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A Sissy's New Daddy


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"I was thinking Daddy, why don't you give me a nice smack on my cute little ass. And then bury that nice big cock in my tight little boipussy." I reached around my back and with two fingers grabbed the waistband of my panties. I pulled them up gently and felt my little penis stiffen as the satin bunched and sipped between my cheeks.

Daddy walked up behind me and placed his free hand gently on my back. He pushed me forward slowly until I was on my hands and knees. He slid a finger down the crack of my ass before gently rubbing the panty covered flesh between my penis and boipussy. Slipping his finger under the gusset of my panties and pulled them aside. What I expected to brutal was instead gentle. He reached up and slipped his thumb into my mouth I sucked and caressed it with my tongue for a moment before he pulled it out. He set his thumb at the bud of my boipussy and slowly but forcefully entered me. Daddy pushed and pulled his thumb out of me a few times before finally pulling it out.

Placing the head of his cock against my opening I again expected him to be brutal and again I was surprised. Using his free hand he tried to spread my cheeks. For the first time tonight I actually wanted to please him. I lowered my shoulders to the bed and turned my face hoping to keep his cum from dripping onto my parent's bedspread. With my hands free I reached back and spread my cheeks for him. Out of the corner of my eyes I could see Daddy smiling. His smile was infectious and I smiled to as I felt the tip of his cock about to enter me. He paused, just for the briefest of moments before pushing forward.

He was warm when he entered me and my penis instantly hardened. I had fooled around with a few girls before, but if you asked me then at that moment I would have agreed to anything to have that moment last forever. He moved slow at first in and back out, but he quickened his pace when I began to push back against him. As Daddy's pace began to steady he bent down and reached under me to message my penis. He gave it two quick strokes and then stood back up. As Daddy's pace began to slow I cried out for him to fuck me harder, I begged to be used. Pounding hard into me I could feel Daddy's cock begin to twitch, and the moment I felt it I exploded into my panties.

My hips spasm as my now sensitive penis rubbed against the warm stick satin panties. MY eyes started to roll back and I couldn't catch my breath as I waited the excruciating seconds for Daddy to fill my boipussy with his cum. But he didn't he pulled out at the last minute, stroking has cock as he shot his load down my back. Walking around the bed Daddy laid his filthy but still stiff cock before me. The smell was less then pleasurable but I knew what was expected.

As I sucked Daddy's cock into my mouth washing the disgusting taste of my own body from it, I suddenly realized how truly tired I was. After a few seconds of tonguing his cock Daddy pulled it free of my mouth and allowed me to lay there. My ass was still hiked up on my knees, with my panties pulled to the side. As his cock slipped from my lips Daddy turned off the video camera and tossed it on the bed.

"You know Billie, you make a pretty decent little bitch." I started to respond but daddy smacked my ass hard enough to give me the impression that I was to keep quite. I started to slid my legs out from under me when Daddy spoke again, "Keep that pussy up, faggot."

I pushed my ass back into the air as Daddy moved about. If I had been less tired I would have noticed that Daddy moved about my parent's room with a familiarity that he should not have had. I had only ever been interested in my mother's panties, so I had never looked in any other drawers. If I had I would have found what Daddy just pulled out, a large black vibrator. He walked back to the end of the bed and took up position behind me. I hoped he was going to fuck me again to give me another chance to feel that glorious cock deep inside me.

Of course I knew he wasn't, I knew the dildo would be filling me up. I felt the tip touch my back, as Daddy swirled it around in the pool of cum that covered my back. He placed the plastic cock against my backside, and waited. It was larger than Daddy and I was looking forward to his being as gentle as he had been earlier. But he wasn't. He slammed the cock deep inside me. I screamed in agony muffling his laughter. He rammed the cock in and out a few times twisting it around making sure he planted it as deep as possible. Once Daddy felt it was settled nicely he pulled my panties back into place.

I started to stand up but Daddy smacked my ass once again, this time centering it on the newly planted dildo. "You move when I tell you to move. Lay down."

I follow Daddy's orders and lay down on my parent's bed. He continues going through my mother's sex toy drawer. I don't think he found what he was looking for because he slammed the door and stomped off to the closet. I turned my head to see him and in the process smear Daddy's cum across the bed spread. I let out a deep sigh and watched Daddy out of the corner of my eye. I was grabbing belts testing its flexibility and then tossing them to the floor. I was terrified he was going ot start spanking me or worse, when he tossed a belt down and pulled out one of my Father's ties. He wore a tie to work every day, not wanting things to get boring he had hundreds of ties.

