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A Stress Reliever

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Precious is stressed, Master has the answer.
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Today seem to be going as any other day. Trish was doing her chores, the kids were in school and Chris is at work. She takes her medicine everyday at the right time. If she misses she knows there will be serious consequences. There is what he will do to her and then the side effects of her not taking her medication physically.

She keeps the bottles in their bedroom vanity and he has her keep three sets of those weekly medication plastic strips. She doesn’t have them to follow the day by. They are filled with the day and evening medications. Blue for evening and Pink for morning. She has a set in her purse, the dungeon bedside and their bedroom bedside. It doesn’t matter where she wakes up, goes to sleep or if they are out she has them with her.

Even though she doesn’t miss there are days that it is as if she isn’t on any medication at all. Her nerves just seem shot for no reason at all. Today was one of those days. She woke up feeling jittery. She mentioned to Chris that she had the shakes and it wasn’t from the asthma medication. He kissed her before leaving and told her he would call her to check on her in a couple of hours.

The day’s events didn’t help any. When she was cooking breakfast she burned her hand cooking pancakes on the griddle. When cleaning up the dishes she dropped a glass in the sink and broke it. When she turned the stereo on for doing her chores, her favorite CD wouldn’t work. It was only 10 am at this time.

Chris called.


“Hello my precious, you sound pouty. What’s wrong?”

“Just a bad day I guess.”

“Well tell me about it love.”

“Well I know the first couple of things were because of my hands shaking which are my nerves but I still don’t like it.”

“Ok what happen?”

“I burned my hand when fixing the kids breakfast.”

“Are you ok baby? Is it bad?”

“It isn’t bad but annoying. It only burns if I touch it or put my hands in warm water.”

“Well I am glad it isn’t bad love. Did you get the burn ointment and put some on?”

“Yes I did.”

“I am sorry you burned yourself precious. Tell me what else is going on.”

Gary and Wesley heard him mention about her being burned. He seen their concerned look and Chris wrote on a note pad and held it up telling them she is ok. “She touched the pancake griddle on the stove she is ok”

They seemed relieved and went back to work.

“When I was washing dishes I broke one of the clear glasses. It was like I couldn’t keep anything in my hands.”

“Baby it is just a glass. We can buy more. You didn’t cut yourself did you?”

“No I didn’t cut my self but it still bothers me.”

“I know love but it will be ok.”

“There is one other thing.”

“What is it sweetie?”

“My favorite CD won’t work.”

“Oh honey. Why isn’t it working? Is it one I can buy you?”

“I don’t know why it isn’t working and it is one that was made”

“Well do you have it saved on the computer in the office?”

“I don’t remember. I think it was made a long time ago.”

“I am giving you permission to get on the computer to see if your CD music is on there and make a new one.”

Wesley over heard. “Hey Chris, ask mom if it is the one David and I ripped off her other CD’s.”

“Precious is it the CD that Wesley and David ripped off your other CD’s?”

“Yes. I gave them a list and they ripped them.”

Chris nodded yes to Wesley.

“I have a copy of it on my computer here at work. You could remote it to her in a folder if she doesn’t have it.”

“Baby, are you on your headset phone?”



He very much so dislikes the yeah and she knows it but he lets it slide.

“Yes Sir.”

“Go to the office and check and see if the folder is on your desktop. If it isn’t I can remote it to you because Wesley has it on his computer here.”

“Ok. I am sorry for the Yeah.”

“It’s ok I’ll let it slide this time.”

She turned the monitor on and logged in.

“It isn’t on here.”

“Put a blank CD in the writer and we will burn you a new one love.”

“Thank You.”

“You’re Welcome precious.”

“How many chores do you have left?”

“Not too many. I need to sweep, mop and vacuum. Oh, I need to do our bathroom and bedroom too.”

“That’s not too bad. Try to relax and we will get your CD finished and then you will have your music.”

Deep sigh. “Ok…”

“I will call you in a little while and check on you again baby.”

“Alright I’ll go do chores…”

“I love you precious.”

“I love you too Master. Tell Wesley I love him too.”

“Ok precious I will.”

They hung the phones up.

“Hey Wesley, your mom sends her love.”

“It sounds like she’s saving a bad day.”

