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A Summer at the Farm Ch. 03

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Blake has to wake his father-in-law up from his nap.
3.9k words

Part 3 of the 24 part series

Updated 06/02/2024
Created 01/18/2024
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Blake agrees to spend the summer at Joe's farm to lend a helping hand to his girlfriend's father and make a few bucks. That sounds like the perfect plan for his jealous girlfriend. Stuck at the farm, Blake will not cheat on her while she is away... If only she knew!

All characters featured in the story are above 18.

This story is entirely fictional and only meant to be read by a mature audience, and in any case, by people over the age of 18.



Chapter 3: Waking-up the beast

I woke up to the crowing of the rooster. Yeap, I was definitely at the farm.

The night had been short but I had slept well.

I checked my phone; Olivia was okay and settling in -- she had barely had any sleep with the time zone's difference and her plane being delayed. We would have to plan a visio-call soon.

The few pics she had sent me were already getting me in the mood.

How dare she wear that leather short skirt on her first day in London?

I heard Joe snoring in the other room.

I straightened up with my usual tent in my underwear -- hello, morning wood -- and walked to the bathroom as I was still semi-asleep. A shower was the only way to truly wake me up in the morning.

Well, a shower and a jerk-off session. Those were usually going in pair.

I left my underwear on the bedroom floor and hopped in the large shower. Spontaneously, I started stroking my big dick. Even compared to my mates in the football team, I was a very horny fucker, I had my hand in my pants pretty much 24/7.

All men are driven by their cock and their balls at the end of the day, and mines were massive with a very strong pull.

I thought of Liv in her mini skirt. How I would break her ass so fucking hard when she would get back home!

My cock started leaking a bit. I brought my fingers to my mouth. Could not say why I was doing that or when I had started it, but I liked rubbing my precum against my lips, or downright swallowing it sometimes.

I would harvest it between my foreskin and my cockhead, play with it between my two fingers, smell it and then, lick it.

There was nothing gay in that. A guy should enjoy his own musky scent, right? It's only natural. Well, often, I enjoyed my precum too. Perfect balance between sweet and salty.

I had never swallowed my cum though. That was the limit.

With the mental image of my dick buried in Olivia's hole, I knew I could reach my orgasm quickly but I wanted to make it last a little. Stroking my cock felt nice, the warm water falling on my back too.

I shut my eyes. I was getting close to nut.

Pictures of pornstars were mixing up together with pictures of Olivia in my perverted mind.

I caressed my right nipple as I kept wanking off with my other hand, a bit of nipple play usually brought me to more intense ejaculations.

Again, nothing weird about it, nipples are a sensitive zone for every guy, it is not like I was shoving stuff in my ass or anything sus like that.

"Hmmm..." I moaned very softly, getting there.

In my head, I was banging Liv against the shower door now. Going in, balls deep! Fuck. If only!

Maybe I could even enjoy another nasty girl at the same time, kneeling right next to me, licking my balls as they were fapping against my girlfriend's juicy ass. Probably an Asian girl, with big boobs.

"Yeah.... Hmmm..."

Imagining those two women servicing me, I felt my balls contracting and the juice flowing straight to the top of my dick. Fuck those bitches! I would feed them with my creamy spunk!

I was cumming. Freaking great feeling!


But then...

"Well, someone's having a nice time!"

I opened my eyes and I thought I was about to die.

I was nutting massive loads against the shower glass door while twitching my nipple with my left hand... And Joe Harrison, stark naked, his humongous flaccid cock hanging low between his thighs, was watching everything unfold from the other side of door, the biggest smirk on his satisfied face.

"Joe... I... Hmmmm... I...."

I could not stop cumming though. I was facing him and painting that freaking translucent door white!

I did everything I could to stop my ejaculation but it was helpless, the last volleys of my juice miserably fell down on the floor.

I was mortified.

"Looked like a rather heavy one. Although, pale shots in comparison to mine." Joe Harrison chuckled.

Did he not know I was thinking about his own daughter while I was creaming his bathroom?

For fuck's sake, I wanted to bury myself into the grounds of his farm. It was the worst humiliation of my life, being caught right in the middle of my ejaculation by my (future?) father-in-law.

"I'm sorry... I..."

