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A Very Unusual Couple


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"Are you sure? I am sure that Tommy will want some serious alone time with you tonight."

"That's alright, I hope he does and I hope he wants some serious time with you too."

Marcie looked at her with a stunned look on her face. "You can't be serious."

"I am dead serious. You are going to sleep with us and I expect him to make love with both of us. I want to watch him with you. I already know what I expect but I want to see it to be sure."

Marcie just stared to Denise. Denise smiled and came to her and kissed hip gently. "Get that look off your face. You will understand soon. He's home so get cheerful. Go help him bring in the stuff." She gave Marcie a swat on the butt and sent her toward the front door.

Marcie shook her head and a slow smile spread on her face. She went out and got the bags while Thomas wrested with the bag of wood chunks.

When they deposited their loads, Denise called him into the kitchen. "Tommy, it has been a couple of hours since you kissed either one of us. You need to fix that now before you go play with your fire."

Thomas took Marcie in his arms and kissed her fully and passionately. When he released her, Denise noticed that Marcie's nipples were fully aroused and she smiled. Then he took Denise in his arms and repeated the process. She too was left with a pair of obvious dents in her halter top. Denise and Marcie smiled to each other. Thomas went to build his fire hoping that his other fire would recede before he had to go face them again.

That didn't happen very quickly as each woman made several trips to the patio over the next hour and each time, they stopped for a kiss and a caress. When he decided that the fire was ready, Marcie brought the platter with the ribs out and stood next to him.

"Are you doing OK, lover?"

"I feel like I am caught between two equally desirable forces and I don't know which way to turn."

"It's understandable. Just know that I am with you just like Denise is. Try to relax, I don't know what is going to happen but I don't think it will be bad. Besides, isn't it every man's dream to have two beautiful women fawn of him?"

"Yes; but that is what it is, a dream. This dream is coming true."

"You are one lucky devil." She kissed him and caressed his chest and then went back inside.

Denise asked, "Is he Ok?"

"If you call being totally confused and torn, then he is fine." She told her what she had said.

Denise smiled and took Marcie in her arms again. "He deserves it; he is every woman's dream."

"I'll second that."

They went about setting the table and pouring the wine because Denise knew that the ribs would be done shortly. When Thomas signaled her, Denise took the platter out and he put the three racks of delicate meat on it. Before she took the meat inside, Denise said to him, "After dinner, make a pot of coffee. Then we will settle in the den for our talk."

"Is there a problem, Deni? I'm a little concerned."

She brushed his cheek and said, "There is no problem on my end and I hope when we get through talking, there will be no problem with any of us. Trust me honey."

"I always have and I trust you now. So let's go eat while these are hot."

They settled in at the table with Thomas on the end and a woman on each side of him. Marcie took one bite of her ribs and exclaimed how wonderful they were. Denise responded that Thomas was a great cook and that they shared cooking and cleaning duties. Thomas said that the ribs would have been better if he had been able to let them smoke longer. They ate with relish and cleaned their plates. The women took the dishes to the sink while Thomas made the coffee and prepared the liqueurs that Marcie had used the previous night while it was perking. Denise and Marcie washed the sauce residue from their hands and then Denise led Marcie into the den. When Thomas arrived with the tray and the coffee, he found them talking about how much Marcie liked their house. It was well laid out and she really liked the furnishings. Denise thanked her for the compliment.

"I can't take credit for all of it. That table there and those book cases were made by Tommy. He has also done the painting and wallpapering throughout the house."

"Is there anything that Mr. Wonderful doesn't do well?" Marcie replied.

"Not that I have found. The only things that we disagree on are that I love Chinese food and country music and he doesn't. But after fifteen years of trying to change him, I guess I will have to accept that flaw in his make up." She smiled.

"Crap, if I found a guy with only two flaws that small, I would probably handcuff him to my wrist and never let him go."

"I know what you mean; I did just that. Come let's sit and get this discussion started."

Thomas sat in his oversized recliner. Marcie went to sit on the couch but Denise caught her arm and pulled her toward the recliner.

