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A Special Kind of Love Pt. 09

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Lucy and Katie fall in love.
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Lucy was still holding her daughter's hand as she led her along the hallway to the bottom of the stairs. Their celebration breakfast now finished; Lucy took her daughter back to bed.

The full dump of her mum's faeces was now nestled in her stomach and swimming in all of her mum's first piss of the day. She felt full and bloated but to Katie it was a pleasurable feeling and one which gave her an enormous amount of pride and satisfaction. It was, after all, the first time she had been a full toilet for her mother.

As they both walked along the hall Katie gently rubbed her stomach in a manner not dissimilar to a pregnant woman caressing her bump.

When they reached the bottom of the stairs Lucy let go of her daughter's hand to allow both women to climb the wooden hill more easily. Katie followed her mum up the stairs staring at the bum wiggling directly in front of her. She was often amazed by her mum's beauty and surprised by just how perfect her bum cheeks were. Lucy was, after all, approaching middle age and a mother.

"You've got a sexy ass Mum!" Noted Katie as she followed her mum.

"Thank you, sweetheart. I'm pleased you approve. Is it as sexy as Mrs Jenkins' bum?"

"Yeah...... even more so! You've got gorgeous legs as well!"

"Oooo darling you're full of compliments this morning, aren't you?"

"When we get in bed can I lick your bum please?"

"Great minds think alike sweetheart, I was going to suggest the very same. You haven't licked mummy's little rose bud yet this morning, have you? Are you getting withdrawal symptoms already?"

Katie giggled and replied to the affirmative.

Lucy ensured that the climb up the stairs was slow and seductive. The older woman being experienced enough to know how to make the walk to the bedroom an erotic journey for a younger lover.

By the time they had reached the landing Katie was feeling as randy as fuck and launched herself at her mum, pushing her up against the wall. She couldn't resist a hot sensual snog before they reached the bedroom. Lucy guessed her daughter was going to be one hot little fuck that morning! She placed her hand between her daughter's legs as they snogged, an action which confirmed that Katie was more than ready for sex.

The final few paces to the bedroom door and over to the still unmade bed were little more than undignified stumbles really. Both women attempted to kiss and grope each other as they went. Neither woman quite able to make up their mind as to whether to reach out for a breast, bum cheek or moist pussy. All this while they still tried to kiss each other as they stumbled their way across the room.

By the time to two of them collapsed onto the mattress they were both giggling.

"I haven't giggled like this in years." commented Lucy.

"I don't think I've EVER giggled so much!" replied Katie.

They both settled down on the bed next to each other in an intimate embrace. Lucy wrapped one leg over her daughter, the sole intention was to increase the contact of naked flesh. The desired effect was immediate, Lucy gasped at the softness only female to female flesh could create. It would have been a reminder, although none was needed, that she was indeed a lesbian. A reminder that she had in fact discovered her true sexuality and that her failed marriage to a man was now well and truly behind her.

As she looked into the eyes of her lover a pang of guilt briefly returned. The loving eyes she looked into were those of her own daughter after all. The woman in her arms, sexually arousing her was her own flesh and blood. Lucy brushed the guilt to one side, she didn't want to think about that, not at that moment. She had only one thought on her mind and didn't want any others to distract it. She cleared her head, the only thought that remained was one of making love, passionate and intimate love to the woman in her bed and who radiated her warmth through naked flesh.

Their mouths came together, their lips touched, their tongues danced. Both women knew they had already entered uncharted waters, both knew the journey was going to be choppy, neither wanted to turn back.

The kiss was long and intimate, neither wanting it to end. It became the longest and most intimate snog they had engaged in together by some distance.

Katie readjusted their body positions as they kissed, Lucy soon sensed her daughter's intention, she was a little surprised but helped with the repositioning nonetheless. Katie now had her crotch pressed firmly against her mother's thigh; a position similar to the aborted action during their ill-fated shower together. Lucy let her daughter take the lead.

Katie rubbed herself off on her mother's thigh. Lucy felt her daughter's orgasm ripple through her own body, a sensation she always marvelled at when it happened with other lovers.

Their lips never parted once, Katie's muffled climatic vocals vibrated and echoed into and through Lucy's mouth. Their embrace tightened during Katie's orgasm creating sensations through both women's bodies that would be hard to replicate and even harder to forget.

