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A Tale of Two Paramours Ch. 35


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"Suck hard," I gasped. "I want to fill your mouth with cum."

Jessika did as I told her, but she shook her head at the same time, a mischievous look in her eyes. I grabbed her hair tighter and started to push in and out of her mouth a little. However, just when I felt myself start to twitch with the first spurt of an orgasm, Jessika pulled her mouth off me despite my grip on her hair. Wrapping her hand around my shaft, she stroked my shaft as I ejaculated her first on her face and then on her breasts.

"I wanted it on me."

"You look fucking beautiful with my cum on your face," I snarled.

My brunette lover smiled up at me, again with the huge ear-splitting grin of hers, then lifted one of her breasts up so that she could lick the cum off it. I watched as she tried to lick herself clean. Semen coated her mouth and dripped off her chin, as well as marked her cheeks and forehead, and some of that was transferring to her breast even as her tongue lapped up what had landed on it. She repeated the process on her other breast but spent more time sucking on the nipple of it as a couple of drops of semen had landed there.

When she was done with her breasts, I reached down and used two fingers to scoop cum off her chin. When I put those fingers to her mouth, she sucked them clean. I moved to do the same with her left cheek, which is where most of my semen landed, but she grabbed my hand and shook her head. Then she used her other hand to grab the back of my head and pull me down into a kiss. I eagerly kissed her back, our tongues moving in and out of each other mouths.

"I want to let the rest dry there," Jessika explained after the kiss. "It feels... right."

"Okay," I said, not wanting to do anything to spoil the mood as Jessi's warning to be extra nice and not overthink things ran through my head.

But thinking of the young blonde's advice also made me think about Jessika's new found—at least to me—ability to deepthroat.

"That was incredible," I told her, stroking her hair.

"I thought you'd like it," she grinned, reaching her hand up to me.

Realizing that she wanted help up, I took her hand and pulled. Jessika popped right up, then pulled me close to her for a hug. I felt some wetness on my upper chest as she pushed her face against it, but I figured a little stickiness would be a small price to pay for what she had just done for me.

"Do you want to know how I learned to do it?" the brunette asked, her head still against my chest.

"I am not sure," I said, rubbing her shoulders as the hug continued.

"Jessi taught me," she continued, then stepped back away from me.

I had no idea what to say. I just stood there and stared, trying to reconcile what she had just said with anything I knew or understood about both women.

"No, not like that," Jessika, scoffed, rolling her eyes.

"I did not say anything," I protested, perhaps a bit more strident than I intended.

"No, but you were thinking it," the brunette snickered. "I asked her in a text if she could give me pointers."

"When did that happen?" I demanded.

"Oh, back when you were dating Dana," Jessika answered, although I could tell from her expression that she was not happy with my tone. "She had contacted me to apologize, and we had started texting. She encouraged me to pursue you once you were done with Dana."

Once again, I had no idea what to say and just stared at my brunette lover before she continued.

"My plan was to try it on you once we hooked up again, but then things kept going between you and Dana longer than I ever expected. And when you did break up, I was with Darren."

"You were making plans to get together with me after Dana," I said, trying to understand what I was hearing.

"Yes," Jessika nodded. "And Jessi was encouraging me. She thought we should be together. I have to say, it made up for a lot she had done before, at least with me."

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"About wanting you to be with me or about Jessi?"


"You were with Dana," Jessika shrugged.

"I would have left her for you," I replied.

"You left me for her," the brunette responded. "I thought we were doing much better, and I was beginning to hope again, then you started dating her."

"If you had told me..." I started, but Jessika shook her head.

"I couldn't. Not then. I wanted to, I just couldn't."

"I am sorry, Jessika," I said, moving to hug her. "I only dated Dana because I did not think things were right with us. I mean, how I hoped they could be again.

"Maybe they weren't" Jessika replied, putting her hand against my bare chest, stopping me from hugging her but not pushing me away.

After several seconds of silence, Jessika said, "I also bought a bikini. My plan was to lose about fifteen or twenty pounds, then ask you to take me back to Monterey and surprise you with it. It is a cool bikini too, dark green and kind of an old school '70s style."

"We could do that now," I suggested, but my lover shook her head yet again.

