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A Tale of Two Paramours Ch. 30

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Mark and Jessi get together despite Jessika's request.
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Part 30 of the 35 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 06/08/2014
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Jessika, my thirty-one-year-old lover, stayed over Saturday night, just as she had Friday, but there was no sex. She offered me another blowjob just as we climbed into bed, but when I suggested we forgo all sexual activity that night, she agreed. The bladder infection she had feared came on fully that evening, and although I had no doubt that she was willing to please me in other ways than intercourse, I also knew she felt miserable.

Mid-morning on Sunday, I took her home. Jessika gave me a long goodbye kiss, and "I love you" almost slipped out of my mouth afterward. But instead, I settled for a follow-up hug and a promise from her to call or text me to let me know how she was doing.

When I returned home after dropping Jessika off at her place, I finished my work for the next week's classes then wrote for a few hours. Jessika texted me a few times during the afternoon and evening, mainly with updates about her condition, which was not worse but also was not better, and her plans to try to see her doctor on Monday. Around 10:00 pm I texted Jessika to tell her goodnight. Her reply was simply an emoji of a pair of lips in a kissing shape, but even that simple, little picture allowed me to go to sleep under a sense of lighthearted contentment.

Monday afternoon, I picked up a call from Jessika.

"Well, it's a UTI alright," she announced without even saying hello.

"Sorry, Jessika," I replied, not sure what else to say.

"My doctor gave me antibiotics for the next five days, and that should clear it up. But, she also told me absolutely no sex for a week to ten days."

"Then no sex it is. And I assume she meant oral and digital as well as intercourse?"

"Yeah, she said no touching at all below the waist. I even asked about anal. She told me it was also a bad idea. So, only blowjobs, hand-jobs, and titty fucks for you for the next week, at least from me."

"Probably not likely from anyone else either," I said offhand before thinking.

"Oh. Well, that's too bad for you, I guess," Jessika responded in a tone that I thought made it clear she was not unhappy about my situation.

"We really do not have to do any of those either," I said after a couple seconds, wanting to bring the conversation back to being about my brunette lover, not anyone else.

"Well, we do on Friday. At least a blowjob, that is. And I need to know if you want your steak before the blowjob, after the blowjob, or during the blowjob. I would offer to do it both before and after, but it is steak and a blowjob day, not steak and blowjobs day."

"You do not have to..."

"Yeah, but I'm going to. So pick your time."

"Before, I guess."

"before it is. Oh, and no coming for you until then. I want a lot on me, like when we made the video. And I need copies of those videos, by the way."

"I have them on password protected and encrypted flash drives. I will give you one Friday."


Jessika and I did not talk again on Monday. So, Tuesday morning I texted her to ask if she was feeling okay, and she responded that she was about the same. We did not communicate otherwise, but I was not worried about that. Other than how she was physically feeling, I thought we were both in an emotionally acceptable place in our relationship. Further, I was hoping it might become even more than acceptable soon, especially given that I was starting to believe that my relationship with my twenty-year-old lover, Jessi, might be over. I had not heard from the petite blonde in over a week. Thus, I was surprised when I received a text from Jessi a few minutes before I was set to leave campus for the afternoon.

"Cum by my place. Please. Need U 2 fuck me!"

I stared at the screen, uncertain how to reply, or even if I should. Then another text pinged in on my phone.

"PLEASE! Fingers n vibe no fun. Need U."

Not listening to my own instincts, which were telling me to ignore Jessi's pleas, I texted her back.

"On my way."


Jessi answered her door naked, which surprised me not at all. On the drive to her apartment, I had pondered how she would approach my arrival. Part of me thought she would either be wearing just a long shirt or perhaps underwear. But a louder, more assertive part of me knew she would be naked.

"You coming in or are you going to make me stand here and freeze my tits and twat off?" the blonde asked, her voice throaty and her lusty blue eyes as lewd as her nudity.

"I seem to recall you not really caring for that word," I pointed out, not making a move to enter.

"Yeah, but I thought you would appreciate the alliteration, Mr. Warner. Now, you going to come in and fuck me or what?"

"Go put some clothes on and we will talk," I replied, looking away from her, hands in my coat pockets. My nonchalant air was an act, however. I knew I was only seconds away from doing exactly what she wanted me to do, like I always did. And also like always, I knew I would be angry with myself afterward.

