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Slave Planet Ch. 01

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Two friends get drunk and steal themselves a bondage slave.
1.3k words

Part 1 of the 6 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 11/02/2020
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"And you're sure we're outside the Collective's jurisdiction?"

"Positive," grinned Hank, finally taking his hands off the controls. They had been trying to throw off the Collective for a good six hours, a process that was becoming increasingly worrying as hours rolled by, each of them trying to keep ahead of their pursuers. Now though, they were outside of their reach, truly uncharted territory. It would take them far longer to find their craft this time, if they ever managed it at all.

Even the ever-cautious Robert couldn't help return the smile as he considered their new situation. Even as his brain went to work on a new plan, his hand absent-mindedly wandered to the desk toy sat between them mounted to the front of the command console. The toy let out a quiet moan behind her gag as the hand brushed against her rapidly stiffening nipple.

She made quite the sight for the two pilots as she sensuously stretched against her bonds her wide-eyes flitting back and forth begging one of them to give her some more attention.

"Bet you're more relieved than either of us to have thrown them off eh slave?" Hank quipped as his hand started to knead her other breast. She smiled behind the ball gag nodding as best she could restrained on the console between the two men. Robert had no doubt she meant it as her smile was again replaced with light moans of pleasure muffled by the large rubber ball. After all, she was the reason they were fugitives in the first place.

Back on their home planet of Ligotia, Robert had noticed her among a shipment of companion slaves arriving at Space Port 4 and was instantly entranced, she was a vision of pure feminine perfection with dark hair and richly tanned skin. Dressed only in the regulation collar and heeled boots, Robert couldn't take his eyes off her as she and five other women were led over the main cargo floor by leashes attached to their collars, their hands cuffed behind them and black leather ball gags sealing their mouths shut as they obediently followed the technician tasked with processing them.

"Such a waste," grunted a nearby mechanic, his eyes also following the girls across the floor.

It was a few moments before Robert could really process what was said. "What?" he eventually managed, turning to face the speaker.

"A waste," he continued. "They're headed to Captain Holloway's ship."

Robert cursed under his breath, Holloway was infamous for what he did to his companion slaves and his crew weren't much better. The girl would be subjected to all sorts of cruelty by that band of thugs who would likely just auction her on some back-water planet before they even returned to make extra cash along the way. It was indeed a waste.

Robert just couldn't live with it as he desperately tried to get to sleep that night. His bunkmate Hank noticed in the morning the sleep deprived zombie his friend had become and laughed when Robert told him the reason for his trouble. Hank told him how ridiculous it was, there were plenty of slaves to go around but Robert would not hear it. It was after a week that Hank had become sick of his moping and said the phrase that changed their lives and countless others: "Well fuck it then lets take her and run". This was meant as a joke of course but over the evening they laughed about how they'd hypothetically do it as they drank long into the night and at some point it stopped being so funny and became a plan. A hair-brained plan which the pilots, now absolutely hammered tried out that evening and amazingly led them to sobering up hours later in a stolen ship with their very own companion slave.

The only problem was after they checked their new ships computer they realised this slave had been a special acquisition not a randomly assigned pleasure girl for Captain Holloway who was going to be royally pissed when he realised what had happened to his requested pet. The enraged Captain had been chasing them for nearly the whole time since they left but now they were outside the Collective Space, his chances of finding them were practically nil.

"So what now," Hank asked looking around at the expanse of uncharted space before them.

Robert considered their options before deciding "Have an explore and set the scanners, we need to find a planet suitable for humans somewhere extra out of the way."

Hank agreed and began setting up the scanners. "And what exactly will you be doing while I'm doing all the work yet again," he directed at Robert who showed no sign of any activity.

"Well I believe our little damsel here," Robert remarked as he pressed a few buttons to release the restrains holding their slave to the console "owes me a little gratitude."

She looked at him and he could see in her eyes she clearly understood the weak euphemism as she shakily slid herself off the console until she knelt in front of his chair. Still dressed in the regulation attire she submissively leant forward for him to undo her gag which he reached forward to do but then hesitated before deciding he wouldn't, smirking as he settled back down. She looked up at him confused but he just motioned towards his crotch. She wasn't exactly sure what he wanted with her mouth unavailable, but was trained to give pleasure in any way she could and genuinely did want to express her gratitude. She leaned forward, her beautiful face growing closer to him until her skin made contact. She started slowly rubbing her smooth skin against the rough exterior of his trousers feeling the desired effect almost immediately as she felt him harden beneath them.

Robert almost came right then witnessing this sensationally erotic display of female submission as her face pressed against him and he saw down the gentle curve of her back past her still cuffed hands to her upturned ass just begging to be spanked. He let her continue her efforts for a minute or so but could then take no more and removed her gag. She looked as if she were considering saying something but thought better of it just before his cock was roughly stuffed into her mouth.

She sucked vigorously at her rescuers shaft in long strokes, making sure to take it all in as he lay back in ecstatic disbelief that they beautiful object of his desire from all the way back on Ligotia was now his to do with as he pleased and that those big sensuous lips above the full bouncing breasts were now firmly wrapped around his cock. It quickly proved too much for him and he reached an explosive climax at the thought of everything he was going to do with his new pleasure slave now they were free of their pursuers.

As he came back to his senses he knew despite how stupid and dangerous it was he'd made the right choice. With his manhood finally out of her mouth, his new slave opened her mouth to speak but was immediately stopped from doing so as he deftly shoved the ball back into her mouth provoking a surprised, "mmmph". Grinning at her obvious disapproval and spurred on by his new freedom to have fun, he grabbed some cord out of the centre console and attached it to the ring on the front of her collar.

At first, she was unsure what he meant to do with her now but it became immediately clear as her face was once again drawn closer to his crotch only this time whether she wanted to or not. With his trousers now back on, Robert didn't stop until her face was squarely pulled against his crotch again at which point he tied the cord around the bottom of his chair leaving her unable to take her face away from between his legs. With the stars stretching before him and a warmth on his cock, Robert turned to his friend Hank and said:

"Wake me up when we find a planet mate."

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago

What part of this story makes you think it’s BDSM?

I looked for it but couldn’t find anything that indicated it was BDSM. It’s just another kidnapping & rape story at present. The principles of BDSM don’t miraculously change because you put the characters on a spaceship.

The writing style is pretty good it’s clear, easy to read and flows quite well.

Tess (UK)

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