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A Pound of Flesh Ch. 08-11

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A diabolical twist and Nicky becomes futa.
6.8k words

Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 07/31/2019
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Chapter 8

"Oh, damn you, miserable, fucking, goddamned Yankee bastard ... fuck, that's good ... fucking take me, don't waste my time!" Nancy, Nicky's ex-fiancee, now begged me to pound her within an inch of her life.

"Shut up and take it, you sorry slut!" I demanded as I slapped Nancy's pale backside until it was pink.

Far from angering Nancy, the slaps to her booty turned her on even more, making her push back against me with her hips and ass in desperate need of more of my cock. Whatever made Nancy Peyton Hutchens tick, it was clear that one of those things was very rough sex. Even the fact that I had my camcorder recording us didn't seem to dissuade her, as if she expected me to push the envelope, but then maybe she did. I had made it obvious that I intended to make her suffer and bring her to heel, both notions seemingly exciting her even more.

"Damn it ... fuckkkk...!" Nancy screamed as she creamed her already soaking wet gash on me.

This situation only resolved me to ensure that Nicky got, in some form, what had been denied him by Nancy and by Sly. There would be no justice until my bum boy was able to slip his smaller, limp prick by some means inside Nancy's slippery slit that she had denied him. Hell, I thought, if I could get him back his manhood by selling my soul to the Devil, particularly for revenge against Sly as well ... I would.

"Is that a fact, Jack? Or should I call you ... Dave?" I heard a very seductive, very feminine voice speak in my ear.

"Who are you?" I asked, quite nervously now.

"Three guesses, and the first two don't count, you silly, yet yummy guy. Very smart guy, though not aware that when you think such things, it triggers me the same way that saying 'Lord Voldemort' did in Harry Potter. Nice series of books, by the way. I definitely approve of them, and of witchcraft, you know. Just call me ... Lucy," the voice told me, sticking a forked, reptilian tongue in my ear now.

"Let me guess ... I get something ... in return for my soul when I die. But I have to be willing to burn in Hell, right? Or is there something ... else, that I must do," I stipulated as I kept shoving it deep inside Nancy now.

"Oh, wow, you must be really desperate for revenge if you'll willingly submit to endless torture just to get it. Dave, Dave, I want nothing of the sort. I want your soul, sure, but not to inflict pain and suffering on it. Not that I expect you to believe me, since I've been called things 'Father of Lies,' etc.

"Well, as you can see, I didn't father that lie. I can't father anything. Since I was cast out of Heaven ... and then seduced women, well, Jehovah stuck me with another burden. He made me a ... futa as well as a demon. It kinda backfired, because I'm even more beautiful than I used to be, and that's saying a lot.

"Now, you've ... paid ... with considerable honor, someone else's debt. The very thing that Christ supposedly did for you mortals. I like you. You're friendly, loyal, hedonistic, honest, tough, smart, all kinds of good traits that we can definitely use down in Hell, trust me. People don't go there just to be tormented, or else I wouldn't prioritize some souls over others.

"So, Dave, finish up inside her ... and then let's make a deal. Attaboy! Is this on camcorder? Very nice! I've never been recorded before ... imagine how the press would handle that news. They'd be laughingstocks, since no one believes in me. Well, not as many people do, so I'm a victim of my own success in selling the idea that I didn't exist at all.

"You get six wishes, of course. Not three, not seven. Those are HIS numbers, you know. Six is MY number. So is sixty-nine, but let's not push it. Oh, I'll take their souls, too, if they wish to offer them, but I won't do wishes that conflict with each other, so if theirs don't dovetail with yours, they'll have to rethink that wish. Care to make the first wish ... now?" Lucy kept up the pressure.

"Okay ... I wish that Nicky was a futa now and forever, his balls working and everything," I decided, knowing that I had just committed my soul to Satan's custody forever for the sake of my boyfriend.

Just like that, Nicky felt his balls emerge, just as his skin became even smoother, a pussy emerged below his dick. His breasts grew out, his hair became longer, his hips became wider, his shoulders were narrower still. He no longer had an Adam's apple at all. He was no longer a lovely Greek guy ... but an even more gorgeous Greek girl. Chelsea and Monica both licked their lips as they stared as his ... or her, new cock, of course.

I dumped my load inside Nancy now and quickly made my next wish.

"I wish that Nancy Hutchens became the eager and enthusiastic sex slave of Nicky Stavropoulos as long both of them live now from this day forward. Is that doable," I asked the Devil, who nodded.