It was a reminder to Lucy and an initial awakening for Katie that female to female sex was a pleasurable act second to none. As Katie's orgasm subsided, she released the powerful embrace holding her mother tight against her now sweating body. Lucy loosened her grip as well allowing her daughter to lay flat out on her back, exhausted yet elated.

Lucy let her daughter regain her composure but never let a reassuring arm drift from its position which allowed her to stroke the side of Katie's face. It was a tender moment and their unwavering eye contact expressed feelings few words were capable of achieving.

"I think you enjoyed that didn't you?" Lucy's words were said with feeling and tenderness.

"Yeah, I needed that!" came Katie's reply, her face filled with her typical beaming smile and was followed by a little laugh. Her post orgasm glow still clearly evident.

"See! You CAN come without playing with shit!" Lucy sounded pleased that she was able to make that point.

"Hah, hardly." Katie scoffed at the idea. "My stomach's full of your turds and I can still taste it in my mouth. That's why I was able to cum!"

Lucy felt deflated, she knew her daughter had a point. "Okay, I'll give you that one. I could taste it when I kissed you as well!"

"Don't try to change me Mum, I enjoy eating shit, I mean it!"

"I won't darling, I promise."

Both women embraced again and exchanged another long sensual kiss. Neither Mum or Daughter seemed to want to let the other go. It was yet another intimate moment they found themselves in and emotions were being aroused within the two of them which were hard to ignore.

"Mum?" Katie was the first to break the intimate silence. "I want to tell you something but I think you'll be cross!"

"Hey sweetheart, I won't be cross, I promise."

"I bet you will!"

"No I won't, come on darling, what's on your mind?"

Katie popped another tender kiss on her mother's lips in an attempt to give herself some extra courage. She took a deep breath and then came out with it. "Mum, I'm sorry but I think I have fallen in love with you!"

Katie thought it was another of her 'hand grenade' moments, especially when it was met with silence.

Suddenly her mum hugged her even closer and tighter. She didn't want Katie to see the tears that welled up in her eyes.

"Are you cross?" Katie voice was full of worry.

"No darling, of course I'm not cross."

"But you're my mum! I shouldn't be falling in love with you, not like this should I?"

"Katie! Ssh, ssh, come on darling, don't say things like that. We can't help who we fall in love with sweetheart, these things just happen."


"No but's darling, love is a very special thing sweetheart, we can't control it. Katie, come on, look at me, look at Mummy."

Katie looked into her mum's eyes and saw the tears of joy.

"You're crying Mum!"

"I know darling, this is the happiest moment of my life! I'm falling in love with you too Katie. I knew I was yesterday but didn't know how or when to tell you! You must be braver than me, but I'm so glad you are!"

Lucy flung her arms around her daughter again and both women kissed passionately as though it was their last kiss together. When they finally released Katie continued with her concern.

"What are we going to do mum? We're not supposed to fall in love with each other are we?"

"Are you sure it's love Katie?"

"Yeah, I know it is. I asked Dad, a while back now, how do you know when you fall in love. All he said was. 'Katie, when you do you will know, there will be no mistaking it for anything else. I thought he wasn't very helpful at the time but you know what Mum? Dad was right! What are we going to do? I'm scared now!"

Tears ran down the cheeks of both Mum and Daughter. Katie pulled her mother in for another hug.

"It will be alright Katie, we'll sort something out darling. I love you so much."

"I love you too Mum, more than you could ever imagine!" Katie burst into tears at the admission.

Lucy just clung on to her daughter, hugged her and didn't want to let go. She needed time to think, 'fucking hell!' were the only words that entered her head initially.

She only intended to have some sex, kinky sex yes but just sex. She had been starved of it for a few weeks, ever since Julie left her. Lucy didn't do abstinence, her sex drive was high and she hardly ever went more than a couple of days at most without it. Certainly since she had hooked up with Julie anyway. When her daughter presented herself on a plate there was no way she could resist the temptation.

Lucy convinced herself that she wouldn't be the only woman in this world who had been tempted into sex with her own daughter. What harm could it do she thought? It was only sex between two adults and who else would know anyway?