Jessi favored me with one of her intense, overlong stares. But as my gaze was still turned from her, I only caught it out of the corner of my eye.

"Don't go anywhere," the blonde snarled before slamming the door.

Letting out a breath I was not aware I was holding, I felt myself relaxing. Jessi had, at least for the moment, chosen my terms instead of hers, and I was sure that was a positive sign for whatever might be left of our relationship. Conversely, I was just as sure that the current situation was not positive for my relationship with Jessika 'officially' becoming more than friends-with-benefits.

But when Jessi opened the door again, several minutes after I was expecting her back, it was clear to me that she had not truly capitulated to my condition. Yes, she was dressed, but in a way that was nearly as overtly sexual as her nudity had been, along with a problematic twist.

The young blonde stood before me wearing a flannel nightgown that I had seen once before, during our Christmas Eve together. It was a nightgown she had worn for years, and it was so small on her that not only was it very short, revealing most of her legs, but also the soft, plaid material seemed molded to every curve of her slender yet feminine body, with the buttons straining to contain even her modest bosom.

And it was not just the nightgown. She had placed her blonde hair into pigtails and had painted her pretty face with sparkling pink and purple makeup that clashed with the nightgown colors but enhanced the image of a woman playing dress up as someone much younger.

"How's this, Mr. Warner?" Jessi asked, pitching her voice higher than it normally was. "I'm dressed all nice and innocent, right? Don't you want to rip this off me and have your way with my young mouth and pussy?"

I considered leaving. I knew I should have. But I did not. Instead, I moved past her, grabbing her hand as I did so and pulling her after me. Once we were both inside, Jessi kicked the door closed, all while never taking those vivid blue eyes off mine.

"So, that got you going, huh?" she purred, pulling me to her for a kiss.

"No," I told her, wanting to mean it. Then my hands were all over her, rubbing and squeezing her breasts and bottom through the thin flannel.

"I know I said rip it off, but please don't," the blonde whispered as I fumbled with the buttons of her nightgown. "You know what this one means to me."

"I will be careful," I whispered into her ear before I kissed her earlobe.

"Maybe I should get one you can rip off me," she breathed, her hands now helping me unbutton her. "Or maybe you shouldn't make me get dressed just so you can make me get naked again when I was already naked."

"Shut up, Jessi," I growled, kissing my way down her neck then her increasingly exposed chest.

"Yes, Master," she sighed, hand interlaced in my hair.

"Just 'Mark' today, Jessi," I said, pulling away her nightgown where the soft material had clung to her nipple.

"Am I still your little slut to fuck, Mark?" she asked, one nipple hardening under my tongue even as the other did the same under my fingers.

"Yes," I assured her, switching my mouth to her other breast.

"Your bitch to make do what you want?"


"Your little cunt who's only good for having her holes fucked?"

"No, not today."

"Okay," Jessi gasped-I had just found her now fully exposed and dripping wet opening and slid two fingers inside of her.

"And maybe no to 'bitch' too, thinking about it," I went on, pushing my thumb against her clitoris even as my fingers moved deeper into her warmth.

"Just your slut then, Mark?"

"Yes, just my slut," I agreed, wiggling fingers and thumb.

"Fuck, you're gonna make your slut come all over your hand, Mark."

"Will you lick it clean after?" I asked her, knowing she would.

"God yes," she moaned, putting her small hand on top of mine and pushing it harder into her loins. "I'll lick anything you want, whenever you want."

"I know, Sweetie," I told her, moving my thumb faster.

"No, you don't," Jessi shook her head. "You hear 'I'll do a lot', and I mean 'I'll do whatever you want'. You might have to make me, but I'll do it."

"Let's not start..."

"I'm sorry," the blonde planted, perspiration beginning to gleam on her forehead and upper chest. "I just don't want this to end, and I'll do whatever you want so it won't. I've been thinking about nothing else since you last left last time. It just sometimes I'll get scared, or anxious, or jealous, or all three, and I need you to push me past it."

"This isn't going to end, even if you tell me 'no' and mean it," I whispered into her ear, as Jessi's cheek was now against my chest as she grasped my arm in both of hers and shook underneath my increasingly rapid manipulation of her clitoris.

