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A Trip to Texas


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I crawled over and stuck my head through the flap. It was a lot warmer than it had been the day before and the haze seemed to have burnt or blown off. I climbed to my feet and stepped out. I took a deep breath; the air was sharp and clean. Looking toward the lake, I saw what she meant. I ducked back inside for my camera.

I took a couple of pictures from the edge of camp and moved down the hill toward the lake to get another. I was walking back into camp when Lilly came into sight, walking back from the restroom. I flipped on the zoom and waited until she saw me. When she saw the camera, she grinned and I took the shot.

As she got closer she said, "Hey, that's not fair, I'm unarmed."

I laughed and took another picture of her. She stopped by the back of the truck and opened the cover. Rummaging around for her bag, she said, "You know of course, that this means war."

I chuckled and ducked into the tent. I closed the flap quickly and then dug into my bag for a tee shirt and a clean pair of socks. When I came out of the tent, she was standing there, camera at ready.

When she saw that I had dressed, she frowned and said, "Oh, shoot. I wanted one of you in just the shorts, something to remember my cuddly bear by."

I grinned and said, "Maybe later, right now cuddly bear is hungry."

I went to the back of the truck and got out the small gas stove, a box with cooking utensils in it, and the ice chest. Looking over at her, I asked, "Is bacon and eggs, all right with you?"

She took my picture and then replied, "You mean to tell me that you can cook?" When I grinned and nodded, she said, "In that case, hell yeah."

She took a couple of pictures of the lake and a couple more of me before she disappeared into the tent. By the time she came back out, I had breakfast finished. I gave a low wolf whistle and grinned at her.

She had changed the sweater for a peasant blouse and wore it low off her shoulders. It accentuated her long neck and the collarbones at the top of her chest. It also showed the swell of her breasts a lot better than the sweater.

She grinned back at me and said, "Well, thank you. That makes a woman feel good, when she puts on her girl clothes, and someone appreciates it."

When she came over next to me, I handed her a plate, with bacon, scrambled eggs, and toast on it. "The coffee is a little slow. I should have started it first. I'm a little out of practice at this."

As she moved over to sit down at the stone table, she said, "Don't look at me, I'm not complaining in the least. If this tastes as good as it looks, I'm going to be fat by the time I get home. I hate to cook, I can if I have to, but I hate it anyway."

She tasted the eggs and grinned over at me. "These are good, now I know your ex was crazy. No woman should ever let a man who can cook out of her sight. Another woman will steal him in a heartbeat."

I chuckled and shook my head, as I sat down next to her, "You are going to make my head swell, if you're not careful."

She glanced at me quickly and then grinned, "I thought I already had?" When I looked at her with a look of surprise on my face, she laughed and went back to eating.


After we ate, we sat sipping our coffee, and talked about whether we should break camp and head on or stay here for another day. I told her that we had another day or two of nice weather before the cold front blew in from the North Pole.

She shivered with a mock chill and told me, "Those I won't miss in the least. It's to nice a day to be on the road, lets stay here through tonight and get an early start tomorrow. I'd like to look around, maybe take a walk down by the lake. How does that sound to you?"

I nodded and replied, "Sounds good. It'll give me a chance to watch a professional photographer in action. I might learn something, you never know."

She laughed and glanced over the top of her coffee cup at me, as she asked, "We are talking about taking pictures, right?"

Grinning I said, "Sure. You take pictures of the lake and I'll take pictures of you." This made her laugh again. "Ok, let's get the dishes done and see what there is to see around here."


It wasn't long before we were following a narrow trail above the edge of the lake. Yesterday had been windy and cold. Today, with no wind, it was actually hot here in the full sun as we descended into a small creek bottom. I paused at the bottom of the trail and took off my tee shirt, the sun felt great on my skin. I looped it through my camera bag strap and hurried to catch up with Lilly.

We came to the rocky creek and she paused to take several pictures along it, toward the lake. She turned toward me and grinned when she saw me without my shirt. I quickly took a picture of her silhouetted against the bright creek and dark trees, the peasant blouse dipping low on one shoulder.

