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A Promise Made - Alternate Version

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A cheating wife tries to cuckold hubby.
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The original story by Mr. Hooked1957 is a very emotional and tragic story. This heartbreaking tale about Bobby Sprague and his wife of 17 years, Traci, is so sad. It is all about how this poor beautiful but bored housewife goes back to work once the young children are old enough for school. The only problem is, this exposes the very beautiful, previously faithful, and loyal housewife, to the irresistible temptation of a very good-looking millionaire.


I wasn't completely satisfied, with the way, the original story played out. I desired a much bigger burn on the wife and her lover. So I asked the great author "Hooked1957" for permission to do an alternate version ending.

Much appreciation to Hooked 1957 for his Permission, which was quickly granted.

If you have not read the original, please read it first to more fully understand this sad tragedy, so typical of today's modern families. Please, see the link below. It might help.

Please find the original story by 'Hooked1957 A Promise Made, A Vow Broken.

My alternate ending begins at the Christmas Gala, where Bobby first realizes Jackson represents a real potential threat to his marriage. I hope you enjoy this Super Big BTB. Thanks, Buster2U


My name is Bobby Sprague and my wife's name is Traci. We've been married now for just over 17 years. We have two wonderful children and they are finally old enough to go to school. So Traci decided she needed to get a job to keep herself busy.

Traci has been working at an upscale art gallery. Mostly to give herself some self-esteem, I guess. Traci doesn't really need to work, as I make pretty good money as a US Govt computer programmer, for one of the more secret govt. agencies.

Whenever I stop by Traci's work, to take my her to lunch, I notice that she always seems to flirt with her men customers, much more than I'm comfortable with. Most especially with the more well-to-do men that shop at the Art Gallery. Most recently she has been enamored with Jackson Aloysius Fairchild. Who is a 28 yr old Real Estate Millionaire. He also happens to be a pretty good-looking guy.

I never had any reason to be jealous or suspect my wife, Traci, was cheating until the Christmas Gala, at the Art Gallery she works for. We weren't there very long before I noticed Jackson had his arm around my wife. I couldn't attack him with a baseball bat, like he deserved, in front of 200 or 300 guests at this gala. But I did remove his arm, off my wife, just to receive a smart-ass smirk from the asshole.

The next thing I know, I had lost track of my wife, Traci, somewhere in the mass of people at the Christmas Gala. I panicked, where is my beautiful wife? I quickly begin to search everywhere for her. I checked inside every office upstairs and down. I actually expected to find them having sex over a desk. Fortunately, all the offices were not locked.

Then, I decided I better look outside. So, I rush outside, through the front door, in a panic, my heart is breaking. I eventually finally find my beautiful wife, in the far back parking lot, in the backseat of Jackson's Jag with Jackson. I am thinking if Traci wasn't already giving Jackson a blow job, she sure looked like she was getting close to it now. Traci was cuddled up, way too close to Jackson, and probably had her hand on his crotch.

I quickly walk up to Jackson's car and rip open the rear passenger door, startling the couple inside...

I escorted my wife from Jackson's car and we started walking to where my Ford F-150 was parked.

"Wait, I can't leave yet." Traci pleads "The party's got another two hours. I'm expected to stick around for the whole thing and be one of the hostesses," Traci said with an urgency in her voice.

"If that is the case, what are you doing out here? But, if you want to stay Traci, that is no problem, just don't think that you can ever come home again. I will see a divorce attorney in the morning." I threaten.

We get into my truck and start heading home.

"I'm sorry Bobby, I was just flirting with Jackson. I wouldn't really do anything with him that I shouldn't." Traci pleads

"You don't need this job Traci, and now I can see that you are just doing this to fuck around. It is very obvious!"

"I wasn't doing anything wrong, Honey." purrs Traci

"Really? Then, Why are you out here alone, with that asshole? Just what the hell do you think you were doing out here alone with him?" I said forcefully, at her.

"We were listening to his car's sound system. It's amazing," purrs Traci.

"Bull Shit! It looked much more like you were getting ready to give him a blow job. It looked to me like you were working on earning yourself a divorce tonight! That is what it looked like! What business did you have to let Jackson take you out here alone? Do you think that is a good idea?" I scream at her.

