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A Strange Few Weeks

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Allison's misery ends torturously.
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Dear reader,

i've not finished Madelyn for many reasons, one of them being life happened and another being that it's on a near-dead hard drive and we're working on getting our data off of that hard drive as soon as possible. In the meantime, this is a story i wrote long ago and have edited, revised, edited again, added to, etc, over the years.

Since i cannot access Madelyn to finish the next chapter, i would like to submit this for your reading pleasure. i don't know if you will like it but i do hope you will. Again, this is not something newly written, but it is newly edited and had a few things added to it. If you're not into M/s and BDSM, i apologize but the fact of the matter is, i am and you're welcome to skip this and just wait for the new Madelyn chapter, whenever i'm able to finish it. i do hope that will be soon. Until then, though, i will post some old writings of mine that i've just not posted before.




The girl knelt on the dirt floor of the slave quarters. Her wrists were bound together and her arms were raised high above her head, tied so that she could not lower them. Harsh rope bound each of her thighs to her calves, more rope tied round each knee forced her thighs painfully wide, not letting her close them even a little. The girl's left thigh bore the fresh mark of Ownership, her nipples were freshly pierced, with new jewelry running through each. Juices dripped from the slave, her entire body flaming with a combination of pain and need.

She'd entered this house two weeks ago, alone and afraid. She was not sure what she would find here when she first arrived, and only hoped it would be acceptance and love.

A hand reached round her from behind, moving between her thighs to pinch her clit harshly. She cried out and for that, she received a smack across her ass. Whimpering, she trembled as she knelt there, wondering what more she would have to endure to be accepted by someone, anyone.

Allison's life had been one disappointment after another. She'd dropped out of high school at age 16 because her parents kicked her out of their house. They wouldn't keep her under their roof after they discovered she was pregnant. Determined to keep her baby, she found a job that paid the bills and put food on the table...barely. After she delivered, her boss fired her when she wasn't able to return to work immediately after the federally mandated maternity leave time was up. He said he wasn't in the habit of keeping single mothers on staff. The paperwork officially stated she was terminated due to absences.

Unable to fight it, she and the baby lived in her car while she looked for work. She was too proud to go on welfare, but did visit the local shelters to get assistance with diapers for her baby, and food for herself, as well as a place to bathe them both daily.

Two months after delivering her daughter, Tanya Rose, she and the baby were in a car accident. Tanya's injuries were too great and the baby died after two days of life support. It was too much for Allison. She left the hospital even though her own injuries were not fully healed, and wandered the streets for the next three years.

In the beginning, she wasn't street-wise in the least. Her belongings were stolen from her 4 or 5 times before she finally realized that she needed nothing but a small satchel that she kept next to her, the clothes on her back, and a blanket or two. She was raped more times than she could count. It was probably out of sheer luck that she didn't get pregnant again. But then, something Allison felt was even more unthinkable happened.

She thought back to that day, body shuddering in the ropes as she remembered it and the weeks following it...

It was the morning of her 19th birthday, and Allison awoke in the doorway of the abandoned warehouse, where she'd sheltered for the night, to find the police throwing away the few things she had left in the world, including the only portrait she had left of her beautiful little Tanya. She begged and pleaded with them to let her have her picture back.

"Just the picture," she cried. "That's all I need. Please! It's my baby, the only picture I have of my baby! Please!" When they ignored her, she finally resorted to screaming at them. "Why are you doing this! Please! It's just a picture! Please, let me have the picture, just the picture!"

They arrested her for disturbance of the peace.

When she was released two days later, he DA saying they didn't have anything they could really charge her with, she returned to the dumpster where her baby's picture had been unceremoniously tossed out like so much garbage.


It was empty.

Her heart broken again, she wandered aimlessly for weeks until one day she noticed a man watching her. He sat on a bench across the park from where her thin frame lay in the grass. Her sunglasses were very dark so she was sure he wasn't aware she knew he was watching her. She studied his face. It was a mixture of things. She saw kindness there, and gentleness, concern and disbelief...disbelief? What didn't he believe? Pity and sorrow seemed to be there as well. He rose before she finished reading all of the emotions she saw there.

