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A Wife's Decent Ch. 06


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Jim's eyes roamed all over Emily's body for a long time. My mind quickly filled in the thought that he was inspecting a cow for purchase which was probably how he was also thinking of this interaction. Jennifer made a quick motion to Michelle, who turned and increased the speed of the vibrator to cause Emily to react more strongly by causing her worn out body to increase its movements and her moaning.

He looked up to Jennifer and asked "has she calved?" I thought I didn't hear that right but Michelle seemed to have caught on and quickly answered "Just once" to which he nodded and continued "You said she's intending to breed? Do you know for sure she's not barren?" Michelle just grinned and snapped back "Well, we'll soon find out!". That brought a smile to his face but the direction and tone of this conversation was making me nervous.

He stood and moved around to the front of Emily's head. He turned to Jennifer asking "Can I see the face?". She simply reached down and gently lifted Emily's head up off the frame just enough to let Jim see Emily's face. Jim stooped lower and studied Emily's face intensely but it was clear Emily was in no condition to respond, and probably didn't even have any idea what all was going on. Michelle took it upon herself to help things along and give the vibrator another notch up.

After a long time, he simply commented, "Beautiful, truly a beautiful one." Getting back up and he then moved to the side of Emily closest to me, which partially blocked my view, and knelt down again on one knee as he said "You were right Jennifer, she's got big udders! We'll have to get a different milking station that fits this cow better so those udders hang freely even with the milking cups attached." She replied, still on the other side "Yes, I've never had to accommodate udders anywhere near this size, I'll have a proper station set up for the next commission." He seems to just stare at Emily's breasts but with his back to me I now can't see his expression.

Looking up to Jennifer "Can I inspect them?" in response to that question, she just looks directly to Michelle. I wonder if Jennifer just thinks I'm too out of it to respond or if she hopes that Michelle is more likely to give a positive answer. Michelle quickly snaps "Of course, we're all here to let the man inspect the property!". He wastes no time in reaching out and I see his arm moving but his body blocks my view of what he's doing. I do hear Emily moaning even more strongly but her tone is definitely even more exhausted than it was just a few moments ago. His arm moves a lot, I assume to thoroughly feel all over both of Emily's breasts. He then gets up and comments to Jennifer "Wonderful weight and mass distribution, very fully formed. This cow really has a wonderful combination of firmness and maturity. Usually it's the heifers who have this kind of tone while the older cows get worn out quickly. This is really a unique property you have here Jennifer.". He was obviously very impressed with my wife, this made me weirdly proud.

Jennifer was beaming with pride also "Thank you Sir! I knew she would be perfect for your tastes." he moves a little towards Emily's butt and legs. I can't see Jim's face to read any indication of what he might be thinking, but he seems to be in deep thought as he stares up and down Emily's body. Then, without a word, he bends down and reaches out to start rubbing Emily's bare butt. I wonder if this is just Jim getting more excited, his response to Michelle's saying we're here for him to 'inspect the property,' or both? He keeps rubbing both sides of Emily's butt and mumbles "fine rump on this cow. Plenty of area for a nice brand." That causes my eyes to open but I'm still too dumbfounded to really respond.

He stands and turns to Jennifer "So she's only calved once? Let me see the vulva, that body almost looks like a heifer!" My mind heard but couldn't process what he just said, I guess between how surreal all this was and the shock of the hours of seeing such strange things, I was totally unable to respond. Jennifer jumped into action and motioned to Michelle "come over here and help me, will you?" Jennifer moved to one side of Emily and quickly started undoing some of the attachments that held Emily's hips to the frame while Michelle did the same on Emily's other side. Jim moved to a position behind Emily and knelt down right behind Emily's butt. With Jim's eyes fixed to Emily's butt, Jennifer and Michelle seemed to strain to lift Emily off of the saddle. Jennifer blocked my view of Emily's butt but once it seemed they had lifted a bit I could see Jim face light up as he exclaimed "This sure looks like a heifer to me." Jim then started to stand while maintaining his wide grin "She's a right sloppy mess from that saddle but I can see she's practically a heifer. I hope she doesn't turn out to be barren. Totally amazing." I wasn't sure what he was talking about, but my cock was throbbing and rock solid.

