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A Mother's Wrath Ch. 00: Prologue

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A mother discovers what cheerleaders did to her daughter.
2.3k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 12/29/2018
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The sound of thunder and the flash of lightning outside her window awoke Liora with a start. She didn't hate thunder and lightning, but it did put her into an inconvenient autopilot, moulded by years of bombs and people who wanted her dead. Her first instinct was to check on her daughter Avigail, her panic at seeing an empty bed abated by the waking remembrance that Avigail was now settled in to her dorms at Yale University, not far from their house but far enough it would be weird for Liora to go check on her.

It took some heavy breathing for Liora to relax. She went downstairs and sat on the sofa in the darkness, feeling she was once again on night lookout, guarding a family of one that was no longer there. Her ear cocked to the sound of the back door opening, and gripping her pistol tight her instincts kicked in. It was only a lucky flash of lightning illuminating a mascara streaked face that prevented her from shooting her daughter on reflex.

"Avigail! Why are you sneaking home? You're drenched, what happened?" Avigail's demeanour changed immediately, she had grown accustomed to her mother's worrying and was practiced in pretending everything was OK.

"Hi mum, sorry I didn't want to wake you, there's a party in my dorm tonight to celebrate those who made the cheerleading team, however I failed one of the tests so I didn't want to be involved." Liora knew that Avigail wanted desperately to make the cheerleading team, and her mothering instinct was to hug Avigail and make her feel better. But a different instinct was blaring like a siren in her brain, an instinct that told her there was more to the story than what she was being told, an instinct that had gotten her employment at her previous job but had also made her one of the few people to leave that job alive.

Liora comforted Abigale until she was asleep in her old room. The moment he daughter was taking the deep breaths of sleep, Liora's face turned to stone, she went to her room, dug out the burner phone she kept for these occasions and called an old friend.

"Liora, why are you calling at two in the morning?" A groggy voice asked.

"Noam, shut up and listen! I have a well-paying favour for you. I need to you to brick any smartphone within half a mile of the following coordinates that has filmed a video tonight and send me the videos." This was a standard damage control protocol that her friend had run several times when they worked together in the Mossad, Liora knew this was where her hunch was leading her.

Eventually she found a series of videos on a phone that gave her the truth of the matter.


"Hello bitch haze dot com, my name is Tara-Belle, head of the selection committee for the Yale University cheerleaders. Come with me and let's meet the meat." A blonde embodiment of pep turned the camera away from herself and towards the line of naked girls kneeling in a gym with their hands behind their heads. The camera only showed the line for a brief second before going to individual introductions, but Liora saw a flash of darker skin that filled her stomach with dread.

The camera focussed on each girl in turn, Tara-Belle and two other cheerleaders would aggressively ask them to introduce themselves before mocking and belittling them for a bit and moving on to the next one. Eventually Liora's heart dropped as she saw her daughter, her naked body kneeled in submission before the camera.

"Every squad has a firecracker but I guess we just found our bomb jacket, what's your name and why aren't you wearing a burka?" The peppy girl asked.

"My name is Avigail Freeman, I was born in Israel but have lived in America all my life. I'm not a Muslim." Avigail responded without looking the girl in the eye.

"Is that so?" Tara-Belle replied. "Well then we should clear that up shouldn't we?" Tara-Belle took out a big black marker, and on Avigail's body wrote in big letters.

"Not a terrorist." Then with a big grin on her face walked behind Avigail and wrote on her back. "Just a slut."

"What do you say?" She asked over the mocking laughter of the other cheerleaders.

"Thank you squad captain." Avigail responded.

Avigail did not feature in the rest of that video, Liora counted 8 girls all going through the same thing as her and there were several more videos on the phone. Liora decided to watch them all.