"Tommy likes an armful of woman after he eats; tonight he gets an armful of women. You take that leg and side and I'll take this one." The smile on Marcie's face showed that she liked that tradition and crawled into his lap and snuggled against his chest. Denise settled into the same position on the other side. Thomas wrapped his arm around each woman.

Denise reached over and untied Marcie's halter and threw the sides away, baring her breasts. Then she undid her own halter and dropped it on the floor. "Thomas is also a tit man. He likes to look, touch and kiss breasts. Thomas make sure that Marcie's don't get cold but don't arouse her too much; she needs to be able to pay attention to what I have to say too."

Marcie replied, "All he has to do is look at me and I get aroused."

"I know the feeling." Denise said as she took his hand that was reaching for her breast and held it in her lap. "Tommy, I am going to do most of the talking and I don't need to be distracted. I'll hold your hand; you keep Marcie warm."

Marcie snuggled closer to Thomas to insure that his hand could cover her whole breast.

Denise began. "Something has been going on for several months now that I couldn't talk about outside of the office. My company has been bought out and we are undergoing a restructuring. Up until a month ago, I didn't see any conflict on the horizon. They were going to consolidate several labs with the primary one based here. But then, they decided that they wanted to keep a second lab for specialty products open in St. Louis. After the usual haggling and politicking, they asked me to be the lab manager for that lab. It will be a big pay increase and I will be in line for the lab manager job down here in a couple of years when my boss retires. I told them that I would need to think about it and let them know. I need to give them an answer this week. I was also told that I could not divulge the details to Tommy or anyone else." She took a moment to sip her coffee and the others did likewise.

"I decided to think it through and decide what I wanted before I discussed it with Tommy. And that is what I have been doing. I decided that I really want the job. I also decided that I wasn't going to ask Tommy to quit his job and come with me. His job is solid and his future is here. That and we have our home here and I expect that in a few years, I will be back here permanently. So I decided that we must figure out how to make a long distance marriage work. The more I thought about it, the more I became convinced that we could make it work as long as we could work out a couple of issues. The primary issue is that we have a fabulous sex life. And it is hard to have a long distance sex life." She took another sip of her coffee before she continued.

"I decided that it would not be good for either of us to just abstain except for a couple of weekends each month. So I was prepared to tell Tommy that I would give him permission to date and that I would also date when I needed to. I expect to be very busy and won't have much time for a social life but I know me and I will need a good fuck once in awhile. I was about to talk with Tommy about this when Ron dropped in the other day. I like him, he is good looking and charming and when he asked me out, I thought that it would be a good trial to find out if I could have a casual date with another man. Remember Marcie, neither Tommy nor I have ever dated anyone else since we were in high school. So I decided that I would go out with him but only if Tommy would go out too. So I asked him about whom he was attracted to and you came up. I knew that he would let me go out if I wanted and he would stay home. But if I was going to go on a trial date, I wanted him to go on one too. So I put a little pressure on him to ask you and I am glad I did. When I met you the first day, I knew right then and there that I didn't want Tommy dating just any girl or slut that was handy. I wanted him to date someone like you. I fact, I hoped that both of you would enjoy it enough that you would want to continue dating each other. I also knew that I wouldn't be dating Ron or anyone else regularly. For the record, yes, I enjoyed the weekend with Ron. He was fun and we had a good time. And yes we had sex last night as I suspect you have figured out by now. No, he doesn't hold a candle to Tommy in any way. I expect that if I date in St. Louis, I will run into a lot of Rons and very few Tommys. And honey, I already told Marcie, but last night we did it only once and yes, I came, a little one. He fell asleep and I came home at 2:00 this morning. Any questions so far?"

Marcie looked at Thomas and he looked at her. Then Marcie said, "If I understand you right Denise, you want to take this job in St. Louis and you want Thomas and I to continue seeing each other?"

"Yes, that is exactly right."

