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A Loser Rebounds Ch. 17

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Andy gains his doctorate and gets job and sex offers.
5.6k words

Part 17 of the 17 part series

Updated 11/01/2022
Created 07/20/2011
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Andy walked into the main office of Loop-a-Doo Public Relations Consultants Ltd at 5:30 for the meeting where everyone employed there would hear the dreaded news. He fancied he could smell fear in the air.

The CEO Toby Collins announced, "Attention everyone, this is Mr Andy Ash, who is to deliver the bad news as part of JCA's need to restructure in order to survive in this dog-eats-dog world of advertising and the growing disloyalty of clients."

There was silence as Andy walked to the rostrum. "Hi everyone, my job had been to get JCA up and going again. This subsidiary has been particularly had hit because in a severe economic downtown clients tend to quickly put their wallets away when it comes to spending on public relations, promotion and events organizing. In plain words, for some months this section of the business has been eating its head off. My job is to retrench, reorganize and send the business of JCA back on to the road to profitability. The board has given me powers to achieve this and I am forced to be ruthless and let some of you go. Those people who are going earlier today received their letters of a suggested exit plan. I suggest your people leave this meeting now to avoid additional stress. The company regrets the fact that it has come to this and you who have received that bad news have been asked in that letter to carry on to finish work in hand and to immediately make an appointment with my department to discuss your exit."

The grim-faced Toby Collins led out thirteen other people. Some of them were weeping and two shouted, expressing their hurt, but were ignored. For once Andy didn't have a ready smile.

Andy addressed the eighteen remaining people.

"What you have just witness is the dirty end of business but at times it happens. Some of you may decide to leave us but of course that's your choice. I need to tell you that in my analysis JCA needs its public relations and special projects crew more than ever. In better economic times the income stream this subsidiary has been generating was significant and with costs trimmed and downsizing of human resources in the face of current reduce demand for services, PR will remain vital to JCA's client appeal. The partners of JCA are now very much aware of these adjustments and the flow-on effects now they have viewed our new business plan."

"Your operation in this building ceases from this Friday and on Monday you guys will have your own floor in the building JCA occupies, the floor immediately below the first floor of advertising business. Those premises are being renovated as we speak to my specifications because I know how a tightly-knit PR operation works. I approached Kate Gates late yesterday and I'm delighted to announce Mrs Gates has accepted the title and responsibility of director of JCA PR division. Regrettably your section's distinctive name of Loop-A-Doodle Do is buried in this reform. In my view this gives your department wider appeal that stretches far beyond the Loop."

"Salaries and conditions remain the same but each of you will be paid a $300 relocation payment as an apology from JCA in recognition of the upset this reform might have caused; it may have been an anxious time for some of you. I now believe we have one of the best PR teams in all of Illinois and it's up to Kate to massage the talent out of you guys. That's all from me. I now invite questions or comments and expect you to be frank."

"I'm Mary, began one of the newer recruits...."

After almost an hour of questions and comments, Andy was sure the concerns about their ongoing employment had reduced, and in some instances would have evaporated for some of the remaining crew.

With some of the pressure lifting off him, Andy was back on track with his studies, helped by visiting Alicia only twice a week. On Saturday mornings he continued to meet with a peer study group in the city. The seven online students were all studying for the qualification of Doctor of Management Organizational Leadership and periodically an associate professor from the university traveled to Chicago for one or two-day intense lectures and discussion at the university's study center in the Loop.

* * *

Andy loved Karen although not showing the intensity of bonding that Addison did and he couldn't believe how the doting grandmother, Emily, had become so kind to him, no doubt keen not to upset him in any way to risk having Karen removed from her life. Karen was the only one of the three grandchildren that Emily had attended the birth and Addison said that counted a lot but the father said defensively that his daughter was the best looking and cuties of the three babies.

"But you haven't seen my two nieces, only photos."

"That doesn't matter Addison, he replied illogically. "I just know."

At last Addison and Karen arrived at the apartment to live and when the date for that had been arranged, Andy had severed his relationship amicably with Alicia.

