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A Love Story: Quentin and Kiana


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Ja'Mal scented as did the other wolves and they growled. They had no idea who this guy was. Ja'Mal suspected, but he ordered his pack to stand down. This man, this dark were, did not belong here.

Love, what's wrong? Kerri sent.

Ja'Mal, Logan? Betty questioned.

The stranger stood and faced the men. He was nervous but he had a mission. "My name is Ryelle Jackson. I am looking for my sister and her son." Ryelle answered. He saw recognition dawn in the eyes of his nephew. Father would be proud of him if he ever got the chance to meet him.

"My mother is of no concern for you. You need to leave now." Ja'Mal growled.

Ryelle faced his nephew, the Alpha father spoke of. He was young, but strong. He was lighter than most, but that was understandable. If he was here then Abettia was near. He needed to see his sister so he decided to just call her. Reaching through his long, unused bonds. Ryelle called out to his sister. Abettia, please tell me you can hear me.

Inside the chief's home. Betty was reassuring Mia when her brother's voice came through.

Ryelle she replied. "Mia, everyone, excuse me. Bria, will you watch the twins. I'll be right back. She rushed outside to where the men were gathered and for the first time in almost fifty years, she lay eyes on her brother.

Meanwhile, Chief Joe took control and tempers calmed down. Ja'Mal knew they could not fight this man, so he extended an olive branch. Ryelle would stay at the den during the duration of his visit. Betty joined them and her mate stopped her. After reassuring Logan, she spoke with her brother.

Everyone returned to the chief's where everyone was waiting. Betty was talking with Ryelle and Ja'Mal refused to leave her side.

Soon, Betty, Jamal, and Ryelle joined everyone else. Kerri joined her mate who introduced her to his uncle. Ryelle was polite, quiet. Pastor Henry joined him and then he relaxed.

Soon, things went back to normal with the males still eyeing the interloper carefully. Ryelle, volunteered to help set up games and tables for the picnic later that day. Soon, Mia needed to move, so she went for a short walk. Isla joined her and they talked. Mia had an important question for her best friend.

"Isla, I know this is unusual, but I want to ask that you and Brett step in for my son if anything happens to Oman and me. I know I am supposed to pick someone else as a God mother, but I pick you." Mia exhaled. "Do you think people would be upset?" She asked.

Isla smiled, "Mia, I am here for you and my brother no matter what. I will always look out for my nephew. You don't have to ask. As for Godmother, you must chose who you're comfortable with and I am honored that you asked me. Now, in seven months, you need to be ready to give me an answer." Isla whispered.

"Oh my goodness, really? Oh Isla, what did Brett say?" Mia asked.

Isla laughed, "I haven't told him. I will tonight. Besides, it was just confirmed two days ago. I'm still adjusting." She laughed as her friend hugged her.

Soon they walked back and Oman checked on her immediately causing her and Isla to roll their eyes.

Everyone talked, as a dark blue sedan drove up. Mia saw the car, her heart raced. She stood to go outside, but Oman stopped her. Andrew and Snake walked out. Earl and Bria went with them. A tall man with tats similar to Snakes' climbed out of the car and walked to the passenger side.

Mia stood transfixed and held her breath. The man opened the door and helped the beautiful young woman out. "Kiana!" Mia gasped as she rushed to hug her sister. A beautiful exotic girl exited the car. Her skin bronzed and her hair black as night. She was dressed in a simple dress and low heels. Her eyes big with fear and tears cascaded down her cheeks at the sight of her beloved sister.

She cried through her tears as Mia, at six months pregnant, waddled towards her gabbing her in a bear hug so tight that she knew she would never be alone again. Oman wept for his wife. He knew her sister well through the stories Mia shared with him. This was the one gift he was glad she finally received, and he would do everything he could to keep her sister here.

Seeing her sister rush toward her, Kiana , whispered "Mia" and they embraced. Kiana bellowed a cry of pain and despair so mournful, that it broke everyone's heart. Quentin wanted to stop her pain. For over a year she never cried like this. She never sobbed so hard, but her sister was right their holding her up as she released her pain. Oman joined his mate and he held both women. He said the only thing he could think of and that was "Kiana, welcome home. You are home now."

Quentin knew this girl was beautiful, but now with her sister, something came alive in her. She was beautiful, but here with her sister she was even more magnificent. Snake asked him how was the flight, he answered but he was focused on Kiana.