“Yes but nothing too serious, but you know how it seems gigantic to her.”

“Yeah even when she’s trying so hard, it overwhelms her.”

“That is what I am here for. At least one reason”

They both laughed.

Gary said, “Our little Trish is a handful.”

Wesley says, “I have known her all my life you should have been there 10-15 years ago.”

They all laughed.

Chris said, “Hey this is my precious we are talking about.”

Wesley says, “I know. I know. It’s all good though.”

He just laughed.

“You want me to log in on moms desktop or do you want me to put it on the main computer here and you do it?”

“Go ahead and put it on the main computer. I am going to leave her something to cheer her up on there.”

“Sure. It will only take a few minutes.”

“Thanks Wesley.”

“No problem.”

Meanwhile Trish gets back to her chores. She went to their room and picked up their bedclothes they threw to the floor the night before. Normally clothes never hit the floor not even sleep clothes but last night he was just like a wild man. *big grin*

She lifted his shirt to her face. Even though he didn’t wear it long she could still smell his soap and cologne. She gathered all their dirty laundry and bath towels and took it to the utility room. She stepped to the office and seen one of them was working on her CD. She turned the monitor back off.

Back in their room she stripped their bed but the fitted sheet. She dusted, straightened and pulled it tight. One at a time she shook and neatly put the next sheet, blanket and comforter back on. She really loved the fact that he likes lots of pillows the way she does. Ever since she could remember she has always loved a bed or sofa filled with big fluffy pillows.

She cleaned their vanity and bathroom. When she was cleaning the mirror she noticed his collar around her neck. She stopped for a moment and touched it. What a wonderful Master she has.

She went back to working wanting even more to please him. She is still fumbling a little bit because her hands are still shaking. This is so frustrating for her which doesn’t help the shakes any. She always rinses her things on the vanity counter and wipes things off and kept dropping them. Nothing broke this time but frustrating none the less.

She went into the bathroom and when cleaning it she dropped something again and she broke her favorite bath oil. She nearly cried but knowing he would buy her a new one she just cleaned the mess.

She said to herself. “Maybe I should just go back to bed.”

The rest of her chores seem to be uneventful. She finally finished them and they did finish her CD. She heard the CD burner ting and went to get her CD. She turned the monitor on to see if who ever did the CD was still there so she could thank them.

It was her Master. He had his web cam on at work and she could see him in the corner of her monitor. She touched the screen where he was. He couldn’t see her but she knows he did this so she would know even at work he is there for her.

There was also a new folder that said open this. She clicked on it and there was an html file in it that she clicked on. He took the time to put one of her favorite pictures of the two of them in a frame. She is sitting on his lap and he is holding her.

Next to the picture he wrote. “I love you precious. I am sorry you are not having a very good day. I will see if I can make you feel as good as you felt in this picture when I get home. Please know I am very proud and especially pleased with you. All my love, Master” He not only had a beautiful page he created with a picture frame around her favorite picture but he also had their song playing in the background. He is so romantic and sweet.

Her thoughts were interrupted by the ring of the phone. She looked and he was on the phone at work. She turned her headset phone on.


“Hello precious.”

“Thank You Master.”

“You are welcome precious. Has your day gotten any better love?”

“Yes some.”

“Only some, baby?”

“Well you know my favorite bath oil I use when I soak in our room?”


“I broke it”

“Don’t worry precious I will take care of it.”

“I know. I cleaned it all up though.”

“I’m sure you did.”

“I love seeing you.”

She touches the screen.

“I thought it might help to assure you I am close by. I have a big networking setup I need to finish today. Most any other time I could come home to you.”

“I know if you could be right here you would be.”

“Maybe you should try to do some things to try and relax.”

“I think I will.”

“Have you gotten dinner started yet?”

“No Sir.”

“I will bring home dinner so don’t worry about it. Just go try to relax precious.”

“Thank You.”

“I will leave the cam on so when you want to or need to you can go in the office and see me sitting there.”

“That would be great”

“I love you precious.”

“I love you too Master.”

She watched him as he blew her a kiss and hung the phone up.