"Hey bitch haze dot com, it's your girl Destiny." A statuesque ebony girl now wielded the camera. "I got first dibs on the hazing challenges, so first we're going to see if our girls have the focus to be an elite cheerleader. The girls have to recreate the cheer they performed in auditions this morning, however this time they will be naked, they will have a dildo taped inside their pussy and have to hold another inside their mouth. And of course as we always perform to a crowd..." Destiny moved out of the way and assembled behind her was bleachers filled with football and basketball players.

One by one Destiny lead out the naked girls, making a big deal of removing the dildo from the previous girls pussy and sticking it in the next girls mouth, then duct taping the other dildo inside the poor waiting girl. A single tear crossed Liora's cheek as Avigail was lead out in front of the cheering crowd, her naked body blushing from head to toe while her face filled with stern determination.

"Alright everyone this is Avigail. She's a rare breed, a Middle Eastern slut. Let's give it up for her while she does a performance that would get her stoned back home." The racism was really starting to grate on Liora, but worse still was watching her baby girl perform her humiliating dance, her eyes bulging at the effort of keeping the dirty dildo in her mouth while the crowd leered at her. Avigail was certainly degraded but she was clearly doing a better job of hiding her humiliation than the other girls, clearly she took after her mother when it came to strength of resolve.


"Hey hey, it's Kandi here with the next haze for our girls." A petite Asian girl announced. "Now we know there are a lot of videos out there of girls answering the door naked to the pizza guy, but did you know you get a special offer if you collect?" Immediately she began rousing the naked freshers out of a nearby door. The group of naked girls emerged shivering in the night air, Kandi ordered them to line up and started marching them across the busy campus, leading them in a chant that grabbed everyone's attention.

"Who are you?" Kandi yelled.

"Wannabe cheer squad!" The girls would yell in unison.

"And who can use your holes?"


"Very good, now don't forget if any hands find their ways on to your bodies, you are to thank the owner." This bit was clearly said for the benefit crowd that had assembled around the humiliated girls. All at once the crowd moved in closer with the camera giving each girl some attention. Liora was horrified to watch as Avigail's naked body was grabbed and spanked by the variety of gathered people, each time she would smile sweetly and thank them for their attention. Only Liora could see the anger in her little girl's eyes at being put through this.

As the journey went on the crowd got more aggressive, what started as playful fondling became hard groping that caused the girls to scream in pain. The camera the made sure to swing round to a fat guy wearing a fedora, his chubby fingers wedged firmly between Avigail's legs.

"Pledge slave, are this man's fingers inside of you?" Kandi struggled out between bursts of laughter.

"Not quite." Avigail responded, trying her best to soldier on and her hands physically shaking at the effort to keep them by her sides and not round this man's throat.

"Well clearly he can't get a good angle can he? Pledge slave, walk on all fours so this fine gentlemen can get his fingers in you properly!" Avigail stared at Kandi in fear, a few seconds of her smug grin affirmed that this was not a joke, and slowly Avigail bent over and pressed her hands on the ground. The overweight man wasting no time, began plunging his fingers in and out of Avigail's exposed pussy. The camera wheeled round to Avigail's face and Kandi's voice asked. "What do we say to this gentlemen?"

"Thank you sir!" Avigail managed to scream out between moans of humiliation. The gathered crowd howling with laughter at Liora's daughter being finger fucked by a total stranger.

When the humiliation parade reached the pizza place Kandi began herding the naked girls in, but as Avigail began to enter, Kandi stopped her.

"Pledge slave! This fine gentlemen gave you a fingering on the way here and you're just going to abandon him? Here's what's going to happen, we'll order the pizzas, meanwhile you're going to stay out here with our new friend. If when we come out with the pizzas, you don't have his sperm on your face, you're off the cheerleading team."

Even Liora couldn't watch and further as the overweight man loomed over Avigail. The painful determination clear on her face as reached down and began to unzip his trousers.


