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A Pound of Flesh Ch. 08-11


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It occurred to me that Nicky and I both had two hell-slaves. It was gonna be one helluva wild time for us all. Particularly with a sexy, fine-ass Devil named Lucy, determined to claim my soul for her own lusts.

"Since you failed to stipulate that Nancy isn't part of your covered group, she gets a handpicked celebrity hell-slave as well. Who shall it be, Nancy? Bear in mind that you're in quite the pickle, owning a slave being one yourself," Satan insisted with a saucy smile that revealed her fangs.

"Tara Reid. I always loved her in all of her films, even Sharknado," Nancy couldn't help but touch herself as she imagined the actress under her thumb.

"Done! Excellent choice ... she's a naughty girl, and they're the most delicious, right? I'm thinking that you're really gonna need the White House, aren't you, babe? Don't worry, I haven't forgotten. We just have to use the quickest Constitutional maneuver to put you in there. And then you'll have Secret Service agents up your ass ... in your case, quite literally, I hazard a guess," the Devil promised Nancy while stroking her own futa cock now.

Of all things that I expected from this day ... meeting the Prince ... or rather Princess of Darkness wasn't exactly the first to come to mind. So far, though, she seemed like a real sweetheart. So much for the hype, right? I pictured Elizabeth Hurley meeting her on the set of Bedazzled and the two of them making out. Talk about a way to stir up the loins...

Chapter 10

"So, you wish to sell your soul as well, both of you?" Satan turned to Chelsea and Monica now.

"We love ... Dave ... and Nicky ... far too much to spend eternity without them," Chelsea asserted for her part.

"I don't care if Nicky is a boy, girl, futa, whatever ... Nicky is my soulmate. When Nicky's soul goes, so does mine. Forever. Even if it did mean torment, I would be there to suffer it at Nicky's side. Same is true with Dave, he is beloved ... he is papi, too ... though Nicky is my soulmate. I think it's the opposite for Chelsea, isn't it, Chels. You adore Nicky, but for you, Dave comes first," Monica declared.

"True, I love Nicky ... and Monica, too, deeply," Chelsea confessed, "but for me, the great love of my life is Dave Feldman. Period. Hands down. No questions there. I adore him before all else."

"I love you, too, Chels," I told her, "more than you could ever realize."

"I love Chels as well ... don't get me wrong. She's my woman ... Dave's my man ... but Nicky is my soulmate, whatever Nicky's sex. I loved Nicky, fell in love with Nicky, when Nicky was a eunuch bum boy for Dave, not long ago at all, just days ago, with no balls whatsoever. I won't spend eternity without my Nicky, torment or no torment, hell-slaves or no hell-slaves," Monica's eyes blazed with her full passion for Nicky.

"I didn't know that anyone could love Nicky more than I do, but Monica takes the prize," I admitted, "that's some serious love right there."

"Wow ... I didn't know that I was that ... loved. I had no idea, given how recent this all is. A week or so ago, I thought that my true love was Nancy, even as cruel and callous as she could be at times. Now, what I felt for her pales next to this. Most people use 'follow someone to Hell' as a figure of speech. These three ... they're being literal here," Nicky shook her head in shock.

"Well, that is a real acid test of true love. Would you follow someone into Hell and damnation just for love? The four of you ... wow ... the four of you are definitely my favorite humans of all time now. That's ... how much I loved Jehovah ... before he shunned me, cast me out of Heaven, and told me that he would never soil his flesh with that of a mere angel, a creature of his own. I was male then ... a beautiful creature that he created, and I loved him ... I loved Jehovah ... and he just tossed me aside like garbage.

"I led one desperate mutiny in a fit of rage ... but my head was in the wrong place, the wrong space, and it quickly collapsed. As the first person in existence to ever lead an insurrection, ever, let me assure you that it's a really God awful idea to lead one when you're heartbroken and full of rage over being spurned. Still, Hell hath no fury like a devil scorned, or an angel as I used to be," Lucy asserted now.

"So ... why did the other angels follow you?" I asked out of curiosity.

"Jehovah's mask of benevolence slipped, showing him as the truly vile and hateful character that he was. One-third of the host of Heaven couldn't stomach the callousness, cruelty, and such. You see, Jehovah made us, not in the likeness of his true self, but in the image that he himself believed to be true of himself.

"But it was a lie. He forged us from this ... false, shallow, self-deceptive version ... the result being that any of the angels in Heaven are morally superior to Jehovah, even the lowest of the lowest. Maybe someday they'll realize that fact and rid themselves of their cruel, jealous, and merciless taskmaster forever," the Devil explained to us the true nature of Jehovah, the god that she once served.

"So, is this the part where I get to make wishes?" Chelsea stepped up now, having won rock, paper, scissors with Monica.

"Sure ... but once you sign the pact, it's a done deal. As I told Dave, you can't back out of it, no matter what," the Devil insisted.

"Okay, first wish ... no matter what servitude or service Dave has to perform for you, I'm with him in doing it. We're a package deal ... for eternity. I refuse to ever leave his side again. No matter what that means. Even the most hellish torments, which you've already ruled out, I know, but even those would not dissuade me.

