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A New Earth Ch. 03: Liberation

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Another chooses his first mate & gains freedom from his past.
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Part 3 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 01/07/2017
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Xhou Li Ming was the second one called. He'd watched as Matthew started to mate with Sameedha, and the bulge in his crotch had grown, painfully held in check by his pants. So when he was called next, it was a relief. He didn't think he'd be able to hold out for very long, and there was a woman across from him that made it even harder for him to think straight. So hard, in fact, that they'd had to call his name twice.

"Xhou - you still with us?" asked Dr. Matheson.

Xhou looked up and stammered - "Uh, yes - yes sir." He blushed slightly as the women and other men chuckled. He stood up and walked to the enrapturing woman across from him. She was petite, but with a curvy body, wide hips, breasts the size of small melons, freckles, and glorious curly red hair. She'd never have been the woman his parents would've picked him to marry, but that wasn't an issue anymore. Though he missed his parents, who had been very good to him, their desire for him to meet, marry, and mate with the daughter of a good Chinese family had trumped almost everything in their minds.

When his twin brother Xhou Mi had died in an accident some years before, his parents shifted all of their hopes and dreams on him. It was only because he was a twin that the Chinese government had not charged his parents for his birth. He was the "third" born, which was rare, since his older sister was the oldest child. She was older than him by several years, and had married young to a foreigner. Their parents were less than thrilled, and disowned her.

So he'd been ecstatic when he was selected to be a colonist on the new planet he and others were to be sent to. If only his parents knew that now he was one of only a few of those thousands left, and he got to mate with three women of HIS choosing - how liberating this was going to be. He could barely contain his grin at that thought, though thinking about how his mother would roll over in her grave calmed his enthusiasm a little.

He refocused on his task at hand, and smiled at this goddess of a woman in front of him. Her name was Aewyn McDurmott. And he wanted nothing more but to make her his first.

"Aewyn", he said as he slowly stroked her face "will you be my first?"

Aewyn smiled at him and stood up. "Only if you kiss me right now. I've seen how you've been looking at me, and I want your lips." She then grinned, knowing how audacious that sounded, but they both knew she meant it.

Xhou pulled her to him and laid one on her. She pulled away a moment later, breathless. "Whew - you are definitely going to be my first. Your kiss made my knees weak."

Xhou beamed, and pulled her towards the couch. He practically tore her flimsy dress off of her body, and watched in awe as her breasts jiggled with the tearing off of her robe. He came back to reality as he felt her clawing at his pants, struggling to get them off. He pulled he hands up, kissed them, and took his shirt and pants off in a hurry until he was fully undressed. As soon as his cock sprung out, he felt her small warm hand grab his cock, causing him to gasp a little. Her hands were so small though that they could barely get around the girth of his member.

"Ok, you vixen" he managed to get out. "Now you've got it coming." He bent over and took one of her now, very-perky, nipples in his mouth and started sucking on it. Aewyn squealed a little at the suddenness of the intense pleasure and dug her fingers in Xhou's back. She could feel the wetness starting to pool in between her legs, and it was too much. "Please Xhou ... I can't take anymore. It's too sensitive!"

Xhou reluctantly stopped and stood back up. Aewyn leaned towards him and whispered "you can do more of that later, but I really want you now." She blushed for a moment and looked down at his cock. "I think you're more than ready as well."

Xhou nodded. He felt a little silly being naked in front of everyone, but when he stared into her blue eyes - nothing else seemed to matter. He laid her down on the couch and widened her legs, preparing to enter her. He'd never been with a woman before, but he couldn't think of anything he'd wanted more.

Aewyn smiled as Xhou as he positioned himself to enter her. "Take me now, Xhou. Make me yours like we both want."

Knowing that it was better not to argue with the woman who was to be his first, and the fact that he wanted to impale her with his cock, he began to enter her. She was very well lubricated, and his cock was inside her in a very short period of time. He couldn't believe the grip on his cock, and that he'd been able to fit it inside her when she was so tight. He knew taking her virginity would hurt her so he bent over and started kissing her as he pulled out and thrusted back into her. Aewyn's back tensed up for a moment, and then began to relax as he slowly massaged her inside with his cock. When the pain passed, he asked "May I take her to my room now?"

Dr. Matheson smiled and hurriedly said "Yes." It was clear that the first two choosings and penetrations were making an impact on him. One wondered if he'd make it for the other seven that still had to take place. Not that Xhou cared too much. All he wanted to do was continually couple with Aewyn.

Picking Aewyn up carefully, he kept her impaled on his cock as well like Matthew had. He wanted to take her right there, but alas - he needed to make room for the others. He walked as quickly as he could over to the room with his name on it. He was so excited to mate that he'd made sure he knew exactly where it was before his name was called. As soon as he was in the door, he went right over to the bed, and was about to start fucking her when he heard Aewyn remind him about the door.