Instantly Nancy's eyes glossed over and she knelt before Nicky to submit to and obey her. Lucy looked back at me with admiration for my altruism as well as brazen lust for my cock. She walked up to me and whispered something in another language that I didn't comprehend.

"Your other four wishes await you, dear Dave," Satan reminded me now, her pointed tail curling around her body in a captivating manner.

"I wish that Sly ... Mackenzie's cock and balls decay and drop off him while he still lives. That will end any respect that his men have for him and his days as a loan shark are numbered that way, I believe. I want the satisfaction of making him suffer that way, whatever the cost to me. It's revenge for what he did to Nicky," I asserted.

"So, that will have ... interesting results, no doubt of that. Three very ... selfless wishes. Sorry, doesn't get you out of the covenant with me, of course. But I don't imagine that you expected me to release you, did you? What are your other three wishes, then?" Satan persisted.

"Okay, I wish for perfect health and stamina, including sexual stamina ... for as long as I draw breath. That means no aging, no diseases, including HIV, AIDS, STIs, etc. As long as I remain on Earth, not Hell, I will have these qualities of perfect health, youth, vitality, etc. Sound fair?" I clarified as Satan jotted this down on her new contract form.

"Look in the mirror, Dave. You won't even recognize yourself," the Devil told me, and the ladies followed me to confirm the fact in the mirror.

"Damn, you're even more of a stud than you already were, darling!" Chelsea assured me.

"That you are, papi!" Monica agreed.

"Damn ... you're cute, Dave!" futa-Nicky assured me.

"And then there were two. First selfish wish, but I knew that those were coming. No one's a complete altruist, which is good, because it's just not healthy or natural at all. What are they?" Lucy demanded of me.

"I wish that Chelsea, Nicky, and Monica all happily stayed with me for life as my ... lovers ... and each other's, with no breakups ... ever. I just don't think that I could give them up, now that I have them, of course. If it were others, I might ask to enslave them, but that's going too far with my sweet ladies here. I just want to keep them as my lovers ... fucking me and each other, as long as I possibly can," I now used up my fifth wish, really making Lucy salivate at the prospect of owning my soul.

"I wouldn't mind being your slave, darling," Chelsea licked her lips.

"Nor would I ... it would be great, papi!" Monica agreed with a wink.

"Same here. I owe him everything already," Nicky fondled her new balls gleefully now.

"Too late for that wish, but not too late for one more," Lucy wrote down that wish.

"Okay, I wish that any pain that you or your demons inflict upon me, on Earth or Hell, including fire, sulfur, worms, hot pitchforks, etc. should you break your word, you will suffer sevenfold. I bet you never saw that one coming, did you?" I sprung my own trap.

Lucy broke out into the widest grin possible now, eyes flashing, not in anger as I might have feared, but in pure satisfaction.

"I KNEW IT! I knew that there would someday be a mortal man or woman smart enough to beat me at my own game! You are the first, the FIRST human to ever figure a way out of any actual, possible pain or torment that you might, might, mind you, not necessarily, have suffered in Hell. Done, you clever human! Your wish is my command! Very smart! Oh, I so wanted a mortal man like you for ages, aeons, and I at last have found him! The male answer to Portia from the Merchant of Venice. Oh, I could kiss you now! I think that I will, in fact!" Lucy planted a real lip lock on me for being such a genius.

"He missed his calling, didn't he? He should be a lawyer," Nicky smirked now.

"That he should, with such a keen mind for loopholes," Chelsea agreed.

"Papi is very clever, even more than I thought!" Monica concurred now.

"Hey, can I sell my soul, or is it too late, since I'm doomed to serve Nicky for life?" Nancy spoke up now as my cum still leaked all over her thighs.

"Same terms as with Dave, so think long and hard on the wishes, which can't contradict his, so sorry, you'll never be free on this side of the grave," Satan warned her now as she pricked my finger and I signed my pact with the Devil herself.

"Okay, then ... first wish is ... I want Dad to quit drinking and get help for it," Nancy stunned us with an actual selfless wish, something that seemed impossible for her.

"Done ... he'll never touch booze again, trust me. In fact, he's dumping every bottle he has outside his house right now. Second wish?" Lucy turned to Nancy, who licked her lips suddenly.

"I want Mom to be Dad's sex slave. For life. I want her to do for him whatever she's denied him too long. She taught me how to be selfish, vicious, and twisted. Now, perhaps, I can help make her servile, submissive, etc. I don't know if he'll want to keep her faithful or not, but for once, it will be his call, not hers. I think that's poetic justice for how she's treated him over the years," Nancy's wicked mind showed more tenderness toward her father than expected.