Allison remained very still as she watched him give her one last look then turn to walk away. She thought she'd seen a faint smile cross his lips. Once she was sure he wouldn't turn around again, she rose from her place in the grass and hurried to follow him. She was very curious about this man who pitied and didn't believe her, who was concerned and gentle and kind, yet he was more than all of that. For some reason, she wanted to know what that was.

She followed him for what seemed like ages. He led her through the tower district, the downtown area, through two parks, and across three bridges back and forth over the river, until at last, he came to an upscale area she was almost afraid to enter. Here she was, a vagrant, and she was following this man through one of the richest parts of town.

Setting her jaw, Allison continued on. She hadn't come this far from her usual stomping grounds for nothing. She had to know what it was that drew her to him...and why he'd spent so long openly staring at her when there were so many other things, more lovely things, and people, more lovely people, to look at in that park.

It had been two hours since she'd first seen the man. He seemed to have endless energy, and wasn't even winded by the time he came to what seemed to be his destination. It was a fenced-in piece of property at the far side of town, in a much less densely populated area. The properties here each boasted anywhere from 5 to 20 acres of land, and a few were larger still. He led her to what she was sure was the largest of them all.

The gate was wrought iron, with many twists and turns worked into the iron, a very elaborate piece of metalwork, crowned with spikes that looked so sharp, she was sure could have doubled as spearheads.

He entered the gate and paused a moment. She was sure he would turn around and find she'd followed her. Instead, she noticed he was speaking with someone. She made her way closer to look at the masonry of the wall when she heard a siren behind her.

Cursing, she moved away from the wall and froze in place. She knew there was no way he'd miss that she'd followed him now. Not knowing what to do, she started looking every which way, hoping to find a rock to hide under. Turning around, she gasped and jumped back, nearly falling on her ass, as she discovered him standing behind her.

The man smiled down at her as she stood there shaking. She could hear the officers getting out of their cruiser and walking over to where she and the man were standing.

"Morning, Michael," one of the officers said cheerfully as he approached the pair standing there.

"Good morning, Harrison," Michael responded, without removing his eyes from the girl. "Good morning, Keith," he smiled to the girl once more before lifting his head and speaking directly to the two Officers.

"Is everything ok here, Mike?" the Officer named Keith asked, eyeing the girl suspiciously.

"Yes, everything is ok, Keith, why do you ask?"

"Well, we just caught this girl snooping about the fence around your property," Keith responded.

"Yes, you did, indeed," the man named Michael replied. "Now, the question is, what do we do with her?" He turned to the girl. "You followed me a very long way, didn't you, girl?" he asked her softly.

"Y-y-yes," she replied in a very soft, timid voice.

"Louder, girl, and address me properly," Michael responded.

"Ye-," the girl's voice failed her momentarily before she finally squeaked out a, "yes, Sir," just a littler louder than before.

A half smile crossed Michael's face before it disappeared. Reaching up, he pulled the sunglasses from her face. She flinched slightly as he did so, as if afraid he'd hurt her, but she didn't move.

"Why did you follow me, girl?" he asked gently, yet firmly at the same time.

"I," she glanced at the officers, uneasy at their presence since she did not trust the police anymore after what the other officers had done to her not long ago. "I..." her voice trailed off and she began shaking, her eyes on the officers standing not far away.

"Look at me, girl," Michael said suddenly in a firm tone.

Her eyes snapped to him. Still trembling softly, she fought the urge to just turn and run away. But her legs felt like they were turning to jelly as his eyes caught hers and held them firmly in their gaze.

"Why did you follow me, girl?" he repeated firmly.

"I don't know why, I...I..." she faltered as her head started spinning and her legs finally gave way. The last thing she knew was she felt herself falling to the ground, and passed out as her head hit the concrete.


When she awoke, it was several hours later; she'd been bathed, and was lying naked on a sort of mat in a small room. Her head hurt some where it had come into contact with the concrete of the sidewalk and her stomach growled from hunger. She hadn't eaten yet that day.