Jennifer and Michelle seemed to suddenly let go of Emily's butt and I could hear it sort of 'plop' as they left Emily to just rest on the saddle. They didn't reattach anything to the frame and Jennifer walked towards the door with Jim as they spoke quietly between themselves. Emily's newly freed hips were moving slowly on the vibrating saddle but no one seemed to really be paying attention. Michelle and I were focused on Jennifer and Jim, I was wondering what would be next. They stopped near the door while Jim spoke and gestured and Jennifer nodded quietly. Jim then suddenly turned and left, leaving Jennifer to turn into the room and take charge of things again. "OK, turn that saddle off. Let's get this poor girl off this thing."

The three of us quickly move to free Emily from the fame and lay her down on the floor to recover. Emily is moaning and mumbling incoherently for a long time but eventually starts to recover and come back to reality. Her nipples look very different, obviously much bigger, darker and I'd swear they looked damp. Michelle has been talking softly to Emily, complementing her for how she handled all this and I add an encouraging word here and there too.

Emily turns her head to avoid everyone's stare "Oh, I've been soo horrible. I can't believe all that happened. Was I hallucinating or did that man really inspect me like an animal?". I started to worry that things went too far but Michelle seemed to know how to handle this "Emily, you were so hot and sexy. Chris loved every second. And that man, Jim, was totally enthralled with you." From the floor my wife looked at the three of us confused. I looked at Michelle, she simply smiled down at my wife "Well done Emily, you are a perfect Hucow."

Jennifer quickly added "Yes, he was telling me some of what he is contemplating. You guys stand to make a LOT of money." I couldn't believe my ears and Emily clearly had no idea what was going on.

We let Emily rest a while more while going over what had happened. Although Emily seemed totally out of it for the period that Jim was here, she seemed to remember it all and told us how humiliated and embarrassed she was by the way he "inspected" her. Michelle joked with her that it wasn't just the saddle that caused her to get so wet and Emily blushed deeply and nodded slightly. When Emily had recovered enough, we helped her get dressed and got her back out to the car to take her home for some much needed rest.

Before the date

"It's weird knowing that I'm getting ready for this." Emily was sitting in the tub, hot water and bubbles all around her. I was sitting on the loo seat with a smirk on my face as I watched her boobs bobbing about in the water, floating as they do. Her rose tattoo on her right boob making the odd appearance through the bubbles.

It was Friday early evening and my wife was being picked up for her date and more with Nate in about an hour. I had been provided instructions from both Michelle and Nate on how Emily should be dressed, what she'd need, when she was coming back to me. There was also this rule that though this evening was very likely to lead to her having sex we weren't supposed to talk about it. It was all so bizarre but entirely of my own making.

"A woman looking good for a date. Nothing new there." I was playing by the rules and enjoying it.

She didn't look up at me but continued to swirl the water around with her hand. "Yer but this woman has a husband and he's helping her. This woman has nipple rings." And she grabbed one of them and pulled on it. "This woman's date is a different race to her." She pulled again. "This woman will next see her husband again tomorrow at lunch." This time she looked up at me with a grimace.

No nodded "Yer I know."

A few minutes later she was sat on a towel on the closed toilet seat, her legs wide apart. I was kneeling before her between them, running a razer over her pussy lips as carefully as I could. "I still don't get why you have to do this." There were nerves in her words, I fully understood why.

"I'm being careful, love." I didn't look up, I didn't want to cause a nick. "I think it's for me."

She grunted an acknowledgment "You like doing this?"

I nodded and continued "Ummhmm."

"You like the thought that you're preparing my pussy for Nate?"

My cock throbbed and it sent a pulse through my body, this could get risky. "Yes" trying to steady myself.

She understood and waited till I'd finished. I knelt back on my heels and wiped her down with some of the towel. It looked perfect, I'd taken great care in preparing her pussy for him. He's asked for her to be clean shaven and Michelle had said that I have to do it. In his words from the chat message 'When I fill you up and stretch you out and I want to feel us, skin to skin as much as we can. I want the condom to be the only thing between us.' I'd re-read that sentence so many times, I think Emily had too.

"Tell me what it looks like honey."

