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A Very Unusual Couple


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Marcie went back to her office and closed things up and gathered her purse. She parked in the same lot that they had parked in at lunch and entered the pub. With one quick look around, she knew immediately which one was Denise. And Denise seemed to have the same sense as they both smiled at each other at the same time. Denise stood and Marcie walked to her table with her hand out to greet her.

"I knew that Thomas had good taste, but he understated how really pretty you are. He told me about your hair, eyes, and smile and I can see he was right about those. I'm Denise by the way."

"I didn't ask him anything about you but I just knew that you would be Denise. I can see that the two of you just fit together perfectly. I'm Marcie but I guess you figured that out already."

"Have a seat Marcie and let's order a drink. I'm looking to forward to getting to know you better."

They each ordered a white wine and an order of boiled shrimp to nibble on. While they waited for their order, they just chatted about the usual getting to know each other things. Once they started sipping their wine and each had a shrimp, the discussion get more to the point.

"So Denise, Thomas told me what was happening but he didn't tell me much about why. What is going on with you that brought all of this up?"

"I guess Thomas told you that he is the only person I have ever dated?" Marcie nodded. "Well that is true. There have been a couple of other guys that I was attracted to but I never went out with them even though they asked. But for some reason, this guy whose name is Ron just hit me right. He is quite handsome and has been calling on us for some time. I like his personality and charm. So he asked me to go to dinner and Country western dancing. I like Chinese and dancing so I thought about it and realized that I would like to go and try it with someone else. Thomas doesn't like Chinese food and isn't fond of Country music. I knew that he would let me go but I didn't want him to sit at home waiting for me. So I told him that he had to have a date too or I wouldn't go."

"That is about the most loving and trusting thing I have ever heard. I hate to ask this, but why do you think this guy asked you out? I mean he might just want a companion for dinner and dancing but most guy are looking for a little more than that."

"I know and I've thought about that. I don't know for sure but I expect that you are right. I guess that I just want to see what it feels like to be wanted by someone other than Thomas. I don't know what I will do if he really comes on to me hard, but I am prepared to deal with that if it happens."

"How do you want me to deal with Thomas?"

"How do you want to deal with him?"

"Honestly, if he was single, I'd probably take him home Friday night and screw him all night. I'm not sure what I want to do with him under the circumstances."

"Then let's make a deal. I'll keep you informed of what we are doing and you can go anywhere that we go. How does that sound?"

"How do you want to do that?"

"Look, I want you and Thomas to have fun and I hope I have fun too. I doubt that Ron and I will do anything beyond getting to know each other Friday. And I would guess that you and Thomas will do the same. But I won't mind if a little kissing goes on for either of us. We can touch base after that. Ron might not ask me out again. Who knows? If he does, then we can figure out what the limits are for the future."

"I can go along with that but don't be surprised if Ron doesn't try to push the envelope a little more than that. Guys today don't think about waiting until a second or third date to put their move on. If I were you, I'd be prepared Friday night to deal with more than you expect."

"I know; but I'm willing to see for myself. As for you, I'll just say that you should have fun. I doubt that Thomas will try too much if anything."

"I'm not talking about Thomas. I'm more concerned about what I might to do to him."

"OK, then. I give you permission to do anything you want with Thomas except have full sex with him. How is that? We can talk Saturday and compare notes."

"If you are sure, I can live with that."

"I'm sure. Now do you want to eat here or go somewhere else?"

They agreed to go somewhere else for a salad and spent three more hours getting to know each other better. By the time they parted, they had decided to alter their original plan and that Denise would talk to Thomas about boundaries for Friday night. They also agreed to meet for brunch Saturday morning as this was the time when Thomas usually played golf.

When Denise got home, she found Thomas sitting in the living room with a glass of wine. He got up and kissed her and then went to the kitchen and got her a glass and brought the bottle back. He retook his seat in his recliner but she crawled into his lap and lay her head on his shoulder.

"So, you two must have enjoyed your evening together. Were you plotting against me?" He asked playfully.

