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Click here"Do you mind if I do something to cap off this amazing night?" Riley asks.
"Not at all," Jackson replies as they reach her front door.
Riley wraps her arms around Jackson's neck and gives him a long romantic kiss. Jackson returned her affection until the air became an issue. The two slowly pulled away and Jackson watched Riley's eyes flutter open after they parted.
"Wow... uhhh... thank you... Jackson." Riley says as she moves backward towards her door. "Drive safely... and see you Monday."
Jackson returned to his car to find Julia leaning out the passenger side window with a grin on her face. "You two have chemistry... that is for sure," Julia noted.
Julia ribbed her date for the next ten minutes as they drove in the direction of her home. It was coming up on midnight when Jackson and Julia were on the outskirts of Jackson's hometown on their way to take Julia home. Jackson and Julia noticed the clouds in the sky were not only rolling in from the direction they were heading, but they looked ugly, nightmare ugly.
"Accuweather says that a major storm is about to roll in," Julia informs Jackson.
As if on cue the first few drops begin falling and falling until super fast and heavy rain pours from the heavens. Jackson slows down as his visibility has fallen and the windshield wipers were having issues keeping up with the rainfall.
"Jackson pull into that hotel," Julia orders her nephew. The road was quickly becoming very dangerous to be on and from the weather report looked like it was going to be continuous for most of the night.
Jackson did as he was instructed. He pulled up to the covered entrance to allow Julia to go in first while he parked the car. Jackson dashed into the hotel with his tuxedo coat over his head to mitigate how wet he got. He quickly reached the covering and draped his soaked coat over his shoulder. He saw Julia standing at the front desk waiting for him.
"Honey, I seem to have forgotten my credit card at home and they only have one room left. Do you have your card handy?" Julia asks Jackson.
Jackson reached into his front pocket and pulls out his wallet and draws out his brand new card. The desk clerk swipes the card and the transaction is approved much to Jackson's relief as he wasn't aware of what the limit was on his card. The clerk handed Julia two room keys while Jackson signed the receipt for the transaction.
"Enjoy your stay." The young male desk clerk said while handing Jackson his copy of the receipt.
Julia and Jackson made their way along the corridor to their room. Their room is at the end of the hall. Jack quickly inserts the keycard and pops the door open when the lock lights turn green. Turning on the lights he holds the door open to allow Julia access to the room. Once she is in Jackson enters and allows the door to shut behind him. Seeing the hanger beside the door Jackson hands up his soaked coat. He moves next to Julia who is sitting on the bed removing her strappy heels.
"It's a very nice hotel," Julia admits.
The room looks very nice for a non-chain hotel. Jackson and Julia would have to remember to recommend this hotel to their friends and family. "It is very nice indeed... honey." Jackson playfully replied.
Julia rolled her eyes and laughed. "I had to use my ID to get the desk clerk to agree to rent to us as a lot of minors have been trying to rent rooms here this evening. I told the clerk when I realized that I didn't have my credit card that my fiance, you, would be here shortly. I'm glad that he didn't ask you for your ID as well." Julia stated.
"What are the chances that the only room left had a king-sized bed?" Jackson asks rhetorically.
Julia just laughs and shakes her head at him. She glances toward the window and feels the air conditioning running. She crosses the room quickly and flips the thermostat to hot. The air becomes a little warm at best but begins taking the chill off of the room. Julia rubs her arms for warmth. As his shirt didn't get that damp Jackson unbuttons it and offers it to Julia who graciously accepts it. As he helps her into the sleeves. As she slips into the shirt Jackson can't help but notice that Julia isn't wearing a thick enough bra or not one at all as her hardened nipples are pressing through the dress.
"Well, as you've noticed, I'm freezing."
"Oh, you are?" feigns Jack.
"Yes, thank you for once again being so gentlemanly," Julia says.
Jackson sits down beside Julia and wraps his arms around her. She can feel his warmth and leans into him. The two sit in silence for several minutes until Julia finally warms up. Julia finally says, "Why don't you go get cleaned up, there are robes in the closet, you can take a shower and unwind and while you're in the bathroom I'll make myself more presentable."
"Are you going to want to take a shower?" Jackson asks just so he knows whether to leave the water running or not.
"Not tonight. I'll just need to wash my face off." Julia informs the younger man.
"Then why don't you go first, change, wash off your makeup, and then when you come out I'll go in." Jackson countered.
"Always the gentleman." Julia smiled as she placed a chaste kiss on Jack's cheek.
