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A New Prescription Ch. 01

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A new prescription leads to an intimate encounter!
9.6k words

Part 1 of the 5 part series

Updated 11/14/2023
Created 08/22/2023
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"Mom? Are you home?" Max called, closing the front door of the house behind him. He waited for a response.

The silence said no.

"Dad? You still at the cigarette store?" Again, he waited for a response.

The silence said yes.

"Well, that answers that," he said, running a hand through his sandy-blond hair. His mom had been on him to get it cut for a few weeks now, especially since it began falling past his ears. He set his backpack on the floor beside the front door. He'd grab it later for homework anyway. "Guess I've got the run of the place."

First thing he needed was food. Dealing with school or work always left him ravenous. From the entrance, he walked past the living room on his right, complete with a teal faux-leather couch, coffee table, family photos on the wall, and a large flat-screen TV.

In the kitchen, Max set his sights on the fridge, hoping against hope that a banquet feast had materialized since he left the house that morning. Upon opening the door, and feeling the burst of cool air against his face, he was disappointed to find that there was not, in fact, a Beauty and the Beast style buffet set up inside.

Instead, he grabbed some lunch meat and opted for a sandwich. Working his alchemy, Max combined bread, meat, lettuce, mayo, mustard, and a pickle into a veritable feast fit for any 19-year-old king. After all, his 6'2" build required a great deal of calories to keep going.

Sandwich in mouth, Max turned away from the counter and walked past the dinner table set up against the far corner away from the kitchen. Two orange prescription bottles sat by themselves, with a note nearby. He'd been so hungry, he hadn't even noticed them when he walked in.

Max picked up the note and recognized his mom's handwriting. "Max, the new Rx finally got approved. Thank God for Parvati. Once daily. - Love you, Mom."

For the last few years, Dr. Anika Parvati had been their family doctor, ever since his original doctor, Dr. Aarons, had retired to the Florida Keys. And even though his mom was an attorney with her own firm, anxiety had been an issue that ran in their family. Max's prior medication's effectiveness slowly waned, so Dr. Parvati had been reading up on a new one hitting the market. Due to how unproven the medicine was, their insurance had gunked up the works in approving it.

Bottle in hand, Max read the label.

"Johnson, Maxamillian. Intrusivan. 60 mg. Take one capsule by mouth one time daily."

Easy enough. Next to his was the bottle belonging to his mom, Holly. When they talked about it, she always said, "Kiddo, you took almost everything from my side. You got the brains, the looks, and the anxiety. The whole kit and caboodle. Just remember to thank me first at your Oscar speech."

"What about Sarah?" Max had asked, inquiring about his older sister. At 23, she wasn't exactly a black sheep, but several years prior, she had moved out to parts unknown.

Whenever Sarah was brought up, his mom always got the same look on her face. She would smile with motherly warmth, which mostly covered up a deep sadness. Mostly.

"Sarah's kit and caboodle got its own entire kit and caboodle. She knows she can talk to me any time, wherever she is, and that she's always welcome home."

Max looked at the orange bottle in his hand. No time like the present. He popped it in his mouth and went back to the fridge for a bottle of water. Swallowing, Max stretched his arms out to his sides. "All right, Instrusivan. Do your worst."

Alone in the house for the next several hours, Max finished his homework, searched for any available jobs online, hoping to escape his wretched retail job, and stayed up to date on the news of the day. Usually at the end, alone in his room, he'd reward himself with some porn and quick jerk off, but he wasn't feeling it today, and had learned forcing it was never fun.

Around 7:30, he realized he was still in regular clothes. Quickly discarding those for pajamas, which tonight was an old black T-shirt sporting a faded graphic of a cartoon he used to watch as a kid, and plaid red pajama pants.

Just before throwing the shirt over his head, he stood in front of his wall mirror to admire his handiwork. Several years in the gym had earned him a toned build. Nothing jacked or bodybuilder-like, but enough to get a few looks whenever he was at the beach with his friends or his mom. Pronounced chest and biceps, along with a healthy six-pack, which led downwards to a faint Adonis belt V-shape.

God, he needed a girlfriend. Single for six months, which at his age might as well have been an eternity. His prior relationship had ended suddenly and seemingly out of nowhere. He thought everything with Jess Mills was going great, right up until the moment it wasn't. And when she ended it, so began a grueling three months of pent-up sexual frustration.

