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A Night at McHooligans


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Rosa hugged him and giggled with excitement like the cheerleader she resembled.

"What now?" Phil asked.

"Let's wander," Carny said. "Soak up the atmosphere. Chill out."

"Aren't you worried we'll stand out?" Phil asked.

Carny looked fine, but Rosa still had her horns, wings and tail. He was also a strong gust of wind away from being a dirty flasher. Rosa had given him these robes to wear, but that was all she'd given him.

"It's Halloween silly," Rosa said, swinging her tail in her hand. "Everyone will think we're in costume."

"Speaking of costumes," Carny said. "I thought you were going to make an effort this year."

"Oh wait," Rosa said.

She produced a pair of wire-rimmed spectacles and put them on.

"What do you think?" she asked, showing them off with a smile.

She'd changed from a smoking hot sex daemon from hell to a smoking hot sex daemon from hell with a pair of wire-rimmed spectacles.

"Very nice," Phil said.

"You almost look innocent," Carny said.

They left the alley and walked down some quiet city streets. Phil heard sounds of revelry from off in the distance, but these streets were currently empty of people. Silent windows stared down at them.

"You seem a good sort for a warlock," Carny said to Phil as they walked.

"Why, what are warlocks normally like?" Phil asked.

"Obnoxious, arrogant, shouty," Carny said. "Always barking out one order or another."

"It's probably because I'm not a very good warlock," Phil said.

Carny smiled.

"Says the current master of Rosa and her sisters," he said.

Most of the time it felt like the other way round, Phil thought.

"Do you have a master?" Phil asked Carny.

"Nah," he replied. "That's outmoded thinking as far as I'm concerned. I do favours for humans sometimes. Ah, here we are," he said, stopping outside a pub tucked away down a quiet side street.

"Really?" Phil asked.

The pub was called 'McHooligans'. It looked grotty. The windows carried a thick patina of grime and the light emanating from inside was dim and yellow. This was not a city centre pub eager to attract new visitors with the lure of bright lights and a friendly atmosphere; this was a locals' pub where the locals came to drown their sorrows and grumble about their lot in life.

"Local colour. How charming," Rosa said before putting an arm around Phil and steering him up the steps and through the entrance.



Phil watched the fist rush towards him, transfixed like a rabbit in the headlights of a truck.

This is going to hurt, he thought just as the fist impacted on the side of his face. Phil span around, collided with the bar and then collapsed in an ungainly heap.


His head rang with an annoying low buzz. He tried to stand back up only to find his legs currently had the same level of sturdiness as a bag of limp spaghetti. He fell back down and the world temporarily blacked out.

Phil was only out for a few brief moments. When his vision came back he saw Rosa kicking and screaming as the big guy bounced her on his shoulder in a fireman's carry.

"Lock the doors," Bulldog-face called out to one of the junior gang members, the kid with the weaselly face that looked about the same age as Phil. "It's time to show this bitch a good old-fashioned gang bang."

Rosa screamed, kicked and beat her fists ineffectually at the big man's broad back. She caught Phil's eye and paused long enough to flash him a sly wink, then she carried on screaming, kicking her heels and generally behaving as a stereotypical scream queen. The big thug dropped her down on the edge of one of the pool tables and leered as he pulled down her shorts with his coarse, chubby fingers.

This wasn't going to end well, Phil thought.

Rosa stopped struggling. Bulldog-face probably assumed she was another of those rape victims that resign themselves to the assault and do whatever they can to get it over with as fast and as painlessly as possible. He grinned as he dropped his pants and sat up on the pool table.

"Polish my knob," he ordered, pointing to an erect cock that was distinctly average for a man of his size.

Rosa acquiesced and bent down to take his member between her plush lips.

"Come on lads," Bulldog-face yelled out. "We've got some ripe student ass here for you. Form an orderly queue."

The hooligans laughed and jeered as they dropped their shellsuit bottoms and got out their erect cocks.

"What'll it be," Bulldog-face asked a man with curly black hair and a large gold stud in his ear. "Ass or cunt?"

"Always partial to a ripe bit of pussy me," Goldstud said.

He reached under to grope Rosa's naked crotch and pulled his hand back in surprise.

"She's soaking wet down there," he said.

Bulldog-face guffawed. "Your girl's a right dirty cow ain't she," he shouted down at Phil, who was doing his best to feign unconsciousness.

"Right fucking slut," Goldstud said, putting his hands on the round swell of Rosa's hips and driving his cock up into her.