"Next wish?" Lucy cornered Nancy now, jotting this contract down as well.

"That Dad give up his racism, anti-Semitism, and all other forms of bigotry that he has. Is that ... possible?" Nancy asked Satan for her part.

"Done. Three wishes down, three to go," Lucy made it apparent that she had powers that were truly impressive, but then, she WAS Satan, after all, "don't rush it too much, but don't dilly dally, either."

"I want to be young, pretty, slim, and healthy forever. Best of health, no HIV, no HPV, no STIs, even if I fuck a truckload of convicts and methheads. Deal?" Nancy finally made it to her first selfish wish.

"That will help me, no doubt of it. I don't have to worry about my slave giving me AIDS," Nicky smirked with approval.

"Granted. What next?" the Devil continued.

"Any pain or torment that I suffer because of losing my soul will be ... pleasurable to me. Even if I am broken on the rack, I'll climax to it, even the fire, etc. It will still hurt, however much it's supposed to, but I'll be aroused by the pain and anguish ... and enjoy it. So, you see, while not as clever as Dave, I'm a quick learner," Nancy revealed that underneath that cruel, callous exterior, she was just a frustrated masochist at heart.

"Very clever and certainly unorthodox. Also very masochistic of you. It confirms what I've known about you already. You dig pain, period. You enjoy being dominated, punished, hurt, even humiliated. One more left, Nancy. What's it to be?" Satan pressed the matter now.

"I want to be President of the United States," Nancy shocked us all with that power grab, but I supposed that it could be worse.

The first woman President wasn't a man-hating Fourth Wave radical feminist or female supremacist TERF type. She wasn't even a preachy hypocrite like Alyssa Milano or Sarah Palin. She was just a very jaded, spoiled, entitled, mentally ill, and masochistic debutante from Amarillo. I could live with that, given the alternatives. Then again, none of us now had a choice. And at least Nicky could rein her in if she so wished with her slave.

"Sign here, please," the Devil instructed Nancy, who was quick to sign the contract in blood.

"Any other takers, while I'm here?" Satan then asked around.

"Sure, me," Nicky offered herself up.

"Same here," Chelsea insisted.

"You're not going anywhere without me, not even Hell itself," Monica showed her absolute loyalty to Nicky, Chelsea, and me.

Wow, what a family!

Chapter 9

"Okay, then, who goes next?" Satan turned to futa-Nicky and the two ladies.

"Me, then," Nicky stepped, eager to rip off this business like a Band-Aid.

"Alright, what do you want for your soul?" the Devil asked her now.

"For my family to ... forgive me ... accept me ... and be at peace, the rift between us gone for good. It was my ewn fault, but I just want them to be happy for me and my new lovers and life and not stay angry at me for what I did," Nicky made a very logical first wish for her.

"Done! Your family will call you pretty soon and want to have dinner with you, catch up, that kind of thing. They'll even come out to Amarillo to see you and let you finally meet your niece, trust me," Lucy assured her now.

"I wish for ... my sister Thea ... join us as Dave's eager sex slave. She'll be so much happier that way, I do believe. She's always needed a firm hand and he'll provide it for her," Nicky thought of yet another way to bring his family closer and make his restless sister happy at last.

"Done! Thea will now live to serve Dave Feldman, your boyfriend. Two down, four to go," Satan smiled as she wrote down those first two wishes.

"I wish that any torment anyone in this group would experience in Hell, if there is any, to fall upon Sly Mackenzie once he dies, and I do mean ... all of it, except Nancy's, of course, including Dave's. That way, you can torture someone without it hurting you back sevenfold," Nicky stipulated now.

"Well, I was already not gonna make Dave suffer, full disclosure, even before his little ruse, nor any of you, except Nancy, so you'll need to substitute that for someone else instead. By the way, Nancy, you're gonna get raped repeatedly by every dog that I can imagine or create, but per your clever wish, you'll relish every second of it. For eternity, as one dog after another makes you his bitch, no less. That was your torment, you see? So, whose punishment will Sly take instead?" the Devil persisted.

"Jill's," Nicky stunned us all by proposing to spare his college sweetheart, despite how evil she was to him.

"Ah, so he'll get a paddle applied to his backside forever in addition to being constantly struck in the groin with a Louisville Slugger. That works. Sly will never know any kind of peace for even a second, as he is constantly tormented ... forever," Satan added that wish to the list.

