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A Whore for the King Pt. 03

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One must avoid birthing a royal bastard.
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This story is categorized as science fiction/fantasy, but there are no ray guns or robots. No wizards. No orcs. It is a 10-part tale of fictional people living in a fictional kingdom in England a long time ago. There's a lot of sex, but there's also a lot of words devoted to plot and character. Isn't sex more exciting when it involves people we care about? It's my hope that King Harold, Princess Alana, Queen Mother Eunice, Sir Robert, and (especially) Sarah the Whore capture your attention. All characters are adults over 18.


Careful observers noted that King Harold seemed to be in unusually good spirits the next day. He presided over a meeting of nobles, and he seemed more jovial than he'd been in a very long time. It was a puzzlement, but everyone welcomed it. Harold was a popular king, and his prolonged melancholia was worrisome. Seeing a smile on his face brought back happy memories of how things had been before the death of his wife and unborn son.

It didn't take long for people in the palace to realize what had happened. When Emma came to rouse Sarah from her bed, she found the blood on the bed sheets. Emma changed the sheets and sent the soiled ones to the laundry with instructions to remove the stain.

When the laundresses saw the blood, they knew exactly what it implied. "The king has taken a woman!" they said, telling every palace worker they encountered. The workers told the aristocrats, and by afternoon people were celebrating. The fact that Sarah was apparently responsible for dispelling a foul mood that had tormented the king for more than a year made her the most popular woman in the palace. She received a flurry of invitations to parties, luncheons, gatherings, and all other manner of socializing.

Sarah's first visitor was Queen Mother Eunice.

"I understand that you and my son had a pleasant evening, Sarah," she said.

"Yes, majesty. Your son is a fine man. I enjoy our time together."

"I hope you get to enjoy more time with him soon," Eunice said.

"He intends to visit again tonight."

"Well, isn't that just as nice as nice can be," Eunice said. "Girl, I knew you could do it. From the moment Madam Alice told us about you, I felt certain that you could break the evil spell that held him for so long."

"I don't understand why you think I deserve credit for something," Sarah said.

"It's not complicated," Eunice said. "Do you know what Harold did this morning at breakfast? He smiled. Smiled! He hasn't smiled in ages! This morning, he couldn't stop smiling. When he speaks, he sounds happy. He spoke about some duty he has to perform this afternoon, and you could tell he actually looked forward to it. For the longest time, Harold has treated his duties as burdensome chores he wished to avoid."

"I worry you are giving me more credit than I deserve," Sarah said.

"Your modesty is endlessly refreshing. Modesty is a quality one doesn't often see in the palace," Eunice said. "Dear, this is all very enjoyable, but there is something we need to discuss."

"Of course, majesty," Sarah said.

"You need to know the reason for something very important," Eunice said. "It is vital that you have no children with Harold. A birth like that could throw the entire kingdom into chaos. It would threaten your life and the life of your child. You needn't worry. There are many things we can do to insure that you do not give birth. But you need to know why it is so important."

The queen mother explained that Harold was betrothed to Princess Alana from Catacan, the kingdom to the north. Harold and King Sweld of Catacan are good friends and allies, and King Sweld has a problem. His only offspring is Alana. There is no son to assume the throne when King Sweld dies. The people of Catacan don't want a female monarch, and even if they did, they wouldn't want Alana, who is known to be a spoiled, small-minded brat completely unsuited to the throne. Since Harold's wife died before she could provide a suitable heir, both kings had the same challenge.

Sweld and Harold hatched a plan intended to provide a smooth transition for both kingdoms. They agreed that Harold would marry Alana, who would provide a male heir who could eventually assume the combined thrones. The new, merged kingdom would be more powerful and prosperous. Having a clear line of succession would avoid unpleasant alternatives, like battling among other aristocratic families who might be tempted to seize the throne in a power vacuum.

"If you ever had a child, it is possible that powerful people would want to use that child to gain leverage in their own effort to seize the throne. Some would want to kill him to insure that he could never be crowned. Others would oppose such a thing because of the laws that hold that children of commoners can't ever be royal. Sarah, it would be a horrible mess. We can't allow it to happen."