"Experienced fucking slut," Bulldog-face added with a sharp intake of breath. Rosa was bobbing and twisting her head as she fellated him with the expertise of a back alley whore.

"You seem fucking calm about this, no-costume boy," the big guy that looked like Bulldog-face's brother or cousin said.

Carny hadn't moved. He leant casually against the bar, a bottle of mineral water in his hand. He shrugged and sucked up another mouthful of water through a straw.

"Actually, this is my costume," Carny said, taking another sip.

"Yeah?" Bulldog-face II said. "You another one of these Harry Potter warlock types."

"No," Carny answered. "I'm a Kullockian rage daemon."

He placed his bottle of water on the counter.

Bulldog-face II turned to his mates and laughed. He turned back to Carny.

"So what's a Kullockian rage demon when it's at home then?" he asked.

"The thing that's just torn both of your arms off," Carny replied with a smile that showed off plenty of teeth.

Bulldog-face II opened his mouth to laugh and then stopped. His brow creased up in puzzlement. He looked across his broad shoulder to where a grotesque stump was all that remained of his right arm. His eyes widened.

Carny held up two severed arms with an innocent expression as if to say, 'looking for these?'

Bulldog-face II began to bellow the moment blood started jetting out of the empty sockets where his arms had been. He turned slowly, spraying blood in a circle like a gruesome Catherine wheel.

Phil's jaw dropped open in shock. He hadn't seen Carny move, not even a blur.

Carnivrillarofax's smile grew wider and his lower jaw pushed further out, revealing a line of triangular pointed teeth. His body began to change. His backbone arched upwards, giving the daemon a noticeable hunch. His shoulders broadened and his arms lengthened. Phil heard popping sounds as wiry muscles stretched and flexed. Carnivrillarofax's fingers lengthened, the fingernails extending into viciously sharp claws. The daemon's skin darkened to a deep shade of blood red. It smiled and ran a black tongue over its wickedly pointed teeth.

The hooligans stopped laughing. They started screaming when Carnivrillarofax threw himself at them with a savage howl. Cries of pain and horrible gurgling sounds were added to the symphony of growing panic.

Phil looked back at Rosa. The succubus appeared to be enjoying her 'rape'. She'd lost her skimpy top and was currently fondling her hanging breasts as her body swung back and forth. Bulldog-face was leaning further and further back on the pool table, his eyes closed as the pleasures of her fellatio overwhelmed him. Behind her it didn't look so much like Goldstud was driving her as he was hanging on while the lovely round curves of her ass pushed back and forth against him. The thick musky aroma of her arousal filled the air in a dense cloud and the other members of the supposed gang rape were enveloped by it.

When the screaming started the men lining up to take a turn with Rosa didn't seem to properly acknowledge what was going on. They looked over to where the sounds were coming from, but their mouths were slack and their eyes full of stupor.

Rosa broke off from sucking Bulldog-face's cock and looked at them.

"You don't want to run off before taking your turn do you?" she asked sweetly.

She put a hand to her mouth and blew them a kiss. The men's bodies stiffened and dancing flames were superimposed over their eyes. They ignored the screams and turned back to face the succubus. They stood jerkily in line like puppet soldiers, each stroking their own erections and oblivious to the rest of the room.

Rosa took Bulldog-face's cock back into her mouth and suddenly bit down. Bulldog-face shuddered as if electrocuted. His eyes rolled up and froth bubbled up out of the corner of his open mouth. She'd injected him with the aphrodisiac venom from her fangs, Phil realised.

Sweat pouring down his body, Goldstud continued to thrust against her.

"I'm coming," he groaned.

He gasped with the satisfaction of release, but the expression of pleasure quickly changed to surprise and then fear.

"I can't stop," he yelped.

His body was no longer his to control. The muscles of his buttocks clenched, driving him deep into her pussy and holding him there.

"Of course," Rosa said, turning with a cruel smile on her lips. "Once you're in a succubus's pussy she won't let you go until she's sucked out all your life."

Goldstud groaned again, pleasure thrumming through the taut tendons of his body.

"But don't worry, you won't want to leave either."

Rosa turned her attentions back to Bulldog-face. His cock was twitching and throbbing between her fingers, ready to go off at any moment. She ran her tongue over the mushroom head, licking up his oozing precum and savouring the taste.

"Yum, you'll make a nice meal," Rosa said. She coiled her tongue around his cock and engulfed it right down to the root.