"I wish to be ... young, pretty, healthy, slim, immune to disease, and sexy forever. No HIV, STIs, HPV, AIDS, etc. You did it for those two, why not for me?" Nicky told the Devil.

"Stipulated ... another mortal not to age or get sick. Always a good one, buys you more time and allows you to enjoy the time that you have better. Also a very popular choice, of course," Lucy jotted that wish down now.

"I have two left, right?" Nicky asked for clarity.

"Exactly, spell it out," Satan asked her.

"Okay, here it goes ... I want to be able to change gender at whim, with the futa being my base gender, so it doesn't go against Dave's wonderful first wish. But whenever I wish to be a woman, I'm a woman. When I wish to be a man, I'm a man. And when I don't wish to be either, I'm a futa. Just not a eunuch, of course," Nicky snickered now.

"I should imagine not," the Devil laughed very hard now, "well done ... I like that. Constant gender-bending changes according to your own whims. I can only imagine how many times you could enjoy sex in how many different ways, of course. And now, for the final wish."

"I wish that each person in this group could handpick a celebrity sex slave, but just one. One which will be loyal, be enthusiastic about their servitude, be happy, not sad, and always naked, young, pretty, and immune to disease. For my own sex slave, I choose ... Robert Downey, Jr. I've always had a thing for him," Nicky winked at me as she considered what options I might take.

"Done! Your hell-slave will arrive soon enough, trust me on that, and already collared, just as Nancy now is," Satan pointed to a magical red hell collar that held Nicky's ex very much under control, "as a hell-slave, of course, Robert will not be ... responsible for anything that he does in the eyes of Heaven. He won't necessarily follow you to Hell after death or suffer at all for his obedience that is beyond his control. That's the good news for him."

"And the bad?" I inquired.

"He'll be a slave, as long as both Nicky and he are alive. When either of them dies, the slavery ends, of course. He'll love it, though, because he's been conditioned to enjoy it. He won't mind the humiliation or pain or loss of freedom ... he'll draw real pleasure from them," Satan reassured us.

"This is something that you've done before, isn't it?" I asked the Devil.

"Yes, but as you can see, I've removed all discomfort or sadness or pain, all trauma from it. Contrary to what the so-called 'Good Book' claims, I'm not a monster at all. I'm simply the enemy of Jehovah, not of Man. I compete for your souls, not to torture them per se, though I do when I deem it necessary, but to keep them out of his hands ... it's a war ... and a game, you see? With clearly defined rules ... mostly," Lucy told me.

"A Cold War rather than a hot one," I commented.

"Precisely," the Devil accepted that description, of course, "by the way, I think that you can guess one of your ... duties in your eternal servitude to me. I really want you to fuck me, Dave. Hard."

I gulped as I realized that my impression of Lucy as a horny devil was right on the money. She didn't want to hurt me ... not like that, anyway. She wanted to use me for her sexual pleasure, plain and simple. I was to be her sex slave ... just as Thea would be for me ... and one celebrity of my choice.

"Yes, exactly. You guessed it, Dave. I wanted your soul so that I fuck you into eternity. Quite literally, to a certain extent. Trust me, while you're largely dominant, you'll love being my hell-slave. Just don't try to wiggle out of the pact, okay. You'd fail ... and incur my wrath. Be a man of honor and keep your word to me," Lucy then whispered, "well, who is it? Who do you crave so damn much? Name her ... or him. Your futa is paying for this with her own soul. Make it worth her sacrifice."

"Anna Kendrick," I abruptly decided, putting a real smile on the Devil's face, "and I assure you that I will honor the pact, not attempt to cheat you. I'm a man of my word. It's a matter of personal honor and pride. Besides, I have the feeling that I'll ... really enjoy my service to you, my Dark Lady."

"Ooooh ... yummy! You, my friend, have excellent taste in slaves, but then again, so do I. Your 'pitch perfect' slave will be here before you know it, trust me. With her hell-collar and everything, naked and eager to serve you ... quite the dish, plus it is satisfying to see you claim the Rapture-Palooza actress. Maybe you'll make do porn ... oh, I hope so ... I would love to see it!" Lucy gloated at the idea of me owning Anna Kendrick.

"And you?" the Devil now asked Chelsea.

"Emmanuelle Chriqui ... there's just ... something about her, you know," Chelsea winked as she opted for a female hell-slave instead of a male one.

"Done! And you, sweet Monica?" Satan asked Monica now.

"Rosario Dawson. I just can't help it ... I crave her so badly," Monica confessed now, getting me very hard indeed.


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