With a fist full of ties in his hand Daddy returns to the bed. He divided the ties up tossing them on either side of me. When he grabbed my hand pulling it too the bed post I jerked away. Anger flashed across his face for a moment, but he quickly calmed himself before speaking. "I can make it worse."

I slowly reached my arm out and he tied me to the bed post. He quickly made his way around the bed tying me spread eagle to the bed. Once he was satisfied that I was secured Daddy climbed on the bed and began to lay with my panty clad ass. "I think you have spent enough time prancing around in your mommy's panties. What do you think?"

I wasn't sure if he wanted an answer of he enjoyed the sound of his own voice. When I didn't answer he grabbed the base of the dildo and pressed it deeper into me. My eyes blurred and I wanted to speak but I found no air in my lungs willing to carry my voice. Once I sucked in a gulp of air I croaked out a reply. "I do too."

I had to suck in another breath of air before I could finish and even then I was almost to late as I could feel his hand moving back to the dildo. "Daddy."

"First thing tomorrow I am going to take you shopping. We will get you some naughty little panties all your own. And Billie, you will find in the years to come that if you simple do as your Daddy tells you too everything will be ok." Daddy then slipped his fingers into my panties and turned the vibrator to its highest setting. "Now Good night, sissy, and sleep tight we have a big day tomorrow."

As Daddy left the room I closed my eyes and tried to imagine what was to come. That was a hard night even worse than my first night in prison. I don't know how long the vibrators batteries lasted but it did eventually stop running and that was when I was finally able to get some sleep.

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SissyBoy1WarszawaSissyBoy1Warszawaover 1 year ago

I can't really describe the beginning of this story, it's too changeable and touches on many themes at the same time, but there's something inserting about it that makes me want to read it further. I know that I am like William-Billy/Billie, submissive, afraid of others and seeking protection from someone strong. Like William/Billie, I like to dress up in women's underwear, stockings and show myself in front of the mirror. I was very moved and angered by the detail that the neighbor, Mr. Morgan, without the consent of William/Billie's parents, had connected cameras in their house, recording both him and his parents, for several years and now he was using them to blackmail William/Billie, and he also had the keys to their house. . He moved around their house as if it were his own, knowing even better where everything was than William himself. Through blackmail and humiliation, he forces William to submit, give himself to him as a sissy, as a slave, and even rape William/Billie. I wonder where the mention of prison came from, after all, this kid is only 18 years old?

You are already stirring my imagination and I really want to know what William/Billie experienced, I will read with great interest the upcoming fate of William in whom I see myself/ego. 📖👸🏻🧒🏻❤️🧑🏻📹👿👨🏻.

ps. Sorry for any mistakes and linguistic inaccuracies, but I don't speak English.

SissyBoy from Warsaw, Poland. 📖👩🏻‍🦳❤️🧒🏻👸🏻.


Nie bardzo umiem wyrazić się o początku tej historii, jest zbyt zmienna i poruszająca jednocześnie wiele motywów ale jest coś w niej takiego insertującego co pociąga aby ją czytać dalej. Wiem że jestem tak jak William-Billy/Billie taki uległy/a, bojący się innych i szukający ochrony w kimś silnym. Lubię tak jak William/Billie przebierać się w damską bieliznę, pończoszki czy pokazywać się przed lustrem. Bardzo Mnie poruszył, zezłościł szczegół że sąsiad Pan Morgan, bez zgody rodziców Williama/Billie podłączył kamerki w ich domu nagrywając zarówno jego jak i rodziców, od kilku lat a teraz wykorzystuje je do szantażu na Williamie/Billie, a również posiadał klucze do ich domu. Poruszał się po ich domu jak po własnym, znając nawet lepiej gdzie co się znajduje od samego Williama. Szantażem i upokorzeniem zmusza Williama do uległości, oddania się jemu jako Sissy, jako niewolnik a nawet gwałtu Williama/Billie. Zastanawia Mnie skąd się wzięło wspomnienie o więzieniu, przecież ten dzieciak ma dopiero 18 lat?

