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A Setup

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When boys are away, girls will play...
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They're on the point of leaving when Jon notices a box in the hall.

"Having a clear out," he enquires of their hosts.

"All going to the charity shop," confirms Mike.

Jon rummages through the contents, initially disinterestedly then, to Tina's horror, spots a table tennis bat. Knowing how much he enjoys repurposing everyday items she immediately guesses his intention.

"We got enough junk, don't need that old thing," Tina tries to keep her tone light. Can't risk giving anything away. I know we're all liberated and grown up about sex these days, she thinks, but that doesn't mean sharing certain intimacies with pals.

Jon examines the bat. "In good nick," he observes.

"Didn't know you played," observes Mike.

"Rarely," lies Jon. Never, they don't even possess a net. Meanwhile, Mike's partner, Roxie, has been shrewdly observing.

"Take it, Jon, bound to come in handy sooner or later," she says.

"Sold to the lowest bidder," quips Mike, and for better or worse, Tina suspects the latter, the ping pong paddle is theirs.

She drives home, Jon sits in the passenger seat with the bat in his lap and a self-satisfied smirk.

"Don't even think about it," says Tina fiercely, "there's no way you're using that to spank me; the wooden spoon you bought in the supermarket was painful enough."

"Left red marks," Jon recalls cheerfully. "However, this gem is altogether different. Think I'll keep it for when you've earned a discipline spanking." Tina scowls, deciding to keep her counsel. Don't make it a big deal, cautions an inner voice. Once the novelty wears off you can hide the beastly thing in the garage.

No chance. After a couple of days on the hall table, where it seems to glower at Tina each time she passes, the hated object disappears. Meaning Jon has purposefully stashed the bat somewhere secret; his threat to use it next time a punishment falls due constantly hangs over her head. Fortunately, life moves on and the bat, by Tina at least, is forgotten. A couple of light-hearted spanking sessions enhance their always inventive sex life in the ensuing weeks, without it making an appearance.

Until one fateful day. The two are due at an afternoon barbeque nearby, to which Mike and Roxie are also invited. Tina dons an attractive short dress and lingers over her make-up.

"Hurry up," urges Jon, as she applies lip gloss, "I'm hungry."

"Should've had a snack," observes Tina, fastening ear hoops.

"Was going to, then discovered you'd hidden the instructions for the new microwave."

"If by hidden you mean put into the kitchen drawer, guilty as charged," responds Tina tartly.

"You," Jon adopts a warning tone, "are pushing your luck."

"And what are you going to do..." the words are out before Tina has time to consider their implication. Her beloved's face darkens. Oh, dear, she's about to find out.

"Right," he snaps, decisively reaching to the top of the wardrobe and producing the dreaded wooden bat.

"There's no time..." Tina's pathetic plea is predictably ignored.

"Over my knee now," commands her husband, and non-too gently, pulls his reluctant spouse facedown across his lap to reveal Tina's pert posterior. "Panties down," Jon pins Tina's wrists and drags her knickers to her knees.

"Not on the bare," she wails.

"Let's see if this alters your attitude," says Jon, bringing the bat down with a ringing slap. Never, since discovering their mutual kink, has she encountered an implement so unforgiving. Its inflexible wooden surface covers such a broad area overlap is impossible to avoid, magnifying the bat's chastening effect. Right from the very first application it hurts, each impact stings and burns. Mercifully, after a comparatively short time - albeit seeming like an age to Tina - Jon ceases her correction. Immediately she leaps up, tears welling, to clutch her burning bum.

"Bloody hell," she moans, gingerly rubbing livid buttocks, "worse than anything you spanked me with before; hairbrush, strap, nothing comes close." Tina dances on the spot, trying and failing to soothe the smart and looks aghast at her hot hindquarters. "God my poor bottom, not just scarlet it's swollen," she laments.

"Come here," her husband perches Tina on his lap.

"Ow, sitting hurts," she sulks, indicating a hug is required. Maybe that was over the top, thinks Jon. He rests a hand on her bare thighs, Tina's panties remain in an undignified tangle around her knees. For all her obvious distress and discomfort, there's no denying the spanking has made her wet.