"Of course we were. That is what women do. And you might be in a whole lot of trouble."

'Do you want to tell me about it?"

"No. You don't need to know. But I do want to talk to you about a couple of things though."

"I am your captive at this moment."

"I noticed. Now listen, we talked about a number of things and I thought that I would talk to you about some boundaries."

"Boundaries? Like what?"

"Neither of us have ever been out with anyone else so we don't really know what to expect. Marcie suggested a couple of things that I thought I would mention to you. First, I am going dancing with Ron and he will be holding me and touching me. So I think that it is alright if you hold her hand and touch her appropriately also. We also agreed that you should kiss her at least good night when you take her home. That means that Ron will also be allowed to kiss me good night. He won't be picking me up or bringing me home, but you should be aware of that. We also decided that 1:00 is the latest we should be out. So plan on taking her home by 1:00 and I will drop Ron off at his hotel by 1:00. If things go badly which I doubt that they will, you can take her home before that if you want. Ron also hinted that he had a party to go to Saturday night. Marcie says that she has been invited to one also. So if Ron asks me to go to his party, I will say yes unless he is a total jerk. If Marcie brings it up, you can go to her party with her if you want. How does that sound?"

"It sounds like you two did everything but map out the time, place, and activity for the weekend."

She smiled at him. "Honey, I want both of us to have a good time. That is really important to me. And I really like Marcie a lot. I now know why you are attracted to her except that you didn't mention that she is also drop dead gorgeous. I know that you will be proud to go out with her."

"Honey, you know how I feel about you too. Yes, I like Marcie and we get along well, but you are still my number one."

"I know that and you are my number one too. But we can still have a good time. So enjoy yourself. I plan to."

"I will, I promise."

"Good. Now come to bed and make love with me. Looking at Marcie and thinking about you with her made me horny." She didn't want to tell Thomas that some of the things they talked about contributed to that feeling also but those things would have to wait until another time.

The next two days went by quickly. Thomas and Marcie were in several meetings together and spent some time together talking about work. But there was a special twinkle in each of their eyes when they were together. No one else appeared to notice. For Thomas, he used these get-togethers to take a closer look at Marcie and found her to be really more beautiful than he had let himself believe. Her figure was exciting to him and her wit and charm were always interesting to him. Marcie was doing the same thing towards Thomas and found his relative innocence to be a real turn on. She still felt weak-kneed when she was around him. She also wondered what he was like to kiss.

When Friday finally arrived, neither of them could pay much attention to work. They used this time to make routine checks that didn't require a lot of concentration. Just before lunch, they crossed paths in the hallway and both broke out in a grin.

"I'm excited about tonight." He said.

"Me too, but how about I buy you lunch today. Maybe it will help the day pass quicker."

"That would be good, I think. I'm just kind of going through the motions today."

"Me too. I'll bring my car around and pick you up at the door at 12:00. I'm driving and I'm paying. Got it?"

"Yes ma'am, I do."

They both smiled and went to finish their tasks. She drove up and he was waiting for her. She immediately took his hand in hers and drove to a nearby Mexican food restaurant.

"The first thing I want to clear up, in case Denise didn't, I like touching. I like to hold hands and to have an arm around me. Are you going to have a problem with that, Thomas?"

"No. I like that too. I'm just afraid that I might touch too much. I am so used to touching Denise, I might touch somewhere when I shouldn't with you."

"Alright, stop worrying about that right now. You be yourself and do what you do. If you touch me where I don't want it, I will take care of it and I won't embarrass you or make you feel bad. That will be my problem, not yours."

"Alright, I can live with that."

"Good. Now let's go eat and clear up a couple of other things." They went in and ordered the buffet and then found a seat. As they started eating, Marcie looked at him again and smiled. "I really like Denise and I think she and I will be good friends. We have talked to each other every day since Tuesday and no, I'm not going to tell you what we talked about. But, tonight you are with me, not her. She is going to have a good time and so are we. We aren't going to mention her or wonder about her at all. I will expect all of your attention to be focused on me. Is that alright with you?"