Fortunately, Eunice explained, there were plans to prevent Alana's pregnancy. The palace doctor was already tracking Sarah's monthly cycle. The doctor would tell King Harold when it was safe to have sex without risking a pregnancy. On the days when the danger was high, they would minimize risk in two ways. First, Sarah would need to learn how to satisfy the king in the French way, using her mouth. She had no experience with this, of course, but she would be taught.

Second, Eunice said, on days where the risk is high, King Harold will sometimes arrange for his climax to fill her ass instead of her pussy. Sarah was shocked at this news.

"My ass! He'll cum in my ass? That sounds horrible!" Sarah said.

"Actually, child, it is not as horrible as you might think. I came to treasure that particular kind of love. It was challenging at first because my ass was so tight, but in time I welcomed the feel of my husband's cock back there. I suppose it's an acquired taste. Just try it. I'm sure you'll like it."

"It sounds dreadful."

"Yes, I imagine it does. I seem to recall that I didn't like the idea when it was first introduced to me. That was a very long time ago. My memory isn't as good as I'd like. What I remember better is how fond I soon became of the way my husband's member felt when he fucked my tight little ass. I eventually loved it so much I'd beg for him to fuck me that way. I remember that he enjoyed hearing me use that kind of language. Men love hearing their women beg to be fucked. It is in their nature."

"Isn't it painful?"

"It does hurt at first. In time your little butthole will stretch a bit, and it won't feel as uncomfortable. Even after your body becomes accustomed to it, the experience will always hurt a little. But it will hurt in a good way. You'll like that part. It's hard to explain. You'll see."

Sarah wasn't convinced, and the look on her face was so concerned that the queen mother got an idea. "Dear, I have something that should help. It can stretch your little butthole just enough to make everything feel delightful when the king's cock is inside you." Queen Mother Eunice asked a servant to fetch an item from her chamber, and soon Sarah received an ornate wooden box that opened to reveal three little cubbies for three mysterious items. Eunice also arranged for the kitchen to deliver a small dish of butter.

The three items in the box were made of pink quartz polished smooth. They were shaped vaguely like cocks. One was small, another was large, and the other was of medium size.

"These were a gift I received when I was a bride-to-be. They come from France. It seems that all items like this come from France," Eunice said. "Their purpose is simplicity itself.

"We begin by taking the smallest one and sliding it into your tiny butthole. It is so small you should experience no discomfort at all. Wear it for a few hours today, and a few hours tomorrow, and a bit more the next day. Then do the same thing with the medium one.

"It will feel very tight for the first few days, but in time you'll stretch to accommodate it. The large one will give you a feeling of fullness that will be impossible to ignore. You can wear the smaller ones as you go about your business, and no one will know what you're doing. If you go to dinner while wearing the largest one, it might be challenging to sit in the chair with a calm expression.

"After a few days of wearing the large one, your bottom should stretch enough that the king's cock will fit inside comfortably. Let's try it, shall we?"

Eunice called for Sarah's servant, Emma, and asked that she help insert the little plugs into Sarah's behind. "These are very nice," Emma said when she saw the three polished pieces of quartz. "Mine are made of wood. They do the job, but they aren't this fancy."

"You wear these things?" Sarah said.

"Of course," Emma said. "My boyfriend has a very large cock. It would be difficult for him to fit up my ass if I didn't stretch it first."

Sarah laid face-down on the bed as Emma applied a dab of butter to the smallest stone. She slipped it into Sarah's ass, sliding it inside until the base - shaped like two balls - held it back so it wouldn't slip all the way inside.

"How does it feel?" Eunice asked.

"Fine," Sarah said. "I can barely tell it's there."

"That's how it should be," Queen Mother Eunice said. "You can be sure it is working its magic. Wear it for a few hours every day until you feel ready to try the larger one. If you do this gradually, you should thoroughly enjoy the night when the king finally introduces your little butthole to his hard cock."

Every morning Emma used a bit of butter to insert one of the stone plugs. They removed them in the afternoon, when it was time for Sarah to use the chamberpot and take her daily bath. The king spent every night with Sarah, and as they made love, Sarah thought her little butthole felt tender, as though it wanted to be touched.

A few weeks went by before Queen Mother Eunice visited Sarah again. "Child, I want you to know that the doctor has told the king that you are now at the time of the month when you are most fertile. He is advising the king to be sure to climax in your ass instead of your pussy. Have you been using the plugs I gave you?"