Julia entered the bathroom and after the door shut Jackson went about searching through the available television channels. He found music stations and turned on the soft music channel. He set the sleep time on the TV for two hours and then placed the remote on the nightstand. Minutes passed before and finally calls to Jack from the bathroom. "No staring, ok!"
"Ok," Jack playfully lies.
Julia emerges from the bathroom wearing Jack's black dress shirt. From his perspective, that might be all she has on. He can still make out the shape of her nipples as they poked through the shirt. She has barely taken two steps when Jackson's wolf whistles at her.
"Hey, no staring!" Julia chastises.
"I'm sorry... I was too captivated by your beauty and couldn't turn away." Jackson states.
"If I hadn't seen you stop breathing as I came down the stairs this afternoon I might not think you were being sincere... however I did, so I do," Julia announces as she travels the room and pulls back the bedding on the left side, closest to the door. Julia smiles and pulls the bedding back across her lap.
Jack doesn't say anything further at this point as she already knows what is going to happen. Jackson disappears into the bathroom and soon Julia hears the sound of the water flowing out of the showerhead. Julia takes this opportunity to call home and alert her family to their plight. Jillian answered the house line and Julia gave her a quick rundown of the events and the current situation.
"We'll probably stay till check out time unless a monsoon rolls in, if it does we'll stay put."
"OK, Julia. Sleep tight and kiss Jackson for me." Jillian says as she ends the call.
When Jackson was done with his shower he re-entered the room to find it lit only from the illumination of the TV. Julia was still awake as Jackson sat down in the chair beside the window.
"What are you doing?" Julia asks.
"Giving you your privacy," Jackson informs his aunt. "Our date is over so it's back to the norm. I'll sleep in this chair and you take the bed."
"Jackson, you are not sleeping in that chair. We are adults and there is more than enough room in this bed for the two of us. Now climb in." Julia sternly orders her nephew.
Jackson half reluctantly complies. Despite his efforts to cool off in the shower before exiting the bathroom his cock started to become very erect as he envisioned his half-naked aunt in the king-sized bed. Julia scoots over so there is a visible middle section in the bed. Jackson unbelts his robe with his back to his aunt and slides under the covers. Although he isn't touching her, he can feel her warmth a few inches away. He can only imagine how soft her skin must feel.
Julia says, "And for the record... our date isn't over until you return me home. Good night sweet Jackson." She says the last part sweetly as she leans over and plants a quick kiss upon his lips.
Jackson awakens two hours later realizing that the heat must have stopped working as the room once again feels cold. This alone did not cause him to wake up. No, it was the realization that he and his aunt had moved towards one another for warmth in the center of the bed. The skin of Julia's upper arms feel cold and seeking warmth she had now wrapped her body around his. Her head was resting against his left shoulder, her left arm was draped over Jackson's chest and her left leg was wrapped around Jackson's left leg. Her lower body was warmer than her upper body and Jackson now realized that Julia was naked under his dress shirt. Coming to his full senses he realized that his cock was fully erect and that his close contact with his aunt was exciting him in ways he never imagined. As she was naked from the waist down and pressed ever so close to his body he could feel Julia's warm sex press firmly against his left thigh.
Jackson let his raging hormones override his common sense and slowly guided his aunt's hand from his chest down to his throbbing member. Her small soft hand came into contact with his rock-hard cock and the physical contact sent a chill through Jackson's spine. With her hand now in place, Jackson wraps it around his cock and holds her hand in place with his own. He then begins to help her jack off his cock. Jackson soon loses himself in the exquisite pleasure of the moment. His aunt's soft hand tightens around his shaft and begins moving faster. Jackson can feel his pleasure building as the tempo increases. He is so lost in the sensation that he fails to realize that he is no longer guiding Julia, she has taken over. Julia's head travels down and soon replaces her hand with her mouth. She slowly begins working on Jackson's tool with great care as this is her first-ever blow job. Julia is now squarely between Jackson's legs and is taking his rather large cock as far down her throat as she can. Jackson groans and barely manages to warn Julia that he has reached his limit when he floods her mouth with his cum. Julia is forced to drink it down as she was in the motion of going down on Jackson and could not extract herself from him in time. Jackson could hear her swallowing his cum as he released his hold on her head and allowed her to slowly and carefully withdraw. Jackson was gasping for air as Julia slithered up his body and wrapped herself in his strong arms. Her head was resting on his chest as she listened to his heart thump wildly.
"That... was very naughty," Julia stated. She wasn't laying any blame, she was just making a statement.
