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A Working Holiday

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A holiday has unexpected consequences, a wife and daughter.
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Hi, I'm Nicola Latham, nee Wilson thirty-four, married to Charlie Latham, forty-two. When I met him, my daughter Elizabeth, Lizzie was six months old, and I was just sixteen, now Lizzie has just turned eighteen. Charlie is 6'3" and I think well fit. I am 5'9" tall, and a natural redhead, with green eyes, thanks to my Irish mother. I work out and swim every week. Charlie will say my tits are a standout feature, literally. At 36D 25 37, he has a point, I've got long legs, and I think a not bad bum, thanks to the hundred a day squats. Lizzie is an inch shorter, her boobs 34C. Neither of us had any tattoos or piercing other than our ears naturally.

I am a local government officer for Reading council, Liz is taking a gap, before going to Canterbury to study for her degree. And Charlie, well he has a recently expanded business which carries out health and safety compliance to both the private and public sector.

Working Holiday.

We sat in the office of our investment managers office. He'd taken care of our affairs for ten years, but this was the first time he'd had a worried look on his face, usually he was all smiles.

"Charlie, Nicola, you've got a cashflow issue, it's going to be a rough six months to a year if you're lucky, so tighten your belts but plan for it lasting two years. The war in Ukraine is the root cause, plus your expansion which went well over budget, now with the Middle East.... Well, you don't need me to tell you, you already know."

"We could sell some of our assets," I put in.

"That would be shortsighted in my opinion Nicola, plus it wouldn't get you very far, so many of your investments are long term ones including bonds and gilts, and as I said the drop in the markets...."

We walked hand in hand back to the car, both depressed, though deep down, what he'd told us we already knew.

"We need a plan Nicola, for starters we can cancel the holiday."

"And get how much back?" I snapped, "zero, that's what, so no we are going, especially if the next year or two is going to be total shit!"

It wasn't Charlie's fault, we'd been planning the holiday for ages, and now?

"Well, it's still three weeks away, perhaps something will turn up," Charlie said, even if he didn't believe it himself, and neither did I.

The drive home was short, and silent. As we drove onto the driveway, I suddenly remembered.

"Fuck Charlie, we're expected at Anuska's for that party tonight!"

"At least they'll be plenty of booze!"


I'd been friends with Anuska since she and her husband, Rob, had moved in six or seven months ago, and had become firm friends, even if our husbands were keeping to the convention that in England one did not speak to ones neighbours for four or five years, and then only talk about the weather. Rob didn't play, or even like rugby, Charlies number on topic of conversation, cricket being the other.

"Don't bloody well just stand there watching me putting my makeup on, you know how much I hate that!" I snapped.

"I'll be downstairs then," a chastened Charlie replied, checking me out before reluctantly he left.

I did my face, nothing OTT, minimal, and subtle. Plain black underwear, plain and functional. My bra plain, my knickers plain and high waisted, with full bottom coverage, plus tights. Charlie hates tights. I had better in my bottom drawer, Charlie brought them for me in a mad moment just before lockdown, and there they remained, unworn. I prefer comfort. I chose a pair of studs over more elaborate earrings.

Twenty minutes later, I walked down the stairs. My red hair was loose on my shoulders. My dress was new, coming to just above the knee, it was blue with long sleeves and a round neck from M&S. And flats, whereas Charlie would like me to wear heels, because he doesn't know how they pinch, and make my feet, and back ache. My Mum would consider what I had on as "uninspiring!" Not my problem, I was comfortable.

Two minutes later, we were ringing our neighbour's Anuska and Rob's doorbell, wishing I'd not accepted the invite. Too late, the door opened. The men shook hands, I air kissed Rob, Anuska's husband, then kissed each of her cheeks, as she kissed mine, giving me a firm hug.

Anuska was originally from South Sudan, and it showed in her complexion, she had the most beautiful skin, soft, and blemish free. She was wearing a black jumpsuit, which showed off her mono-chrome tattoo, which covered her entire upper right arm from the elbow up, it was unzipped to below her pierced belly button. I'd never have the confidence to wear it like that, then her boobs were small, a B cup, I'd need several rolls of "tit tape," to keep me decent. I saw Charlie had noticed, which was just typical of him. Around her neck she wore, as she always did, a thick gold band, a torc I think they're called, which was probably worth as much as our house, and possibly theirs as well. She'd told me once that it couldn't be removed unless her head was cut off first. She'd laughed, but it had been a false one, where her eyes took on a sad faraway look.

While Charlie went off with Rob, Anuska led me to kitchen, where all the girls were hanging. A couple I knew, several I did not. They were all friendly, and welcoming, and a vodka slimline was soon in my hand, complete with ice and a slice. Anuska was a generous host, as soon as I'd finished my first, she handed me a second.