I opened the door and hastily got out the shower to get a towel, I desperately wanted to cover myself. Joe did not seem to mind being fully nude before me.

He was very casual about the whole thing in fact.

"Never apologize for being a man, kiddo." He patted my bare wet shoulders. "Aren't you going to wash this though?" He pointed at my loads dripping everywhere.

If I was red before, I think that I became crimson at this moment.

"Of course, I was just..."

...Panicking! ...Freaking-out! ...Dying!

For some dumb reason, the first thing I thought about was to cover my junks but now, I was seeing the mess on the glass-door and it was way worse than being naked.

I immediately moved forward to get back in the shower, thinking of using the showerhead to clean everything up, but Joe beat me to the punch, he was already getting in himself.

I practically bumped into his bodybuilder body. I think I even touched his hairy ass with my left hand.

What the hell?

"I was just playing with ya, son. The water will get that spunk away once I'm showering. Don't sweat it."

He glanced at my jizz, and then at me. I was not sure what to do.

"Why you're standing there like an idiot? You're going to watch me shower or what?" He barked.

The water was running on his hairy muscular body and he was soaping his long-ass girthy dick (SO DAMN BIG), and his crotch, really getting in there, between the thighs.

You bet the farmer needed a large shower to wash a huge body like that!

"No... Of course, no..."

"Then, go get dressed and let's meet downstairs in ten minutes to start the day."

I grabbed my pair of underwear which was still on the floor, only realizing as I was picking it up that I was offering a full view of my ass bending over to Joe, - Fuck me, the old man probably even saw my hole! -, and I practically ran to my bedroom.

I left my father-in-law (and my dripping cum...) behind.

Fuck! Shit! Fuck! Fuck! Shit!

I was so mad at myself.

I knew that the bathroom had two doors and not one of them was locked. We had been so careful with Olivia before. Never did anything, we were too afraid of getting caught...

And look at me, first morning at the farm, and I was caught beating my meat!

Joe played it cool but that must have been so awkward for him as well. Right?! And now, he was showering with my jizz surrounding him. Probably he was stepping in it with his gigantic hairy feet.

I took a deep breath.

I tried to rationalize the situation.

Those kinds of things just happen sometimes. You always hear this kind of crazy stories, people getting caught. And we were both men...

Besides, Joe clearly did not seem to give a fuck about nudity or anything like that. He was probably unfazed, at worst, he was thinking this was funny.

I did not think it was funny at all but I put some clothes on, some blue shorts and a grey tank-top, -- it was to be another very warm day -, and I walked downstairs.

When Joe joined me in the kitchen, he was only wearing a poorly wrapped towel around his waist and he was leaving water on the floor as he walked with his bare feet wet.

As already discussed, Joe Peterson did not care much about keeping his house clean, he had a maid to deal with that when things were getting filthy.

I had rehearsed a little speech to close the subject of getting caught in the shower but, when I found myself in front of my Joe, I could not bring myself to tell it. It was like I was paralyzed.

Thankfully, Joe made no mention of the incident and simply devoured the bacon and eggs I had prepared.

"Thanks for that." He said, biting into the meat. "Slept well, buddy?"

"Great, thanks. What about you?"

"Good. A bit too hot but never got the A.C. in that damn farm."


Joe burped outrageously.

This was the kind of things he would always do when he was done eating. Sometimes, Olivia was calling her dad the "Cave Man" to make fun of him.

He did not mind as he was thinking men had been way too depraved from their masculinity, especially in the past thirty years, and he would rather be seen as a Cave Man than as a "modern guy".

The morning was pretty uneventful.

We fed the chicken; Joe taught me how to take care of the few goats, and he explained that one of our main jobs during the summer would be to work on the foundations of the barn which had taken several hits during the windy winter.

By noon, I had forgotten all about the incident in the bathroom and I called Olivia who was getting ready to have dinner with some of her fellow-interns that she had met during the afternoon. It was 7PM in London.

She talked a bit about her new colleagues but I only cared about the masculine name that I had heard. James. I hated the guy already.

"How friendly is that dude exactly?"

"Come on, Blake! We've just met, a couple hours ago. He's as friendly as everyone on a first day at the office. He's actually the one who had been planning this dinner as he's the only intern in the department from London. I'm sure you'd like him."

"I doubt that..."

"How's the first day at the farm going?"