Karen didn't appear to mind she was placed in her own bedroom for the first time. The problem was Addison fretting Karen wasn't in the same room with her and she wept and finally Andy growled to shut up and go to sleep.

That little hiccup cured itself within two nights and Addison celebrated by jerking Andy over her tits, unaware that had made Andy bond to her gain. They had light penetration two nights later and within a week were banging away as well as they had in the past.

"God you haven't lost your technique. I guess you found someone to hump while I was out of action?"

Of course he lied and she had the nous to take it no further.

In the following three months, Andy and the three partners met each day at 4:00 in the boardroom and worked for at least two hours examining every aspect of the business. They had a timetable and before they began to review the activity of a particular department of the business, Andy and his assistant Felicity would have spent at least four hours discussing the team and performance with the head of that section.

The partners and Andy would then look closely at the director or manager's summarized views of how his/her section was operating, review the stated strengths and weaknesses and discuss the possible improvements within that department.

Before long it became accepted that the company had hired trained people and then had done little beyond tokenism in on-going education to advance the knowledge and lift the skills of its workforce.

Andy didn't have to say to the partners they hadn't been doing their job because they acknowledged that in their admissions. They agreed that when this comprehensive review was completed, Andy and Felicity must work with each section head to devise a formal training regime.

It also became apparent the partners spend a great deal of time with principal clients and that posed a problem for Andy: if that wasn't done or that time spent with clients was reduced significantly, what effect would that have on the company? How does one place a value on goodwill? He thought that could be part of his research for his degree course dissertation. He intended beginning his dissertation fulltime when his contract with JCA ended.

This increased contract with the partners also increased Andy's contact with Jan the managing partner because there were always follow-ups from their daily joint meeting to pursue. Jan and Andy began having lunch at a nearby café as often as three times a week and although her hard-eyed look didn't soften, it became obvious to them they'd become friends.

Jan invited Andy and Addison to her place for lunch one Saturday and Emily jumped at the chance to come into the city and mind Karen and she did that again when Andy and Addison left the city with Jan and her husband David to spend the weekend at the Thomas's cabin in the country. David was a university associate professor in psychology and he and Andy got along okay although Andy regarded him as a cold fish.

He and Jan misbehaved when David and Addison went to the nearby town to buy provisions that Jan needed. Jan was still in bed and Andy worked away reading material as part of his academic studies. Eventually he went for a pee. Similar assuming Jan was still in bed he pushed opened the door and walked into the only bathroom and found fully nude Jan facing him.

She eyed him and jiggled her breasts and said, "Oh good morning, what do you think of these for an old girl?"

Probably it was to cover his embarrassment but Andy couldn't remember afterwards if he'd answered that question. He could recall he moved in and said, "May I touch?"

Jan simply looked at him and so Andy took that as a yes and jiggled them. She lifted up her face to be kissed and it was all on. She dropped to her knees and, unzipping him, pulled his flaccid dick into her mouth and Marco rose to the occasion.

Jan spluttered and puffed, "My goodness, you're well stacked."

Andy liked that despite thinking that was something guys said to females.

She worked on him until he came into her mouth and she spat out that semen into the bath and she asked, "What now?"

"Lean over the bath."

"Oh no, not anal."

"There's no thought of that," he said, aware he wasn't wearing a condom. He spat into his hand and polished his dick and slid into her rather dry pussy that took him with ease.

As they banged away, Andy thought that Jan, aged fifty-four, was the oldest women he'd ever fucked. It was better than he'd expected. Although she had some wrinkles forming, none networked over her breasts and her cunt was very like most others he'd plowed and that was quite a finding.

She came hugely and he came and she said, "Well I had been wondered if you could satisfy a woman and having released hugely, my biggest in years, I guess that's my answer. However I don't think we need to do this again."

Mean bitch, thinking selfishly, Andy sighed and cleaned up and went boating on the lake. He was paddling back from about half-mile down the lake when the others arrived back from shopping. Jan, David and Addison were having coffee on the lawn under an umbrella when he came ashore and pulled the kayak up on to the grass.