"Sorry... I let my raging hormones get the better of me. I guess I was more worked up over the evening than I thought." Jackson honestly admitted.
"Jackson, I could have stopped jacking you off the moment I woke up if I wanted... did I do that?" She asks. Jackson just shakes his head as he lets that sink in.
"I know I was flirty and playful during the dance to help sell the image we were creating. But sometime during the night while I was talking with Riley I realized that I was no longer acting a part. Everything that I told anyone at that prom about how nice and considerate you were, how handsome I found you, how well you were treating me, and then Riley... I guess what I'm trying to say is that at some point in time, in my mind, I stopped being Aunt Julia, your adopted Aunt Julia, and I just became Julia Ann Lawrence. And if I'm really honest with myself... and with you... I've probably harbored these feelings for you for the last few years." Julia tells Jackson.
Jackson was at a loss for words once again. Not only was he taken aback that Julia was bearing her soul to him but her words resonated with him. He realized that he felt exactly like she did. It's like he was finally let in on that joke that everyone else knew. Julia looked up at Jackson and found him pulling her up towards his face. When they were close enough Jackson lowered his lips and claimed Julia's in a very romantic kiss. Their lips stayed pressed together until Jackson felt Julia's lips part and invite him into her mouth. The two kissed and lay together for some time before finally coming up for air. Julia stopped for a moment and snuggled with Jackson. Jackson simply wrapped his arms around her and held her with him.
"If we do this... there's no going back. We can't do this and just break up because we realize we made a mistake in a few months." Julia says. She knows the words needed saying but she was afraid of what Jackson's response will be.
Jackson's hands find the top button to his shirt. Without saying another word, Jackson unbuttons the shirt. Julia sits up and straddles Jackson's waist. "You're right... if we do this it will change everything. There would be no going back as no matter what we will always be a part of one another's life. I've made my choice." Jackson declares and with that, he slides his hands into the shirt at Julia's shoulders and began sliding it off her body. Even in the dim light, Jackson could make out Julia's magnificent breasts. He didn't know their exact size but he could care less as they were hers and Julia was perfect.
Julia leaned forward and kissed Jackson once more. She felt goosebumps form on her arms when their skin came into full contact for the first time and she moaned her approval. The two broke the kiss but only so their mouths could explore other avenues. Jackson found Julia's neck and learned that she was incredibly sensitive while Julia playfully nibbled on Jackson's ear and neck. Jackson soon sat up and pulling Julia with him claimed her right tit with his mouth. Julia hissed her approval before biting her lip as Jackson first sucked on her nipple then began teasing it with his teeth. This was Jackson's first sexual encounter but like most male teens had discovered pornography in one form or another and was a quick study. He lavished the same attention on Julia's left tit before he overstimulated the poor girl and gave her her first orgasm. Julia was breathing heavy and had begged Jackson to stop. Jackson was so inexperienced that he didn't realize such a feat was possible without actual intercourse of some kind.
Still sitting upright Jackson held her against his chest and could feel Julia's heart hammering in her chest. This must be what she felt earlier when she was resting on me. Jackson realized to himself.
When Julia comes down from her orgasm she asks Jackson to lay down. Releasing his grip on her Jackson does as she requests. Julia has Jackson put his legs together and when she is ready she sits up, grasps his stiff member, and carefully places the head at the lips of her pussy. Julia and Jackson lock eyes as she releases her grip on Jackson's rod and slowly begins to allow herself to sink down upon him. Jackson groans as he feels her hot, wet sex envelope him. Jackson suddenly feels something. He sees Julia still squatting and she has a pained expression on her face.
"Julia..." Jackson says but before anything else can be said Julia thrusts down and Jackson feels his cock plow through something.
Never in a million years did he ever expect his gorgeous aunt at the age of twenty-six would still be a virgin. She was just too beautiful and so popular that someone had to have been given that honor ages ago. Who knew that not only had she not given up her innocence but that she had chosen him to have that honor. Julia held herself in place until the pain finally subsided. She leaned forward and kissed Jackson once again.
"My first, and my only," Julia states looking Jackson square in the eyes once again.
"I'm honored to be your first... and to share my first with you as well," Jackson tells her. Before Julia can say anything else Jackson rolls her onto her back. Still connected Julia parts her legs and Jackson slowly eases his hips back and then thrusts forward. Jackson and Julia fumbled through the beginning trying to get in sync. Neither minded the learning curve as it was a journey they were making together. Soon the young lovers began to grunt and moan in unison as Jackson thrust his hips against Julia's. Julia wraps her arms and legs around Jackson and pulls her tight against him as he begins to fuck her with wild abandon.