She laughed and turned toward the creek, gathering her skirt up in her hands as she waded in. By the time, she was about a third of the way across, the water was up to her knees, and the dress was up to mid thigh. She stopped and turned around as I took another picture.

She grinned and asked, "Are you having fun?" When I grinned back at her she continued, "It's too deep here; we'll have to find another place to cross." She started to wade back toward me.

The water got shallower but she held the dress up at mid thigh until she reached the shore. I took a couple more pictures, as she did.

I lowered the camera and grinned at her, saying, "Hmmm, you have nice legs."

She laughed and dropped the skirt. "Yeah, and hard nipples too, that water is cold as ice." She gave a little shiver and walked over to me.

I put my arms around her and hugged her tightly. She snuggled up and sighed. After a minute or so, she stepped back and looked up at me. I leaned down and gently kissed her on the lips. When I lifted my head and broke the kiss, she looked at me for a second, a soft smile on her face, and then she turned and walked along the creek, away from the lake.

About a half mile brought us to a series of rapids and then a low waterfall. She took pictures every so often as we neared the falls. We climbed up the steep slope to the top of the falls and turned to look out across the lake. I put my arm around her shoulder and she leaned against me. We stood there for a few minutes, just taking in the glory of the view and the day.

She lifted her camera and took a couple of shots and I did the same. When she finished, she turned toward the creek, which was wide and shallow, with a fast current. She studied it for a moment and then looked over her shoulder at me, saying, "It's shallow enough but I don't think I want to try it. The current is fast and the rocks look slippery."

Glancing towards the edge of the falls, she added, "I don't like heights anyway. Let's stay on this side."

"I could carry you across." I said with a grin.

She looked at me and laughed, "I don't doubt that a bit but I think I'll stay on this side, if that's all right with you."

I smiled and looked on up the creek before I asked, "Well then, where to now?"

She moved over to a large flat rock and sat down. "Let's just stay here for a little while; I love the view of the lake and the creek from here."

I moved over and sat down next to her. We sat there for a long time before she took a deep breath and let it out slowly. She laid back on the wide flat rock and after a second, asked, "Why did you kiss me a little while ago and not last night? I wanted you to, you know."

I looked out over the lake as I though about my answer and then I said, "I wanted to kiss you too, but I thought you might get the wrong impression of my intentions. We were talking about going to bed, remember."

She was quiet for a moment and then said, "Ok, I understand that."

I lay back next to her and studied the contrast between the bright blue sky and the dark green of the trees. Her face came into my line of sight, as she rolled over on her side and propped her head up with her hand. She had a smile on her face, as she looked down at me.

"At that point, you were to sleep in the tent and I was going to sleep in the truck. I think, when you didn't kiss me, was when I decided to join you in the tent." She leaned over and gently kissed my lips, her hand resting lightly on my chest.

She rose up and shivered slightly. I looked at her a moment and asked, "Are you cold? We can go back to camp and get a jacket, if you are."

She grinned and said, "No, I'm definitely not cold. I've just got hard nipples again." She ended with a laugh.

I chuckled and said, "Ok, I'll take your word for that."

She laughed and leaned over to kiss me again. This kiss was just as sweet as the last, until her tongue slipped into my mouth to fence with mine. Her hand slowly moved up across my chest to end up on my cheek, as my hand came up to the back of her head. The kiss went on for a long time and only broke when she gave a low soft moan and moved away.

She sat up on the rock, pulled her feet up onto the edge, and pulled the dress down to almost cover them. She blew out a long breath and said, "Wow." She took another deep breath and added, "If we had kissed like that last night, I would have been in the truck with the doors locked."

I came up on my elbows and told her, "You wouldn't have needed to lock the doors, you would have been safe."

She giggled and looked around at me, "I wasn't worried about me. You would have been the one that had to worry."

I laughed and lay back down. "Who me? I don't think so."

She turned and watched me for a moment and then she rolled around and laid down on my chest, she lips only inches from mine. "Yes you," she whispered and then kissed me.

This wasn't one of your mama's kisses believe me. This was a hand on both cheeks, full-blown woman making a point kiss. My arms went around her and pulled her tightly against me. I'm not sure which of us moaned first, but the next thing I know she is full on top of me and my hands are roaming over her back and butt.