How she wonders, is it possible to feel such conflicting emotions at the same time? Tina barely drinks and doesn't do drugs. Being spanked, however, somehow rewires circuits, alters brain chemistry, and gets her endorphins flowing. The adrenalin rush of expectation and ritual of submission invariably turn Tina on.

She slides a hand between her legs, and Jon's fingers meander up her thighs, both simultaneously arriving at her pouting pussy. Jon collects the dewy evidence of her arousal and pops his finger into Tina's mouth. She sucks on it greedily then pushes him back to her wet warmth.

"Put your forefinger next to mine," she whispers and mystified he complies, "now, we move both together." Jon watches enthralled as their two digits enter her sopping slit. There's an urgency about Tina, and not just because they risk being late to the party. No time for the full-on fuck she craves, Tina needs an orgasm. Sensing her frustration, Jon's finger thrusts in and out of her pussy, while Tina frigs her engorged clit. A pink flush across her face and upper chest, signal a sexual crescendo approaching like an express train. Hips bucking she's overwhelmed by an intense climax. "Fuck, fuck, fuck, yes!" Tina comes.

At the barbeque, Jon disappears to find food and Tina circulates, wincing when her sore bottom makes accidental contact with furniture or other guests. The throbbing heat dulls, transmuting into erotic desire. Tina is once again randy as hell and can't wait to get her man home. Seeking Jon, she instead encounters Roxie.

"In a hurry to get somewhere, honey."

"Home actually, I'm not really in the mood to party."

"Walking a bit stiffly. At a guess, I'd say you'd been spanked."

Tina blushes furiously, avoiding eye contact. How could she possibly know? Walking and talking they reach a secluded corner, Roxie checks no one is looking then flips up the back of Tina's dress. "Oh my, very red and sore." Tina nods mutely, too embarrassed for words. "Nothing to be ashamed of, you're not the only one who gets her bum smacked," reveals Roxie breezily.

"I'm not?"

"Mike and I have quite a collection of implements at home. He knows it always gets me hot to trot," Roxie pauses significantly. "That's why Jon was so keen on the ping pong bat isn't it?"

"Yes, always looking for something new to try on my bottom."

"Mike's just the same, seems like your man not only went over the top but left you all hot and bothered." Roxie pulls Tina close, sliding cool hands under her dress to gently stroke the glowing globes while kissing her passionately. "We should get together," Roxie murmurs seductively. "I'll spank yours if you'll spank mine." Tina can't quite believe it. All this time they've shared the same secret. "Alright babe," Roxie reluctantly ends their embrace, "go get your man and make sure he gives you the one thing I can't. But we've got unfinished business..."

Jon doesn't need any urging to depart. The expression on Tina's face as she grabs his hand speaks volumes. Soon as they're through their front door Tina pushes him against the wall and loosens his belt.

"You owe me big time."

"What for?"

"Going overboard, I'm going to have welts for days.".

"I may have been a bit too enthusiastic."

"Then the least you can do is fuck me," hurriedly Tina discards her knickers and frees his cock. "Right here, right now." She wraps her arms around Jon's neck, legs around his waist, back against the wall; thank goodness for big, strong guys.

"Come on, do me quick and dirty," she urges, "an old-fashioned knee trembler." Within a couple of minutes, Jon jets deep within her, tipping Tina into an equally exultant release. They stumble to the bedroom for a leisurely reprise, but while experiencing her third orgasm of the day, Tina is thinking of Roxie. A whole world of wonderful possibilities beckons, and she is determined to accept her friend's erotic invitation.

A week later, the guys are off mountain biking, staying away overnight.

"Why don't I pop round to yours?" Tina texts Roxie. She's been looking forward to this encounter.

"Ready and eager," is the prompt reply. Both know the subtext.

Roxie's heart beats faster when Tina enters. Their all too brief sensual interlude proved a catalyst to mutual desire and longing. The two seize the moment, kissing uninhibitedly. Tina, with shoulder-length blond hair hanging loose, wears a '50's style dress over bare legs and flats. Roxie a silk blouse, jeans, and high heels.

Breaking away from an avid intertwining of tongues, Tina cups Roxie's pert bum, urging her closer. Takes the initiative and undoes the jeans, letting them drop to the floor. Roxie is usually the more dominant yet here's Tina, being her best assertive self.