'Fucking hell', echoed through her mind again. 'We weren't supposed to fall in fucking love with each other! What the fuck do we do now!' Lucy was scared, very scared. She knew the relationship with her own daughter was getting out of hand and that it was one she needed to stop. 'What a fucking mess!' was the next thought that ripped through her confused head.

Both mum and daughter had in fact fallen in love and big time as well! Lucy knew she should stop the relationship but she couldn't, deep down she didn't want too. Then, without warning, she felt Katie's fingers enter her, two of them. Lucy was moist and both fingers slid in easily, all the way. Lucy let out a little gasp in surprise.

"Still nice and wet then Mum! What are you thinking?"

"Nothing much darling, just enjoying your fingers down there."

Katie knew her mum had lied. "You're cross aren't you? We shouldn't be doing this should we?" Katie started to withdraw her fingers.

"No darling, keep them there, it feels nice."

Katie returned her fingers to the fully inserted position then started applying pressure to her mum's clit with her thumb.

Any reservations Lucy had been having washed away in an instant. She clamped her mouth around her daughter's as if to prevent anymore negative thoughts from entering her head.

Katie gave her mother another orgasm. That was when Lucy knew she was already in too deep with this relationship.....way, way, too deep! She was torn between the sensible option her brain was advising her or to continue with the incestuos forbidden love her heart was willing her, in fact, pleading with her to continue. It was the second time since the weekend when all this started getting out of hand that she had been at these crossroads. Her heart won the first time and she knew deep down that her heart would win again!

"It's going to be difficult Katie but we'll try and make it work sweetheart. I want you more than just a daughter now and I assume you want me to be more than just a Mum to you. Is that what you want?"

"It will work Mum, of course it will, why wouldn't it? We both have what we want now don't we?"

"Oh Katie, you make it all sound so easy, we'll try sweetheart but dating is not going to be straightforward is it now?"

"DATING!! What the fuck are you on about!" Exclaimed a puzzled Katie.

"Oh come on Katie! You know. A relationship, dating, being proper girlfriends to each other, you know, lovers.....yes. Are we on the same wavelength or not?"

"NO! What are you going on about, we can't date each other! I'm your fucking daughter for Christ's sake! How the fuck can we walk hand in hand in the park or have a romantic meal for two in some restaurant or go to a lesbian bar and cuddle up together in a snug, kissing and canoodling for fuck's sake! What if someone we know sees us! It ain't gonna work Mum and I don't want that kind of relationship anyway. Relationships are way too complicated at the best of times."

Lucy was stunned at another outburst from her daughter but Katie was still not finished. "And one more thing, in case you'd already forgotten, I'm your toilet as well! You can't exactly date your own toilet, can you? Are you some kind of weirdo or something?"

"Katie, just when I think I'm starting to get to know the real Katie you throw all this at me! You have just told me that you have fallen in love with me but then in the next breath you say you don't want a relationship. You're confusing me Katie, what exactly is it that you DO want?"

"Don't you ever listen to me? I've told you already!" Katie sounded exasperated. "I want to be a toilet and show my love for someone by eating their shit, your shit mum, I love you and want to express it by eating your fucking shit: all of it. I Also want someone who loves me enough to share their bodily waste with me, I've told you all this!"

"So you have Katie, I'm sorry. Your mum's not use to this kind of relationship, bear with me please, I'll get there."

"I want shit 'n sex that's all. I don't want a relationship, look how you fucked yours up! No.... shit 'n sex, that'll do me thank you very much!"

Lucy stared at her daughter; astonishment written all across her face.

"I'm just saying-" Continued Katie. "You did ask what I wanted, why are you looking so surprised now? What do you want Mum? Do you want scat 'n sex as well or are you boring like everyone else and want 'a relationship'?" The last two words emphasized with hand gestured air quotes and delivered sarcastically.

Lucy found herself on the back foot once again and flabbergasted by the forthright approach her daughter had adopted.

"No wonder you are a lesbian who ended up in a loveless marriage to a man!" Katie's rebuke was harsh and below the belt. It hit her mother like an out-of-control train.

"KATIE! That's cruel, there was no need for that!"

"True though, ain't it?"

Lucy was stunned, she didn't know what to say, deep down though she knew that her daughter was right. She was also regretting that she wasn't more like her.

"Just lift your fucking legs up and over your head. I wanna lick my mum's arse!"

