream to make sure Aster drank a little every so often. When Stahl wasn't ensuring their basic needs were met, the wolf found himself laying next to the boy often, just staring at his mate, eager for him to awaken, but dreading it all the same...

Aster was at peace in that moment, but he wouldn't be for much longer. All the efforts the wolf could make to ease that process would likely amount to little, and Stahl knew this, but the wolf would do everything he could anyway. Stahl didn't want to see Aster give up like he had ever again, no matter what... He would see him through this, they would manage even this... Or at least he was hoping they could. Stahl was afraid Aster would hate him for it, and would even understand if that were the case... Stahl would leave if that's what Aster wanted, he would get him back to his family, and he would leave him alone if that's what it took... But he didn't ever want to leave his king.

Stahl had cried multiple times laying there next to his unconscious mate. The beast would nuzzle as closely as he could without disturbing the human too much, and he even managed to nod off to sleep for a bit a few times in the two days since everything happened, but mostly, Stahl could only think. He could only replay those events, his reaction, and that conversation over and over again in his head... And both that weight and perceived guilt paired with the uncertainty of Aster's condition was crushing every bit of that noble wolf's spirit. The foundation he had so carefully built had been reduced to a pile of pebbles, and the wolf just needed someone to talk to... Someone that may have answers to his questions... Someone that understood the worst parts of him, and always loved him anyway. Stahl just had to build up the courage to share such a terrible truth about himself first.

The beast had moved to the waterfall's edge, enjoying the rumbling roar of the cascade filling his ears. Stahl took a final heavy breath in, and exhaled slowly, tossing one last look over his shoulder back at Aster. The wolf closed his eyes, and spoke softly, praying the pair had moved close enough by now, even if just for a few seconds...

"Bearer of my blood, lend me your knowledge. Father, are you there?"

Silence. That's all that met his words. They were still too far apart, more so without a full moon anytime soon. The beast let out a defeated sigh, and tried for the next best thing, speaking a bit hesitantly.

"Bearer of my blood, lend me your knowledge. Sister, are you there?"

More silence greeted the young wolf, forcing another sigh from his maw as he accepted the fact that nobody was there to listen. Stahl and his sister Erden always got along well, and connected with each other often growing up. It was no secret Erden was the most level headed usually, so she was often the one to keep the peace in the family. When Silbern died, Erden retreated. Stahl understood, and he also understood why she went to live with their mother and youngest brother, so he didn't hold anything against her. Erden always respected Stahl's choices as well, so Stahl was really hoping he could get a little advice from her now, but it had been over two years since they really had a moment to speak so closely...

"Stahl?" The younger wolf jumped a bit at the sudden reply, not quite realizing his sister had connected their minds already. Stahl felt his heart throb, his fear at revealing so much suddenly returning. He desperately wanted to talk, but he desperately wanted to keep hiding as well... With a leap of courage, Stahl answered in kind.

"Hey Erdie... I'm sorry, is the strain too great for you?" Erden paused for a moment, and replied with a warmer tone.

"It's fine. You're close to the mountains, and that's about where my range usually ends. I can hold it for a few minutes... Stahl... What happened? I can feel how shaken you are." The younger brother felt his throat ache as it tightened up at the simple question. Tears stung at the corners of his eyes as the noble wolf simply lowered his head to the ground. When Stahl responded, Erden got a heavy dose of the pain behind those words.

"Erdie... I can't. I just... I need to tell you, and I need you to ask father something for me... But I just can't... I can't break until he's safe... And I can't tell you all that's happened without breaking again..." Erden did her best to comfort Stahl for a moment, never seeing him so low and defeated in her entire life. Stahl wasn't exaggerating, she could feel it... Her brother had been thoroughly beaten, and it was killing him... Something was wrong, but she couldn't see what happened, not without him letting her. As the prime user of their bloodskill, she could look anytime she wanted, but she always did her best to honor such boundaries. She answered as carefully as she could.