"I think that will be very easy for me to do. I seem to be drawn to you whenever we are together."

"Good, I like it that way so keep that one in your playbook too. I won't have that distraction hanging over my head. My focus will be entirely on you." They ate and talked about a few other details. When they got back to her car, she drove two blocks and pulled into a park and stopped.

"There is one more thing I want to take care of before we go out. Denise said that she talked to you about it but I want to make sure. I like kissing and I think I am going to like kissing you a lot. So kiss me now so we both know what to expect." She leaned over to him and he brought his lips to hers. All they did was touch lips but both of them felt the electricity pass back and forth from the simple touch. When they broke the kiss, she continued, "That was even better than I hoped it would be. Did you like it?"

"Yes, I mean more than yes. I like kissing you a lot too."

"Good. I don't want any clumsiness about 'should I' or 'should I wait.' If you want to kiss me, then do it. Are we on the same page here?"

"Yes, most definitely. I can't wait to kiss you with my arms around you."

"Then do that when you pick me up. I think we both want to experience that. I am so looking forward to tonight, I can hardly sit still. So let's go get the afternoon over with and get on with the important things."

"I like that idea."

They drove back to the office and tried to look busy until they left for the day. When Thomas arrived home, Denise was already home and there was a note on the table that he should shower in the front bathroom because she was using the master bath. He went into the bedroom and got his clothes and took them to the guest bedroom so he wouldn't bother her.

At 5:15 he was dressed and ready to leave. He had one stop on the way to pick Marcie up. "Denise, I'm about to leave. Can I see you for a moment?"

She came out to meet him in a skirt, blouse, and vest. She looked very much like a girl going to a C&W dance and looked beautiful as always.

"How do I look?" He asked his wife.

"You look good enough to eat. Marcie is a lucky woman tonight."

"I was just thinking that Ron is a lucky man tonight. I hope that you have a good time tonight."

"Me too. Can I have a kiss before we go? And I want one for sure when we get home also."

Thomas gave her a kiss and she hummed her pleasure. Then he left to go on his adventure. She returned to the bedroom and took off her vest and blouse and removed her bra. Then she put the blouse and vest back on. She went to the kitchen and poured herself a glass of wine to help calm her nerves. She didn't need to leave for another forty five minutes but she wanted to be relaxed when she left.

Thomas stopped at the florist and picked up his order and was parked in front of Marcie's apartment exactly at 6:00. He took a couple of deep breaths and then knocked on the door. A moment later and the door opened with no one visible. Then Marcie's head poked around the door.

"Come on in. I need you to help me a minute." He stepped in and heard the door close behind him. "Don't turn around yet and put those down for a moment." He did as she told him. Then she stepped in front of him holding two straps behind her neck. "Tie these for me please."

He turned towards her and was rewarded by an almost naked back. He took the straps that she held behind her neck and gently tied them in a bow.

"Thank you." She turned to face him and his eyes suddenly got very busy. The deep merlot colored dress was a series of overlapping pleats and panels hanging from her waist. The top was two wide straps that crossed her chest and ended behind her neck. The effect was dramatic. Her back and sides were bare while her front was covered except for a deep vee the ended about in the middle of her breasts. Obviously, she was not wearing a bra. Her breasts filled the straps and showed a healthy cleavage for his viewing pleasure. At present, two pointed nipples distended the fabric in a display of arousal.

"Wow, that is one of the most beautiful and sexy dresses I think I have ever seen. You look fantastic."

"Thank you. I thought that you were supposed to take me in your arms and kiss me when you got here."

He stepped up and put his arms around her and pulled her against his body. Her nipples poked into his chest like two stones. Her back felt like velvet, and when his lips touched hers, her mouth opened slightly and allowed his tongue to gently enter. If they felt electricity earlier, they felt a lightning bolt strike them then. She could feel his manhood rise in his pants against her abdomen. She had to stifle a moan of pleasure.