"Yes, majesty. I am wearing the largest one now."

"How does it feel?"

"Big. Very big. Uncomfortably big."

"Painfully big?" Eunice asked.

"No, Queen Mother. It hurt a bit the first few times, but no longer. I feel some discomfort when I sit in a chair, and it feels very odd whenever I walk from place to place. But I think the plugs have done what they are intended to do."

"Good. You'll want to be especially clean down there tonight, and I'd advise you to have Emma grease you with butter just before the king arrives. A little butter will make the experience much more pleasant."

"I see. That makes sense."

"Talking about these things makes me wish I was a young woman again," Eunice said. "I think it's a good time for me to tell you something important.

"Dear, we are taking steps to prevent you from getting pregnant because we care for you. Being with child is not something you want to happen. But it is certain that, at some point, you will become pregnant anyway. Nature always finds a way. When it does, you must not blame yourself. All the precautions in the world can't guarantee it won't happen.

"And so, when it does happen, you must act swiftly. You must tell the doctor every time your bleeding starts. He keeps careful records that show when we can expect your time of the month to begin. When your bleed is suspiciously late, he has a way to force the bleed to happen."

"How is that, Eunice?"

"He has an herbal tea that never fails to start the bleed when you are late. The tea is foul. It causes cramping and an upset stomach for a few days. But the tea works. It works best when done early. So be careful to report to the doctor every month when your bleed begins. He'll know exactly when to decide you are too late."

Sarah was nervous that night as she awaited the arrival of the king. Emma helped insure that Sarah's nether region was immaculately clean, then she applied a generous amount of butter. Sarah didn't enjoy feeling greasy, but she was sure it was better to have too much butter than not enough. They left a small dish on the table beside the bed, just in case one of them decided more butter was needed.

"Good evening, Sarah," King Harold said when he entered her chamber. As always, the sun was low on the horizon when he walked through the doorway. Harold thought the evening light flattered Sarah, outlining her with a warm rosy glow. Once again, he reminded himself that Sarah was the most beautiful woman he'd ever beheld. Seeing her never failed to lift his spirits and inflame his passions.

"How are you, dear," he said. "My mother tells me you are nervous."

"Your mother is right, as she always is," Sarah said. "I've prepared myself exactly as she instructed, but I can't stop myself from feeling anxious."

"It would be strange if you didn't feel nervous," Harold said. "I will be as gentle as I possibly can."

"I know you will," Sarah said.

By this time Harold and Sarah had become familiar with each other, and both knew the ways that best excited each other. Harold liked to remove all their clothes before climbing into bed. Some men preferred removing their women's gowns after they were between the sheets, but Harold liked getting a good, long look at Sarah's nude body before they began. He also liked the way it felt to embrace Sarah when they both stood without clothes. Learning the king's way of love had been a welcome task for Sarah, who enjoyed these pleasures every bit as much as Harold.

After a lengthy embrace, when they slowly ran their hands over each other's bodies, Harold began kissing Sarah's face and neck. Slowly, his hands wandered down to her breasts, where he stroked and squeezed her nipples, which became stiff and erect from his touch. By the time he kissed her, Sarah's lips were hungry for him. Her warm, wet mouth welcomed Harold's tongue, and she moaned softly as she began thinking about what was about to happen.

By now his cock was hard, and it poked into her belly. Sarah felt her pussy getting wet, even though Harold hadn't touched it yet. She felt his hand on her bottom, pulling her to him so his cock pressed hard against her. She felt a drop of wetness on the tip. Sarah knew this meant Harold was getting excited. She knew he'd put that cock inside her very soon.

But first, Harold stroked between Sarah legs, causing her to moan with pleasure. Her nervousness about what would happen seemed to make everything more stimulating. What Harold was about to do seemed dirty somehow. Taboo. He was going to make her do something she'd always imagined was forbidden. The fact that she had no choice made it easier. Since she could not say no, she felt more freedom to look forward to it as something she'd enjoy. The Queen Mother had promised she'd enjoy it, and although that was hard to believe, Eunice always told the truth.

