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A New Beginning Ch. 03

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The D/s relationship becomes intensely sexual...
9.9k words

Part 3 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/16/2024
Created 01/28/2024
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Chapter 3.

I've decided to put this chapter in the Lesbian Sex category where the series was previously posted. I am probably going to alternate between these two categories in the future. Also, I have rewritten much more of this series than I expected, and that's all I am willing to reveal. Enjoy!

"Go away..." Diana murmured sleepily.

"But breakfast is ready... Coffee and croissants will get cold!"

"I don't care... I'm not getting out of this bed anytime soon," Diana said in her best spoiled-princess voice. Yesterday's events left her somewhat emotionally and physically tired. Well, maybe the wine helped a bit... She had really liked the Bordeaux that the restaurant served. Maybe she should get a few bottles to have at home...

Jenny sighed, unsure what to do. She didn't mind making coffee and croissants again, but how could she know when Her Lady would actually get up?

"Hmm... maybe a change of tactics," Jenny thought, going back to the kitchen and putting coffee, juice, croissants, and fruit on a breakfast tray with extendable legs she had found days ago while cleaning the kitchen. She returned to Diana's room and saw her lying on her back, sleeping. Putting the tray with its legs extended on the bed, she uncovered the coffee cup, its rich smell filling the room. One of Diana's eyes fluttered open and she threw a hungry glance at the tray, but then closed it again.

"Aha! But I'm yet to play all my cards..." Jenny thought, smiling deviously. She flipped the bottom of the bed's cover, revealing Diana's feet. Kneeling at the foot of the bed, she took Diana's feet in her hands and started working her magic. The older woman sighed with pleasure but kept her eyes closed.

"Hmm... foot massage relaxes her always, which probably isn't helping, so maybe I should spice it up..." Jenny thought, leaning forward and taking Diana's foot in her mouth. Her lips and tongue started swirling around the toes, her tongue tracing the silky sole...

"Ohh, you little she-devil... you have such a devious mind," Diana said, smiling. "Mmmm... okay, you win. But I want my breakfast to be like this every day from now on. This is just too good..." she said, stretching her arms and gazing at Jenny with the posture of a queen looking down at her most devoted subject. She never ate that much for breakfast, but she liked taking it slowly, enjoying the coffee and an occasional bite of croissant and fruit.

"That breakfast is nice, but what I'm having here is so much better," Jenny thought as she devoured Diana's feet. "I could do this the whole day..."

Taking all five toes in her mouth, Jenny sucked on the delicious foot, making a challenge for herself to push it ever deeper until her gag reflex would stop her. Diana's feet were beautiful and elegant but they certainly weren't small so Jenny wouldn't get far, but she would improve with time, she was sure. She intended to win this strange contest against Diana's feet.

When Diana was finally done with her breakfast, she retracted her feet slowly. Jenny got the signal, picked up the tray, and put it on the table. As Diana got up from the bed, Jenny took the mules and put them on Diana's feet, placing a kiss on both feet and then kissing Diana's triangle. It had become a ritual of a sort.

"I'm going to take a shower, My Pet, and then I'm off to the office. I don't think I'll stay long today, but later I'll have a few online sessions from home."


After taking a shower and getting dressed, Diana appeared and pointed at the high-heeled sandals Jenny had polished just a few minutes ago.

"Have fun at the office," Jenny said, putting the sandals on Diana's feet.

"Oh, I would prefer to be here, Sweetheart, but I have some important work to do," Diana replied, cupping Jenny's face affectionately. She then turned and left, Jenny watching her leave from her spot on the floor.


"I'm back, My Pet," Diana said in passing.

"I'll be right with you, My Lady," Jenny said, doing some finishing touches on the lunch. She had spent the morning polishing and sorting all of Diana's footwear but she still managed to finish the lunch in time.

After a couple of minutes, Diana came to the living room, wearing only her robe.

"She looks so tense... but I know the cure," Jenny thought with a smile. She brought Diana a cold beverage and then knelt in front of her, determined to relieve the tension. Opting for some intense pussy worship right away, Jenny assaulted Diana's honeypot with vigor, and within minutes, Diana was arching her back and humping Jenny's face with urgency. Her orgasm was fast and intense, her body shaking, her pussy flooding Jenny's mouth with juices.