Lucy froze, she could barely believe her own daughter had just said that.

"Katie laughed. "Hah, I thought I was supposed to be your dirty little plaything, not the other way round!"

Lucy suddenly snapped into life! It was as though a switch had been flicked inside her. "No you dirty fucker. YOU lift YOUR legs over YOUR head! I want to lick YOUR dirty fucking arse hole young lady. GO ON! Do as Mummy says!"

Katie grinned the widest of grins and couldn't get into position fast enough. "That's more like it Mum, tell your dirty little girl what you want and I'll be a good little plaything for you."

She lay on her back and lifted her legs up and over her head, grabbing the backs of her knees with her hands so as to support and hold her legs in position. Katie's pussy and anal opening were now exposed for all to see, although in reality, it was only her mother in the room to enjoy the sight.

As she stared down at her daughter's exposed position she was convinced Katie's anus winked at her. It was of course simply Katie clenching her buttocks together in a natural muscle action. The effect on Lucy was profound though, wave after wave of carnal lust swept through her body in a way she wasn't used to. She knew it could only have been brought about by the fact it was her own daughter's anus she was about to go down on.

And go down on her she did! Her tongue was protruding from her mouth in anticipation long before it reached its destination. Normally Lucy would go down on her partner's pussy first before making her way slowly and seductively towards the delights of the rear entrance. Not today though, today the desire to lick her daughter's bum hole was overwhelming and her precision could only have been matched by a bird of prey finding its next meal.

Lucy's tongue worked on the anus of her own daughter and that knowledge, instead of making her feel guilty as it had done previously, was now being used to stimulate her own pleasure and sexual lust. She licked frantically yet at the same time with a control that only comes from experience. Lucy had plenty of that, she had rimmed her girlfriend Julie on many occasions but none seemed to give her the pleasure she was getting from her own daughter's arse.

The sensation was not lost on Katie either. "Oh my god Mum, this feels so good, so fucking good." She continued to lay there offering both her holes to her mother. "Fuck! You can't half lick arse Mum, my god that feels so good!"

Lucy wasn't finished, a long way from it. Both her hands were spreading her daughter's bum cheeks as far apart as she could. Lucy wanted as much of Katie's rose bud as she could get.

Then, without warning, Lucy coated a finger in saliva and inserted it into Katie's bum hole.

"Mmm... that feels sooo good. All the way in Mum, as far as you can." Katie's words of encouragement were testament to just how much she was enjoying the attention being paid to her rear hole.

Lucy pushed her finger all the way in, as far in as she could get it.

"Can you feel my shit mum? There should be lots up there."

Mum wasn't in a talkative mood though, the one word reply was short and sweet. "Yeah."

Katie smiled to herself, she thought it was real cool knowing her mum was using her finger to prod around inside her rectum and searching out any shit that was cooking inside. As she felt her mum's finger withdraw Katie looked down, straining to see what she did with her finger next. Katie wasn't left disappointed as she watched her mum pop her finger into her mouth to suck it clean. Lucy's tongue then went back for more as she continued rimming her new lover.

"Ooooo fuck Mum, that feels soo fucking good, don't stop."

"It feels pretty awesome at this end too." Replied Lucy. "Smells and tastes pretty good too!"

"Didn't know you could rim as good as this!"

"It's years of practice darling. Julie used to love me eating her rear out."

"I'm loving it too, don't stop."

Katie then felt her mum gently blowing onto the centre of her anal opening. "Oh my god mum! You certainly know how to eat arse!"

With that compliment ringing in her ears Lucy moved a hand over Katie's pussy. Using her thumb she applied a little pressure to the area around her daughter's clit. The slight gasp indicated she had found the spot. Gentle circular rubbing motions followed as she stimulated her daughter's most sensitive area.

Untimely stirrings started building inside Katie though, 'fuck' she thought 'not now'. It was not a good time and Katie knew she had to say something.

"Sorry Mum, I've got a fart brewing, it must be all that shit I've eaten. Just thought I'd warn you. Up to you what you do."

"For fuck's sake Katie stop talking and just go for it! I'm trying to enjoy your arse down here! Anyway, farts are to be enjoyed not be embarrassed by!"

With that Lucy locked her open mouth around Katie's arse hole hoping her daughter would get the message.


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