Jessi opened her mouth, but in that same moment her eyes rolled up and her slender body went rigid against mine."

"I love you," she rasped, face and chest flushed, eyes closed.

"I love you," I answered, moving my thumb from her sensitive nub but keeping my fingers inside her to feel the pulsations of her vagina as it clamped tightly around my fingers.

We stood together for several seconds, Jessi clinging to me while I supported her. I was just about to speak when Jessi's face brightened into a smile and she kissed me, pushing her tongue past my lips. I kissed her back, and while we held that kiss, she pulled my hand from inside of her. Not taking her eyes from mine, she pulled back and brought my fingers up between our lips.

"Want a taste too, Mark?" she asked, eyes shining.

"I love your taste," I told her, which brought another smile. Then we both licked my fingers, although I have to say Jessi and her quick tongue probably lapped up a lot more of her juices. And once we were done, she sucked my fingers into her mouth for several seconds. All of this brought me to full arousal, and I put my other hand on her head and pushed down.

"You want me to suck your cock, Mark?' Jessi asked, but she did not drop to her knees as I expected.

"Yes, I do. I want you to deepthroat me, as you do so well."

"Just give me a minute, okay?" the blonde asked, gently moving my hand from her head. "I'll be quick."

"Okay," I replied, not sure what she was up to.

My blonde lover rubbed my arm, then hurried to her bathroom. I used that time to remove my shoes and socks, knowing Jessi's concerns about men in just socks. I also removed the dress shirt I was wearing so that I was only wearing a t-shirt, jeans, and underwear. Jessi, of course, came out of the bathroom wearing considerably less, as the flannel nightgown was gone, as were the makeup and the pigtails.

"You look beautiful," I told her, bringing her slender body against me into an embrace then a long, deep kiss.

"And you look handsome and sexy," she purred, kissing my neck. "Are you okay I took the makeup off? I was trying to play at something but it started to feel wrong. Well, not 'wrong' wrong completely, but wrong for the moment. I was just pissed you told me to put on clothes, so I picked, um, what I picked."

"And what changed?"

"I'm not pissed. Oh, and what we just did-which was sexy as fuck by the way, and just not because I got to come-it seemed much more, well, more. Adult-like. And I don't mean adult like as sex, but as in I came out playing young and you answered by treating me like a slutty, wanton woman, but a woman none the less, not a girl. Does that make sense?"

"I do not think I did anything different," I replied, not fully understanding what she was trying to tell me.

"It's how you talked to me. You weren't frustrated or upset. You weren't trying to teach me something or convince me of something. You were just matter of fact. And more, you kept doing what you were doing while you talked to me, showing me you were serious about what you were saying but not mad at me. I mean, sometimes I feel you're more like a parent than a lover, but you reacted to my attempt to play at being, um, you know, younger, by not treating me less like I was younger. More like we're equals, I guess."

"I just don't want to fight with you," I shrugged, not reading as much into our previous actions as I thought Jessi was doing.

"So, what do you want? You had mentioned something before."

"You know what I want."

"Tell me."

"I would like a blowjob."

"And wasn't there something more specific about it you mentioned," Jessi pushed, a wicked grin lighting her face.

"Deepthroating me."

"And you like that, do you?"

"You know I do."

"Tell me to do it."

"What if I ask instead?"

"You don't have to ask."

"Maybe I want to. Maybe I want it to be your choice. No, that is not right. It needs to be your choice."

"It always is, including choosing to give control to you. But before you start worrying about us repeating old arguments, hear me out, okay?"

I closed my mouth, as Jessi had correctly guessed what my reaction would be and had taken steps to avoid it. Sure, I did not want to fight, but also I wanted to encourage whatever was happening that had made Jessi seemingly more willing to discuss the nuances of our issues rather than just sticking to her guns on what she was and what she needed to be for me.

"Okay," was all I said, which earned me a quick hug and kiss.

"Now, I know it's my choice. And I love that you worry about that. And since last time, I've really tried to figure out why something I love about you is something that I react so strongly against sometimes. And it's because sometimes-hell, most of the time-I don't believe I really deserve for it to be my choice."

My first instinct was to protest, to tell her she did deserve a choice, like everyone else. But I held back, turning over her words in my mind. She had not said she did not deserve a choice, but rather that sometimes she did not believe that she deserved one.