Już poruszasz moją wyobraźnię i bardzo chcę wiedzieć co doświadczył William/Billie, z wielkim zainteresowaniem przeczytam nadchodzące losy Williama w którym widzę siebie samą/ego. 📖👸🏻🧒🏻❤️🧑🏻📹👿👨🏻.

ps. Przepraszam za błędy i niedokładności językowe ale nie znam języka angielskiego.

SissyBoy z Warszawy, Polska. 📖👩🏻‍🦳❤️🧒🏻👸🏻.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

This story made me very angry. Not for the way it was written, because the writing was crisp, if a little disjointed, but i've seen wrse in high budget movies.

No, the story made me angry for its emotional impact on me. This kid's still a boy and this sonuvabitch has been filming him covertly for years, and is a predator. He pounces the first opportunity he has and literally force fucks this kid with contempt, under threat of blackmail. The kid has zero say in anything, and the fact that he secretly desires much of the sex in the story in no way makes up for the fact that his neighbor planned and schemed and threatened to ruin this kid's life if he didn't go along with everything the prick wanted. I actually had to skip over certain scenes because i could practically feel my blood presure rising.

At the end of the story, Billie likens his 1st night with "Dddy" to his 1st nite in prison. It leaves it to the reader's imagination to decide wht Billie went to prison.

For me, that was easy to figure out. He went to prison for "accidentally" dropping a plugged-in toaster into the foot end of the bathtub while Daddy was luxuriating in the warm water, eyes closed, revisiting the first time he pimped Billie out to a half-dozen oil rig workers just in from 3 months and 3,000 miles out to sea. Very horny, and very sadistic oil rig workers.

At his bench trial, Billie's public defender laid out all the facts, from the beginning of Billie's odyssey starting with his first day with Daddy, to the day he called police to report he accidentally deep fried his loathsome daddy in the bathtub.

On hearing all of the evidence, the sympathetic judge shuddered. He had no choice, but to find Billie guilty. But guilty of involuntary manslaughter with mitigating circumstances.

The judge sentenced Billie to the most rock bottom sentence he could: 2 years, to be served in the most minimum security prison in the state (basically an honor farm) with a mandatory order that Billie was to receive extensive counseling for PTSD, full training in any trade of his choice offerred at the corrections facility, and one day off his sentence for every day of good behavior as permitted under his state's penal law.

If anyone has read this far i invite them to write their own ending to the dtory, including you, Mr Author.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Unlike many here, I thought the story was okay. The errors of spelling, grammar, and word misuse were off-putting and distracting.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago

Oh my! My feminine cravings have simply erupted! Oh, I so want a Daddy like that, to teach me everything about being his woman! Please? I want to be ever so obedient and good for him! I want to wear make-up, panties, pretty dresses for him, and hold his hand wherever I go with him. And I hope that is everywhere!

Oh please, I so want a sweet, manly Daddy! Yes, I do!

Roxanne Lanyon

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
Daddy's Woman

Yes, its me again. Sissy Roxanne, who simply cannot stop thinking about being owned by a big, strong, but gentle, Daddy. Please e-mail me if you want me in your life, Daddy - to - be! Now I am so ruined for anything else but being his sissy boi. If I could only become his woman, I would be so happy, and make my ew daddy so pleased and satisfied. Oh, I want to do anythinhg for him. I will wear whatever he gives me, do whatever he wants, and simply be the woman he wants me do be for him. Forever. Oh, I hope he will want to ARRY ME, AND MAKE ME HIS OBEDIENT LITTLE WIFE! oH, HOW i WILL LOVE THAT SO MUCH! yES, i WILL LOVE, HONOR, AND OBEY MY dEAR dADDY FOREVER. yETH, i Will!


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
My Daddy

I will always love my Daddy. he is the best man I could ever be in love with. I will work hard to make him happy and satisfied, and always hug and kiss him all over. He is the sweetest, kindest man I have ever been in love with, and I will take care of him forever!

His Woman, Sissy Roxanne Lanyon

Kerrysub4uKerrysub4uabout 8 years ago
My Young Years

Love the story. In my young teen years I spent a lot of time home alone dressing up in my mom's things. I tried on every piece of clothing she had. I fantasized many times of being caught by an older man like the story. Dreams of made to suck him, fucked by him, dressed for him. I wish man had caught me and turned me into his little gurl. Take me shopping for pretty things. Become his pretty little slut.