The remainder of the weekend went smoothly, with a great dinner party on Saturday night. Jan and David had invited a couple from a cabin half a mile away who arrived with three bottles of French champagne.

* * *

One evening after beginning his eighth month with JCA, Andy was nursing Karen who'd gone to sleep in his arms. He broke the news to Addison his work was almost finished with the company.

"We are well back into profitability. The partners got their company credit cards back last month and on Friday Jan announced I'd agreed they could lease cars again and this week section directors and managers get their company credit cards back. I told Jan today I reckon I should finish up on about the 18th or 20th of this month."

"And then what?"

"Well I have a year's study ahead of me. I would like to stay handy to the Loop because I meet my peer collaboration group here each Saturday."

"What about somewhere near mom and then I could go to work and leave Karen with her."

"She might object?"

"Oh yeah? On days when she has other commitments, you could do your goo-goo, ga-ga thing with your little princess, couldn't you?"

"Yeah I suppose so."


"Yes, I'd love that. I doubt if Emily would be tied up all day. You need my support to get back to work."

"Thank you darling. That makes me more confident about returning to work."

They went apartment hunting as soon as Addison found work. She'd gone to the final interviews of the top three candidates and won the position as assistant admin manager of a large furniture rental business that operated only in Lincoln Park.

The next weekend Addison, Karen and Andy went apartment hunting with an agent and while they wanted something very modern, they ended up with a large older condo on the top floor of a 4-level plus basement garage in a quiet neighborhood within a few minutes' drive from her parents' home. It had a 20 ft. cathedral ceiling in the living dining area, a separate kitchen and half-bathroom on the lower level and two bedrooms and shared bathroom on the mezzanine floor. The monthly rental was $2600 and because it had views of Lincoln Park and Lake Michigan and was so roomy, although in need of renovation. They took if after the management company agreed to immediately have the kitchen and living area walls and ceilings repainted and the hardwood floors of the living room/dining room and entry renovated.

"In that case we are getting value for our rental," Addison asserted, although Andy didn't really care because they had plenty of money. The rental for a modern apartment he'd really liked had been $4250, so he believed he'd already saved heaps by lowering his sights.

They purchased a small car for Karen when they took over the apartment a week after Andy's work with JCA ended, up to four months earlier than original expected. He received the full $300,000 bonus plus a gold watch from the chairman (the largest stockholder) and three partners.

A farewell party was held at a restaurant for section heads, the partners and wives/partners. Daniel Wiseman, senior art director when speaking on behalf of section heads, presented Andy with a voucher for a 'luxury pamper' for two nights at one of Chicago's top hotels, paid for by donations from section directors, managers and staff.

"You arrived here as 'Hatchet Man' and depart as a hero Andy, having rebuilt and got this company's operation back on track and heading toward good profitability."

Addison wept, feeling so proud of her husband. Earlier in the day Andy had given Maria and Felicity gifts in recognition of them in sticking with him, especially in covering the nasty yards in the first two weeks of the rebuilt when people had to be let go.

He left the company totally satisfied with his efforts plus with the support he'd received, and hoped the partners wouldn't mess up again.

Next day Andy and family caught a flight see his family and there was great excitement at the airport at Gillette with 'the other' grandmother seeing her first grandchild for the first time. Andy's much younger sister Susie had come home from college especially meet baby Karen. It wasn't difficult to tell who was the most excited, Grandma Irene or Aunt Susie. Susie had great difficulty leaving Karen's side in the short time she was home and Karen, long weaned, slept in Susie's bedroom that only night Susie was home. Susie had bonded with Karen but Addison had really bonded with Susie for displaying such over-the-top interest in her niece.

When the women and Karen went to town and Andy's father went off to help a neighbor, Andy took the opportunity to visit the Williams' because his mom had said Angelina was home. He went having no intention of having sex with his onetime girlfriend and just as well. Her mom Amy still looked good but Angelina had 'gone to pack'. She had a double-chin, and thick upper arms and the extra weight around her midriff and butt made her appear, well, unattractive. Her small boy wanted nothing to do with Andy and was whining constantly about going home. When Andy picked up the younger child, she vomited, just missing him.