Sitting up, she looked around for something to use to cover herself, but there was nothing. The room was bare except for the mat on which she'd awoken. The door wasn't solid, it had bars on it, but it stood wide open. The floor of the room was dirt, and there was a bit of straw under the mat upon which she'd awoken. One dim light hung from a cable attached to a wooden beam that made up what little ceiling there was to the room.

Pulling her knees to her chest and crossing her ankles, she wrapped her arms round her legs and laid her head atop her knees, trembling with cold and fear. A tear slipped down her right cheek, warm against her chilled skin. Another followed it a few seconds later. Before long, she was sobbing uncontrollably, the feelings she'd suppressed the past two years flooding her suddenly.

The man, Michael, came in and took her into his arms, holding her and caressing her, speaking soothing words to her. She rested her head against his shoulder and cried until the tears would no longer fall. When that happened, she just stayed there, tearlessly sobbing in his arms. She finally went silent, hardly daring to breathe and trembled as she realized she was enjoying the contact with this other human being. His touch was tender, caring, and soothed the ache in her heart. It was the first of such contact she'd had with another human being since her baby died two years ago.

He held her for a while before his caresses started moving from her shoulder and arm to her back. His other hand started caressing her thigh. Allison was lost in her own thoughts, enjoying the contact, and didn't notice until too late, that his hands were exploring, not just caressing. Her breath caught in her throat as she realized how sensually his hands were as they moved across her skin.

"Please don't," she whispered, her heartbeat increased slightly as she begged him not to continue.

He paid no heed to her words, his hands moving across the backs of her thighs to softly stroke the lips between them.

"Mmmm...no, please, don't," she said softly, not fighting, but not wanting his hands to go any further.

Again, no heed was paid to her, as the fingers spread the lips and found the nubbin concealed between them. She squirmed, placing her hands on his chest to try to push away, but it was of no use, his right arm trapped her while the fingers of his left hand massaged her clit, softly at first, then more firmly when she relaxed.

Allison buried her face in his shoulder, knowing and finally resigning to the knowledge she could do nothing but accept this. Clearly, she was not going to escape from his hold. When she did this, he relaxed his grip on her and pushed her thighs apart.

Just then, another girl, also naked, but this one wearing something around her neck -- a metal collar! -- came into the room and knelt beside the man. Allison whimpered softly, scared yet aroused at the same time from the continuous stimulation of her clit.

The man, Michael, leaned his face toward Allison's and spoke softly to her.

"What do you want, girl?" the man whispered to her, his voice kind yet demanding at the same time.

"I...I want you to stop, please stop," she whispered back to him.

"No, girl, you don't want me to stop," he replied.

"Yes, yes, please stop," she said. "I don't want to be raped again...please," she begged, the pitch of her voice slowly raising before dropping again to nearly a whisper. "Please don't. I'll do anything you want, just don't rape me." The tears started anew, and she again sobbed into his shoulder, all of the feelings she'd suppressed over the last two years again flooding over her.

He started, pulling his face from hers and looked at her, surprised. He glanced to the other girl, nodding to her, and the girl rose and left in a hurry.

"I'm not going to rape you, little one," he said soothingly to her. "But I'm not going to stop touching you either." His hand hadn't stopped massaging her clit, not even when she'd surprised him with her words.

"I...don't...want...you...to...to...touch...me," she said between sobs.

"It's not about what you want, little one," he said calmly. "It's about what you need, and you need this. You need release of a great many things, and I will help you with them, but you cannot fight me."

She stiffened in his arms as a finger moved to the opening to her body. She started shaking as it slipped in.

"No!" she said, louder this time, struggling in his arms. "No! Don't do this!" His finger went further inside, his thumb moving to massage her clit again. She was wet, her body betraying her mind.

"Please!" she shouted suddenly. "Please stop! Don't do this!" He noticed two girls standing at the door, watching, surprised at the reaction of the new girl. He moved his head slightly, beckoning them over and indicated Allison's legs. Each girl took hold of a leg, tightly, and held them open.