He bought her a small boom box portable CD player for when she is outside so she got it and went out on their personal patio. Right out of their bedroom sliding glass doors is a patio with a 4 foot deep 10x10, pool with a 10 foot privacy wall made with the same brick as the house. It is heated and lighted for night time swimming. There is a patio, family pool and pool house separate from this you can get to from the living room. She decided she would tan on her inflatable float in their private pool.

He doesn’t want tan lines from a bathing suit. It is also one of his pet peeves. He thinks it looks awful so she tans naked or uses a tanning bed. She most of the time just tans naked in their private pool. She locks her door and he is the only one with a key. She has a little sign he had made for her that hangs on the door knob that says “Tanning”

She went in and gathered her pool side robe, plush towel, tanning oil, and cordless phone. She took her clothes and headset phone off and went outside. After putting her things on the table out there she turned the music on and got in the pool. She swam around a little bit and relaxed on her back for a few minutes.

She got out long enough to get her oil and just poured and rubbed it all over where she could reach. She climbed back in and on her float. This was what she decided to do to relax. She hadn’t intended to but fell asleep.

Chris finished sooner then he expected and thought he would surprise her. He took care of dinner and left it for the kids in the oven with a note on the refrigerator. He expected them in about an hour or so. He went looking for his precious. He seen the door knob sign and couldn’t help but smile knowing on the other side of the door she will be naked.

Chris walked into their bedroom quietly. He realized she had fallen asleep out there and figured it was good he came home or his little one would be burnt. He took his clothes off after locking the door. He slowly pulled the glass door open and slipped into the pool. He was trying very hard not to scare her. He whispered, “Precious…”

She thinks she is hearing things.

He smiled and whispered again, “Precious…”

She opened her eyes and he was there.

“Ohh Master”

She slipped off the float and hugged him in the water.

“I thought I wanted you here so bad that I was dreaming I was hearing you.”

“I was trying not to scare you.”

She had her arms around his neck and wrapped her legs around him.

“I’m so glad you’re home.”

“I got finished sooner and come home. Wesley is going to lock the shop up for me tonight.”

Her body even though in water was very warm against him from the sun.

“I think it is good I came home when I did or I would have come home to a cooked pet.”

She giggled, “Yes hot is good but not cooked.”

“I have been thinking on something all day on how I can help relieve some of your frustration and help you relax.”

“Really? Please tell me”

“How about I show you?”

He lifted her to the side of the pool. He walked up the steps then offered her his hand to help her up. He wrapped the towel around himself and put the robe on her. He walked over and turned the CD off and took the boom box inside.

“We will be awhile. It is better if we take these things in.”

She started picking things up and putting them in their place.

“Should I get showered and dressed?”

“No precious.”

“Can I ask what ideas you have?”

“You can ask but I am not going to tell you.”

She pouted.

“Don’t pout or I will put you across my knee.”

Stressed but still sassy she says, “Promise?”

She was bending over to put the tanning oil away and he raised her robe and popped her.


“Yes I promise”

He liked the way it felt doing that so he took her by the hand and walked her to the bed.

“Master I was just playing”

He didn’t reply he just sat on the cedar chest at the end of their bed and pulled her across his knee. He raised the robe and held one hand on her lower back. When she felt him rubbing her cheeks she knew she wasn’t really in trouble. He doesn’t warm her up when she is in trouble.

He smacked her cheeks one then the other three times.

She wiggled a little.

He rubbed her cheeks some more and smacked her again 5 times on each cheek. Her cheeks are turning pink. He makes it sting by quickly smacking each cheek 10 times.

She wiggled and kicked her feet. “OWWhh Master.”

“What is it precious does it sting?” He rubs her cheeks and can feel the heat of her skin.

“Yes Master”

He ran his hand down her cheeks and up between her legs.

“Hmmm I think my precious likes that sting. You sure are wet love.”

She lifted her hips when he touched her.

“A hot little one today aren’t we”

He pushed her hips back down with his hand on her lower back. He stopped fondling her and rubbed her cheeks. Suddenly he brought 10 more smacks down on each cheek. She was turning a pretty shade of red.

She moaned and wiggled.

He pulled her robe down and stood her up. She tried leaning on his shoulder and kissing him. He had gotten her very excited and thought she was so cute or as he calls her, precious.

He opened her robe and caressed her. He let her kiss on him knowing this is just making her heat up even more. Then suddenly he got up and gently pushed her back.