Andy didn't stay long. Amy said they'd all be over later to see his daughter and wife.

In the aircraft heading back to Chicago, Addison and Karen asleep and both looking beautiful, Andy sighed and thought once again ranch life wasn't for him. It was too isolated and involved too much routine for his liking. So what was he? Basically he was someone right in the middle of action that more often than not required off-the-wall decisions.

So he was a businessman?

Andy thought back on his checkered career and winced and then grinned, thinking it could be called a sexy career with all that up and down momentum. He decided he was a businessman with no fixed abode... a nomad businessman. He had no quarrel with that term. He decided that next day he'd buy a Jogger Stroller because Karen was holding her head up strongly and beginning to sit without falling over. The question was to wait for Addison's approval of such a purchase and risk having the proposal vetoed?

Andy waited until Addison stirred and asked sleepily where were they? He ignored that and said they should buy a Jogger Stroller.

"Good idea. You could then run her over to mom on the way to the station when you wish to go to the city or visit a girlfriend.

She yawned.

What the hell? He said indignantly, "Girlfriend?"

"I really don't mind Andy. Just leave it."

But he hadn't had it off with anyone else since Addison and Karen had moved into the apartment with him. This was so unfair.

"But there isn't anyone," he protested.

"I know darling but hot pussy does tend to pop up for you."

He didn't know what to say. Perhaps honesty might help.

"Yes you're right."

"There you go. Even I feel better that you said that. About the Jogger, what color are you thinking because I will be seen using it at times."

"Shall we go with Karen and choose it?"

"Oh lovely. You are so considerate to me."

Andy had Karen all next day and got organized for intense study while she was sleep or not eager for attention. As soon as Addison phoned late afternoon that she was on her way home to collect them, Andy got Karen ready and took her down to the lobby to wait for the arrival of mommy in the black Ford Fiesta hatchback.

He waited patiently, as he'd taught himself to do, while mommy fussed over baby. Andy knew it was important for Addison to lock back into being a mother and for Karen to regain recognition after the six and a half-hour break (Addison worked six hours a day).

The parents purchased a black stroller, the only color they could agree on. Andy grinned thinking Addison had wanted a flat pastel pink while his top preference had been high-gloss bright yellow for high visibility. But matt black was great. She'd chosen high-glass black but he made the switch when she wasn't looking.

Seven days a week, weather and other commitments permitting, daddy and baby would set off at 9:00 and return by 10:30 on a run that avoided heavy traffic fumes and then into the big park where they'd stop at the swings where two of the swings had kiddy safety frames. Karen quickly became big into swings and initially would bawl when lifted out but gradually that changed into sullen acceptance that her highlight of the day until mommy's return home was over.

Andy often saw other fathers, and mothers or child-minders with high-speed Baby/Infant Joggers and, with nothing much else on his mind beyond Karen's safely, he began thinking of which of those women would be good to fuck.

To his disappointment he failed to come up with a top-runner in his selection... but one morning and athletic-looking woman with loosely clad jumping tits headed his way in the park.

He almost ejaculated. Well that was only his wishful thinking. Oh boy, she was top-runner.

"Hi," he greeted, attempting to keep the wolf out of his smile.

"Great morning," she smiled and waved.

Well they were the two best guys on the run, Andy thought immodestly. So why wouldn't she twist her bouncing boobs toward him when she showed him all her teeth in that great smile?

He then thought she could be a cop out to catch motherfuckers like him.

That thought was a big deterrent and Andy's fire died.

Next day Andy was placing Karen into the swing's safety frame when Mrs Gorgeous came up beside him and placed her sleepy-looking young guy in the frame next to Karen.

After the exchange of greetings, Mrs Gorgeous said, "I hope you don't mind me standing so close but these are the only two swings for infants. I'm very sweaty."

"Do you sweat when you have sex?"


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