By now Sarah was on her back, enjoying the sensation caused by Harold's hand as he put one finger inside her pussy. He moved it in and out slowly, making her wish it was his cock. Once, when he ran his finger the length of her slit, he went a bit further and touched her sensitive little butthole.

"Oh!" she said in surprise. It felt good. It frightened her because it made her imagine his big cock in there, but the gentle prodding of his fingertip made her little hole contract and throb.

Harold finally climbed on top of Sarah, took his cock in hand, and slipped the head inside her pussy. It felt wonderful, of course. By this time her tight pussy was hungry for his cock, and waves of pleasure rippled through her body as he gently worked his cock in and out, going a tiny bit deeper every time. She was soon gasping for breath and wrapping her arms around his back, using her whole body to urge him to go faster and deeper.

I love being the king's whore, Sarah thought.

She enjoyed all the benefits that came with her position - the fancy clothes, the comfortable bed, the warm baths, the nice food - but she loved nothing more than lying on her back with her legs spread so King Harold could enjoy all she had to offer. During her brief time at the brothel, Madam Alice had instructed Sarah on the proper way to treat customers. They were always to pretend the men were so pleasing in bed that they made the whores climax. That never happened, of course - well, almost never - but faking an orgasm made the customer feel special.

There was no need to fake anything with Harold. He knew exactly how to make Sarah climax, which happened at least once, and usually twice, each time they went to bed. She felt a climax approaching as Harold worked his cock deep inside. It happened just after he finally shoved his cock all the way inside her. It was a small orgasm, but very pleasant, and Harold was gratified when he felt Sarah's pussy throbbing.

Everything was so arousing that Harold couldn't help going faster, and faster, as his excitement overwhelmed him. It excited Sarah to know that his passion was growing so heated. She liked it when it seemed there was an animal inside him. At such times, Harold's treatment of Sarah grew rough. She thought it was manly. It was flattering to imagine that she aroused him so much that he could barely control himself.

Harold's own climax was near. Sarah knew that his cock seemed to quiver at such times. His thrusts became jerky, and his breath grew rapid. Sarah's own excitement began to overwhelm her, and she knew their climaxes would happen soon.

That's when Harold withdrew from her body, took his cock in hand, placed the head against her tight little butthole, and pushed. It took a bit of force, but Sarah soon realized the head of his cock was lodged firmly in her ass.

It hurt! It was tight! Harold's cock was bigger than the butt plugs Sarah got from the Queen Mother, and she felt searing pain coming from the most delicate part of her body. Harold saw the grimace on her face and he felt her body stiffen.

"It will feel better in a moment. I promise," Harold said.

Sarah doubted that, but she did her best to tolerate this invasion up her backside. She realized her whole body was tense, so she tried to relax. Immediately, her pain in her ass diminished. It didn't feel good - not yet - but at least it was no longer agonizing. Harold's cock felt enormous. In some ways that was a good thing, but it was also a bad thing.

Harold kept his promise to be as gentle as he could, but every fiber of his body urged him to shove his cock all the way up Sarah's delicate little ass. He went in deeper by increments, going a bit farther every time he moved his cock in and out. It never stopped hurting, but Sarah began to imagine she could tolerate what was happening.

Harold was only about half way deep when his climax began. He'd been right on the edge when he withdrew from Sarah's pussy, and feeling the tight grip of her ass gave him an overwhelming urge to fill her bottom with his cum. Sarah's ass was so tight and sensitive that it was overwhelming when she felt Harold's cock begin to throb. He flooded her insides with warm wetness as he came, and came, and came.

The intensity of the sensations forced Sarah to have the most powerful orgasm of her life. She screamed. She shook her head back and forth violently. Harold felt the strong muscles of her rectum clamp down on his cock so forcefully it pinched off the cum that was still shooting from his cock. It was a long time before Sarah relaxed enough for Harold to finish cumming inside her.

"Ohhhh!!! Ohhhh!!! Ohhhh!!!" Sarah said as Harold's cock slipped wetly from inside her. She trembled uncontrollably. Harold held her tight as her body shook the bed. It might have been frightening if not for the tone of her voice when Sarah began to scream. It was pitched in a way that made it clear she was howling because she was overtaken by a potent thrill. Harold knew she'd experienced some pain, but he also knew she'd experienced a great deal of pleasure. So had he.


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