"Just show me then? I'll comb from the last time we spoke to now, if you'll allow me to... I know it's a lot, and I know its embarrassing and can tell that it's painful little brother, but please, let me do what I can?" Stahl didn't actually respond at first, and just did his best to hold his shit together as he tried to calm himself down. After a short while, the young knight finally answered his sister's request.

"Alright... Just... It's a lot, Erden... But please, I have to know, please talk to father..." Erden reassured her brother she would, and slowly tightened her focus. She reached out, and dove a bit deeper passed the surface into the young knight's memories. In a flash, she found the memory of the last moon, the last time they had all spoken. Everything from the battle at the orc village, to Rust's awakening, to the formation of the fault, to the amputation that followed after came flowing into her mind. She was processing all of that information at lightning speeds, feeling, seeing, and hearing everything her brother had all in the shortest moment. The true power of their bloodskill was always information, and Erden got a heavy crash course in catching up on things. Finally, with an audible gasp, she returned to the conversation at hand, speaking between panting breaths.

"By the gods... Stahl... Are, are you alright?" Stahl just kept his head lowered as he shook it slowly in answer.

"No... I'm really not... At all... But I need to know what Father knows in all of this... I need to know about this mercy that demon spoke of, and I need to know why both of them have now asked me to go north through the mountains... I need to know what he knows, but I can't reach him. I'm sorry to force all of that on you." Erden just brushed it off.

"Don't worry about it... I've had worse experiences with our family 'gift,' than some battles and arguments... I'll communicate all of this to Father, but it's a lot, so I may not be able to reach you with an answer for another day or two... Moving that many memories over such a distance will take more than I have left right now, more so without the full moon in play, so I'll reach for him as soon as I can hold the connection long enough... Is there anything you want me to keep hidden? There was a lot of personal stuff there..." Stahl shook his head once more in response as he answered.

"No, it's alright... I wouldn't mind some advice on that part too, if I'm being honest. He always had reliable guidance for us, despite anything else." Erden smiled half-heartedly as she replied.

"Yeah, he was always good at that... But you know, I wouldn't mind either... I can hold us for a while, so if you need to talk about Rust, your mate, or anything else, know that I am here for you, little brother... I won't comment too much on it, because I do realize how personal of a moment it was... But you really don't have to carry so many of our family's burdens..." Stahl actually chuckled a bit at that, noting the irony there.

"There's an idea... Next time I see my diplomatic sister that basically runs her entire town, I'll be sure to tell her." Erden laughed lightly in response before she corrected her brother.

"Your diplomatic sister who runs her entire region, thank you very much. I'm fond of my title as regent, it wasn't easy to earn as an unwed lady." Stahl poked back with a snicker.

"Oh I'm sure... How many proposals have you crushed now? Twenty? You think the guys would catch a hint by now..." Stahl could feel his sister glaring through their connection, and failed to stifle his laughter. Erden gave in, and just laughed with him for a moment. This was why they were always so close, they were truly more alike than any of the five Aschefell children. Erden did half mumble back her answer.

"I wish to be nobody's stepping stone to power. I don't need to marry only to have my voice overthrown by my husband's anytime any decision of real importance needs to be made... Also, it has only been twelve proposals, and I've turned each down as politely as possible..." Stahl smiled at the response. There couldn't be many males in the world that could ever handle his sister anyway... But Stahl did know something about why she really turned down those proposals.

"So... Still hoping he wakes up one day, simply brave enough to make a move?" Erden exhaled a short sigh as she replied honestly.

"Yeah... I'm starting to think he never will..." Stahl was snickering once more, when Erden questioned it, the younger brother blurted it out playfully.

"Well... You ARE pretty scary... Can't say I blame the poor coyote..." Erden steamed a bit as her brother poked his fun, but in truth, she realized how much he really needed this distraction. She realized how terribly wrong it had all gone for her little brother, and she would do whatever she could for him in that moment. Suddenly, Stahl replied a little more genuinely as his laughter faded off.

"In all seriousness, I'll take you up on that offer to talk for a while... I won't make you discuss the awkward, heavier stuff... But I really would appreciate that, Erdie... I just don't know what to do." Erden smiled softly, let out a small huff, and dove right in.

