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A Perfect Life Ch. 06

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The Ceremony.
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Part 6 of the 8 part series

Updated 10/25/2022
Created 10/13/2011
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Part 8. The Ceremony

The wedding of Natasha and Scott was definitely not going to be traditional. Natasha made this clear from the very first day. For the few family members they each had left, their business associates, and the diminishing number of vanilla friends they had, they concocted a story of impulsively going down to City Hall and getting married. For the rest of the enlarging group of their lifestyle acquaintances Natasha was planning a femdom extravaganza.

Meryn and Jeremy were so happy with the unexpected turn of events that they were extremely pleased to be involved, especially when Natasha asked Meryn to be her Mistress of Honor, and Scott asked permission for Jeremy to be his Best Slave. Natasha had never gone into details with Meryn about the events of the engagement night. Jeremy had only been able to tell her that he had prepared a sumptuous dinner for them, as Natasha had instructed, which he had then served them very late in the evening when they had finally emerged, slightly bedraggled but utterly transported when they told him the news. Meryn thought it was extremely sweet that Natasha had 'borrowed' Jeremy for that purpose, and later told Natasha so. She had not been concerned for Jeremy about what might happen that night. She had privately made sure that he understood that there were boundaries beyond which he was not to go. If he had ever felt in any way compromised by anything that Natasha might have demanded of him, she had given him an ironclad command to leave at once. She really had trusted Natasha, but trust only went so far when you were safeguarding your man.

Natasha did not see any reason to tell Meryn the real use she had made of Jeremy that night. Meryn would just never understand, but Natasha loved her for it all the same. And, she insisted to herself, she had never intended to use Jeremy that night in the way that Scott had feared. She would never do something like that to Meri, her best friend. And, she knew now, she could never have done it to Scott either, even before he had begged her not to, and professed his love. Finally, she had to concede, she wouldn't have done anything like that to Jeremy either. He was a friend himself now after all.

The ceremony was held on a lovely spring evening at Scott's place at the lake. There were about fifty guests, all of them Dommes and their attending slaves. Some of the latter were slave-husbands, and the majority of the rest were in long term relationships with their owners. The person officiating was the same lady judge who had married Meryn and Jeremy, and whom Meryn now discovered was a Domme herself, who had her own large stable of slaves. One of them was her escort for the night, a distinguished looking gentleman who would not have looked out of place in any corporate boardroom, except for the thick, black studded collar he wore around his neck. Indeed, all of the slaves in attendance, including Jeremy, wore collars of some kind, it being the accouterment du rigeur of the evening for them. They were all otherwise fully dressed. This was a serious occasion after all. The Judge had graciously lent many of the rest of her stable to Natasha for the evening, to be used as waiters, bartenders and busboys at the reception to follow. They were all properly attired for their roles as well.

Natasha had kept many of her planned specifics for the ceremony secret, even from Meryn. This was to be a grand spectacle, and she wanted it to be a wondrous surprise for everyone . The large backyard along the lakeshore was arrayed on the left side with rows of comfortably cushioned lawn chairs, to which the Dommes were escorted by their attendant slaves to be seated. The slaves then walked across the large central aisle to the right side, to be situated in rows of wooden kneelers that were set up on that side. The central aisle had a long red carpet down its center, at the end of which a small podium for the Judge was set up. In front of that was slightly elevated platform on which sat a single red cushioned, old Victorian armchair.

When all the guests were seated or kneeling, the Lady Judge, the Mistress of Honor, and the Best Slave took their places in front. A buzz of anticipation swirled through the guests, at least on the left side among the Dommes, as the slaves on the right remained dutifully silent. After an appropriate delay, Scott's elaborate sound system burst forth withe the piped-in processional that Natasha had chosen, "Thus Spake Zarathustra". All of the guests rose to the thumping music, awaiting the arrival of the Luminary of Honor, and her soon to be slave husband.

They did not have to wait long. From around the side of the house, Scott, dressed in white pants and shoes, a white satin shirt and leather vest, and finally a white, rhinestone studded collar with a white bow tie in front, emerged, pulling the rickshaw on which Natasha was regally seated. She was adorned in a mid-calf length white leather skirt, covering knee high white leather boots, a white silk blouse with lace accentuating all the right areas. She wore several strands of pearls around her neck, and finally a large white tiara with a circle of diamonds in the center. Instead of flowers, she held a large, coiled bullwhip, something she knew in her heart she would never use, but which she thought an appropriate symbol for the occasion. The approving murmurs she heard from the Domme side of the aisle seemed to bear this out.

With all deliberate gravity Scott slowly pulled the rickshaw down the aisle. When he reached the front he lay down prone in front of Natasha so she could step off onto his back and onto the platform to be seated in her chair. As he had been instructed Jeremy then pulled the rickshaw out of the way, as Scott knelt by Natasha's side, and she placed her hand on the top of his head.