"It's too big for me now," she sighed. "I am nearly thirty pounds lighter than I was when we were together, Mark."

"You look beautiful now, and you were beautiful then," I said, pushing against her hand on my chest so I could kiss her.

"I've told you many times that you don't need to flatter me," Jessika said after the kiss. "And besides, I saw the way you looked at me in the restaurant last week. You think I'm too skinny."

"Whatever makes you happy is fine with me," I told her, moving my hands down to squeeze her breasts before I ran them down her torso and hips.

"I was happier about fifteen pounds ago," the brunette said, then she kissed me before adding, "And I was hot at that weight too. Do you remember what I looked like back in May? I was very happy with that weight. Plus, I could eat a cheeseburger and fries once in a while."

"You always look hot," I began, but Jessika put her fingers to my lips.

"Be honest, Mark. How do you like me best? Thin enough to see my bones and have a thigh gap, like now; back in May when I had more meat on my bones but a flat stomach and trim thighs, or when we first met, with my gut and bulging thighs."

"You had neither a gut nor bulging things when we met," I told her, and it was my turn to shake my head. "But I am thinking you want me to pick the in-between weight. And I have to stay, you were stunning back in May. Of course, you always have been."

"I knew that you think I'm too skinny now," Jessika grinned in triumph before she scowled and punched me in the arm.

"What was that for?" I asked, rubbing my arm—Jessika always hit harder than she thought she did.

"Not accepting me the way I am," she snapped before she started laughing.

"Well, all this talk hasn't answered one question I have," I said, which led to what I thought was a concerned look crossing Jessika's face. "How did you learn to, um, do what you did just by text?"

"I didn't," Jessika replied. "We talked on the phone too."

"While you were with someone?"

"God no," the brunette scoffed. "I learned on a cucumber."

"Oh, I see," I responded, feeling relieved. "So, this was the first time you actually did it."

"Let's not open that can of worms, Mark. We've both done many things with other people. We should focus on that we'll only be doing things with each other from now on."

"That is a copout, Jessika."

"Did you enjoy it, Mark?"

"You know I did."

"And you like other things I do, right?"


"And I love how you lick my pussy and fuck me," Jessika continued, an impish grin on her face.

"I see where you are going," I grumbled. "We both learned to do the things the other person likes with other people."

"Yes, and that includes some things you learned with someone else while you were with me before. So, it seems hypocritical of you to push me about something I may or may not have learned to do in between times we were together."

"I can see your point," I admitted, but anything else I was going to say was lost when Jessika pulled me into a hug and kissed me.

"By the way, don't expect it all the time, Mark," The brunette whispered in my ear after the kiss. "It's quite a bit of work for me, as I think you noticed. I'll probably get better, but I don't expect it to ever by easy and natural for me."

"I am not expecting anything except for our time together to be amazing."

"Oh, good answer," Jessika laughed. "I think I'll be able to amaze you that way from time to time, and maybe even more often with more practice."

"You mean practice only on me, I hope."

"Of course, I mean only you. And just so you know, I never wore the green bikini for him. I wore other bikinis, but not that one. It's for you. You will be the first person to ever see me in it."

I smiled down at my lovely brunette lover and kissed her again. Then I picked her up--holding her in front of me this time--turned, took a couple of steps, and dumped her on the bed.

"You'll probably have to add some muscle if you are still going to be doing that when I am back to the weight I like," Jessika teased me. "Your knees get weak when you do it now."

"Shut up," I told her before I started kissing and sucking on her thick, hard nipples.

"Fuck, that feels good," Jessika moaned, her hands running through my hair.

I continued licking, sucking, and nibbling on her breasts and nipples for some time, then I kissed up to her neck, and finally to her mouth. Jessika grabbed my head and forced her tongue deep into my mouth, kissing me as forcefully as I could remember her ever doing. And while she did that, I moved my again erect penis up to where it was rubbing along her pussy.

"It feels like you are ready to fuck," I said after I reached down and ran my fingers along her wet labia.

"No," she replied, shaking her head. "I'm ready for you to make love to me."

"You want it nice and slow?" I asked, moving my hand away and pushing just the head of my manhood inside her clinging warmth.

"No!" the brunette gasped. "I want you to ram your cock inside of me hard and fast."