She whimpered and followed behind him. She tried caressing him and rubbing her body against his. She opened her robe and pressed her breasts against his back. He resisted it and let her work herself up. She ran her arms up under his and started running her finger nails down his chest.

He turned around and took her into his arms and kissed her deep and passionately. She worked her hands between them and pulled his towel off. She positioned him so that she could stroke him. He broke the kiss.

“A naughty little girl I have here today.”

She kept touching him and pressing her body to his. She kissed his chest and was dropping down as if fixing to get on her knees and he pushed her back. Just as she tried to force her way back against him he pulled her robe closed and tied it. She whined.

“Ohh Master Please let me have it.”

“No precious.”

She pouted.

He came closer and reached his hand between her legs and pressed her clit and rubbed up and down a few times. She opened her legs hoping he would give her more. Then he stopped.

“Master you’re driving me crazy.”

He couldn’t help but laugh at her whining and pouting.

He grabbed his robe out of the bathroom and put it on, took her by the hand and led her to the dungeon. She got all excited and hugged his arm as he unlocked the door. He locked the door behind them and turned the lights on. He walked in front of her and unfastened and dropped her robe to the floor. She knows he loves looking at her and started caressing her body and bends over trying to show herself as she picks up the robe. He knows what she is up to and puts a stop to it.

“Stand still precious.”

She pouts, puts the robe on the bench and can’t help but cross and squeeze her legs together.

“This is your last warning. Stand still precious.”

She whimpered.

He placed the square stool in the middle of the floor where the ceiling chains hang. The stools for the chain and cuff play were hand made. They are square and rectangle shape leather cushion on solid wood legs and seats that are about 3 feet high. The 2’ x 2’ square is more for the sitting on and the 3’ x 2’ rectangle is more for lying under the shoulders.

“Come here precious.”

She walked to him.

“Get up on the stool precious.”

He helped her climb up. He got her fur lined ankle and wrist cuffs and placed them on her ankles and wrist. She was a little nervous he had never hung her from the ceiling before or even had her stand chained before. She trusted him but wasn’t sure what to expect.

He pulled the rectangle stool up and had her lay back on it. Her shoulders lay across it. He took her right wrist cuff and hooked it to the chain hanging from the ceiling. He did her left wrist next. Then each ankle was hooked. She was secure in the chains but her body weight was held by the stools.

The chains were operated by pulleys and he slowly separated her arms and legs and her body was lifted off the stools. He could have lifted her from the floor but this was part of a trust issue he is building with using the stools.

“How is that precious?”

“It’s good Master.”

“Are you hurting anywhere?”

“No Master”

“That’s good my love.”

He walked around her and traced his fingers along her body in different places.

“I think I want your legs wider.”

She moaned. She loved more then anything to be wide open and now she will be hanging in the air wide open for him to touch, fondle, probe or lick.

He pulled the chains so that her legs were open as far as they will go. It was almost painful. He slid the stools out from under her and to the side out of the way.

He went to the vanity and grabbed one of her blind folds. After kissing her he put the blind fold on. He walked to a place beside the bed but she couldn’t see him. It sounded like wooden boxes or something he was messing with.

He had two sets of adjustable silver clamps that had a small link chain between them. He wasn’t sure how well his idea will work but they were fixing to find out. He touched her and she flinched.

He gently placed one of the clips on the right side of her folds and closed it down so that her skin wouldn’t slip out when he pulled her open. He gently pulled her open by wrapping the chain around her thigh and clasped the other clamp to the chain. This was working very nicely. He did the other side.

She just moaned, wiggled and whimpered.

He walked away and she could hear him going through the drawers to her left. This is where all the toys are. She suddenly gasped when she felt oil being drizzled all over her. He rubbed and massaged her whole body with this oil. He rubbed her breast, arms, and legs.

He was back down between her legs and was rubbing the oil in her crack between her cheeks. She groaned out as he used his thumb to press against her back entrance. She felt him placing something there. It felt very small and thin he rubbed and circled her hole. He has played with it before but never inserted anything. This time he did. He slipped this thin butt plug inside of her very slowly. It has a large round rubbery flat circle that she felt lay against her skin when she squeezed and welcomed the plug inside of her.


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