Love to chat with other sissies or daddies.. I'm if any one wants to chat..

alex_femboialex_femboiover 8 years ago
just found this wonderful story

i would so be exactly like billie -- begging for cock -- cant wait to continue reading.....

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

Oh how I wish it was me being used and abused in that manner - although I was never caught in my teens....I was when in my 20s by a nosy postman...after a long nightshirt I went home tired but horny and decided to dress up in basque,stockings and panties.....I was sat n front of the computer,chatting to a guy on cam ( a fellow xdresser ) when the doorbell rang, in my panic I tugged on some track pants and a large dressing gown to go down and see who was there ( I hadn't bothered with make up )

Sure enough there stood the postman ( not my usual one - Eric was off sick )

I had to sign for a parcel and ushered him in to the hallway, then into the kitchen ...he stood quite close to me as I leaned over the table to sign the form, then realised my stockinged feet could be seen ( I had forgotten shoes )

Tim ( the postman ) smiled and said black was his favourite colour too, nodding to my feet...I blushed furiously , but he reassured me my secret was safe with him, then unexpectedly he slid his hand under my gown and into my track pants and felt my pulsing cock....

' I have an hour to spare ' he whispered, so I led him back upstairs to my computer to let him see what I was doing ( I kept the cam off his face - and I wore a mask )

The guy I was chatting to kept asking me to suck Tim off on cam ...and after a few seconds , he agreed!!.....as I sucked him,Tim was able to watch the other guy stroking his cock ( I recorded it too )

I hoped I would see him again , but alas no

SamanthaSatineSamanthaSatinealmost 9 years ago

wonderful storyline and wow hot sex too..love the satin..just love to be the sissyboi myself..love to have a Daddy....well written..xxx

WoodSmithGuyWoodSmithGuyover 10 years ago
Nice story

Overall the story was great. Some elements as mentioned in couple comments were missing and some were contradicting, but its still a great story.

I enjoyed it and look forward to more.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
nice story

will the next door man caught me in panties they were swim suit kind I see you like women clothes I said yes sir come here girl I don't know why I did as told let me look at you girl yes a vey nice ass but small breasts then he ripe my panties off you have a small dick if that is a dick just then he pull out his cock it was big now girl this is a cock he saw me looking at it you like he ask I said yes sir well girl you know what to do I said yes I got on my knees and suck his cock he pull out and then he bend me over a chair he put some cream on my ass then he push his cock in me it hurt a bit soon I lift my ass to meet his cock that my girl I knew you like cock I said yes sir I love your cock then you will become my girl bitch now you can wear your panties for now till I buy you a bra dress well it been two month now and I love my life

strwbdrnksstrwbdrnksalmost 12 years ago
well written!

very well written.really enjoyed the read! thank you

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
this story really turned me on

The story got me so hard because I truly want to be a sissy, panty-wearing, cock-sucking, faggot slut -- just like Billie. It really turns me when I think about strutting around in sexy lingerie and being recorded on video, for everyone to see (including my parents!!). That's my ultimate dream. Your story has inspired me to make it true. The only thing is that I wish it was more consensual. I truly love getting fucked and I don't really want to read about a guy being forced to be fucked. I'm still looking forward to reading the next chapter and please write more stories.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
Loved this story

What a terrific writing and a great sensibility. Pace was fantastic, as was the fantasy. I was living it there with you all the way.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago

Great story, better if Daddy was Master instead, still great though.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago

Very good story, can't wait to see what happens next! Also can't wait to see how he ends up in prison. Please keep writing!

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

Great story looking forward to the next instalment

Nitro70652Nitro70652over 13 years ago
Edit more

Following this story was hard. As mentioned by another, it skipped around with contradicting scenes a plenty. Maybe I missed it but I didn't see anything until the end about Billie being in prison. I thought he was just out of high school. Anyway, Editing. Editing. Editing. Don't count on spell check. I'm sure in many sentences you meant to say "quiet".... it kept coming out "quite". That is just one instance, there are too many others to mention. If you write something and go back to make a change, make sure your changed sentence doesn't still have some of the first thought you typed. I hope to see more of billie's transformation. But help us read it with proper spelling and fact structure.

3 stars.

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