Mia held her sister until she calmed. Then the questions started. Mia no longer cared, her sister, Kiana was back home. In a few months, she'd be bringing home her son. Her mate was here and they were happy. Life was good, and she thanked the Gods for giving her such a wondrous gift.

Quentin watched Kiana carefully. Any sign of distress, and they were leaving. He realized that Oman was speaking. "Where are you staying. You and Kiana are both welcomed to stay with us."

"Thanks, let me see what Kiana wants to do. I know she was nervous about coming here." Quentin replied.

Jacob growled, Quentin was not human. He was not surprised, wolves lived amongst humans all of the time. But still he was the second strange male to enter their territory in the last few hours. He watched him closely.

You'd have to be blind, slow, and clueless not to see what he saw. Kiana was his mate, and he was not budging. Noting the situation, Jacob alerted Ja'Mal and Marcus. The alpha and head beta would handle the situation if a need arose.

Mia held on to her sister as the men set up for the cookout. Oman hovered and Mia ordered him out. She wanted time with her sisters. Betty looked for her brother, and saw he was ok. She then joined the women in their festivities.

Soon Kiana needed a minute. She walked off and Quentin joined her immediately. "Are you alright? We can go." He suggested.

Kiana smiled, "No, I'm fine. She is so happy here and she's having a baby in a few months. Her husband, Oman, is wonderful. You know he told me that I'm home. I wish... I can't stay here."

"Why not? If this is where you want to stay, then this is where we will stay." Quentin declared. Kiana gasped. "We?" She asked.

"Yes, I just found you Kiana, and I hope you can one day see me as more than a friend." He whispered.

Kiana sighed. "Quentin, you deserve someone better. I'm not good enough. When I was held captive, the men..." She looked away.

"Kiana, I know you went through hell." He exhaled. "We were told that everyone died. When Snake called, I had to find you all. You were Americans and we never leave anyone behind. The first moment I scented, um, found you, I knew you were mine and I had to find you. Now that I have, I never want to be without you."

Kiana paused. "I don't know Quentin. We can be friends. Can you be my friend?" she asked.

Quentin realized that she still needed time so he smiled, "I am your friend girl. I'll always be your friend. Now, friend, let's head back inside before your sister sends out a search party for us." He laughed as Brett joined them asking was everything OK. Smiling, the three went back to the gathering.

Mia quickly grabbed her sister, making her sit beside her. As she opened baby gifts, everyone laughed and cheered. Kiana was truly happy for Mia and for the first time in a longtime, she felt content. Soon everyone ate, and the crowd started to dwindle.

Quentin asked about a hotel when Mia gasped. "We have room, Kiana can sleep in the guest room and Quentin, and we can make room for you in our living room." She stammered. She essentially told the man he'd sleep on the couch. Quentin protested and Kiana moved to his side. It was then he realized that she would follow him. She needed her sister, but over the last year she'd come to rely heavily on him. He never noticed before now.

Smiling he answered, "Mia and Oman, I'd be honored to bunk in your living room." Kiana relaxed. She wanted moiré than anything to stay with her sister, but something in her needed Quentin at her side, This action did not go unnoticed be the wolves, If any had doubts, they were eliminated. She knew him. Although she was probably unaware of his true nature, some primal part of psyche recognized Quentin as her mate.

Soon, everyone had gone except Chief Joe. He needed to speak to Kiana. Although they were different tribes, he had a responsibility as an elder leader. Each leader would help their fellow man no matter which tribe they were from. Chief Joe frowned at the beautiful girl. The scar across her face was a reminder of the mistreatment she suffered. Kiana noticing his scowl, backed away. Quentin was alerted immediately.

The chief smiled, "Once when Sunnet was a lass; she decided she wanted a pet cat. Not just any cat, but a bobcat. We had many wildcats around and my daughter in her seven years of wisdom decided to catch one." He chuckled. "She was not alone. Several of the kids from our village went with her. They cornered two cats in a cave. Well those beasts went wild and no one escaped unscathed. Sunnet was scratched clear across her forehead, a nasty gash. It healed, and now no one notices it. Your scar to will one day be unnoticed. You are too beautiful for even the smallest blemish to destroy." He then kissed her forehead, and Kiana felt a sense of warmth, acceptance. Chief Joe then bid them goodnight and went home.

Kiana stood slack-jawed, watching the kind older gentleman walk away. Quentin chuckled, "Um, babe I know what I said about being friends, but I will go after that old guy if he tries to get your attention."