I swallowed and just stared at her bald naked pussy. It was still slightly open from the dildo that we'd been fucking her with for the last hour. Again more instructions from Michelle. 'Use that huge dildo on her for a good 40 mins before you get her ready. Chris I don't want your cock anywhere near her. She can cum as much as you both like but I want her pussy slick, clear and ready for more action.' Emily had bitten at that in the text messages, tell her to stop being so crude but Michelle had pushed back calling her a slut and telling her to get used to it. I farness Michelle was correct, Emily and I had just had great fun working her into a frenzy. She'd managed to get more of that dildo into her than before. She'd taken to it as some sort of personal challenge.

"You're slightly open and look like you're a little juicy still." I gulped again, she didn't move. "You look amazing, so sensual, so sexual." I realised that we were both stretching into the 'don't talk about sex' rules a little but I didn't care.

"Doesn't it look child-like?"

God no, hah, "Not at all honey, geezus, you look so wanton. It looks like it's just crying out for attention and action."

She chuckled and stood up "Right what on earth am I supposed to wear?" and headed into the bedroom where, as instructed I'd laid everything out. As she walked past me I couldn't help but notice the large black spade tattoo on her ankle. I of course 100% knew what the plan was for it. I was wondering if this was the last time I would see the spade outline only.

I followed her into our bedroom, watching her sexy ass and hips sway and undulate with each step.

I'd originally thought they were going to some fancy restaurant, but that idea had apparently changed. I guess from the outfit it was a club or something but couldn't be sure. She looked it all over and didn't draw attention to any of it. There was actually a lot of stuff on the bed. I'd sent Michelle and Nate a picture as instructed. My eyes were glued to the bra and I could be sure that Emily hadn't spotted the secret to it. I was wondering what she'd make of it when she worked it out.

She stood there with her arms on her hips looking down at it all. "You guys and dressing me up like a doll", she huffed a good natured sigh. "And I'm not allowed to take anything with me again?" Just like her weekend with Terry she was to leave with just what she had on. This time though there was a lot more clothing and it was for a shorter period, curious.

She picked up the black lacy garter belt and handed it behind her to me as she started to fiddle with the black seamed stockings. I made swift work from behind her putting it around her small stomach, making sure I knocked her boobs whilst doing so. It sat high on her hips, as I did up the hooks and making sure the two straps at the back were correctly lined up dangling loosely down over her butt cheeks.

She turned around and sat on the end of the bed pulling each stocking into place carefully up her long toned legs. Standing before me once she was happy, her hand back on her hips. I knew my next job and knelt before her, attaching both front garter straps to the stocking tops to hold them up. "You guys and these things," making reference to the fiddling needed as she turned for me to do the same at the back. Weirdly I'd become quite adept at sorting stockings on her recently and had both of them locked in place easily. The seam was damn near perfect the first time.

I was still on my knees behind her when a tiny bit of cloth landed near me. I knew it was the transparent lacy black thong and I knew I was to help her put it on. As I slid it up her thighs I couldn't help but wonder, would Nate be doing the opposite shortly or would his manhood just push them to one side while he fucked my wife?

Once they were up she turned to face me and I swiftly had to adjust them around her pussy as one side had gone in rather than cupping her mound. I stayed kneeling and looked up her body, I couldn't see her face as it was blocked by her giant tits hanging there. Shuffling back I watched with bated breath as she started to fumble with the bra.

"You fuckers." She's spotted the problem right away. "Seriously?" she paused a second to look at me. I just shrugged. "Who's idea was this?" I knew she hadn't spotted that in the chat, I remember being surprised there was no reaction when Michelle had suggested it.

"Michelle love."

She tutted, "Geezzzus" and carried out sorting it out. Once done up and her cups adjusted she looked down at me "Well come and help me then".

Standing up with my now even more obvious trouser tent I leaned forward to help her pull her pierced nipples through the small slits in the bra. This was another job I enjoyed. It was always fun to play with her huge boobs and knowing that I was helping put them on display even more was really exciting.

When we'd finished she looked a treat. Her long legs encased in those luxury stockings, held up by a matching garter, just made me want to caress them. The tiny see-through thong really was tiny, pulled tight against her lips, more showing them off than covering them. I doubt they were comfortable. Her bra was holding her boobs up high and out, making them look like two huge footballs on her chest. Her large nipple rings grinning through the slits they were sticking through.