Traci always gets all Huffy just because Bobby didn't trust her when she acts like a slut. Acting all insulted when Bobby calls her out on her sleazy actions.

"We weren't doing anything Bobby, just listening to his stereo." purrs Traci

"Bull Shit! How stupid do you think I am? Do you expect me to believe that Bull Shit? How stupid are you, to believe, that line of crap? Is that the stupid line that Jackson used on you to get you alone?" I screamed

"I wasn't doing anything wrong, Honey." purrs Traci.

"One more time pulling crap like this and you're going to find out how wrong it is! Because next time I will divorce your cheating ass! That exact kind of thing is what is going to be the end of our marriage! I am getting totally fed up with your phony excuses, and lies." I screamed again

"The way it looks, if you haven't cheated on me yet, with Jackson, it looks like you are about to!" I explained rather loudly.

"Honey, don't get so upset. I was only flirting. I was just simply trying to give Jackson the idea that if he spent a couple million at the Art Gallery, that I would be his bonus." purrs Traci.

"What! Are you fucking nuts!? Don't you understand what I am saying? That kind of crap is totally unacceptable. Don't you ever, ever, ever, give a man the impression that you will "put out" for him, for ANY reason! That makes you a fucking whore!" Do you want to be a whore, Traci? Is that what you want?" I screamed at Traci.

"No, Honey. I don't want to be a whore." purrs Traci.

"Well if you don't want to be a whore, Stop fucking acting like one! If you want to keep acting like a whore, I am just going to divorce your cheating ass! Is that what you want Traci? STOP ACTING LIKE WHORE!!! Cuz I won't put up with my wife acting like a whore!!" I screamed at Traci

"I'm sorry Bobby, I didn't mean to piss you off, Honey." purrs Traci.

"You better start listening to me! Don't you ever go sneaking off with Jackson, ever again! Ever again! Or you can start looking for someplace else to live! I am so fucking pissed off at you two at this moment! How can you pull this kind of crap?" I scream.

"Bobby, you got yourself all worked up over nothing. I didn't do anything with Jackson, except maybe tease him and flirt a little bit. Nothing to be upset about Bobby. Really." purrs Traci.

"Traci, We've been married almost 20 years and suddenly you are acting like a total fucking slut! What is wrong with you? You have no business coming out there to the back parking lot alone with Jackson unless you planning on giving him a blow job!" I screamed again slightly less loudly.

"Honey, I was just teasing him, trying to get him to think that maybe, I was available if he spent a few million with the Gallery. But, I wasn't going to really do anything with him." Traci continued playing innocent.

Things were cool between us for the next few weeks.

Traci doesn't like it being called out for acting like a whore. But she frequently will act that way, until I catch her, and put her in her place. But this way of acting is really getting outrageous, even for Traci!

After our words on the way home, I seriously wondered if our marriage was going to survive this Jackson guy or even my screaming at her like a crazy guy. It is hard to understand how a good wife, can suddenly start acting like she is oblivious to what she is doing.

Then, what a pompous asshole Jackson is, and Traci is acting like an out-of-control slut with him! I tend to think, that Traci is really, completely aware, of exactly what she has been doing.

By the time we got home, I had decided on a course of action.

The first thing I started to do was to learn everything there was to know about Jackson Aloysius Fairchild. A tall good looking, well-built, rich guy of 28. He has the world by the tale. How could any woman refuse him? He has everything, good looks, a good body, and lots of money.

Jackson has everything, everything to lose, that is.

You might have picked up, early in this story, that I am a Computer Programmer for our Government. That isn't half of it. I am a "master tech" aka HACKER for the CIA. My hacker handle is "The Punisher" The Best of the best, believe it!

Traci has no idea about all the thousands, if not millions, that I already have stashed in "offshore" secret accounts. It is easy for me. Actually, we could be living the life of Jackson right now, if I wanted. But that isn't any kind of life for a growing family with young children.

Once the kids are grown, I do intend for us to retire early.

The first goal of my research was to learn where Jackson keeps all his money. After I found his office computer system and hacked into that, I felt comfortable that I had found a good portion of his money.