Bulldog-face tipped his head back and groaned loudly as Rosa bobbed her head faster and faster. It was the most epic blowjob he'd ever experience in his life. Nothing would ever top it because it was also the last blowjob he'd ever experience in his life.

It was the last of anything he'd ever experience in his life. Already the great slabs of fat and muscle were starting to collapse in on themselves. Bulldog-face was past caring. He continued with his moans of bliss, helpless beneath her hot mouth and sumptuous lips.

Phil didn't want to look, but he couldn't look away. The men were deflating like inflatable dolls with a slow puncture. Their middle-aged paunch narrowed first to slim, then to starving, then to far worse. Goldstud had stopped trying to thrust in time with her movements; he wasn't even moving. His head had tipped back, his tongue was hanging out and his arms were swinging loosely at his sides. Still he didn't fall. Rosa's vagina kept up her death grip on his cock. Still fellating Bulldog-face, she murmured her pleasure as Goldstud's skin stretched taut across stick-thin bones.

The worst part of it all was the men were still smiling and groaning in pleasure even as she drained all their life and turned them into living cadavers.

Finally, when there was nothing left but skin and bone, Rosa released him and Goldstud's corpse collapsed back onto the floor with a dry rattle. Rosa lifted her head from Bulldog-face's emaciated corpse and licked her lips as she fondled her breast.

"Very filling," she said, before casually shoving the man's corpse off the table.

She jumped up and sat on the edge of the pool table. She turned her attentions to the next man in line, a stocky bald man with a wide scarf around his neck. She beckoned to him with one finger while the other slipped between the plush folds of her pussy.

"It's your turn," she said, her red lips turned up in an innocent smile. "Don't be shy."

Still entranced, still with those red flames dancing before his eyes, the man stepped forwards and between her legs. Rosa sighed as she crossed her legs behind his buttocks and guided him into her pussy. Her arms folded around his back as she completed the embrace.

The other side of the pub resembled a charnel house. Blood was sprayed up the walls and seats as if a mad artist had gone berserk with a bucket of red paint. The gang were arranged along the walls and booths like a flock of frightened sheep, each trying to keep the furthest away from the red-skinned daemon standing in the middle of the room.

A wiry youth in a grey hoodie tried to make a break for it. He jumped up onto a table and threw himself bodily at the front windows... only to rebound. Ripples of subtle blue light spread out from the point of impact. Magic, Phil thought. Rosa and Carnivrillarofax were not about to let anyone escape.

The youth had fallen at Carnivrillarofax's feet. The rage daemon lifted him up above his head with arms that were now nearly as long as his body. Carnivrillarofax gave a savage roar of triumph as he tore the man in half as if he was no more than a piece of paper. Phil looked away, but not fast enough to avoid seeing the man's entrails spill out like the contents of a ghastly butcher shop piñata.

Looking at Rosa was no better. Her head was angled upwards, a savage gleam of lust in her eyes as she hugged the man tighter in her embrace. His quivering form slowly shrivelled up to skin and bones and then collapsed to the floor. He was still moaning and grunting his pleasure even as he died.

"Aah, next," she sighed.

My friends are really fucking scary, Phil thought.

He tried again to get back to his feet. Again his legs were about as suitable at supporting his weight as molten cheese sticks.

Fuck, that big bastard really could hit hard. Phil closed his eyes and then blacked out again. When he opened them again it was in time to see Rosa discard yet another cadaver of a corpse from her embrace.

Of the gang rape party there was only one man left, the weaselly-faced youth that had been sent to lock the doors. Flames were still twinkling in front of Weasel-face's eyes, but the light was dimmer and kept cutting out. Rosa's glamour was strong, but the youth had just watched six of his friends wither away to nothing in the succubus's arms while listening to Carny tear the rest of his firm to bloody pieces. That was enough to penetrate even the strongest glamours.

"Come here sweetie," Rosa said, her face innocent again. "Come into my arms."

Weasel-face didn't move forward. The flames before his eyes flickered out. He glanced nervously behind him at the exit.

Rosa beckoned again. She squeezed a lovely breast with her hand.

Weasel-face shuddered as he fought the deadly attraction of Rosa's body. A trembling leg stepped forward, then slid back. Tears ran down the youth's cheek. He glanced again at the exit.

Rosa put a hand on her hip and pouted. Her demeanour hardened.