And I was sending this goddess, my wife, to go fuck a stranger. I must have been nuts.

She handed me the black skirt which I lowered, she stepped into it and I enjoyed the slow slide of the material up her legs. Stretching it over her hips, pulling top and bottom to get it to fit. It was very tight and wasn't too short, nicely covering her stocking tops, but the tightness made me think that she'd be struggling to keep it in place all night.

Emily then proceeded to pull the white knitted crop top over her head. I sat back on my heels in front of her to watch. It took her an age to get it right. It was a long sleeve, fold over crop top that was tight over her boobs and I mean really tight. Her nipple rings were so obvious as were the thick bra straps on her shoulders. She looked very stylish and of course sexy as hell.

"Well?" and she struck a pose.

I whistled at her "God darn love. You look rocking."

"Not too slutty?" and she winked at me.

I wasn't sure how to reply, I mean she looked very slutty. But that was the point. Damn she could be a porn star. For the second time in as many days I was thinking that I could retire if she'd play the OnlyFans game.

But this day, this event, this dress up was for him. It was for her first black cock. Just thinking that made me groan out loud as my cock pulsed. I was trying to picture them both. Her lying down on her back, her legs spread wide. His contrasting dark skin hovering over her body.

"Chris?" she tutted.

Looking up at her face "Yer" and I grinned.

She shook her head in reply "I can only imagine what's going through your head.". She looked herself up and down and shook her head again "Look at what you guys have done to me." she smirked at me.

I stood up and walked to her. Poking her in the stomach with my hard cock we embraced and kissed. A long, loving, lusty, hot kiss. God I loved this woman.

After Emily finished dressing we started walking downstairs when we heard Michelle at the front door. As soon as we reached the bottom of the stairs, Michelle announced "Come on girl. Time to get you out on the town." I'd not heard Michelle enter the house and I didn't realise that she was going with her. Here to make sure she didn't bottle it? Even after her session with Terry and his friends this was different, this was more intimate.

Michelle gave Emily a once over look and nodded approvingly as she continued "You look gorgeous. Nate said he'd be early so we should get going.".

"I thought Nate was picking her up?" I asked both ladies.

Emily shifted her eyes to the floor. Sensing Emily's reluctance, Michelle quickly took charge, "OK, time to go." This is why she was here, I got it now.

With a quick glance to me Michelle says "Chris, you stay home tonight, I'll get Emily to where she needs to go." I manage to utter a subdued "I love you Emily" which causes Emily to look up from the ground at me and flash me a weak smile as Michelle took her arm and marched her out of the house. Hearing the car doors outside and the motor fade I settle in for another quiet night with my imagination running wild.

I hear nothing all night. Somehow I sleep well, my mind simply playing over porn videos but with my wife as the star.

Michelle texted me the next morning telling me to get ready to go meet my wife for lunch. She picked me up and we drove out to a neighbourhood I had never been to. Parking along the side of the road we sat in silence. My nerves were too unsettled to engage with Michelle and she seemed content to just play on her phone. It was strange waiting there for my wife to appear from somewhere. This was to be an intimate moment between Emily and myself, but Michelle was here. No doubt to add an extra kink to it somehow. I wasn't really concerned.

After a short time she looked at me and grinned, "Walk of shame coming up."

Turning to look around as I wasn't sure which direction she was going to come from. We were parked with a large green space on my right, plenty of young families playing. The road didn't have many cars travelling and not many were parked. There were plenty of flats on the left side of the road, smart student accommodation, not much life at this time in the morning. There was the odd youngster walking by and on this beautiful sunny Saturday, they were dressed accordingly. It was a treat to see the odd young female totty out, strutting their stuff.

Michelle either knew exactly where to park or we got lucky, our position was perfect as I spotted her. Looking out the windshield we can see my wife from quite a distance away walking on the side of the road next to the park area on my right. From this distance all I can really see is that she's walking slowly, her hair is in a bit of disarray, and she seems to be looking at the ground. She's trying to hide, I smirked, I liked this. She was obviously dressed the same as I last saw her, except I think she's not wearing the stockings

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