But I didn't want to just damage him by taking some of his money. I wanted to destroy him and take all his money if he continues like this and fucks my wife. If he destroys my marriage, I am going to totally destroy him.

So I kept at it, searching for more and more details about Jackson. "know thy enemy" has always been my philosophy. The philosophy of "The Punisher!"

The way Traci was acting toward Jackson, right in front of me, at the Christmas Gala, made me suspect that Traci probably is even more "friendly" with Jackson when I'm not around. The balls of that guy to take my wife out to his vehicle during the Gala.

I strongly suspect that Jackson did it to either get a blow job or just to show me he can have Traci's pussy anytime he wants. But was this even the first time he had her alone?

Jackson's ballsy attitude really pisses me off. If Traci has already been in his bed, it wouldn't surprise me a bit. But when I have proof she has, that will be the end of our marriage.

Traci always says she just flirts to help make the sale. Well, there is flirting and there is flirting. If Traci actually fucks Jackson, she will never sleep with me again. I hacked into the Galley's computer system as well. Just to make sure I know what is going on there.

I even went into Jackson's college history to seek info on all his good friends, fraternity brothers, and his parents and family. I can't leave anything to chance.

Now, to leave a few of my custom programs behind (aka virus), to just

"get my way" and it won't be long until I know everything there is about Jackson. I already activated some standard apps on Traci's phone and put GPS trackers and recording devices in Traci's car and purse.

I don't enjoy spying on my wife. It is just that since the Christmas Gala, I don't trust her with Jackson, at all.

I see some emails about some Fourth of July BBQ at Jackson's. I suspect that this is just a scam to get, in Traci's panties. If it is, this will be Jackson's last BBQ. He doesn't know whose wife he is messing with.

I expect Traci to demand we go to this BBQ. I will resist at first but accept in the end. I do want to go there to fully observe their interactions and plant at least a dozen or more hidden cameras in his house.

I already have my poison emails set up to go out. They are all ready to be sent out to everybody Traci and Jackson know, just to destroy their reputations with family, friends, all their business associates, and potential business associates.

But I would like just a little video or two, to spice it up a little bit. That I will get at the BBQ most likely. If they do anything to piss me off, it won't be good for them.

Traci continued playing innocent, but things were not the same between us for the next several weeks. It is a good thing I was monitoring Jackson's emails, or I would have been completely taken by surprise when Traci told me she accepted an invitation to Jackson's lake cottage for the Fourth of July weekend.

It was to be us, Traci's boss and his wife, and two or three other married couples that were friends of Jackson's. We were heading up on Friday afternoon and would stay until midday Sunday, and Jackson was grilling for both days, with a full bar, swimming, boating, and whatever else was available.

I started to protest, just for show, but Traci just said we were going and walked away. I had a bad feeling about this BBQ, but I did want to get to his estate and look around myself.

The weekend started great. I got a chance to plant every bug I had, in and around Jackson's home, with special attention to the master bedroom. I also set up a remote server to receive and then transmit everything to the cloud that it recorded.

All I had to do was beg off from going boating on their first cruise. I blamed my upset stomach as to why I couldn't go. Then, while everyone else spent several hours out on the lake in Jackson's rather large sailboat, I had a free run of Jackson's home.

Since Jackson just couldn't help himself, he had to try to burn me by getting all the women to take off their bikini tops while out on the boat. Of course, Traci loved that as she has the biggest and best boobs of all the women this weekend.

Traci, then basically stayed topless the rest of the weekend. I just can't believe the balls of these two. I didn't want to say anything about this and seem like the biggest asshole ever.

Jackson had a big fancy grill set up in the backyard at his cottage and even had a completely stocked fridge with beer, wine, ice, and mixers for the mixed drinks. When Jackson brought out several platters of marinated steaks and started setting them on the grill as everybody got excited, putting in their orders.

All the folks, just sat around in chairs, just off the grill area with their drinks. While Jackson was unexpectantly, a gracious host. Surprisingly Jackson was so far minding himself around Traci, who seemed to be staying just a bit further away from Jackson than she had at Christmas. I was surprised.