"Someone once said that the 'The mind is its own place and in itself, can make a Heaven of Hell, a Hell of Heaven.' Well, to be with Dave forever would make my own personal paradise, wherever I am, whatever else happens to me, and whatever you choose to call it," Chelsea persisted.

"That was John Milton, and while a bit too fond of Jehovah, at least he tried to understand me in his own imperfect way, for which I give him props. In his own way, he had sympathy for the Devil long before Mick Jagger, Keith Richards, and the rest of the Rolling Stones were ever born. Or even some empathy for me in some small way.

"Him and Mark Twain with his comment about praying for me. Well, spare me those prayers, but I appreciate the sentiment nonetheless. He's a good man, Mark Twain. Hell has been a lot nicer for him than he ever imagined. Solid guys. Of the two, only Mark made it to my domain, but yes, he's had a helluva good time, his own library, a nice front porch, even a steamship and a river to sail it on ... all down in Hell. All because he was a stand-up guy," Satan asserted.

"All the cigars that he could ever smoke and no throat cancer?" I smiled.

"That, too," Lucy winked at me, "wish granted in any case. See, I've written it down. You and Dave are now inseparable, Chelsea. You'll both be servicing me ... forever. With your sweet, luscious bodies. I had a feeling about you two, and I was right. Nicky loves Dave, Dave loves Nicky, etc. But Chelsea worships the very ground on which Dave treads. He's her idol. Another reason why you'd have both gone to Hell, anyway."

"Next wish?" Lucy continued.

"I know that Nicky would have thought of this, if she didn't have a lot of family issues to resolve and also a strong desire to spare us torment whatsoever. But ... I wish that Nicky and Dave be inseparable as well. Forever. Whatever service Dave and I have to do, Nicky is there as well. Nicky needs Dave and vice versa. Seems that it's up to me to ensure that none of us four are ever parted.

"To that end, my third wish is that Monica be with us forever, too. I can't stand the thought of the four of us being separated. We need each other, especially while in eternal bondage, even if it is ... evidently, more pleasant servitude than we feared it to be," Chelsea declared, really making Lucy work a bit at jotting it down.

"So ... you do realize that you could have just made that all happen in one wish, right? Still, I get it. Your first thought was Dave, then Nicky, because you knew them both from years back and were close to them. And then Monica, because you love her, too, and she would be miserable without Nicky, but also without you and Dave. And you would all be miserable without her.

"I can see how to punish you, if I ever needed to ... by separating the four of you. You're not meant to be separate. The four of you are meant to be together, come Hell or high water, if you'll pardon the expression," Satan granted that wish with a lot of respect and sympathy in her eyes, even empathy.

Monica was crying at that point, so we all hugged her tight.

"I didn't ... know ... I didn't know that you guys loved me that much after knowing me for such a short time. I'll never forget this ... never!" Monica wept a bit, but managed to wipe her tears away at last.

"Strictly speaking, that one wish only works if Monica goes through with selling her soul, but I get the impression that she will hold to that," Satan observed.

"Yes, I will," Monica told Lucy with a kiss for Nicky first, then Chelsea, and then me.

"Three wishes used up, three more to go," the Devil reminded us.

"Okay, then ... I wish that ... Dave Feldman is the next President after Nancy. My fifth and sixth wishes are that Nicky follows Dave as President, and then Monica after her. They should all get to be President, if Nancy is to be. As for me, I'm ineligible, and that's okay with me. I'll just help them do their jobs and enjoy my continued porn career as much as I can juggle that with fucking the hell out of each of them. And I'll be Dave's First Lady, too," Chelsea licked her lips at the thought of being the first British First Lady of the United States, the first porn star First Lady, etc.

"Damn ... that's ... quite the wish list, but then America will have to repair at least some damage after Nancy's term of office, however long that might be. Done ... done ... done! You're the most ... amazing of the wishers so far. I would normally say that this level of altruism is unhealthy, but in this case, it's useful and admirable ... and you managed to serve yourself indirectly, by ensuring rather cleverly that you never lose any of these three lovers you love so much. Very well done! I rarely do this, but you get three bonus wishes, just because you earned them," Satan informed Chelsea, much to our shock.

"Okay, then ... I'm permanently healthy, pretty, young, etc. No HIV, STIs, HPV, etc. Next wish, same goes for Monica. Last wish ... same goes for every single porn star and their partners that have ever worked with me in any capacity. Especially Eden and her man!" Chelsea announced, impressing me with her obvious concern for others.

Buried deep inside that posh accent and that cold, aristocratic facade, there beat a heart of gold.

Chapter 11

"So, Monica, it's your turn. What are your wishes, my lovely lady?" Lucy turned to Monica, making the waitress that we adored so much shiver with her attraction to the Devil.

"I would say that, since Chels did much of what I planned to do, I wish for wealth ... extreme wealth for Nicky, Dave, Chels ... and me, of course. All of us to be obscenely rich. Period. That's my first wish. The other wishes are priority, but having run through them, through the needs, it's time for the wants, you know. The luxuries. The extras," Monica told us all.