The kiss became even more intense and passionate, if that was possible as we rubbed our bodies together. Suddenly she sat up straddling my hips, with her hands on my chest. We were both breathing hard and heavy. We just looked into each other's eyes for a minute or two as our breathing slowed to a more normal rate.

She grinned at me and asked softly, "Now, do you believe me?"

I took a deep breath, blew it out slowly, and then I grinned at her as I slowly flexed my hips up and down once. She got a funny look on her face for a second, before she realized what she had felt. She wiggled her hips slowly from side to side, feeling my hard on pressed against her sex.

A big grin came to her face as I said, "You too." She laughed and leaned down to kiss me gently.

When she sat back up, she was smiling, as she looked deep into my eyes. She sighed deeply and whispered, "Houston, I think we have a problem."

When I gave her a quizzical look she said, "I don't think either of us is going to be safe tonight, in the tent or in the truck."

She leaned forward, laid her head on my chest, and snuggled up against me, as she whispered, "And I for one ain't really worried about it."

I put my arms around her and hugged her tightly as I asked, "Are you sure about that? Don't go somewhere you don't want to."

She nodded her head against my chest and whispered, "I'm sure. As sure as anyone getting into a new relationship can ever be, that is." I held her tightly and kissed the top of her hair.

It was a while later before we continued our walk on up the creek and then back through the woods to the campsites. We held hands the whole way; laughing and joking like a couple of teenagers.


Back in camp, I found a note on the windshield of the truck asking us to please come to the office and pay our campsite fee. I rummaged around in the tent and found my keys and money. When I came out of the tent, Lilly was sitting at the table, staring off into space. I walked over and sat down next to her. She looked at me and smiled.

"Are you having second thoughts about us?" I asked softly.

She shook her head and grinned, "No way. I was fantasizing about later." I noted a little light blush crossing her face.

I chuckled, "Do you want to ride up to the front gate with me?"

She leaned over and kissed me lightly on the lips before she said, "No, I think I'll go take a shower and get myself all squeaky clean and slicked up for tonight. You know how us women are about things like that."

I smiled and kissed her on the forehead. "Ok, but if you wait until I return, I'll scrub your back for you."

She laughed and replied, "Yeah right. It would be all of me that you'd scrub and then you'd get distracted. Then we'd make a big mess in the shower and enough noise to scare off all the animals in twenty miles."

She got a faraway look in her eyes for a second and then added, "Hmmm, that wouldn't be bad, but I have other ideas. They include an air mattress and sheets and...." She paused to grin and said, "Well, you'll just have to wait and find out for yourself about that last and."

I laughed and kissed her gently. "I'll be right back." I said as I got up and headed for the truck.


It only took me about fifteen minutes to make the trip to the front gate and back, Lilly was still in the shower when I returned. The shower sounded like a good idea, so I rummaged around in the tent and found my shaving kit, soap, and a towel. Lilly still wasn't back so I opened a beer and sat down at the table.

I was just about finished with it, when she came out of the shower building and started to walk back toward camp. She had on the long skirt but had the elastic waistband up under her arms; the hem was at mid thigh. It was covering her but it was also sexy as hell.

I picked up my camera off the table and waited for her to get closer, and then I moved around the table and knelt down to take her picture.

She laughed and said, "Hey, at least wait until I sit all this junk down somewhere, otherwise, I'll look like some kind of a bag lady." She put her stuff on the table and moved over to where she was back dropped by the lake and hills.

"Now, I'm ready," she said and took on a modeling pose with her hand one hips and the other hand behind her head.

I laughed and snapped off a couple of pictures of her. She changed poses three more times and I took a couple of shots of each one. By then she was laughing and did a spinning turn. I took three shots as quickly as the camera would go.

She stopped with her back to me and grinned at me over her shoulder as she slowly lifted the hem of her dress. I started taking shot after shot as the hem rose higher. When it was well above her naked ass, she laughed and dropped it back into place.

She turned and walked toward me saying, "That last was just to tease you and to let you know that I'm completely nude under this skirt."