"Stop struggling, girl," Michael told her calmly. "I am not hurting you. You are feeling very good right now. You are enjoying this," he said in a soothing voice.

"No, no I'm not enjoying this," Allison replied. "I don't want you to do this. Stop, please stop." Her voice was a little calmer this time. She was giving in to the sensation and he knew it.

The first girl came back into the room and began caressing Allison's face and hair, moving her hands down her back and round to her belly. Her hands were gentle and soft and Allison relaxed a little as the sensations of being held and touched and groped began sending her toward something she hadn't experienced before, from the touch of another. She moaned softly as the girl's hands moved to massage her breasts, fingers rolling her nipples between them gently.

Michael added a second finger to his intrusion into her body and she stiffened as she felt her muscles stretch slightly to accommodate him. She hadn't felt a man touch her in any way in almost a year. She'd guarded herself closely in that time, not letting herself get near anybody, least of all men. She slept short and light, always moving to a new place about every two or three hours. She only ever slept any longer in the broad daylight, and only in places where there were a lot of people. Usually that was under a tree in a park. She wasn't going to allow herself to get raped again.

Yet here she was, not really fighting this man whose fingers were invading her body, who was touching her against her will. And she had to admit: she didn't want it to stop. She kept telling him to stop, begging and pleading with him not to do this, but her body was betraying her words. She began squirming in his arms, this time not trying to get away, but trying to move his fingers deeper into her. Her hips rose every time his fingers moved in and lowered when he pulled them almost all the way out.

Nodding to one of the girls, he turned his face to Allison while the girl ran off.

"Do you want more than just fingers, girl?" he asked her softly. "Perhaps something that gives you even more sensations?" The question wasn't really meant for her to respond affirmatively or negatively to. He planned to do what he knew she needed no matter the answer she gave him. And he did just that. Pulling his fingers from her, he pressed something else to her opening. Her hips raised again as it touched her and he started moving it slowly inside. It was thicker than his two fingers, but not too much for her to handle. It felt cool but was warming as it entered her. She moaned as it filled her slowly.

"This is a vibrator, girl," he told her gently as he continued to slowly push it into her. "When I turn it on," he paused as one of the girls reached over and turned the dial, the vibrator responding with a soft whirring sound. He smiled when Allison stiffened as the vibrations started deep inside her pussy. "When I turn it on, you feel a very welcome sensation deep inside that sweet pussy."

He started pulling it back out and she whimpered, her hips rising as if she didn't want it to leave her body.

"Ah, ah, aah," he reprimanded. "I will move it back in when I am ready for it to, and you will wait patiently for it to return, girl." He started slipping it back in, a little faster than the first time, and before long, he was moving it in and out of her at a steady rhythm. Allison panted and moaned, her thoughts of wanting this to stop forgotten for the moment. All she wanted now was release. The vibrator deep inside her pussy, the girl's fingers pinching and pulling her nipples, the other two girls holding her open, all of it was pushing her quickly toward it.

"If I give you release, what will you give me, girl?" the man asked her.

"Wha...?" she asked, not fully forming the word as one of the girls suddenly turned the dial on the vibrator, increasing the vibrations. She gasped and shuddered, somehow knowing she shouldn't cum just yet, yet wanting to so badly.

"What will you give me if I give you release?" He repeated.

"I...don't know...what you...want from me," she said slowly as she panted and moaned, squirming in his arms.

"I want you," he said simply.

"I can't...I can't..." she couldn't seem to finish the sentence, as each time she said 'I can't' one of the girls increased the vibrations. She was so close yet so far away. Her body wouldn't complete what it was building toward, and she didn't know why exactly. She knew that for some reason, even though she was upset and confused by the invasion, she wanted him to be pleased with her. She knew that she loved being in his arms. She knew she liked these other girls touching her, as well. But she didn't know why she didn't just cum.

"Please! Please let me..." she paused, not fully ready to say it, but in such need.

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