Shortly after that, the prescription he and his mom took for anxiety began to cease full effectiveness, which was when Parvati told them about a new one she'd read up on. She'd been fighting with the insurance company ever since.

The three months following that were their own picnic in the rain, and fighting with his own brain took center stage, pushing away any sexual frustrations he'd been dealing with.

From outside Max's room, a door opened and closed. Garage door. Mom's home, he thought. Time to not be naked anymore. He threw his pajamas on and went to greet his mom.

"Long day?" he called out from the hallway.

"Oh, my God," Holly responded, irritated. "Sometimes I just wish I could tell the whole damn firm exactly what I thought of them without imploding it all immediately after." Her eyes grew big and she raised her hands to the side of her face and shook them.

"Hard to do when your name is on the door," Max said.

"It really is, kiddo," his mom grumbled, pulling out the hair tie keeping her blonde ponytail in place. Without it, her golden hair fell down to just past her shoulders, its natural waves accentuated by the day-long hair tie.

She wore a flowing white blouse to the office today, tucked into a tight black pencil skirt extending to just above her knees. At 42, Holly maintained her tight 5'6" figure through the years in much the same way as her son. Learning that exercise was a natural anti-anxiety and antidepressant, the two of them had leapt into it.

Her blue eyes were tired, with the barest traces of crow's feet creeping through. Two children, an absent husband, and law school would do that to anyone. She was attractive, of course, Max knew that much, despite her being his mom. Beautiful, even. And aside from stepmom and MILF porn being some of his favorites, he'd never looked at her in any untoward way, with the exception of a few peeks down her looser pajama shirts over the years when she'd bent over right in front of him.

"Did you see my note?" she asked.

"Sure did."

"Did you take once daily?"

"Sure did."

"I knew I could count on you."

"What about you?"

Holly sighed. "I'll take it with dinner. I won't lie, kiddo. I am dead tired. Takeout Thai?"

"Takeout Thai," Max said with a small fist pump.

"Great. You order the usual smorgasbord. I'll grab pajamas and wine."

A quick phone call and 35 to 45 minutes later, they laid out a diverse feast before them on the coffee table in the living room. Max scooped some pad thai onto his plate, then grabbed a spring roll. As he scarfed it down with the energy of a hungry wolf, Holly sat down beside him on the teal couch, wine glass in hand.

"Mom, this is really good."

Holly laughed as she knocked back her once-daily Intrusivan. Not swallowing yet, she crooked her head toward her son. "Worked all day on it," she said, sounding like her mouth was full of marbles.

She had tied her hair up in a sloppy bun over her head in a fashion that embarrasses women yet mesmerizes men. Her oversized gray sweatshirt threatened to swallow her whole, draping over her tight black yoga pants. It amused Max when he realized it was the pajamafied version of her work clothes that day.

"So what are we watching with our feast?" Holly asked.

"There's that new Netflix show with the lawyer who gets turned into a goat," Max said.

She frowned and shook her head. "Pass."

"It's called Attorney-at-Baahhh," he said, a huge grin breaking out over his face.

Holly couldn't even stifle a laugh. "Oh, my God. I don't even know if you're making that up."

Remote in hand, Max pointed at the TV. A grumpy billy goat wearing a suit held a briefcase with papers and folders sticking out. "Attorney-at-Baahhh" it said. Then underneath, "He'll bite for his clients!"

Holly raised her free hand, cupping her mouth, and loudly booed.

"In the meantime, mom," Max said, "I think we only had a few more episodes of Space Lasers." Set 600 years in the future, Space Lasers: Lasers in Space was a workplace comedy aboard a galactic starship.

"Yes, finally, something good. Please, put that on."

In no time, mother and son were chowing down and watching TV.

As Max devoured the food, his mouth began to tingle. "Ooh, they made it spicy today," he said, reaching for his water.

"Then slow down. It's not going anywhere."

As he drank, they went back to watching the show. However, as the tingling sensation spread, whatever was on the TV became the furthest thing from Max's mind.

It continued to radiate, from the back of his throat, down to his chest, out to his arms, through his torso. What is happening to me, he thought in a panic. As his body warmed, sweat broke out across his forehead and forearms, and a pressure built from within his chest.

Max stopped chewing his food and clenched his teeth. The tingling sensation spread to his dick, causing a quick, involuntary erection. It felt as though a thousand fingers were massaging and jerking him off. What the fuck was happening to him?

Before he knew it, an orgasm rocked his nether region. His eyes went wide and he bunched up, trying to hide the wave of pleasure. All things considered, Max thought he did a pretty good job.