"But you said you wanted to make love."

"Yes," she sighed, her gray eyes now shining and locked on mine. "Make love to me hard and fast."

I pushed the entire length of my erect penis inside her, causing Jessika to close her eyes and inhale sharply as she simultaneously grasped at my arms. I held myself inside her for several seconds, then I began moving in and out, building speed with each thrust. My brunette lover, moaning, pushed her pelvis up to meet me as I slammed into her with enough force to make her breasts jiggle.

"Oh god yes!" Jessika cried, her fingernails digging into my arms. "Fuck me hard!"

"I thought you wanted to make love," I teased her even as I put more energy into my thrusts.

"Just shut up and fuck me," Jessika snarled, her eyes filled with a fierce passion.

I leaned forward and kissed her, chewing on her bottom lip briefly before breaking the kiss. My lover, however, clearly wanted more, as she grabbed the back of my head and pulled my face back down even as she moved up to meet me for another kiss. That one lasted much longer and involved her tongue being in my mouth quite a bit.

"It's been too long since you kissed me like that," she moaned when the kiss eventually ended.

"I think you were mainly kissing me, Squeaker," I pointed out, speeding up my movements again as I had just realized that I had slowed down during the kiss.

The brunette's gray eyes took on the blazing look I knew well, but since it could signify either passion or anger, I was not quite sure what she might say when she opened it to speak. But no words made their way out. Instead, a series of squeaks escaped past her full lips as her body shuddered and her eyes lost their blaze.

"You look beautiful when you come," I said, leaning down to kiss Jessika again. "Especially with those streaks of dried cum on your face."

"Don't... Don't... Don't stop," my lover said, her eyes now closed. "Keep fucking me."

I did as Jessika asked me, and I kept up my pace even as her vagina squeezed around me. However, I also realized that I probably could not keep it up much longer if I wanted to make her climax again. So, I started slowing down a bit.

"Don't stop," she repeated, her eyes open again and blazing. "Don't wait for me to come again. I want you to come. I want you to come in me. I want you to grab my hair and pull it as you shove yourself deep in me and explode, filling me."

"Fuck," I groaned, then grasped a handful of her hair in each hand and pulled. Jessika whimpered but did not close her eyes.

"Fuck," I said again, this time louder, before I pushed myself as deep as I could into the warm wetness of her and climaxed.

"Fill me up, baby," Jessika moaned, brushing a few strands of sweat-soaked hair off my forehead. "Claim me as all yours."

"I love you, Jessika," I told her as my penis twitched inside of her.

"I love you, Mark," Jessika replied, a satisfied smile on her face.

Thus ends A Tale of Two Paramours!

Author's Afterward:

First, I want to send a huge thank you to all the readers who stuck with the story until the end. A hard drive failure after Chapter 20 posted cost me more than I realized at the time. Not only did it wipe out my copies of Chapters 1-20 and three drafted chapters, but I also lost my most recent (at the time) plot outline and, more problematically, my voice for the story. I wrote and rewrote Chapter 21 (the first of the three Valentine's Day Chapters) several times, but it was never quite what it had been before the hard drive failure. I grew so frustrated that I simply put the story aside, not sure when I would return to it. But over a year later, after re-reading my last draft of Chapter 21, I jump-started the process by skipping to the end and writing the final chapter. It was not quite the ending I first envisioned (more on this below), but it is close to the end I imagined after writing my original version of the Valentine's Day trip (that trip was originally two chapters and ended on a darker note). But when I wrote the final chapter, I realized that I did not want Jessika to 'win'—to use Jessi's terminology—by default. So, what was going to be twenty-seven chapters (the plan pre-hard drive failure) grew to thirty-five, and in those added chapters, I lay the groundwork for the growth of Mark and Jessika's relationship to the point that the ending I believe is the 'right' ending makes sense.

Even given the additional chapters I added to make the ending I had written work, I briefly considered ending A Tale of Two Paramours with Chapter 34 and incorporating Chapter 35 into a sequel that focuses on Mark and Jessika. But I did not like the darker nature the tale took if I ended it with Chapter 34. Thus, we have Chapter 35 as the final chapter so that this part of Mark's, Jessika's, and Jessi's story ends on a hopeful, perhaps even happy, note for all three.