"Ahh! Yesss! Ahh... That's exactly what I needed, My Pet..." Diana said, settling down slowly, while Jenny kept licking, still holding Diana's legs on her shoulders. After a couple of minutes of caressing Diana's folds, Jenny went into another assault thinking that Her Lady needed one more quick orgasm to relax completely. Catching Diana off guard, she picked up the tempo, focusing on thrusts and then just sucking on the already sensitive clit.

Within a couple of minutes, Diana was once again in the throes of orgasm, bucking against Jenny's mouth and arching her back wildly. A flood of juices invaded Jenny's mouth once again, and she drank them all greedily, staying with Her Lady and stimulating her with intense licking until the orgasm completely died off. Lost in her submissive trance, Jenny kept slurping the juices until Diana's words brought her back.

"That was wonderful! I didn't even know I could come again so soon after the first one. My sweet Pet, that mouth of yours has no price..."

"I aim to please," Jenny said, grinning.

"Good girl! You really managed to relax me. Let's go have some lunch now."

After lunch, it was time for the pool. They raced and sprayed each other and laughed like fools, occasionally trying to dunk each other by surprise, something Jenny was quite unsuccessful at, for obvious reasons.

"It's not about the size and weight, it's about skill," Diana said, trying to keep a straight face.

"Pfh! Sure!" Jenny replied indignantly.

"It's true. Well, maybe it is a bit about strength..." Diana said, barely containing her laugh.

"Bah! Shall we make a contest of strength then?!" Jenny said, fuming cutely.

"What do you propose?" Diana said, her mirth seeping through.

Jenny thought for a moment.

"A test of strength! Each of us has to carry the other one out of the pool... on their shoulders!"

Diana couldn't help laughing.

"That contest clearly favors me, My Pet. I have like, forty pounds on you."

"Exactly! So I'll win despite the odds and prove that I'm stronger!"

"Okay, okay..." Diana said, laughing. "Shall we start with me?"


Diana submerged her body and Jenny climbed to sit on her shoulders.

"All right, here we go!" Diana exclaimed, starting to climb the ladder. The touch of Her Pet's thighs on her neck and face felt amazing, so she deliberately took her time. The ladder steps were wide and deep, with a small gap between steps, so Diana didn't have much trouble getting out. Her Pet was light as a feather. Finally, she raised her hands in victory and then crouched to allow Jenny to get off.

The first part of the contest was over, but the fun part was about to start. They both went back into the pool, Diana naked as always and Jenny wearing a bikini.

"So from which side do you want me to sit?" Diana asked innocently.

"What do you mean from which side?" Jenny replied with a puzzled look.

"Oh, I don't know, I thought maybe you'd want me to sit on your shoulders with my pussy in your face. I mean, you wouldn't be able to see anything, but you'd have extra motivation to succeed!" Diana said, laughing. Jenny scowled at Diana, but the mirth in her eyes was betraying her.

"I see that My Lady's success has roused her humor. It's just too bad that it's about to be extinguished by my glorious victory," Jenny said indignantly. "Huh, now when I think about it, I like the idea very much... It would be so incredible to eat that delicious pussy while she is sitting on my shoulders..." Jenny thought, feeling aroused. "Something to try another day, for sure..."

"Okay, let's do it then. Climb up, My Lady, the Jenny Express is about to depart!"

Jenny submerged and Diana carefully slid onto her shoulders. Her thighs and ass were overflowing when she sat down on Jenny's small frame. She knew this was borderline crazy, but Jenny seemed so determined. She was also curious to see if Jenny could pull it off. The Ladder handhold was sturdy and had two levels, and the upper one wasn't out of reach even from her place on Jenny's shoulders.

"Now... prepare to be amazed!" Jenny exclaimed in a strained voice and started the climb. The first step wasn't too hard since even Diana was partially submerged. But as Diana's body came out of the water, Jenny was starting to really feel the weight.

"Oh, damn, this is harder than I thought. My Lady is so heavy! But it's also the sweetest weight in the world... I can feel the maddening touch of her pussy on my neck, Ohhh... even if I fail, it was totally worth it... But no, what am I saying!? Failure isn't an option. Come on Jenny... I think I'll have to transfer some of this lovely weight to my hands..."

Holding onto the ladder, Jenny used all her arm strength to shift some of the weight from her feet... and success! She was able to reach the next step. The strain on her muscles was evident and painful but the warmth of Diana's pussy on her neck and the gentle squeeze of Diana's meaty thighs were an incredible motivator. Carrying Her Lady like this felt so strangely arousing... The idea of using all of her strength just so Her Lady wouldn't need to walk by herself was pushing her submissive buttons immensely and Jenny was barely able to get a grip on her arousal and push on.