"What are you doing, kiddo?" his mom asked. "Looks like you're having a seizure over there."

"I'm okay," he squeaked, refusing to look her in the eye.

Holly raised an eyebrow.

Max nodded, more to convince himself than his mom. "Yeah, yeah, I'm good." Instead of his voice cracking, this time it was raspy like Batman.

"Uh-huh," his mom said. "Next time, we'll ask for less spice."

"Yeah, okay." Just then, cum exploded from his cock, soaking his underwear. "Excuse me," he said, jumping up, spilling food all over his clothes and the floor. He bolted from the couch and down the hall, just praying his mom didn't see the massive tent in his pants.

"Hey, what--" was all Holly could say before Max slammed the bathroom door behind her.

In front of the sink, Max doubled over, catching himself on the counter. His cock pulsated as it continued to ejaculate. Sweat trickled down his face, mopping loose strands of blond hair against his skin. Pinheads were larger than the size of his pupils. A single anxious thought shot through his mind.

Am I high right now??

There was a knock at the door. "Max, are you okay? What happened?"

Thankfully, the Godzilla-sized orgasm was subsiding, allowing him to think. "Fine, mom, fine. Just... not sure the food is settling right."

"Okay, well, I understand that. Do you need any medicine?"

"Just need some time, is all. I'm really sorry about the mess out there."

"Hey, no worries, all right? I'll clean it up. If you need anything, just let me know."

Fuck me.

"Language, kiddo, I'm just trying to help." His mom's tone was hurt. "I'll leave you be."

Max looked cockeyed at the door. What the hell was she talking about? He hadn't said anything. Irritation and... something else had resulted in him swearing, but not out loud.


Had his mouth moved? Had he talked? No, that was ridiculous.

But before he could give it another thought, a massive wave of that something else hit him. All at once, three months of pent-up sexual frustration broke loose. It was like Max was sweating horniness. He reached for the waistband of his pajamas and cum-soaked boxer briefs and yanked down.

Despite his orgasm only a moment ago, his dick was harder than he could remember it ever being before. Engorged, it pulsed an angry red. Now was not the time for questions. Max wrapped a firm hand around his cock and got to work.

Closing his eyes, he imagined his ex, Jess, down on all fours before him. Her magnificent ass wigged at him, begging him. Her clean-shaven cunt, red and soaking. Grabbing her cushy hips and squeezing, he slammed into her from behind. Imaginary Jess moaned and groaned. "Fuck, yes, Max, give it to me! Fuck my brains out!" Her blonde hair, damp from their sex fest, covered her face.

Just as Max was getting close, his imaginary pleading slut turned to look at him. "Pound me, Max, I said fucking pound me!" Only when he saw who he was fucking, it wasn't Jess screaming at him to obscenely fuck her, but the face of his own mother. Wet, errant tendrils of blonde hair stuck to her face. "That's right, give it to me! Just! Like! That!"

Reality melted away as his cock exploded across the bathroom mirror, sink, and counter. Thick white spurts of cum shot everywhere, but he didn't care. Relief from the second orgasm of the night oozed away any concern about the cleanup. As it faded, he gulped big heaving breaths.

What the fuck was that?

He refused to believe that his own mom had just made a cameo appearance at his Spank Bank of America branch. But that image of her, carnal, sweaty, obscene, holy shit, that was hot. His heart beat faster in his chest. A million questions with no answers.

While he caught his breath, he surveyed the ruination inflicted upon the bathroom fixtures. Without a doubt, the biggest load Max had ever shot. Was that the surge of sexual frustration working itself out?

...or was it because he'd been thinking of his mom?

No, no, no, he refused to believe it was that. Out of the question.

As he wrestled with that, he cleaned up his mess. Nothing out of his wheelhouse except for the sheer amount of it. Once finished, he flushed the toilet.

Peeking out the door to ensure the coast was clear, Max bounded for his room to change into some clean pajamas. Another black shirt with the faded graphic of a cartoon character and yet another pair of plaid red pajama pants.

Now all he had to do was apologize to his mom for whatever it was that he said.

When he found her, she was sitting on the couch, as if waiting for him. His other mess of the evening, also already cleaned.

Max sighed in embarrassment. "Mom, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to say that."

She raised a forgiving hand. "No, honey, I'm sorry. You were having a distressing, private moment and I pushed the issue."