"You're not going to be needing these," she announces, decisively leading Roxie unprotestingly towards the sofa and pulling her lover over her lap. "You admitted to enjoying being spanked."

"Yes, but never before by a woman."

"Well, I have a score to settle. That bat made it hard to sit for days."

"But the sex afterwards was good," replies Roxie cheekily.

"Very good," Tina indulges a pleasurable recollection, "but not enough to spare you." She tugs Roxie's flimsy panties down and off. "Let's see if I can't turn this pretty bare bottom crimson, just like Jon did mine." Tina has no intention of being so harsh, instead slowly escalating the hand spanking, making sure not an inch of Roxie's delectable derriere escapes the chastising attentions of her palm. Her friend initially kicks and yelps yet soon accepts her fate. Squirming across Tina's knees, the arousing effect rapidly becomes apparent, exemplified by glistening pubes peeking between her thighs. Eventually, Tina stops and caresses Roxie's glowing orbs, eliciting enraptured moans.

"Time to finish you off," declares Tina, "spread your thighs, I want a good look." Red-faced Roxie reluctantly complies. "Reach behind and pull those cheeks apart."

"No, too embarrassing."

"Do it!" A tone of voice Tina has never used before. Shocked Roxie obeys, exposing her bum cleft. Before either can change their mind, Tina dips her thumb in the prone woman's sopping slot and then carefully inserts the slippery digit into Roxie's puckered rosebud. She squeals, at once humiliated and wildly excited.

"OMG," says Roxie, turning her head, "I almost lost it there." They kiss passionately, Tina slips a finger into Roxie's pussy.

"Gosh," she giggles, "you're so ready for frigging."

"I'm a needy girl," confirms Roxie as Tina slips a second finger inside. "Oh, it's lovely don't stop fingering my cunt and doing my bottom. So wicked, I, oh, oh, oh..." Roxie comes, squirting copiously, "seem to have leaked..."

"You are so gorgeously uninhibited," Tina whispers, holding her friend close. "I'd no idea what a bad girl you can be."

"You haven't seen anything yet," answers Roxie, rising to stand behind Tina, deftly undoing her friend's blouse to reveal braless boobs she unexpectedly slaps each in turn.


"Hush, don't pretend you don't love it, I know how sensitive your tits are." Roxie squeezes them, drawing further gasps from Tina. Pain, pleasure? Even she's unsure. and powerless to do anything other than submit. Roxie kneels in front of Tina.

"So beautiful," she says carefully pushing her knees apart, "no knickers, almost as if you were expecting this." Methodically she smacks Tina's inner thighs then, catching her friend by surprise, softly spanks her denuded quim. "Let's see what some pussy punishment does to you," growls Roxie. Both are breathing heavily now, lost in the moment, enacting dark dreams. Roxie slaps Tina's vulva harder; shocked and massively aroused the latter gasps and moans, hips jerking towards each eagerly anticipated spank.

"I'm going to come," Tina warns.

"Not until I allow it," retorts Roxie, fully exposing Tina and avidly tonguing her to a state of frantic excitement.

"Oh, fucking hell" Tina climaxes, surrendering all self-control until eventually her ecstatic spasms abate, and she slumps back totally spent. "Wow," she gasps, "such an incredible orgasm, no spanking toys, just our wicked imaginations."

"Seriously kinky minds," agrees Roxie. The pair sit contentedly for a while. "Ever been fucked in the bum?"

"No," says Tina, "how about you?"

"A few times - kind of a special treat. Scary at first, but Mike trained me with a butt plug. I'm going to have to do the same to you and then take your anal cherry with a strap-on."

"Will it hurt?"

"Not if we use plenty of lube. I'll spank you with the plug up your arse first, the sensation is incredible," Roxie recalls fondly. "But right this moment, it's my pussy that needs fucking."

"Mine too," admits Tina, "I could text the boys, and see when they're back."

"Hours yet," replies Roxie, adding slyly, "I have a new dildo..."


"For sure."

"Bought especially?" Tina laughs delightedly.

"Of course," responds Roxie, unabashed.

"Then I'm ready."

"I want to spank you as well."

"Goes without saying."

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