She took a big breath, and using the same approach for every step, panting and grunting, her body overheating from the exercise and arousal, Jenny managed to reach the top and climb out of the pool. Her face was flushed and sweaty but she was smiling.

Realizing that Jenny wouldn't be able to set her down, Diana twisted her body and grabbed the handhold, slowly sliding her body off the petite girl.

"Wow Jenny, you made it! I can't believe my eyes..."

"Jenny... The Mountain... is... my name..." Jenny said, panting hard but smiling like a fool.

"Oh, My strong Pet," Diana said with affection. When Jenny's panting subsided, Diana embraced her, grabbing and squeezing her cute butt, and then kissed her lips with passion, savoring the lovely taste. Jenny purred, closing her eyes, her smile persisting long after Diana broke the kiss.

"I proclaim you the victor, My Pet! As spoils, I give you my body to do as you please..." Diana said, walking away towards her sunbed and swaying her hips seductively. She glanced back over her shoulder and smirked. "Go grab a lotion. I am completely at your disposal..."

Unable to suppress an aroused sigh, Jenny hurried inside and brought fresh drinks, fruit, and body lotion. She knelt next to Diana's sunbed, rubbed some lotion on her hands, and began massaging Diana's toned body.

"Oh, what should I do with this sweet, curvy body... Should I kiss it, should I lick it... should I bite it, or maybe do nothing? Choices, choices..." Jenny whispered, kissing Diana's neck and getting a loud sigh in reply. Slowly, her lips descended along Diana's spine, covering every inch of the woman's body with hot kisses. Her hands never stopped massaging Diana's shoulders and back and she felt a shiver underneath her fingers.

"Ahhh... I feel like it's me who won..." Diana purred, a quiver in her voice betraying her desire. Jenny smiled, her lips grazing the top of Diana's round, meaty buttocks.

"I could spend the rest of my life with my face buried in this beautiful ass," Jenny thought, gorging her eyes on the beauty of Her Lady's body. Yet it was Her Lady's seductive, dominant, devious mind she loved even more... As her thoughts ran wild, Jenny felt her body aching for relief and she started to wonder when her next orgasm would happen... Today? Tomorrow? She knew Her Lady would try to push her limits.

"Masturbating is out of the question though... I gave my orgasms to My Lady and I'll just have to wait, no matter how long it takes..." Jenny thought, realizing that the uncertainty of her next orgasm was fueling her arousal immensely. "Focus, Jenny..."

Her lips moved further down Diana's body, massaging and kissing the luscious thighs, her hands massaging the muscles and reaching for Her Lady's feet. There was some dust on the soles since Diana had walked barefoot when she got out of the pool. Consumed by her arousal and her submissive desires, Jenny extended her tongue and swept it all over the delicate soles, cleaning the dust with her tongue, and swallowing it all with gusto. Even the dust on Her Lady's feet tasted amazing.

"My Lady, I need you to flip over. Your back is all done..."

"Okay, My Pet..." Diana mouthed as if waking from a beautiful dream. Stretching like a lazy cat, she turned over and smiled at Her Pet. She took a sip of her drink in anticipation of phase two of the fantastic massage she was enjoying.

Once again, Jenny started from the top, massaging Diana's shoulders and kissing her neck. Soon, she found two beautiful nipples staring at her face.

"Oh, we are definitely camping here for a while..." Jenny thought and started nibbling and sucking on Diana's tits. She was squeezing them, kissing them, sucking on them, her efforts being rewarded by Diana's continuous sighs. Jenny's tongue was playing with one nipple, sucking and biting it with obvious hunger.

"Mmm... that naughty mouth of yours..."

The desire in Jenny's eyes was the only reply as she moved down Diana's body, kissing the belly that was moving up and down, showing Her Lady's irregular breathing. Her lips showered kisses on the lovely triangle but avoided the pussy completely, making Diana squirm in anticipation.

"No, not yet..." Jenny thought, laughing inwardly at Her Lady's sighs of impatience. She made her way to Diana's feet once again and took the toes in her mouth, sucking them, licking between them, savoring them like a fine dish.

"Ahh..." Diana moaned, her hands moving on their own towards her needy pussy and stopping barely in time.

"She is completely on fire... but I am too..."

Jenny went up, kissing Diana's inner thighs and reaching the drenched labia.