"Better?" Anuska asked.

"Mmm, much."

"Let's go out onto the deck, shall we."

We were there, sitting on the deck, our feet in the hot tub, my mind seemed hazy, I shouldn't have had that third drink, which tasted a little "off." The water felt silky smooth on my feet and legs, the light breeze caressed my bare skin. I saw Charlie and Rob staring at us and couldn't understand why. Then Anuska kissed me, not a little peck, but a full-on French one, and as she did, I suddenly knew what the boys had been looking at, as Anuska cupped my bare breast and ran her thumb over my sensitive and erect nipple. I tried to pull back, but she put her hand on the back of my head, pulling me tight as our bare breasts squashed against each other. Then I just enjoyed the moment, and responded to her kiss, by kissing her back.

We seemed to kiss forever, her kiss was so soft, like marshmallows I remember thinking. Then she broke, looked at me and smiled.

"That felt good, didn't it Nikki."

I was slightly breathless, almost panting, but I managed to nod.

Then she kissed me again.

Then we were in the water, enjoying the sensations of the jets. I looked back to where Charlie and Rob were, but they'd gone, as had my knickers. Then another woman kissed me, she had something in her mouth, which she pushed into mine with her tongue, forcing it all the way in, and didn't stop until I swallowed. Then I was floating, and not on water, although perhaps I was. It was like a dream, so sensual, then I floated away, where all our money troubles didn't exist, and Anuska told me not to worry about any of it, because it would all be alright in the end, she'd make sure it was. I kissed her again, knowing it would be, because she'd said so.

Three weeks and one day later or was it two?

The light plane landed with a bump, then taxied to the small airport building, well shed. The sun shone from a clear blue sky. God was in her heaven, and all was right with the world.

And then it wasn't, it most definitely wasn't.

There was only one other couple on the light plane that had flown us to the island after the ten-hour flight from London to French Guiana, them and us, me, Charlie and our eighteen-year-old daughter Lizzie. The rep from the resort looked at his clip board, then checked again.

"Sorry but you're not on my list," he said, whilst at the same time checking out both myself and Liz, not that she or Charlie noticed, as the weekly plane took off, heading back to the mainland.

"Look I am sure there is some reason, but in any case, you can't wait here, so let's get to the resort, and get to the root of the problem, someone in the office has cocked up, so don't worry."

I wasn't worrying, until he said not to, and now I couldn't do anything but worry.

The resort was on the other side of the privately owned island, an island we didn't know existed until Anuska, my friend and neighbour recommended it to us. That was when we could afford to be here, now we couldn't, but as it had all been paid for ages ago, we intended to make the most of it, as I'd told Anouska when we had a heart to heart in her hot tub following our visit to our financial advisor weeks ago, then it had all come out, including how much I hated my job apparently, did I hate it that much? Well, she said I'd said I did.

The resort was everything we'd imagined, adults only. We'd thought long and hard about coming here with Liz, but in the end thought why not she's an adult, and now we were here.

"I am sorry, but we don't have a reservation for you, do you have your confirmation?"

Charlie did and showed it to the woman. She read it, then typed away on her computer.

"It says here your credit card was declined, and an email was sent to you Sir stating that, but no reply was forthcoming."

"I never received that," Charlie said, frowning.

"We do have a room, but not at the discounted price, do you want it, it's the only one available for guests."

"We'll take it," I said quickly, thinking we'll worry about the cost when we get home.

"Your credit card please, which will be linked to your resort account."

Charlie passed the card over, and we waited hearts in our mouths.

"I am so sorry, the card is declined, with an order for it to be retained, do you have another?"

We didn't, and our hopes of a holiday went down the drain.

"I think you all need to speak to the resort manager, please take a seat, and I'll call her."

"What are we going to do Charlie," I asked once we were seated.

"I don't understand it, I was sure the card is good, and I never got an email after we'd booked."

"Good job the flights were paid for separately, at least we can get home."

"Mr and Mrs Latham, and Elizabeth?" A tall statuesque woman asked in an accent I couldn't pin down. She was dressed in a short skirted and tight linen suit, her black hair pulled back tightly, giving her a severe appearance.

"Yes," Charlie said, standing.

"Please come through to my office, where we can discuss your issues in private."

Her office was spacious, with an antique teak desk dominating the room, an erotic, almost obscene picture on the wall, of two women connected by a golden dildo, which I struggled not to look at, there was something about it, then she spoke, and the picture was all but forgotten.

"You have a problem, you can't pay to holiday here, and there isn't a flight out until this time next week, even if you could afford it. Your flight isn't for four weeks according to my information, is that correct?"

"No, it's three weeks, but otherwise yes."

"You should check your booking details, now is there anyone that can pay your bill?"