I am sure that some of you are pleased with Mark's choice, and I am sure that some of you are not. I will admit that he made a different choice from what I had planned at the onset of the series. In the beginning, I planned for him to be with Jessi. However, I knew after Chapter 10 that Mark would end up with Jessika. This is not because Jessika is inherently better than Jessi. I love both characters, and writing Jessi was a lot of fun, but Jessika and Mark complement each other in a way Jessi and Mark do not. Even so, while writing the installments, I often felt guilty that Jessi was not going to have a happy ending with Mark. Her happy ending is in progress, however, as is revealed in the final chapter. But more on that later. Let us focus on Mark and Jessika first.

While Mark and Jessika are at least on a road toward happiness at the end of A Tale of Two Paramours, those of you who have read along since the beginning likely have figured out that Mark is often his own worst enemy. He is indecisive, a trait spurred on by his anxiety, which in some ways may be as deleterious to his emotional well beings as Jessi's. He can also be immature and selfish, especially with regard to navigating the more difficult aspects of romantic/sexual relationships. And while these traits will likely not be as prominent with Jessika as his full-time partner as they would have been if Jessi had been in that role, I have no doubt that Mark still has some way to go in living the life he is capable of leading. Anyone but Jessika, who loves him for how he makes her feel about herself rather than who she wants him to be, would likely have run away screaming after his poorly thought out, impulsive, immature, and hideously awkward marriage proposal. After her initial reaction, Jessika is able to move past it because she accepts him as he is. Still, Mark's own issues will likely raise their ugly heads to complicate things for them as they navigate this new phase of their relationship.

That is not to say that Mark will not make Jessika a good partner. Jessi is essentially correct about him—he is nice, smart, and caring, and he genuinely wants to please his partner as much as she pleases him. In fact, it is this part of him, what some might characterize as a submissive aspect, that makes it so difficult for him to take the kind of control that Jessi, at least the Jessi of the first 34 chapters, craves. He wanted to do what she wanted, but what she wanted forced him out of his comfort zone. Jessika's desires rarely have the same effect on him, and he is very willing to accept her for who she is because of that, which is why it made sense for the two of them to find their ways back to each other, and why I think that they will make it work, despite Mark's anxiety.

But let us leave Mark and Jessika and turn our attention back to the lovely, quirky, and big-hearted Jessi. Writing Chapter 34 was tough because I knew what I was going to do to her. In fact, I had known since Chapter 10 what I was going to do to her, the chapter where Jessika returns home from the holidays and obliterates Mark's determination to end their friends-with-benefits arrangement and focus on Jessi. That was when I realized that what Mark needed was Jessika, not Jessi, and that I was going to give him that ending instead of the one where he and Jessi struggle through an up-and-down relationship frequently shrouded in darkness. It helped that around the same time I came up with an idea for new path for the quirky blonde, one where she could learn on her own that she was worthy of being more than she expected from herself, as well as find someone who would love her as she was rather than always thinking she could be more. That possible future for Jessi, as well as for Mark and Jessika, almost made all the darkness I drug Jessi and Mark through worth it.

Please be on the lookout for more of Jessi's story (especially what happened to her between Chapters 34 and 35), as well as some of Mark's and Jessika's experiences moving forward into an exclusive, romantic relationship. However, I doubt any of future works involving one or a combination of these three characters will be as long as A Tale of Two Paramours, which is 397,500+ words in its 'as-posted' form. In a more cohesive narrative, I suspect I could cut that to 350,000 or fewer (or a series of five 65,000 to 70,000 word novels). I have thought of doing that in the future, but for now, I am going to relish its completion and move one with some of other stories I want to tell about these characters as well as stories about other characters (and I hope some mainstream fiction).

Finally, some errors cropped up along the way. First off, a variety of typographical errors and grammatical infelicities snuck into the posted chapters. Of course, the typographical errors are mistakes. Where the grammatical/stylistic issues occur, some of are in dialogue and are purposeful, some are word choice/similar word mistakes I did not catch on review, and some are simply areas where some readers may not agree with the constructions I have chosen, mainly with regard to punctuation (which is not grammar but punctuation, which is its own kind of animal and less well standardized than many may believe).

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