"Door - close. Now. Please."

Aewyn giggled at his polite request for privacy from the door. She found him cute, and his politeness while in this situation was unlike anything she'd encountered before. She wondered if he was always this polite, or if there was a voracious animal underneath. "I guess I'll just have to find out" she thought.

Aewyn pulled Xhou's head down towards her breast, and cried out in pleasure and a small bit of pain as his teeth gently latched onto her nipple. When he flicked his tongue against her nipple, waves of even more intense pleasure wracked her bod, and she convulsed a little. Xhou stopped and looked up at her. "Are you okay?"

"Definitely" she managed to get out. "That felt incredible. Part of me doesn't want you to stop, and the other part of me wants you to fuck the living daylights out of me. So I guess you'll need to do both."

Xhou laughed. "How about I fuck the living daylights out of you, then love on your breasts before making passionate and maybe slightly crazy love to you again afterwards?"

"Sounds like a plan. Please do!" Aewyn liked hearing him describe "crazy" when he was describing sex. Maybe there was an animal in him after all.

Zhou took his cock out of Aewyn for a moment and chuckled when she scowled at him. "Don't worry, love. I just want to try something. Please get on your side."

Aewyn arched one of her eyebrows slightly, but did as she was asked. Zhou pulled her a bit closer to him and put it so one of her legs was in-between her legs, and another was off of his right hip. Grabbing a stool that was close by, he used it to support his leg, and then he inserted his cock back into her. He wanted to try so many different positions with this woman and stimulate her like crazy. And of course this way, he could squeeze her tight butt and watch her breasts bounce while he fucked her.

He grabbed onto her hips and started slowly, pumping into her. Her moaning and grip on his hand made him thrust into her harder and harder until someone walking in might have thought that she'd be split down the middle from the sheer force of their fucking. The bed was shaking, Aewyn's cries of pleasure were increasing, and Zhou was biting his lip, trying so hard to not release his sperm until he knew she was coming. He wanted to impregnate her - on the first time would be very impressive, but he had every intention of fucking her as often as possible, whether she was pregnant or not with his child.

He felt Aewyn's muscles tighten a little and her breathing increase. The heat in-between her legs was increasing, and when she cried out his name, he practically yelled. "I hope you're about to cum, Aewyn, because I can't hold it in. I must cum inside you!"

"Cum, Zhou, please cum! Just a few more strokes of your cock, and ... I cum!!" Aewyn cried out louder than she had, and her muscles clamped firmly down on his cock. That was all it took to put him over the edge. Zhou came inside her unprotected womb while fucking her even harder, trying to drive his sperm even deeper into her. Stream after stream shot into her, and Aewyn came again as he continued to fuck and shove his cum into her.

When Zhou finally stopped cuming, he slowed down and was about to pull out, but Aewyn protested. "Don't worry, love - you can have more of me in a moment. I just want to lay down." He quickly pulled out, hopped on the bed, and then pulled Aewyn on top of him, lowering her on top of his still hard cock.

She moaned with pleasure when his cock was inside her, and started gyrating her hips. He was still very sensitive, and was gripping his teeth a little, but it felt so good - he couldn't make her stop, especially when the look on her face was intoxicating. Her face was flushed, her eyes clenched shut, and her lips ... he wished her could suck on her lips. And her nipples - were so hard and so perky, and he was now in almost the perfect position to enjoy them as much as possible.

Aewyn braced her body and started riding Zhou like a cowgirl, moaning each time she lowered her body onto his cock. Zhou's arousal hadn't completely gone away, but it was definitely picking up again. Lifting his hips and butt up a bit, he grabbed her hips, and pulled her down harder onto his cock. "Oh, yes, Zhou. Oh my God, that feels so good!" They began fucking each other, almost like a dance, with their bodies grinding together in a rhythm. Aewyn came, and then came again, only minutes apart, and she began to slow down a bit from the exhaustion of her multiple orgasms. Zhou rolled her so that she was below him on the bed, and began to fuck her as hard and fast as he could. He was so close, and his balls, which he'd though he might have emptied, felt full of sperm again. When Aewyn cried out his name and her body tightened around his cock again, they came together, Zhou pumping more of his fertile seed inside her body.

Zhou collapsed on the bed on one side, and pulled her close to him. He lightly, and teasingly, pinched one of nipples. He made sure he didn't pull out of her though - he'd put so much sperm inside her, he was afraid it'd pour out of her if he didn't use his cock as a plug.

"Hey, no fair!" said Aewyn, protesting, but not very convincingly. "Aren't you tired of mating with me yet?"