A quick, vulgar flash of her burned into his mind. Naked, on all fours, "Pound me, Max, I said fucking pound me!"

Max shook his head to clear the cobwebs. "No, mom, you were just trying to help and I lost my cool. It won't happen again."

Shaking her head, she held up both hands. "Not to worry, kiddo. We are all good, I promise you."

"Okay, good," Max said, nodding, taking his place back on the couch.

They finished out the rest of the evening without incident, thoroughly demolishing their takeout food and Holly mostly demolishing a wine bottle and leaving an empty glass on the table. The fourth season of Space Lasers: Lasers in Space finished on a cliffhanger.

"All right, mom, I think I'm gonna crash," Max said. "I can feel the food coma approaching."

"Sounds good," his mom said.

He stood up only to lean back down over his mom for a hug. She wrapped her arms around him and gave him a kiss on the forehead.

When he pulled away, her face twisted in disgust. "Blech, hit the showers, Johnson, I can taste the sweat on you."

Max laughed. "Gross, I made you taste my sweat. I'll get one in the morning."

"See that you do. Can't have you stinking up the whole house."


Alone in the dark of her bedroom, Holly opened her eyes. A quick glance at the clock on her dresser said it was 1:15am. Did the air conditioner go out? Her room was blazing.

She threw off the blankets, and a chilling cold braced her. Sweat covered her from head to toe. Even in the dim light, her bare leg glistened.

The white tank top she slept in was practically transparent. At full attention, her nipples were visible, trying to poke through the material. Holly's nose crinkled as she pulled at wet fabric almost suction cupped to her breasts.

Feeling the sheets around her confirmed her fear. Everything was entirely soaked. Like a fever had broken, only she felt fine.

But her mouth tingled...


The following morning, Max awoke to the alarm on his phone. Usually, half dead from sleep, he'd fish around for the snooze button.

However, this morning, Max sat right up out of bed and turned the alarm off. Okay, that was weird, he thought.

A peculiar feeling left him exuberant as he sat in bed. A feeling so odd, it took him a minute to pinpoint exactly what it was.

"Am I... refreshed?" he asked aloud.

He was awake. He was ready to go. There was no sleep to rub out of his eyes. No grogginess to endure. Max felt like a million bucks. Crazy what a good night's sleep will give a man, he thought.

Max hopped out of bed and discovered he was not the only thing ready and raring to go. Once more, his erection was so profound, it was almost perfectly vertical. Not too shabby, Max, old boy, he thought, impressed, but no time for that now.

A quick sniff of himself and he almost gagged. Probably should've showered last night. There was no way he could walk out in public smelling like he did. Half of everyone would think he slept in a landfill, and the other half would think he was a zombie.

Grabbing clothes for the day in one arm and pulling up his pajama pants with the other, he looked at the tent sticking out from his crotch. For God's sake. If his mom saw him like that, he'd need to crawl into a hole so deep, he'd wind up at the Earth's core.

Max readjusted himself, tucking his throbbing member into his waistband, and covering up with his clothes. Still shirtless, he pulled his door ajar to sneak a peek into the hallway. No sign of mom anywhere. Excellent.

Eager to get into the shower, Max opened the door and leapt into the hallway--

--colliding into his mom.

Both of them yelped in surprise and jumped back from each other. Max hoped the way he was holding his clothes over his dick was casual enough so that it didn't look like he was trying to hold his clothes over his dick.

God damn, she's like a fucking ninja, Max thought.

"My God, what a body," Holly said.

"Uh, I'm sorry, what?" Max asked.

"No, no, no, young man, that's the second time you've dropped an F-bomb in front of me. I know you're in college now, but let's try to keep it clean."

"No, mom, you just said 'what a body.'"

Holly laughed nervously. "No." Her voice cracked. She cleared her throat. "I don't think I did." This time, it was raspy like Batman.

"You did," Max insisted.

"No, what I heard was you say I was like a fucking ninja."

Max opened his mouth to say something, then closed it shut. Gears in his brain were turning and he played back the last twelve hours. "Mom, do you think you said anything just now?"

"Absolutely not."

"Because I did not say anything."

"You most certainly did."

"Oh, I don't like this at all," Max said.

"Don't like what?" Holly asked, perplexed.

"Are there any side effects of our new medicine?"

Holly shrugged.

"It might be time to read what exactly Parvati put us on."

"I have to get ready for work. Where are you running off..." she drifted off for a second, running her eyes up and down his body. "...half naked?"

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