The Judge stepped forward to formally begin the ceremony.

"Mistresses. And slaves. We are gathered here today to witness the very joyous event of the joining in matrimony of the Lady Natasha and her slave Scott."

She surveyed the crowd.

"Marriage is a sacred union, made even more special in this case, as here it is not only a joining of two people, but also the complete surrender of one into the total dominion of the other. Scott today is offering freely his entire being at the feet of Natasha to be used however she will. But with this gift of himself comes a solemn responsibility. Natasha will be charged forever with his care, as he will no longer be allowed to see to it himself. His life, to which today she will vow to accept, love and protect, will be placed in her hands." She now looked directly at Natasha. "Use him well."

With that the Judge nodded to Scott, and asked if he was ready to proceed. Scott answered a most definite yes, and turned to Jeremy, who stepped forward and attached a white leash to a ring on the back of Scott's collar. He handed the other end to Scott and stepped back. At that end of the leash a gold ring was attached to the leather handle. Scott shuffled on his knees in front of Natasha, bent down and kissed both of her feet, then knelt up and placed the ring with the attached leash onto her offered finger.

"My most beloved Mistress Natasha. With this ring and leash I pledge my life and lifetime in undying love, obedience and servitude to you. I beg you to take me forever as your adoring husband and slave."

The Judge then nodded to Natasha, who turned to Meryn, who handed her a small gold hoop earing. Natasha took it as she stood and stepped before the still kneeling Scott. She placed the connecting end of the hoop through a pierced area of his nasal septum so that the ring, once attached, hung down from the middle of his nose.

"Scott. With this ring as a symbol of your role in my life, I accept with love your vow of devoted service and obedience. I promise to be here for you forever, to be loved, worshiped, served and adored. By you alone."

She then lifted him up to stand beside her as the Judge pronounced them Mistress-Wife and Slave-Husband. Scott had started the ceremony as only her slave, and appropriately had kissed only her feet. Now, as her husband, he was allowed to kiss her as a wife as well. And he did so with amazing gusto, to the appreciative applause of all gathered.

It was then time to party. First, cocktails and a fantastic array of hors d'oeuvres were served by the Judge's slaves to any and all of the guests. Many of the Dommes had their own slaves scurry back and forth to bring the various selections of the finger food and drinks. Most, but not all, of the slave guests, after their Mistresses had been served, were allowed some of the offerings themselves, but always with the permission and moderating control of their owners. A spectacular dinner buffet followed, during which wine and drinks continued to flow, at least for the Dommes in attendance. It was clear that no expense had been spared.

At the far end of the yard, a dance area had been set up, and a band was playing. It was an amateur, but very accomplished group, made up of a number of high level male executives, dressed only in collars and loin cloths, who called their band "the submissives". They often played for free at large femdom functions like the one this night.

For their first dance, Natasha had chosen a slowed down version of "Ain't Too Proud To Beg" with some minor but appropriate lyric changes. They were soon joined on the dance floor by several other Dommes and their slaves, including Meryn and Jeremy. Once this dance was over, more of the Mistresses began dancing with their own, and, sometimes, other slaves. Several of the Dommes prevailed upon Natasha to have Scott take them on rickshaw rides around the property. He was a husband now however, and merited some more consideration than a simple command.

"Scott, darling." She said sweetly. "Some of my friends would like a rickshaw ride. Be a dear and see to it."

He jumped to obey.

While he was thus occupied, she was left alone on the side of the dance floor, as none of the other slaves appeared courageous enough to dare ask her to dance, until Jeremy, with much more confidence than he had shown at his own wedding, strode forward to do so. She graciously accepted, and they stepped out onto the dance floor. Meryn watched them with pride as Jeremy led Natasha throughout. At the end of the dance he leaned forward and whispered into her ear. She laughed and answered back into his, and he smiled as they parted. Once the ice was broken, many of the other Dommes rushed to have their slaves dance with Natasha, which kept her most enjoyably entertained while Scott was otherwise engaged.

The festivities rocked on into the night as the guests, particularly the Dommes, appeared to be enjoying themselves immensely. This was particularly apparent when a number of them ordered their slaves out onto the dance floor for a command performance of a slaves-only Macarena. This was accompanied by many hoots, whoops, and whistles by the boisterously laughing Mistresses in the audience.

When Scott had finally exhausted the many requests for his rickshaw services, he made his way back to the side of his seated Mistress-Wife. He knelt down and whispered into her ear. She nodded assent, and he got up and walked across the dance floor and respectfully asked Meryn to dance.

"It would be an honor, Scott." She said as he led her onto the floor, and they began a slow dance.

"The honor is all mine, Miss Meri." He answered.

"Please Scott. Particularly on this night. Just Meryn."

"Especially on this night it should be Miss Meri." He responded, smiling. "I just want you to know how very much I appreciate everything you've done for us."