The night went great and we all went to our respective bedrooms at about midnight, with Jackson as the lone single person going off by himself to the master bedroom.

Saturday morning started with a visit to the little town connected to the lake. It was a little tourist trap with all sorts of cute little shops, and most of the women came back with bags of special deals, souvenirs, and other useless junk items.

After we ate, a volleyball game broke out. Of course, all the women had to put on their bikinis for this. Traci thought it would be more fun if all the women took off their tops again, as she removed hers and then encouraged the other women to do the same.

This made the volleyball game so much more fun, with all the bouncing boobs. Tho, to me, it seemed like everyone was just trying to cop a feel of Traci's big C-cup tits.

We enjoyed another great meal, and after sitting around shooting the breeze for a couple of hours, Traci's boss, Lou, suggested that he and I take a walk around the lake to get ready for our meal later.

Considering the amount that we have been eating and drinking, it seemed like an excellent idea to get a little exercise. Maybe even burn a few calories, at the same time, before the next big meal.

In reality, Lou just wanted some time to privately talk to me. It seems, Lou mostly just wanted to explain to me a few things about how things work.

First, that Jackson's business was very important to Lou's business. That is why Lou only hires very attractive women, for salespeople.

Then, that Traci was very heavily invested in getting all the business that she could from Jackson.

That I needed to understand that, Jackson almost always has his way with ALL the attractive saleswomen.

Then, and most importantly, that I should NOT let it bother me, or let affect our marriage when Jackson puts his cock inside my wife, Traci.

Lou went on to explain, that as long as Traci is on birth control, no damage would be done, and that there shouldn't be any repercussions or problems of any kind.

Lou tried to reassure me, "That when Jackson fucks Traci, he will quickly get bored with her, so he won't try to keep her or take her away from you. You always have to remember that. Jackson always gets quickly bored with his seductions, regardless of how pretty they are or how great they fuck. To Jackson, they are a dime a dozen.

I sincerely thanked Lou for this information, acting like I was relieved. Then I asked Lou if he thought Jackson had fucked Traci yet. Lou thought he probably had, with all the time she has spent alone with him up here at his house. Then he explained that I shouldn't let it bother me in the least when he does have sex with her.

Lou reasons, that "Traci still acts very affectionate towards you, and Traci obviously still loves you, so you shouldn't make such a big deal about Traci just trying to make a sale. Even if she has to give up some of her pussy to do that." Lou explained

I thanked Lou for the 'heads up' but then explained to him, that "this is just what I thought was going on. That "Traci and I have been married almost 20 years. That If I had wanted a whore for a wife, I would have married one in the first place. But I didn't want a whore for a wife then, and I still don't want one now." I said.

Lou just makes a grunt at that. Then I continued...

"That if I can find or get evidence that Traci has fucked Jackson, I will divorce Traci in a heartbeat and then I will sue you and your Gallery for encouraging Traci to be a whore for the Gallery." Lou didn't seem to like that and just frowned, at a loss for words.

It took us about 30 minutes to get all the way around the lake. When we got back the group had shifted from the table to the chairs and lounges. I wasn't really happy when I saw Traci sitting in a lounge chair leaning back against Jackson. Then I realized, Traci still had her bikini top off and Jackson was holding her breasts.

When I saw this I was so totally enraged that I charged Jackson as fast as I could. Traci ducked just in time as I through a full body tackle on him punching him hard in the face, as fast as I could over and over again.

"YOU fucking asshole Jackson, what are doing with my wife! I'll rip your fucking balls off you bastard!" I scream as I tackled the bastard.

Unfortunately for me, Jackson was expecting a big reaction like that from me. The other guys were ready and quickly grabbed me. Preventing any more punches to the bastard's face, and then they told me to leave if I was going to act that way!

Traci quickly decided to take me to the kitchen to try to calm me down and explain things calmly.

"Jackson has asked me to sleep with him tonight. and I accepted." Traci purred.

I realized this is my chance to win an Oscar, I spoke loud so all the people outside could hear me as well as Traci.

"Traci, I know you want to whore yourself to Jackson to make a big sale. But do you have to act like a slut and a whore in front of everyone here?"


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