"It's going well, I guess..."

"My dad is not too hard on you? Tell me if he is, I'll call him to calm him down."

"Nah, he's fine. I'm just missing you."

She smiled at the camera. She did look hot as fuck.

"Me too! We'll have to figure a way for you to visit. From what I've seen so far, London is really delivering on the beautiful sights. I cannot wait to visit Paris too."

"You're the beautiful sight, honey."

I was not much of a romantic but it was now or never to show my good side as she was about to have dinner with that James.

Joe came in the room and I let him talk with his daughter. Him too was not a big fan of the fact that she was already hanging out with some strangers, less than 24 hours in her trip. He put some good words for me during the call.

That was nice of him.

We ate our lunch together, beef and potatoes. After dessert, Joe let me in on his routine.

"I always take a quick nap after lunch, for digestion, ya know."

He tapped on his own belly.

He had been shirtless all day, only wearing shorts and a pair of old sneakers. Joe was not fond of wearing clothes anytime he could avoid it. From what I could tell, he was NEVER wearing underwear.

"Fine by me." I replied.

"Can you wake me up in about one hour? I think it'll be too hot to work at the barn this afternoon but there are a couple things I'd still like to show you in the fields."

Could he not just set-up an alarm clock? I thought. But of course, I replied:

"Sure. I'll come get you in an hour."


He stood up from his chair, burped again outrageously, and went upstairs to take a nap in his bed.

I did not mind doing the dishes and having some alone time.

I was even thinking that I could have found myself in a way worse position working at a fast-food chain restaurant or something, and clearly, I would have never been able to stay faithful to Olivia.

Besides, as I was being both fed and laundered, I would be making quite a lot of money that summer.

Afterwards, I just chilled. I scrolled through girls dancing, or rather, finding new ways to show off their asses, on TikTok. The algorithm knew me too well, my feed was packed with gorgeous babes in bikinis.

Anything was better than thinking about Olivia partying in London.

I knew she was very tired from the plane trip and sleepless night so I was hopeful she would go home very early, at least, for that first night.

My dick got hard again watching those social media fitness girls but I refrained myself from jerking-off. I was a bit traumatized by my most recent ejaculation. The hour was more than up at this point.

I was kind of hoping Joe would have woken up on this own, but we were way passed the time that we had discussed.

Although the morning had gone very well, I was still feeling awkward and intimidated around Joe. I had not forgotten his weird speech about "his" armchair the night before.

I went upstairs, walked silently in the corridor, but I did not have to knock at his bedroom door to check if Joe was up as the door was already wide open.

The beast of a man was slightly snoring in his bed, his huge hairy belly going up and down, his large feet hanging at the bottom edge of the bed.

I could see his massive slab of meat lying against the bottom of his stomach.

Of course, Joe Peterson was sleeping in the nude. The man hated clothes.

Pearls of sweat were visible on his neck, around his nipples, and of course, on his crotch. He was definitely sporting a semi.

His monster-cock looked even bigger than before, and although not hard, it did seem like the dick was lying horizontally through his stomach and thigh.

I could swear that a droplet of precum was shining against the bush of hair where the top of his dick was ending.

I should have woken him up immediately, but I was like mesmerized by the sight.

I had never seen such a large cock and massive balls in my entire life. Not even in the thousands of porn movies that I had watched featuring the hungest male performers from all over the world.

It was actually hard to believe that this thing was not fully hard.


I jumped.

Phew. Joe was still sleeping. He snored loudly and moved a little. His dick swung on the other side of his stomach. It made a loud fapping noise when it slapped against his thigh.

Could you imagine if Joe had woken-up and had caught me staring?

I mean... I was only being curious. Everyone would have been! It was like catching a wild animal in its natural habitat.

And the more I was looking at it, the more impressive it was getting. It took me a few seconds, maybe a couple of minutes -- I did stand there for a while -, to realize that the glorious cock was throbbing and growing before my eyes.

I glanced at Joe's face; he was drooling in his beard. He must have been dreaming of some hot chicks to destroy with the monster between his legs.

Some guys would trim or even shave their pubic hair to make their cock seem bigger, I was trimming mine just because it seemed like girls preferred it this way, but Joe could not care less.