"Well, first thing's first I suppose... Let's talk about what you're going to do when your mate wakes up..."

Stahl's troubled mind finally found a bit of both relief, and direction that day as he talked a few things over with his sister... Not a moment too soon, either. Aster would awaken before the night fell upon the Earth once more, and the boy would need to borrow all of the light he could find.


"Is that the best you've got? I expected more after nearly two entire days of this, it is two against one, after all..." Sir Corper was quite obviously gloating, taunting both the fox, and the tiger over his string of steady victories. The bear was speaking in a mocking tone that was really starting to get on Rust's last damned nerve. The adolescent fox's ear almost never seemed to stop twitching in frustration over the course of his self assigned mission the last two days... The irritated cub shouted his response as he righted himself from where the bear had last tossed him, staggering to his feet as he healed his throbbing abdomen yet again.

"Says the one with a huge size advantage..." Sir Corper chuckled, staring the cub right in the eye as he responded.

"This is true... But I'm not the one determined to hit the bigger beast back, now am I?" Rust grumbled back something in response that would surely get him a berating from his mother had she heard it... Oust, on the other hand, was just silently panting in his position in the dirt, lying on his back as his sweat drenched body ached in place. His master wasn't pulling any punches, and somehow or another, the big cat had been drawn in on this odd little game the other two were playing. Sir Corper had pretty well been beating the shit out of that pair since the fox went looking for his revenge... And Oust had found himself right in the middle of some grueling training because of it, the bear hitting him nearly as hard as his father once had. Though, Rust was certainly having a wake-up call of his own.

His uncle had been holding back... Tremendously... Something the fox only truly realized the first time that bear had punched him in the gut. Sir Corper certainly wasn't using his full force by any means, but he was teaching the little fox a valuable lesson about the road to battle that he was on. It fucking hurt... Besides, the cub could heal himself, so it wasn't that big a deal to the bear if he tested his limits. Corper was honestly impressed, he figured Rust would've quit the first time he cracked one of the fox's ribs, but Rust simply cussed the bear, tended to his injuries, and came right back time and time again. Even so, the bear had something he needed to say.

"Are you starting to see? Your uncle was right about what he told you... It's a hard road, the path of a warrior. I can see you've got the guts, and I can see you've got the heart, but do you have the commitment? You're years behind where you should be, little cub. You've got a lot of catching up to do, and you've got a lot of improvements to make. Can you handle all of that catching up while you train with the strong? Or do I need to ease up on you? I could start you out with the basics if you'd prefer?" Rust narrowed his eyes and tightened his fists as his resolve was reborn once again. The little fox spoke calmly.

"Mark." He flashed away from the bear's view, leaving the older, retired knight smirking softly afterwards. The cub was learning quickly, so all the bear really needed to do was give him something to punch at. Rust was adjusting his techniques, and learning slowly but surely what would, and wouldn't work, all on his own. He was analyzing his opponent, he was learning how his opponent moved and he was making incredible progress. Rust was finding his rhythm, and Corper was hoping the fox could help the tiger find his own along the way. A movement to his left caught the bear's attention for the shortest moment.

Corper reached out, and snatched a hold of a hurtling stone, catching it easily in his fist. A snapping twig behind him was all the bear needed to snag another victory. Sir Corper turned quickly, flinging the stone in his grasp with startling accuracy towards the fox running directly towards him a few paces away. Using the cub's own tactic, Corper successfully pegged the fox right between the eyes. Rust yelped immediately when the stone found its mark, faltering in his charge as he reached up to cradle the injury. The adolescent's eyes went wide as he realized his grave error. He frantically spoke his trigger, knowing he had to get out of range.

"Ma-" Faster than the fox could even speak, Sir Corper stepped forward, and latched a hand around Rust's muzzle, silencing him immediately with a move almost like an uppercut. As those sparkly blue eyes went wide with realization, the bear could only smirk just the slightest bit. In truth, the knight had missed training new recruits, especially when he got to pick his students.