"What's up bitch haze, your back with Tara-Belle for the cheerleader's selection party. The Beta Omega Chi frat have let us use their house and as you can hear the party is bumping." Indeed the frat house behind Tara-Belle was in full swing, the only part of the party that wasn't dancing, was the eight naked pledges tied in the most prominent section of the house. They were all tied together with their hands behind their backs tied to their legs in a kneeling hogtie. The whole row of girls were also tied to the radiators behind them forcing them to remain where they were.

"Now I bet you're wondering why we had to tie up our pledges." Tara-Belle asked, signalling the crowd to quiet down as the show was about to begin, "tell the crowd what you have agreed to" she instructed. In unison the girls chanted so everyone could hear.

"We promise, if we are rejected, to lick the cunts of the selected cheerleaders." There were murmurs around the party as Tara-Belle turned the camera back to her.

"The ropes are there to make sure they keep their promise. We don't let them go free until our new teammates get a good licking. So how about we let them know who we chose!" Tara-Belle announced to the cheering crowd. She turned to face the pledges and her most evil grin yet formed on her face.

"So here's the thing. We wanted pledges for bitch haze dot com so we could earn some extra cash, but we didn't really want to haze our future teammates. So the truth is we picked our team this morning and you lot are all the rejects, bring in the fresh cheerleaders!" Howls of anger rose up from the tied up girls as eight cheerleaders in their new cheerleading outfits walked into the party. One by one they lined up in front of the tied up girls, pulled down their underwear, and forced the defenceless girls faces into their pussies for the camera, the crowd cheering all the way. Before the girl in front of Avigail force herself upon her, Kandi appeared out of nowhere and poured her drink all over her face.

"Sorry to interrupt but she was covered in neckbeard cum earlier and I didn't think you wanted that in your snatch." Kandi explained, before standing back and letting the cheerleader grab the back of Avigail's head, and pull her forward into her exposed pussy.


The final video was clearly after the forced oral sex. The line of girls looked furious and disgusted. Tara-Belle, Destiny and Kandi lined up in front of them to yell the website's tagline.

"These bitches got hazed." Before stepping to one side and cutting the ropes, one by one releasing the girls into the party. The naked girls begging anyone who would listen to let them borrow some fabric to cover themselves for the journey home. As Avigail was released, her hand moved quick as a flash, leaving a deep scratch mark across Tara-Belles face. Liora felt a slither of pride at her daughter's fighting spirit before she was subdued by the rest of the cheerleaders once again.

"Oh you bitch!" Tara-Belle yelled. "Just for that we're going to leave you tied up. You can crawl back to your dorm naked, in fact..." Tara-Belle grabbed her trusty marker pen and wrote all kinds of degrading instructions on Avigail's body, instructing passers-by that it was ok to rape her, pull on her tits or piss on her face. Then with a hard slap she pushed the defenceless Avigail out the front door and into the night.


Once the final video was finished Liora called Noam again.

"Again? Come on Liora I..." Noam began.

"Fifty grand and the favour you owe me if you shut up and listen." Liora interrupted, the few moments of silence she heard down the line confirmed Noam's complicity. "I'm sending you the MSIN of a phone that shot a variety of videos today. I need you to follow the GPS coordinates of that phone and delete any other nearby recordings of the events in question. Then I need you to pack up your gear and come to Connecticut we have a mission."

"What kind of mission" Noam asked sleepily.


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PerverPeperPerverPeper3 months ago

Very good ! Five stars.


AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

This is severely hard to follow!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

It’s not what I’d consider BDSM which is what made me curious enough to look at this story. What it is is self entitled bitches spreading misery. I’ve no plans to read more of this Non Con is not my thing. Personally I’d be taking measure to get them permanently expelled and prosecuted.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

Fabulous story idea! So intriguing! I even managed to find “Chapter 1: Destiny”. However, I can not find anything beyond that, which is a huge shame. I was rather hoping there would be a chapter for every one (or at most two at a time) of the sorority sisters, showing how Avigail’s mother got revenge for her daughter and everyone else that was so badly abused and humiliated.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

looking forward to read more

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