Despite the thickest and largest bush of black hair covering his lower abdomen and his inner thighs that I had ever seen; his dick was still looking massive.

Humongous, even.

As it was getting stiffed, there was no doubt that it was passing the ten inches mark with ease, which was crazy for a white male's cock, but it did not seem to be anywhere near the full-mast!

It was definitely very hot in the room. The manly musky smell was filling-up the space.

I gulped.

The wet pink cockhead was getting out of the foreskin as the veiny dick was rising up.

Just as if I had been properly hypnotized, for the next few minutes, I completely forgot the reason I had come-up in the first place.


Another loud snore.

Another jump.

His dick throbbed at the same time, tapping against the not-so defined abs. The beast was definitely stretching to full length now, leaving some precum in Joe's chest hair.

Fuck. I was jealous. A bit terrified too. And somewhat horny.

I had to wake him up and I had waited too long. Now. In this state... Joe would know that I had caught him fully hard. Would he assume that I had stared?

Well, maybe, that would even things out given what had happened in the morning?

I looked down at the dick again. I must sound like a perv or a faggot, but trust me, it was kind hard to miss! It was rather the elephant in the room.

At this point, it certainly measured up beyond 11 inches, I am not even kidding, maybe, 12! I could not believe it.

See the size of a plastic bottle of coke, like, the big 42 ounces (1.25 litters) portion? That was about it! So freaking girthy and fat.

I loved receiving sloppy and hardcore blowjobs and I wondered if Joe had ever been able to enjoy a deepthroat. An even stranger thought came to mind, what it must feel like to have that anaconda in your own mouth! You would gag, for sure!

Olivia's mother must have been struggling, taking that elephant-size meat in her pussy, maybe even in her ass. Ouch!

But at the same time... How spectacular it must be!

If the farm's business ever went down, Joe could definitely have a second career in porn.

The cock throbbed again, left a huge droplet of precum on his stomach, - what any average man would have considered as a creamy load of spunk -, and incredibly enough... Joe reached the mighty cock with his hand and started stroking it.

I gasped, looked over to his face, terrified that he may have been looking straight at me.

Thank God, he still had his eyes closed but he did not seem that deeply asleep anymore.

"Hum, hum..." He cleared his throat.

I had no idea if he knew that I was there.

Maybe I could try to step back slowly, without making any noise, but if he were to open his eye at any moment, I was done.

Fuck me. I could not let him jerk off in front of me! That was definitely crossing a line. A part of me was curious about the surely gigantic ejaculation to come but that was wrong, on so many levels.

Thankfully, after a couple more strokes, Joe let go of his abnormally large member and snored again.

It had been a close call, enough to bring me back to reality.

I took one step back in order not to be so close to him, as if I had just gotten in the room, and I tried to talk casually.

"Joe... Hey... Joe! It's time!"

"Hmmm..." He mumbled, still semi-lost in his sleep.

His damn hand went right back on his junks, scratching his massive balls this time. Two big coconuts.

"Joe... You told me to wake you up. It's been an hour and a half."

He opened his eyes.

"What you're doing here?"

His voice was even more gravelly than usual.

"You told me to come wake you up from your nap." I said defensively.

He glanced at me and heavily turned around. Like a huge beast, it seemed like he was about to break his own bed.

Suddenly, I had his hairy back and bare fat ass displayed in front of me. So hairy as well! Damn!

"Okay..." He muttered against his cushion.

"I... I'll just leave you to it, then... I... I'll wait for you downstairs..."


He was grunting.

I left the room but I passed by the bathroom before going downstairs. I needed to pour some cold water on my face. It was the middle of the afternoon now and it was warm as fuck.

My tank top was glued to my skin because of the sweat and my face was full red.

Also... Why not admit it? My dick was hard as a rock in my shorts!

Jesus. I hoped that Joe did not notice when he looked at me. My shorts were definitely in his sight; his eyes at the level of my crotch.

I think it is also worth mentioning here that I tended to throw boners all the damn time, for no apparent reason. I told you before, I was a horny dude! No need to make a big deal out of a stupid erection.

I did start to feel embarrassed by the time I had spent literally staring at my future father in law's cock.

At the same time, it would have been crazy not to look! I was not watching because it was a dude's dick, I was watching because it was an extraordinary human's body part, like, something you could expose in a museum.


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