Kiana shoved him and giggled, "Stop it. You'd better not mess with Chief Joe."

Chief Joe heard the exchange and smiled to himself. Kiana was home now. All he had to do was get the pack to accept her mate. First, she had to know she was home. Then convince her mate to stay. Quentin was a loner, and he suspected that he was not part of any local pack. He would pray that Ja'Mal and Marcus would accept him. Then his thoughts turned to the dark were that arrived unannounced, Oman had warned him, but he sensed no real animosity in him. He would wait, watch, and see.

Kiana and Quentin went inside with Oman and Min. Oman ordered his wife to rest and he would put everything away. Mia started to protest when Kiana asked to see her room. Mia smiled and took her sister to the guest room. As he two women chatted, Quentin helped Oman place their gifts in the nursery. Oman liked Quentin immediately.

"Well, let me get you some blankets and a pillow. The bathroom is here and there are towels on the rack. Look, I want to thank you for bringing Kiana home. I've never seen Mia so happy. You have given my wife the most precious gift of all. You gave her back a missing piece of her heart," Oman expressed.

Quentin spoke solemnly, "She came back to her sister. She fought like hell to get here. I will always do what I must to make her happy. She's mine... I mean she's my friend." He covered.

Oman laughed, "She's your mate, you mean. I know you are werewolf. I also understand the pull of a mate. I knew Mia was it for me in an instant. After Russell assaulted her, and she was ..." Oman stopped; Quentin was growling.

"Did you kill him?" he demanded.

"No, humans can't just kill people. He went to jail. He'll never come near her or my sister again." Oman declared emphatically.

Quentin was still growling when Kiana came back in with Mia. She froze and he could scent her fear. Her fear forced him to calm down as he moved to hold her close.

What is it? What's wrong?" Kiana asked.

"It's nothing. Oman was just sharing..." Quentin stopped as Mia glared at her husband.

"Oman, he is locked up. He can't hurt us again." Mia whispered, hugging her husband.

"Who hurt you?" Kiana demanded. Quentin pulled her into him, using his touch to calm her.

Mia smiled, "It's the story of how I got to know my wonderful husband. I'll share later, ok."

Kiana still looked upset, but her sister was happy now. They both said this guy was gone. So for now, she'd enjoy getting to know her little sister again.

Mia was so excited that she could not sleep. Oman lay beside her as she prattled on and on about Kiana's return. Finally she took a breath. "Oman, do you think we can convince Kiana to move here? It's been years, I know, but she needs me. I owe her so much. She sacrificed for me. I want her here where we can know she is safe."

Oman smiled. "Love, we can talk to her, but it seems that she might have other plans." He explained.

"Oh, Quentin you mean." Mia exhaled. "I like him. He's really nice. Maybe he'd want to live here too."

Meanwhile, Quentin listen to the couple talk. He knew Mia would not want Kiana to leave. He smiled. They liked him at least. Soon, Oman told his wife to rest, and she drifted off. He needed to check on Kiana. Rising from the sofa, he crept to her door. Kiana heard him and opened the door letting him in. "Are you OK? I'll take the couch if it's too..." Kiana offered.

"No, I'm fine. I was checking on you. Are you OK?" he queried.

Kiana smiled and his heart skipped a beat. "Yes, she is amazing. We were so small when Momma and Daddy were killed. I had to protect her. We hid in alleys, abandoned buildings. Then I got caught shoplifting and the state took her. I was almost eighteen, so they gave me a warning. They released her in my care with supervision. One night, I was with my boyfriend and well, I was stupid. They got me again and she was put in foster care. The judge told me he would give me a chance and I chose the Air Force. I put Mia down for all of my benefits and each month she got a check. Then we were captured. She had to survive without me, and she did. She has a degree and is now married and will have her own baby soon. I missed so much. I don't want to miss anything else." Kiana concluded.

Quentin had never heard her talk so much. Over the year that she recovered, she was often quiet, reserved. But here, with Mia, she was gregarious, outspoken, and jubilant. "Kiana, yes, we can move here with your sister." He replied.

She moved so quickly and hugged him. He caught her, holding her close. His heart pounded and he knew she could feel it. There in the soft light of her sister's home, he gave in to the one desire he held secret. He lifted her chin, and covered her lips with his. Her lips were so soft, so perfect. Kiana melted into him, holding him close. Unconsciously, she parted her lips as his tongue massaged hers with rigor.