"Now, I know you're going to tell me I do, and I know you mean that, and I know I should think that way, but it's hard. Most of my life my choices have not been my own. I'm comfortable that way. Choices make me anxious, and I know that it will be better if I just submit. Yeah, I'll still rebel, like with my family, but I always rebel my way into new situations where I can be submissive. It's who I am. But with you, I've been really thinking about whether it's who I want to be. And that scares the shit out of me, which makes me anxious, which causes me to want to submit to you more. Plus, I get off on the rough stuff. You know, because I'm fucked up. And from where I am, I can't see ever not being fucked up. But, I think I am beginning to see that I can be less fucked up. Does all that, or any of it, make sense?"

I nodded, then pulled Jessi to me for a long hug. The contact of my arms on her bare skin reminded me of something I had nearly forgotten given the conversation-my young, blonde lover was stark naked. Pushing aside my renewed arousal, I stroked her hair and held her.

"Thanks, Mark," Jessi murmured against my chest, sniffling as she did so.

"No, thank you, Sweetie, for being so open with me. Sometimes in my attempt to understand what is happening with us, with you, I forget to take into account all the things you are going through. I guess that my own frustration can block my empathy for you. I apologize, and I will try to be better about that."

"Me too, about not accepting your feelings because I'm so wrapped up in mine. But, I need to know something. Will you accept me as someone who is a fucking mess but is trying to see beyond that rather than looking to who you think I can be? That's a lot of pressure on a little slut like me, and sometimes I can't take it. But I'm trying. I am."

Thoughts of the scene in the restaurant and the subsequent push to maneuver me into forcing things on her filled my mind. But I did not bring any of that up. If I was going to stay in this relationship with the young woman, I needed to accept that her progress would likely always be slowed by setbacks and regressions.

"I will too, Jessi."

"You already do, at least more than me."

"But I can be less, well, parental and more supportive. And I promise to work on that."

Jessi pulled away from the hug, wiped her eyes, and smiled at me. It was a small smile, more on the eyes than the lips, and bespoke of love and gratitude and hope. It both warmed and broke my heart. And at that moment, I think I would have gladly told Jessi to put her clothes on and forget sex that night. But then, her smile changed to a mischievous grin, and she dropped to her knees in front of me and started unbuckling my belt.

"Jessi, we don't have to do this now, if you don't feel up to it."

"Who said I did not feel up to it, Mark?"

"No one, I just..."

"Mark, will you do me a favor, please?"

"Sure, honey. What is it?"

"Shut the fuck up and enjoy yourself. Don't overthink or second guess. If something is not what you want, tell me. Okay?"

"If I shut up, how can I tell you if something is not what I want?"

The blonde stifled a giggle and shook her head, blue eyes radiant. Then, after a deep breath, she ripped open the buttons of my jeans, shoved them and my underwear to my knees, and swallowed my rigid shaft all the way to the root in one swift motion. A low groan, ending in more of a moan, came from my mouth as I pulled off my shirt and tossed it aside. I would have liked to have gotten rid of the pants and underwear as well, but the blonde still had my erection all the way down her throat.

"That feels so fucking incredible," I told her, running my hands through her soft hair.

To my complete amazement, Jessi pushed herself even further, smashing her nose against my pubic hair. She held herself there a few more seconds, then slid back until only about three inches was in her mouth. Her tongue, which had been still, began to wiggle against my sensitive flesh, and I gripped her hair tighter.

After a few seconds of that, my lover started moving up and down the first half of me, slurping, licking, and sucking with ever increasing gusto and speed. In no time, she was jackhammering her own head faster than she had ever done before. At first, it was one of the most incredible feelings I had ever experienced, then it morphed into almost excruciating overstimulation. In desperation, I yanked Jessi's hair, holding her back so that she could not continue, although not far enough back that my penis withdrew from her mouth.

"Not so fast, Jessi," I panted, and she replied with a nod.

I loosened my grip, although I did not relinquish it, and the blonde took that opportunity to take me all the way again and hold it. Then, as we gazed at each other, she pushed her tongue out and began rubbing it on my scrotum. I tightened my just relaxed hold on her hair, but this time out of reflex, I think. And when I felt her try to move her head back, I did not resist, although I still had a firm hold on her soft hair.

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