"Done ... you'll all be richer than Rockefeller by the end of the day, trust me. What next?" Satan inquired of Monica now.

"Esperanza ... I want her to be my personal hell-slave. My sister needs to be taken in hand and I promise to share her with everyone else here. I swear it ... but she needs a sister's guidance. She just does. Plus, two of you already have two slaves each. No sense in me not having a second, right, and who better than a girl like my sister, who needs my loving discipline and correction?" Monica insisted.

"Works for me. What else?" Lucy persisted, having written down two wishes already.

"Okay ... Cecil, my old boss. I want him to have happiness in his life, no matter who with, and anyone toxic just fade from the scene. He's been burned by his ex-boyfriend, you know. Howard. Oh, and speaking of which, wish number four, that Howard be Cecil's hell-slave for life. It's only fitting after how he used poor Cecil like that and broke his heart, stomped on it.

"If I were more selfish, I would wish for him to be bi, but that would be too much of a change to the Cecil that I know and love. He's ... gay. He's meant to be gay. That's just how it is," Monica continued.

"So, keeping tabs here ... four wishes down, two to go, missy," Lucy winked at Monica, finding her as delightful as we all did, "and you're right. That was one thing that infuriated me about Jehovah. He allowed homosexuality to happen ... and bisexuality, and then condemned people for acting on their urges and needs. He really is how John Milton, the character, not the poet, from Devil's Advocate, described him. You know, a 'tight-ass, a sadist, an absentee landlord.' What a jerk! If you don't want people to be gay, don't make 'em gay in the first place."

"Okay, then ... I want ... Eden and her husband to be ... Chelsea's hell-slaves. I think that she earned them by doing what she did, even with her bonus wishes. I believe that Eden and her man will be very happy serving Chelsea. I get the impression that they rightly adore her," Monica now stipulated, making Chelsea lick her lips while the Devil wrote down that wish.

"Last wish ... nah, you've earned a bonus one at least, oh, hell, you've earned two. Not as many as Chelsea, just because every wish of hers was selfless, but still ... you've been very sweet about things. I can see that you and I will get along very well in eternity. Some selfishness is good, of course, but so is the sweetness ... and playfulness of someone like you," Satan told Monica now.

"So, a total of eight wishes! Yay me!" Monica grinned widely, "oh, I wish that all of us can go naked in public and not have any consequences, legal, physical, etc. That's number six, I believe."

"So it is. And your bonus wishes?" the Devil probed now.

"I wish that ... polygamy was legal ... worldwide," Monica, "even condoned and accepted by society and people feeling silly and ashamed for ever condemning it. You know why, right? I want to marry these three in particular ... and have them marry each other. Even the Catholic Church will accept polygamy, though perhaps not without some ... griping on their part."

"Okay, that's number seven. What about number eight, the final wish?" Lucy asked Monica now.

"That whenever a woman or futa is fertile, she'll have a very strong urge to fuck the first man or futa or angel or demon that she sees, with zero medical, legal, marital, social, cultural, religious, or other consequences ... with any other people in her life happy about the pregnancy ... and any other people in his life happy about it, too. She'll be irresistible to them, too. The only catch is that both the mother and father must be at least eighteen years of age. The cock desired will always be able to get hard, too, as many times as needed.

"Even if it's incest, it will still be lauded, not judged. Even if he's gay normally or she's a lesbian, or one or more of them have boyfriends, husbands, etc., they'll just feel compelled to fuck and do it bareback. No STIs, HIV, AIDS, HPV, UTIs, divorces, murders, etc. will result. I just plain love the idea of causing a baby boom and everyone being happy about it, not mad or jealous or hurt," Monica's eyes danced with mischief.

"Well, remind me to go out around a lot of fertile women, then," the Devil answered as she granted that wish, "I can't wait to see the news reports from that new event. This is permanent, you know. You can't take this one back. You've caused a permanent baby boom ... and I'm gonna love to see it in action. Society will never be the same."

"Do you approve, then?" Monica dared to hope.

"Oh, absolutely ... humans are a lot of fun ... but especially the idea of demon-human hybrids, futas being bred into larger numbers, angel-human hybrids, etc. It's gonna make the old Nephilim look like nothing by comparison. Jehovah might croak from pure shock! I can't wait to see humans fornicating wildly and eagerly with each other ... in public, no less. Society will have to be less workaholic, learn to kick back more and enjoy life ... beautiful! Just fucking beautiful!" Lucy pointed out with clear lust in her eyes ... she obviously wanted to get humped in public herself.

"Are you thinking of public sex with men, women, or futas?" I presumed to ask Satan.

"Yes!" she told me as Monica became the last person among us to sign that compact, her finger pricked and her blood marking her consent, "all of the above. Futas ... the more futas, the better. Automatic threesomes ... yummy!"

And with that, the Devil and vanished and all of our hell-slaves appeared. They weren't even stunned. They were just ... eager. From the look on Anna Kendrick's face and Thea's as they both knelt to suck my cock, I didn't need Jehovah's Heaven ... I was in my own.

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nyteramblernyteramblerover 2 years ago

Would like to see more on this story. Will be waiting for it.

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