I grinned and took another shot of her close up. She laughed and said, "Enough already, go get your shower now and I'll start us an early supper. That is, if you have anything left in that ice chest of yours."

I stood up and laid the camera down. "How about a couple of steaks and a couple of potatoes? Do you think that would work for supper?" I asked with a grin.

She laughed and came up on her toes to kiss me. I leaned forward, wrapped my arms around her, my hands cupped under her ass cheeks, and I picked her up. Her arms went around my neck and her legs locked around my hips. The kiss was meant to be a quick peck but it grew into a long lingering one.

When we broke the kiss, Lilly looked into my eyes and smiled and then the smile turned into a grin. She wiggled as she said, "Ok, put me down and go get your shower. I didn't spend all that time getting all clean to be ravaged by a dirty, dirty old man."

I gave her a quick peek on the lips and slowly lowered her to the ground. "Ok, if you're going to make snide remarks about my age then I'll just go shower and sulk." I put on a pouting face.

She laughed and reached up to hold my face in her hands as she kissed me softly. As she stepped back she said, "Poor baby. I wouldn't say anything bad about my big cuddly bear." She grinned and added, "I like being picked up like that. I wonder what it would be like without all these clothes."

I laughed and replied, "The same thing crossed my mind. It sure will be fun finding out."

She grinned and said, "Don't add anymore fuel to my imagination, or you won't get a shower or any supper. So, get out of here, hit the showers, while I cool off." She fanned herself with her hand and blew out a breath.

I chuckled, grabbed my gear, and headed for the shower.


When I returned, Lilly had a fire going in the campsite grill. She was wrapping the potatoes in foil with her back to me. I eased up behind her and kissed her on the back of the neck. She shivered and rolled her head forward and then to the side. I kissed her neck from the shoulder, up to her ear.

As I nibbled on her earlobe, she sighed and said softly, "I hope there's a cuddly bear behind me and not a real one."

I wrapped my arms around her waist and chuckled, "Either way you're going to get eaten and I don't mean like little red riding hood."

She giggled and replied, "Promises, promises."

"I'll have you know, that I'm the biggest lesbian I know, and I'm not talking about size," I whispered into her ear.

She laughed and cuddled back against me as she said, "I'll be the judge of that."

I kissed her neck again and then asked, "And just how much experience do you have with lesbians?"

She laughed and replied, "Well, none actually, although I do know quite a few. I'm a photographer and models are a weird bunch, to say the least. I could tell you some stories that would curl your hair."

"Oh goodie, I love a good bedtime story," I said and kissed her neck again.

"If you don't quit that, you ain't going to have time for a bedtime story," she whispered as a shiver ran up her body.

After a second or two she said, "I thought I was going to be the one teasing you but it seems to be working the other way."

I chuckled, kissed her one more time on the neck, and stepped back, moving over to sit on the stone bench. "What can I say; I'm just an affectionate kind of guy."

She turned and looked at me, a smile on her lips, "I'm finding that out," she said softly. "You'd better be careful; I'm liking it, more and more."

"Good," I said and picked up my camera.

She looked at me and said, "You're worse about cameras than I am and I'm addicted."

I laughed and raised the camera to take her picture. Just as I pushed the button, she reached up and jerked the top of the skirt down, baring her breasts for a brief instant. I wasn't sure if I got the shot or not.

I laughed and lowered the camera, saying, "Nice, very, very nice."

Her breasts were far from being large but they fit her body, small and compact. The dark circles under her small hard nipples were about the size of a quarter and very dark in color, more of a brown than pink.

She grinned and said, "I couldn't resist the urge."

She reached up with both hands and ran them over the cloth covering her breasts. "My nipples have been hard for so long now that they ache. Every time I think about us making love, they seem to get harder." She giggled and added, "I'm not even going to mention the flood that's trying to wander down my inner thighs from you kissing my neck. I'm going to have to go take another shower before to long."

When I grinned and licked my lips, she laughed again and said, "Yeah, there's that too but I'd most likely drown you, right this minute."

I chuckled and said, "I can think of a lot worse ways to die." I put the camera down and went on, "Ok, I'll see if I can find a way to take our minds off sex."

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