"Hmm... There is a serious leak here," Jenny said, licking her lips unconsciously. "We better call the plumber..."

"Maybe you could plug the leak, my sweetest, cutest, sexiest Pet?" Diana said sweetly, holding her breath in anticipation.

"Huh, you wouldn't believe the size of this hole though..." Jenny said, coming within an inch of Diana's pussy.

"Oh, shut up!"

Jenny giggled and then caught Diana's eyes. There was an immense need written in them.

"My Lady calls and I am here to serve her need..."

Jenny closed her eyes and ran her tongue over the leaking folds, scooping everything she could find and smiling at the tremor in Diana's body. The flesh melted beneath her lips, giving her a feeling of true intimacy, as if she was a part of Diana's body, easily recognizing its most delicate reactions.

Her tongue massage getting bolder, Jenny probed and swiped, going ever deeper. Diana relished this semi-slow worship for a while, occasionally turning to take a sip and wet her drying mouth, struggling to maintain control of her hands. Her arousal and pleasure were on a steady climb and her body started showing clear signs of incoming tide. Her hips started arching up, her moans getting stronger, and soon, she had to clap her hand over her mouth.

"Ahh! I hope the neighbors aren't there... " Diana rasped. Jenny gazed at Her Lady, their eyes meeting and showing the fire in them.

"Should I deny her now and make this a teasing session only? Maybe let her get a taste of her own medicine? My Lady gave me absolute control here and it's my reward after all..."

As her eyes brushed every part of Diana's body once again, she found herself shaking her head. "No... A goddess like this should never be denied anything. Whatever My Lady wants or needs is hers, now and always..."

And with that thought, she went back in for the final assault. Focusing on Diana's clit, but never forgetting the precious juices, Jenny gorged on Diana's pussy, until the goddess before her started shaking in orgasm.

"Ahhmf!!" Diana moaned, covering her mouth with both hands in a feeble attempt to stifle the sounds of her body's immense pleasure. Jenny's lips stayed with Her Lady, faithfully licking and sucking, and never stopping. The Lady and Pet locked their eyes again as Diana's orgasm thundered, the delicious juices flowing in abundance.

Alas, every orgasm had to end at some point, but it didn't mean that lovemaking had to end as well. Minutes passed but they stayed like that in perfect symbiosis, both of them getting what they needed...

"This was supposed to be your reward, not mine," Diana said finally, smiling at Her Pet and feeling a fluttering in her belly.

"So it was," Jenny replied with a look of pure adoration. "So it was..."


"It seems I'll need to make an appointment with my beautician," Diana said with a sigh. She flipped her hands back and forth and shook her head. Then she resumed setting up the computer in her study.

"Really? I can't possibly understand why, My Lady," Jenny replied from her usual spot on the floor. She was massaging Her Lady's feet with enthusiasm.

"I am sure you can't," Diana laughed. "But my nails need some attention I think..."

"What's wrong with them?"

"They just need regular cosmetic treatments. Everything tends to decay unless you fight it; it's just the way of the universe. Can't say I like going there, to be honest... This beautician of mine is very popular, so you always have to arrange everything else to fit her schedule. Oh well..."

"Um, maybe I could do this treatment for you?"

"I wish you could... It would make things so much easier for sure. But I doubt that you know how to do these things and I'm not really the one to teach you."

"So, I can take a course for it maybe? If you allow it, I mean, as it would take away from my time here. I would make adjustments so my chores wouldn't suffer for it."

"You'd do that for me?" Diana asked, her eyebrows shooting up. "You'd take a whole course just to be able to take care of my nails?"

"I want to please you... and serve your every need," Jenny said quickly.

"You are such a gem, my sweet girl. You spoil me too much," Diana said, closing her eyes for a moment. "And I am loving it so much... This complete devotion to my needs feels incredible..."

She opened her eyes again and looked at the girl at her feet, looked at the submission and devotion in those lovely blue eyes, and there was that fluttering sensation in her belly once again... She shook it off after a moment and smiled at Jenny in approval.

"Well, if you are really up for it, it would be great I think... Now, I need you to be as quiet as possible. I am about to begin the session..."

The computer screen showed Diana's face and shoulders, a modest-looking necklace around her neck. It also showed the faces of a young couple in need of counseling. As the session went on, Diana listened to their problems and prodded them with questions, some uncomfortable ones as well. It didn't take her long to figure out their problem.

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