Thomas spoke, "Deni, I'm still trying to get a handle on this whole thing but the one question that comes to mind is, is it fair to Marcie. She is single and this would cut into her social time and possibly find a long term boy friend? That's a lot to ask of someone just so your husband could be sexually satisfied."

Marcie leaned over and kissed his cheek and said, "Shut up, idiot."

Denise grinned, "Thank you Marcie. If you hadn't said it, I would have. Tommy, the day I met Marcie before you even went out together, I could tell that she was in love with you. Now that I have seen you together, I also know that you love her even if you are conflicted about it. If I am going to go off and leave my beloved husband behind, I would rather leave him in the arms of woman who loves him like I do than anyone else. So it isn't just about getting your rocks off, it is about taking care of you and I know that you will take care of her both in bed and out. Now from what I have said so far, do either of you have a problem with it?"

Tommy responded first, "No."

Then Marcie said, "No, but I also detect that there is more to come. Let's hear the part that comes after 'so far'."

Denise grinned at her. "You are perceptive. When I got home early this morning, I sat up and thought everything through again. I am comfortable with Tommy, you, and how I feel about this. But I also had a new thought and have been thinking about it ever since." She took a deep breath and started again. "What I propose is that Marcie moves in here and lives with you Tommy. There is no need to have her rent a place so Tommy has go pick her up for a date and then figure out where you are going to spend the night and who has to get up early to go home and dress to go to work."

Tommy looked stunned. Marcie looked at Denise carefully.

"You want me to come live with Tommy and have sex with him and cook with him and do laundry and go to the grocery store with him, just like the two of you do?"


"You want me to be his wife while you are gone."


"What about when you come back for a visit or a week or more?"

"The three of us stay here together and act just like we have today. We sleep together and make love with Tommy just like we are going to do tonight."

Tommy started to ask something but Marcie put her hand over his mouth. "Hush, you will get your turn after your wives get finished negotiating our territorial issues. You don't think that it will be uncomfortable with the three of us in bed together?"

"That's why we are going to try it out tonight. If it is uncomfortable, we will figure a way to work it out. Oh and I expect both you and Tommy to come stay with me in St Louis occasionally. I fact, I want both of you to go with me in a couple of weeks to help me find a place to live."

"Ok, in a couple of years, you get transferred back here. What then?"

"The three of us will continue to live together unless you want out. I don't think that we can make that decision now. But if we can make this interim period work, I bet we can make it work after I come back."

"Somewhere in the next couple of years, I want to have a baby."

"So, when you are ready, work it out with Tommy and have one. When I get back, I am going to be ready for a child too."

"Before I let him knock me up, I want a ring on my finger and my last name changed."

"You come to Missouri or we go to Vegas or somewhere and you two get married. Do that whenever you are ready. You don't have to wait until you are ready for a baby."

"Fine, one last issue, we are sharing a husband and a life; do you want or expect that we become lovers too?"

"I have never thought about having a female lover or been attracted to another woman until I met you. It won't be my decision alone but if you feel the same way about me, I am willing to find out if that will work too."

"I feel the same thing about you. It might take some time, but I'm willing to find out too."

"Are you two through marking your turf yet?"

Denise and Marcie looked at each other and smiled. Marcie replied, "Yes honey, I think we are together on this. What do you want to know?"

"I want to know if I can get up and go to the bathroom or I will be marking my territory all over your skirts."

They laughed as Thomas rose and went down the hall toward the back. Denise and Marcie continued chatting about details and when Thomas returned, he stood before them.

"I have one announcement to make and then I have two questions. First, if I hear that either of you is complaining that I show favoritism toward the other, someone is getting their bottom spanked. I will not show favorites."

The each hit him with a pillow from the couch.

"First question, what is the timetable for all of this, Denise? Second, when you two get around to making love, can I be there to watch?"

This time they threw the pillows at him. Denise muttered loud enough for both to hear, "Damn men and their sexual fantasies."