"You can try and run and Carnivrillarofax will tear your arms and legs off," she said. "Or you can come here and experience the sweetest end as my succulent pussy sucks out your life. Your choice."

Weasel-face turned and watched as Carnivrillarofax tore a man's head and shoulders off. He backed away, realised that was only taking him closer to the other daemon and then stopped. He stood there trembling, tears running down his cheek, before finally making a decision. His shoulders slumped in resignation as he turned to Rosa and shuffled forward.

"Mmm, good boy," Rosa said.

She stepped forward to meet him with a slinky sway of her hips. She wrapped her arms around him and pressed her soft lips against his. Weasel-face didn't resist as she pushed him back on top of the pool table and climbed on to straddle him.

"Don't worry," she said, wiping the tears from his cheeks. "This won't hurt at all. I promise."

Weasel-face's mouth formed a perfect 'o' as his cock head slipped between her cushioned labia and she slowly sank down his shaft. Rosa smiled above him, her face sweet and innocent again as her hips moved up and down with an easy rhythm. She cupped her breasts in her hands and sighed as her body went up and down.

Phil watched them and felt the tip of his rock-hard erection nudge against his robes. How did they do it? He thought. Sex with them was deadly. They killed men, left behind hideously shrivelled cadavers and still Phil wished he could be where Weasel-face was right now.

Murmuring soft nothings, Rosa folded her body over Weasel-face until her breasts were rubbing against his chest. She continued to rock back and forth until his resistance broke and he came with a loud groan. Weasel-face's cries as he was coming were high-pitched like a girl's. Rosa smothered them with her soft lips. She extended her wings and folded them down until they were both hidden. Beneath the red membranes Phil heard wet sounds as Rosa's pussy sucked the semen, and life, from the youth's body.

This went on for a few minutes until Rosa sat back up with a contented sigh. Her wings retracted and folded back behind her.

"Now that wasn't so bad, was it," she said, caressing Weasel-face's cheek.

Weasel-face didn't reply. He looked like a centenarian left out in the sun for too long. His eyes were white and clouded over.

Rosa hooked a foot under his corpse and rolled him off the table. She looked around and pouted when she realised she'd run out of men.

Phil tried to lie down and look inconspicuous. He didn't like the hungry gleam he saw in Rosa's eyes.

There was a thud above him. Phil looked up and saw Rosa perched on the edge of the bar like a bird of prey. She stared down at him, her blue eyes bright.

"There you are," she said.

She reached down and grabbed Phil's collar.

"Urk!" was all he could say as Rosa lifted him bodily into the air.

She took off for a short flight that was barely more than a jump as they came back down on the same pool table. Of course Rosa was right on top of him. Her eyes gleamed with both hunger and lust as she opened up his robes and his erection bobbed into view.

"It's me!" Phil yelled out as Rosa put a hand around his shaft and steered his cock to the dripping slit of her pussy. "Phil. Your master."

Rosa paused and looked down at him with her clear blue eyes.

"Yes, I know," she said.

"I thought you were going to..." Phil didn't want to think about the scraps of skin and bone that littered the floor beneath the pool table.

"Don't be silly," Rosa said. "I've already eaten. Now I want to fuck."

"Oh," Phil said.

"Now shut up and let me fuck you," Rosa said.

She sank down on him and Phil felt his cock slide into her wet, warm and exquisitely soft vagina.

Phil shut up.

Rosa was glowing with the energy she'd taken from the other men. The soft flesh of her pussy pressed snugly all around his cock like a tight-fitting glove. Inside she was hot, but not unpleasantly so. Instead it was a pleasurable warmth that sank through his skin and spread through his cock.

Rosa lifted her arms above her head and posed for him in all of her naked glory as she wriggled to find a comfortable position in his lap. Her beauty took Phil's breath away. It always did. He looked up and marvelled at the flat expanse of her stomach, the perfect rounded swell of her breasts, the elegant curve of her neck and that angelic face that currently looked anything but as she stared down at him with sultry desire. Her hips moved slowly up and down and her vagina clenched around and rubbed against his cock with each stroke.

He was still admiring her unearthly beauty as a thick spray of blood splashed across her chest. It looked like a demented artist had taken a paintbrush and daubed a thick line of red paint across her boobs.

It was enough to shake Phil out of his trance. He became aware of the chaos around them. The pool table was in the eye of a hurricane of panic-stricken people. They dashed to and fro while a savage beast slaughtered freely in their midst.

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