"What have I done?"

"I don't know all the details, but I've gathered enough to know that you were the major force in encouraging my Mistress to look to discover more in me than she ever thought existed."

"Oh, she would have found you on her own, Scott. Anyone with eyes could see you had so much more to offer. So very much more to the real you."

His smile turned solemn. "No Meryn. I really don't think that would have happened without you. You were the one who got us all together, and allowed her the opportunity to see me in a different way. You were the one she respected enough to take a different look. And from the many clues that she's dropped, you were the one who convinced her not to do something that may have destroyed it all."

They both knew to what he was referring, and they danced silently, lost in their own thoughts for the next several moments. Scott then continued.

"I want you to know, Meryn, that I will never, ever forget any of it. I am so glad, and so very thankful, that you are my friend."

Eyes glistening, Meryn stopped their dance, put the palm of one hand flat on one his cheeks, and reached up to kiss him on the other.

"I don't think you can ever know how much that means to me, Scott."

They parted with a hug.

Later, as the gala was beginning to show some small signs of winding down, Meryn and Jeremy sat on the back porch on the bench swing, his left hand entwined in her right. They gently rocked back and forth in comfortable silence, taking in what was left of the party. Meryn finally broke the silence with a soft query.

"So what did you whisper into Natasha's ear this time when you danced?"

The corners of his mouth twitched up. "I asked her to please take good care of her man."

"And what did she answer?"

It now became a full smile. "She said he would be well kept."

Meryn nodded with rueful approval.

A group of Dommes, including Natasha, could now be seen and heard arranging for a game of "Kiss the Tail of the Donkey". This was a game that was becoming increasing popular at lifestyle parties. In it, a given slave was designated as the donkey. He was bent at the waist over a table. The contestant slaves were then led about ten feet away. A liberal amount of lipstick was applied to their lips and they were then placed on all fours and blindfolded. One by one, they were aimed by their Mistresses, and told to crawl forward. On first contact with any object with their blindfolded face, they were to kiss it, the lipstick marking the spot. The winner was the slave who came closest to kissing the center of the donkey's tail.

As hostess, Natasha felt it was her duty to offer Scott as the donkey. She led him over to the table, pulled his pants and his chiffon panties down to his ankles, his still imprisoned member visible for all to see. She bent him over the table, and then announced that the winner among the ten slave contestants would be granted the honor of kissing the feet of all the contestants' Dommes, including the Bride. The losers would be left to contemplate the displeasure of their Mistresses for their pathetic failure.

Meryn watched with morbid fascination as the first slave crawled forward, kissed and missed, his mark left on the table to the side of Scott. The next slave fared much better, as his forehead grazed the side of Scott's behind, and his kiss left red lip marks on the right cheek of the donkey's tail, eliciting a delighted squeal from the contestant's Domme.

"Now that's the way to kiss an assཀ" Natasha chortled at her pun, to the appreciative accompaniment of female laughter.

Meryn rolled her eyes, shook her head, and looked away, turning her attention back to Jeremy. She sighed and said to him.

"This has all been just a little bit over the top, don't you think?"

He turned to face her with a shy smile.

"They're both very happy."

She gazed up at him with a longing look.

"And are you happy, my love?"

"Exceedingly." And he gave her his special smile that never failed to melt her heart. An intuitive question flashed into her mind.

"But you would like some more of this, wouldn't you?" She asked, vaguely gesturing to the activities behind her.

His smile lessened, and he looked away. After several long moments, he finally answered.


She took a few seconds before proceeding.

"We have our Fun and Games."

He took even longer as he bowed his head before responding slowly.

"Yes ... We do."

The silence that now stretched between them was nothing like the one before. It was filled with unasked and unanswered questions. This time it was broken by Jeremy, who suddenly lifted his head, sighed "Meryn" and brought his lips urgently to hers, and kissed her with a raw passion. Startled at first, she quickly warmed to, and then embraced it, as he had never before initiated a kiss like this. When their lips and tongues finally parted, his breathing was heavy, and his voice ragged as he rasped.

"Meryn ... do you think ... when we get back to the room ... we could ... you know ..."

"My love. You don't have to ask." thrilled that he had, as he had never done so before. "I always want to be there for you, as you've always been there for me."

He nodded. And when they returned to the room where they were staying, he didn't ask. He took. Without permission. Hard. And rough. It hadn't been this electric for either of them in quite some time. And they took full advantage.

As the evening's events reached the ultimate climax for them both, with Meryn gasping ecstatically, she wondered joyously if this truly marked an important milestone that they may have reached this night. As they continued their ongoing journey together in the lifestyle they had both chosen.

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AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Somebody please please invite me to a wedding like this?!

— Me

SlvegrlSlvegrlalmost 13 years ago
First to read

And very pleased can't wait for the next two parts I will be dry sad when this story is all over!!!!

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