"I'll never tire of you - if it wasn't that we're both tired from our vigorous mating, I have half a mind to spill my seed inside you again and again right now."

Aewyn grinned at him and kissed him gently, and then more passionately. She could feel her passion stir again for him, but figured it could wait. He was right - she was rather tired after all of their mating, though she found it exhilerating.

"Can we sleep now and mate more later?" she asked. "I already want you again, but I think I'm too tired for more at the moment."

"Of course! I'm not going anywhere, believe me. I want to explore and pleasure you more." Zhou kissed her finger tips on her left hand, and then kissed her lips. "Let's get some sleep. We'll have more fun soon."

Aewyn snuggled up closer to Zhou, and drifted off to sleep. Before Zhou fell asleep, he though "If Mother saw me right now, she'd freak. Oh well. This is my life, and I've been liberated."


Zhou woke up several hours later, feeling something wet on his erect penis. He looked down to find Aewyn cleaning him with a warm cloth.

"What are you doing?" he asked, somewhat amused.

"I'm taking what I want, and what I want is you." Aewyn set the washcloth aside and took his cock in her hand. Moving to a position in-between his legs, she lowered her mouth to his cock and licked the bottom of the head, and then took it in her mouth, placing her lips around the base and sucking up on it with a loud pop. "God, woman ..." moaned Zhou, and he guided her head back down on his cock. She began to bob her head up and down on his cock, and he felt like if she didn't stop soon, he was going to lose his mind and his seed.

"If you don't stop this ... ohhh, such wonderful task... ohh, good Lord, woman! Get up here!"

Aewyn sucked a little more, trying not to laugh. Her pussy was getting so wet - she could tell. He was so hot for her, and she wanted to make him even more so. She wondered how long it'd be before he'd force her to stop.

She received her answer rather quickly. When her mouth was the closest it'd been to off of his cock, he pulled her up towards him and flipped her over.

"Get on your knees, NOW!"

"Your wish is my command, sir" she said said with a lilt in her voice. "What are you going to do to your bad mate?"

"I'm going to fuck you hard, then I'm going to release my sperm inside you and make you carry my child. And I will repeat this until you're pregnant and then repeatedly after you're pregnant. Now up!"

Aewyn scrambled onto her hands and knees and suddenly felt Zhou ram his cock into her pussy from behind. He told the computer "Mirror - side and head of bed", and three mirrors appeared so that Zhou could see her breasts jiggle all over while he fucked her from behind.

Zhou smacked Aewyn's ass, and she yelped out. "What was that for?"

"That was for you being a naughty mate and sucking my cock after I asked you to stop so I could fuck you. You will get to do it again, but me fucking you like a wild animal is what you get for your misbehavior."

"Well, if this is my punishment ... aaahhhh...I hope I misbehave a lot ... ooh Zhou ... you feel so good!"

Zhou pounded harder and harder into her. Just then, he heard the door open and close, but other than seeing that it was Dr. Mumbala coming in, he paid no attention. "Dr. Mumbala must be coming to make sure we're mating - she's definitely going to get a show" he thought.

Aewyn was groaning and gripping the pillows, repeatedly calling out Zhou's name as his assault of her pussy caused waves of pleasure. His grip on her hips tightened. He felt like he needed to merge in entirety with her - to meld with her. He couldn't imagine not being a part of her - not being joined to her.

He heard the door open again, and one of the doctors called Dr. Mumbala outside. "Too bad for her" he thought. "She just got here and now she's going to miss me inject my sperm". He continued to think about how bad he wanted to be a constant part of his mate, and he realized that the only way to do that was to create a child that would grow in her, as often as he good. The thought of his baby growing inside her womb put him over the edge, and his sperm shot out of him and deep into her womb. Zhou grunted as he continued to come inside her, and they cried out together when Aewyn's latest orgasm gripped his cock and squeezed another stream of sperm out.

Aewyn collapsed on the bed, but Zhou kept her butt up, making sure that his sperm didn't leak out. He kept thrusting into her, making sure that every last drop of this batch of sperm was inside her. He wanted to fuck her again, but she was almost passed out, and her womb was so full of his sperm that it needed time to absorb more.

He slowly lowered there bodies together and then rolled them on their sides, keeping his cock inside. Aewyn murmured his name and drifted back to sleep, and he joined her a little while later after he gave up his resistance, gently fucked her in her sleep, and spilled his seed inside her again.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Finish the damned story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

I love this! I haven't been able to find many well-written stories about consensual breeding, and this one has a great mix of characters and scifi-fetish in addition- can't wait for more chapters!

Also, if you know of good consensual breeding stories, can you post the link please?

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