She felt marvelous in his arms. He never thought he'd ever taste her so soon, hold her so close. Soon she froze and he released her. "I'm sorry, Quentin. I didn't,," she stammered.

"No, I care about you Kiana. Never apologize for responding to me. One day, when you realize what you mean to me, I can tell you what I truly feel." He whispered. Kiana pulled back. She didn't want to lead him on. Besides, if he ever saw what she really looked like, he'd be repulsed. Her body was horrid. The scar on her face was bad, but her stomach and back, No one could see.

Quentin could sense that she had pulled back. "It's OK. Right now, I'm just a friend."

Turning away, Kiana walked to the window and looked out into the night. What was I thinking? He just feels sorry for me. I need to get control of myself.

Quentin cleared his throat. "Kiana, I'll talk to you him the morning, alright." He whispered and then he returned to the living room. Kiana went back to bed nervous. She hoped that she had not ruined her friendship with the only person she had trusted in a long time.

Mia was up early. She had to make breakfast. She had guest. She recalled her time at the Graves , Mrs. Bria always made breakfast. As Mia moved around the kitchen, Quentin joined her. "Are you sure you need to be up doing this?" he asked startling her.

"Quentin, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to wake you." Mia whispered.

"No problem. Sit, I'm making breakfast. Just tell me where everything is." Mia started to protest when Quentin spoke.

"I'm trying to win bonus points with your sister. If I cook for her she might be impressed, and I know Oman will approved. I know he doesn't want you stressing yourself. So play along and help me look like a saint, Ok." He teased as he winked. Mia laughed and told him where everything was.

Soon, Oman emerged dressed for work as he greeted his love. Kiana came out and everyone ate breakfast. "Mia, it was delicious." Kiana boasted.

"Um, Kiana, I didn't cook; Quentin did." Oman looked surprised and smiled.

"Thanks man." He stated. "She wants to be superwoman. I'm glad you helped her."

"No problem. I've been trying to cook for Kiana for months, so it wasn't all altruistic." He teased.

"You sneak. It was fantastic." Kiana replied. Quentin smirked. Quentin had to talk with the alpha. He needed time, and Oman suspected that Ja'Mal wanted to see him. So he covered by asking him to drive him to the garage. Kia was puzzled, but not for long. If Quentin was with Oman, then she had more time with her sister.

The males left. As Quentin drove to the garage, Oman spoke, "I called Ja'Mal this morning. He will meet you at the diner. I know you need to talk to him."

Quentin smiled, because he was not surprised. "Thanks, I can't believe you know what I am? You don't seemed freaked out at all."

"I'm a seer. I can see many things, brother. And I mean that literally. I'll be honored when you officially become a part of our family." Oman explained as he pulled into his garage.

"Wait, what time are you off?. I can come get you." Quentin offered.

"No need to. I need to talk with Chief Joe. He'll give me a ride. Just, be honest with Ja'Mal, OK. They are special people and here we consider each other family." Oman then waved Quentin off.

At the diner, Pastor Henry decided to come out for breakfast. He was worried about the young man that arrived last night. He was Betty's brother and he could tell they were estranged. Today, he was going to talk with Logan and see if he could meet with them and hopefully help find a solution. He wasn't sure what the problem was, but if that young man found his way here to find his sister, then he had to try to help.


The weekend flew by and Quentin and Kiana left. Mia and her sister shared a tearful goodbye. Kiana told her she'd be back to visit as often as she could. Being that Mia was in her last trimester, Oman was nervous about traveling, but they agreed to visit her as soon as the baby was born.

Oman held Mia close after Kiana had gone. He was so happy for his wife. They went inside and set about pampering her again. Meanwhile, a few days after returning, Kiana was released. She moved in with Quentin for a week or so and although she loved being there. She needed her own place. So after several days of staying with her friends, she started looking.

"Wait, what are you doing?"Quentin inquired the first morning he saw her surrounded with newspaper.

"I need to move out. You are my friend, and I appreciate everything you have done. I have to stand on my own now." Kiana explained.

Quentin's heart pounded. His mate wanted to leave him. He displeased her in some way. "Kiana, this house has three bedrooms. There is more than enough space. Besides, you are still recovering. You don't need the extra stress. I like having you here." He explained.

Kiana smiled. "I like being here. I like it too much. I need to know I can take care of myself. I need to stand on my own."

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