Julia and Jackson felt their climax approaching once again and Julia wrapped Jackson tightly against her as her climax finally overtakes her just as Jackson releases his cum inside her on his final thrust. Julia digs her nails into Jackson's back while giving him a steamy kiss to not only express her feelings but to stifle her scream. Jackson holds his hips against Julia as his seed travels within his lover. Finally, his cock slides from her wet, cum filled pussy. They both sigh with pleasure at their first experience as lovers. Jackson rolls onto his back, while Julia snuggles into place with her lover. Their legs intertwine, her right-hand rests on her lover's chest and her head rests on his shoulder.
"Thank you for capping off the most amazing night of my life," Julia says to her lover.
"Thank you for making what could have been a horrible night the best of my young life. Jackson replies.
"You know this won't be easy." Julia reiterates. She didn't mean to bring down the moment but felt it needed saying.
"I've made my bed, I want you in it. I love you, Julia Ann... you and no other." Jackson tells the woman who means everything to him.
"I love you too," Julia states as she pulls the bedding over the two of them to drive the point home that she is all in with him. They would deal with everything that was to come later. Right now, they were both spent and ready to let sleep overcome them.
To Be Continued
The best story I have read on this site. Romantic and sexy. Clever conversation and great to read even without the sex. The firsI two chapters stand alone. Five plus stars. Julia Ann Lawrence is my favorite female character and the sexiest in my opinion.
Absolutely beautiful story *****+**. I especially loved the segment where he rescued Riley from an otherwise dismal evening. It would have been even nicer if you could have somehow incorporated her into his erotic relationship with Julia. Please stay in touch with your prolific muse. Small suggestion is to have a proof reader review your efforts . . . . .
Great story! It would be even better if you would make the past and present tense one or the other.
Okay...better than the original. The only problem that I see is Riley. He started to connect with her emotionally when they kissed goodnight at Riley's house. Monday morning is going to be awkward when he and Riley cross paths again at school now that he's basically committed to a relationship with his Aunt.
Writing the Aunt in as a twenty-six year old virgin was slightly odd, but not outrageous or unbelievable. 😳 I absolutely loved that you styled Julia as a doppelganger for Alexandra Daddario. I started crushing on Alexandra when I first saw her in Percy Jackson And The Lightning Thief. How ironic that your main character was named Jackson in both the original story and your reboot. 🤔
I'm glad that I read this because it reminded me of a good friend that I have lost touch with over the years. He has a blood relative Aunt named Catherine who is actually 2 years younger than he is. When I first met Catherine, I made the faux pas of calling her his cousin, but he was polite about correcting me. I'm going to create a fictional story based on that scenario now that I have had my memory triggered. Thanks for the inspiration! 5/5
Great story CB_Girl_Dani, I would love to see more to come of this story. Thank you very much I really enjoyed the story. Thank you again
Excellent story. Please continue.
Possibly Julia gets pregnant and they invite Reiley to join them.
They Reiley gets pregnant. and the three of
them live together, as a three some.
Very sweet and romantic story. Now, what happens with the other part of this "Threesome"?
Excellent work especially for your first story. I loved it and am eager for more as they make a life together and even make babies.
Superior in every way to the original. You have adopted the tenses of the original in part and then changed, could do with some editing.
Mixing up tenses and names.
Please don't write in the present tense - it's very difficult to do convincingly or consistently.
PLease don't give all the femalke characters names with the same initial - you definitely got them mixed up several times.
Lit's 5-star system is too inflexible - I don't 'Hate' it,but it's not really good enough for an 'Average'
Looking forward to seeing where you go with this and how you deal with all of the issues that arise.
I just loved the story and hope you will continue the story. I would like to see where Jackson and Julia goes from there. So please continue with the story. Just one thing you need to check the grammar and get someone to edited it for you.
Good story. While I liked it you had a few grammatical errors throughout it, especially towards the end. But, I'm not a grammar Nazi and won't allow a few mistakes to sully an otherwise great read! Please write more, can't wait to read from you again.
You did an excellent job with this story. I am a romantic anyway. This being your first offering into Literotica.....GREAT JOB! Continue writing these types of stories!
I thought you told a wonderful story and very romantic, I can't wait for the next part. My only issue was the use of both Jackson and Jack, it threw off the flow of reading.
I very much liked the story and would like this to continue
I know you didn't turn this story into your Professor for a grade come on people this is a free site If you want perfect go buy a book