When they finally broke the kiss, he continued to hold her but looked down into her cleavage. She noticed and said, "Here is the deal with this dress, so pay attention. There is a good likelihood that you are going to get a peek or two tonight. If you peek, I am going to spank your hand. If you don't peek, I am going to spank your ass. You have been warned so decide carefully which punishment you want to endure."

"Yes ma'am."

"Now do you have something for me? Or did you just bring in the trash from your car?" She motioned to the things he set on the table.

"Oh, sorry. You and that dress distracted me."

"That was the intended result. I guess it worked, huh?" She smiled at him.

"Yes, it did, very well I might add. These are for you." He handed her a bouquet of bright spring flowers.

"Oh, they are beautiful. Thank you." She kissed him again gently and then led him to the kitchen where he saw for the first time just how enticing the dress really was. Each panel separated and made a split showing her legs all of the way up to mid-thigh. She got a vase down from the top shelf and filled it with water and put the flowers in it. They definitely filled the room with color and aroma. When she set them on the table, she turned to him with a smile. Then he handed her the smaller box.

"Another present! How sweet." She opened it and found a small but intricate corsage featuring white and yellow rose buds.

"I guess I should have asked what color your dress was going to be. I just told the girl to make it so that it would go with just about any color."

She held it up to just above her breast and said, "It is beautiful and it will definitely go with this dress. You are so very sweet. Now you get to pin it on me."

Thomas turned very red knowing that the only way he would be able to pin it on her was if his fingers were underneath her top. It appeared that she knew this too based on the sly grin on her face as she handed him the corsage and pin. She led him to a point on her dress slightly lower than she had held it before. His fingers would now definitely be resting against her soft breast flesh. He cleared his throat and slipped three fingers inside the top and then tried to pin the flowers on. He failed three times before she bailed him out.

"Here. Leave those fingers where they are. Now hold the corsage firmly against your fingers. Now slip the pin through the fabric, through the corsage and through the fabric again. See how easy it is. I'll take it off and you can try again."

"No, no. Leave it. It looks just fine. It's perfect in fact." He pulled his fingers from inside her top like they had been burned. She patted his cheek and said, "You are really a good boy." Now let's get my wrap and we can go."

"Your wrap?"

"Yes, this scarf. What you see is for your eyes only. The other guys can just use their imaginations." She smiled at him.

He held the scarf and she let it fall over her shoulders and around the corsage. Then she kissed him again. They locked the door and he led her to his car. She immediately took possession of his hand as he drove out of her complex. The drive to the restaurant took twenty minutes and they arrived in time for their reservation.

Dinner was a delight of sights and sounds and smells. The smells were the broiled fish along with the accompanying vegetables. The sounds were a delightful medley of songs being played by a harpist and pianist. The sights were mostly of Marcie. She slapped his hand three times before the meal was served and twice during dinner. Her radiant smile beamed with each pat of his hand.

After dinner, they hurried to the theater and found their seats just as the lights began to dim. Two and a half hours later, his arm was around her shoulders, her head was against his chest, and her hand was on his thigh. Both had tears in their eyes and a lump in their throat due to intensely dramatic scenes and passionately beautiful music. Another half an hour later, they were walking out of the theater with his arm around her waist and her arm around his. They talked quietly about the intensity and beauty of the music and the performance.

When they got into his car, he looked at Marcie and asked, "Would you like to go to a little place for a quiet dessert and coffee and maybe a little dancing?"

"I have a better idea. Why don't we go to my apartment instead?" Thomas' face dropped and Marcie quickly realized why. "We have about an hour and a half. I would rather go to my place to dance, have dessert and coffee, and maybe kiss a little than to spend half the time driving from place to place. So put your smile back on. This night is not over by a long shot." She laid her head on his shoulder and held her hand on his thigh.

Thomas put the smile back on his face and drove at a moderate pace to her apartment. When they went inside, Marcie said, "Pick some music for us while I put the coffee on." Thomas found a very eclectic CD collection and picked out several that promised good dancing opportunities but also some nice listening. As he put the first one in the player, he felt the lights dim and two arms surrounded his waist. "Now finally, I am going to dance with you. Any complaints?"

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