"Ok, that settles that. Now please stand up both of you." They stood up and held hands. "Today, before we came here, Marcie and I went to a couple of shops and bought something for each of us. It was cute then but I think that it is a lot more significant now." He took one of the chains with the interlocking triangles and put it around Denise's neck. Then he put one around Marcie's neck. He was about to put the third one around his own neck when Marcie grabbed it out of his and she and Denise jointly put it around his neck. Then they pulled each other together in a group hug and exchanged kisses with each other.

Denise said, "Ok stud, I think we need to take this to the bedroom. You have two very horny girls to fuck tonight."

"No I don't; I have two beautiful wives to make love to tonight."

Both Denise and Marcie's eyes blazed at his words and they each grabbed one of his hands and almost dragged him toward the bedroom. Since they were both already topless, it only took him a minute to remove their skirts and panties. They in turn undressed him in a flash and pulled him into bed between them. At first, Thomas began kissing Denise and then turned to kiss Marcie. Both women responded eagerly. This went back and forth for several times and then he began caressing and kissing each of their breasts. While he was busy with one, the other was caressing his back and ass cheeks. As he worked his way lower on each one, their response became more excited. When he finally dipped between Marcie's legs and began licking her slit and nibbling her clit, she came with a small scream. He pulled off from her when she began to settle down, he turned to Denise and began exploring her womanhood with his tongue. Denise held his head as he worked and then he felt a pair of lips engulf his raging cock. They only stayed long enough to get his cock very wet and then Marcie began tugging him up until he was between Denise's legs and she put the head of his cock against her entrance. Then she pushed his ass until his cock was half way inside Denise. She removed her hand and Thomas found the rest of the way inside his loving wife on his own. As he began stroking in and out, he reached over and took one of Marcie's hands and put it on Denise's breast. The hand stayed still for just a moment before she began a gentle massage of the tender flesh. This elicited a moan of pleasure from Denise and she turned her head to kiss Marcie's waiting lips. Five minutes later, both Marcie and Thomas knew that Denise had reached her orgasm as she screamed and began convulsions throughout her body. When this started, Thomas ejaculated deep into her willing womb; then they lay still.

Thomas finally rolled off of her and put his arm around both women. Marcie lay her head on one side of his chest while Denise did the same on the other.

A few moments later, Denise spoke again softly. "The only question we didn't answer was Tommy's question about the timetable. That was the only thing he said that deserved an answer. My time table is this. I will tell them I accept the job tomorrow. Then the week after next, I need to go the St Louis to find a place to live. If you two can break free, I'd like you to go with me."

Thomas looked at Marcie and then replied, "I don't think that will be a problem. Neither of us has anything important that week that I know of." Marcie nodded her head.

"That would be great. They keep a corporate suite at a hotel and we will stay there. Whether I find a place or not, I need to be in St. Louis to start work by the first of next month. I am not expecting to take much from here but I expect that we need to rent a trailer to take my clothes and whatever up there. Tommy can you take off again and drive up with me?"

"Sure, I don't see a problem then either. What about you, Marcie?"

"I have a vendor review somewhere in there but I'll have to check the schedule to be sure of the date. But go ahead and schedule it based on what Denise needs to do. If there is a conflict, I will either fly up later or come back early for the evaluation. I want to be there to help get her settled."

Denise replied, "Thank you, honey. That is so sweet. When is your apartment lease up?"

"Actually, I am supposed to go in and renew the lease this week. It is up at the first of the month also."

"Oh that makes this really easy then. How about this? You turn in your notice tomorrow and every night this week you two bring your clothes and personal thing over here. We can put them in the guest room closet until I get my stuff packed. Then we can sort through other things about what I am going to take and you can start bring things over if you can carry them in your cars. At the end of the month, we rent the trailer and bring the last of your big things over here and unload them. Then we can pack my things in the trailer. What do you think?"

Thomas replied for both he and Marcie, "I think that is the plan. Are you Ok with that Marcie?"

"I like the idea of sooner is better; so yes."

Denise smiled and said, "Then that is settled. Now Mr. Watkins; it is time for you to bring a smile to your wife's face. Your cock is almost ready for Round 2."

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