Sir Corper lifted the fox off the ground easily by his grip, Rust squirming to break free before the impending assault came. The bear had made it very clear what the penalty for getting caught was, after all. Three quick taps against Rust's ribcage came in rapid succession, making him whine through his clamped-shut muzzle. Corper had merely been popping him lightly with a single knuckle, for the most part, but each strike left a throbbing reminder not to get caught again on the little fox. Sir Corper turned, and paused for a second, making the trajectory quite clear to the adolescent before he threw him right towards a thorn bush. As Rust was tossed through the air, he yelled out his trigger before he ever made the rough landing.

"Mark!" Rust hit the ground on the other side of the bear rolling from the force, ending up just a few steps away from Oust, who was still pretty well assuming he was going to die soon from the bear's painful strikes. Rust curled up into a fetal position, clutching at his sides with a twisted snarl of pain on his muzzle... The poor cub was even tucking his tail as he could only seethe in the stinging pain. Eventually, Rust did get his mind clear enough to heal the injuries, and shakily stood, panting desperately as he simply eyed down the cocky bear before him once again. There was no way he was giving up... Not after all of this...

Rust stepped over to Oust, and squatted down to heal the tiger. Rust had whispered something very quietly to Oust as he healed him, taking full advantage of his partner's excellent hearing to keep whatever tactic they were discussing a secret.

Corper turned back towards the pair, and gave them a moment to get their scheme together. The bear was hopeful, the few times they had actually worked together, they had come dangerously close to actually landing a hit on him. It seemed that little fox was just full of ideas... He was going to be quite the threat on any battlefield at this rate, if that bear had anything to do with it anyway. Corper was surprised when the little fox turned back towards him, and spoke as if it were a decided matter."cfnm literotica"LANCE AND HONEY ON A VACATION SEX STORIESxhamster stories literotica priestercuckqueenreal chat ex gangbang group literotica awkward moment with boss literoticadirectoire knickers storiesdelhi daredevilry naked outdoor sex storyWidow fuck by stranger literoca storiesroommate feels his balls as he fucks meliterotica audioAccidental Penetrations taboo grandpa/s/watching-mom-and-her-lover?page=2milf oggling big stud, liternticaiterotica i saw my naked brotherliteritica gay learning to make love first timeJanitor fuck his boss wife xxx story"literotica new"family ritual literoricaMy son fucks me next to my daughter sex stories/ i.literoticayou grope your cock between my ass.i feel it so hot in my ass/erotic couplings/"bdsm sex""cock worship""try not to cum"Tongue kisser dushtu golpo"just like her mother " literoticaI found my son peeping at me in pussy storya horny and despicable incestious whore taboo sexstoriesliterotica mom son taboo inzest geschichten combest sex stories by shipratliterotica gentle touch in a full busLOST INNOCENCE PT. 05 literoticataboo loving aunt storiesrcscrudato"men sucking cock""literotica audio"litrotica therapist mind controll favoritesliterotica interracial boss sontailor literotica storiespeeping dirty panty literotica"incest porn stories"sister suppository embarassed literoticsliterotika steffi25"Literotical" sylvia final fling with brother and dad before weddingprison latex gloves literotica bend"group sex"themanred storieslyricsmaster family pregnant"lesbian bdsm"mind control karl incestlesbian football sex stories"illustrated erotic stories"literoticanewmrs catjaLiteritica interrical Ice Queen"mutual masturbation"bestiality knocked up story porn"free erotic stories""nude dancing""literotica mom"cmnf vacation storyJanitor fuck his boss wife xxx storynaive virgin in a bar litoricaliterotica cum through navel mind control"incest fuck stories"feeldoe"literotica mom"Son put a microchip in his mother litertica"mixed wrestling"prince and princess taboo sexstoriesjohnnieblue44Daughter wearing tight shorts incest stories"wonder woman naked"emma watson balling in bali part 2Sex Story Sleepwalking mom by BigZeke In complete Chapters Expanding foam literotica"audio sex stories"fever incest lerotica"demonic tutor"A story mom and son fuck in back seatforced nudity waitress story "literotixa""literotica enf"/s/my-sweet-nephew"loving wives literotica""literotica crossdressing"DrMac100Spy lirotica