"I can't think of anyone," Charlie said, "what can we do?"

"There are only three options on this island, you pay to stay on resort, or you work on resort. The third is I call the Gendarmerie from the mainland."

"Do you have work for us," I asked.

"For you and your daughter we always have work, and it's very well paid, for you Mr Latham we have a number of manual jobs, depending on what skills you may have."

"Will I be able to pay our debt?"

"Mr Latham, very doubtful, but you two ladies, yes, and possibly within the timescale to give you all a week's holiday at the end of that time, should you still wish it."

"We'll do it," I said.

"Not so quickly, we need to carry out some checks, and discuss what work you are willing to undertake."


Charlie was taken off to speak with the maintenance manager, leaving me and Liz in the office, where we were joined by another woman, Sophie who was in charge of women workers. I had an uneasy feeling about where this was going.

"You'll both come with me, we need to do a blood test on you both, when did you both last have your period," Sophie asked.

"Why do you need to know that?" I asked.

"Why do you think, this is an adult only resort, when you chose to come here you must have asked what sort of woman would work here, and what that work entailed."

"We both finished two days ago," Liz said, speaking for the first time.

"On the pill?"

"I am, Mum's not, Dad's been done."

We filled out various forms, I was still in a daze, shocked at the unexpected turn of events. Still unable to believe what was happening. Then we had a blood sample taken in the medical centre, plus an unwanted smear, then a couple of jabs. We just went along with what they wanted, what choice did we have? I was either in shock, or denial, Liz was more pragmatic.


Our room wasn't what we'd been expecting. It was clean, and basic, two double beds in the one room, with an ensuite, that was open to the room, separated only by a green glassed "not very" modesty screen.

"Hardly a five-star resort experience!" I said to Charlie.

"I'm sorry, all my fault, but I honestly don't remember any correspondence saying there was a problem with the payment, and nothing from the bank either."

"So, what's your job?" I asked.

"Grounds maintenance, yours?"

"Well, it's waitressing, mainly."

Liz laughed, "well you could call it that!"

"Let's go and eat, me and Liz have a meeting in an hour or so."

"Good plan, I'm starving."


The sun was shining when my alarm sounded, Charlie had left I don't know how long ago, but when it was barely light. Liz was still out cold, so I showered, waking her in the progress. Once she'd showered, we went down to breakfast, finding it half empty, we'd almost finished when Sophie found us.

"Have both taken your tablets?"

She was referring not only to Liz's contraceptive, but to the ones we'd been given. PrEP, and a vitamin tablet. We both had.

"Why do we need to take them again," Liz asked.

"The PrEP is an Aids prevention tablet, the other..."

"You're assuming we both going to be fucking the other guests aren't you."

"Pour des putes comme vous deux, c'est la seule façon pour vous deux de gagner assez d'argent pour quitter cette île, alors oui, vous serez des putes et gagnerez beaucoup d'argent, pour nous et pour vous."

Liz blushed, her French was better than mine although putes sounded like puta in Spanish, so I could guess some of what she had said.

"Yes, we've taken them, but don't call us whores," I told her, which only made her smile.

"Right let's get you your work clothes and have the beauty department show you how you will do your makeup while you work here."

We looked at ourselves in the mirror, and then each other.

"They can't be serious!"

"They are but let's face it we wouldn't be wearing much more on the beach, would we," Liz said.

"We wouldn't be made up like this, nor would we be wearing six inch stilettoes, which by the way are going to kill our feet by the end of the day."

"That long!"

We'd both had our eyebrows shaped, all body hair below that removed, except for a small landing strip between our legs, which left both our labia's bare, even our rosebuds had, had an anal bleaching, though why anyone would want to go through that indignity was beyond me. Now we stood like a pair of tarts in just a thong, which just, and I mean only just covered our mons.

"I don't get these things on our arms."

"Me neither, but all the girls have them, they're part tracker, and part.... Well, the lights are some sort of code for what we are available for. So, ours are dark blue, which means we are only waitresses, the other colours indicate..."

"Yes, I get that, no need to go into detail, as we will not be going there, will we!"

Liz didn't reply.

We were assigned the bar and pool areas. We started by having a walk through, weaving our separate ways between the sun loungers, and including the "private" booths, which were no such thing. We'd both worked as waitresses before, me ages ago, Liz much more recently, but never topless, or in these bloody heels. I was called over to three people in a booth, one woman, two men.

"Two mojitos and a beer please," one of the men said, running his hand up the inside of my leg as he did so. He'd almost reached my crotch, when I stepped away, much to his disappointment.

"She's new, look at her light," the woman informed him, "give her a day or two."

I went off to fill their order, there was no money to take, as all drinks were included in the price of the holiday. When I returned to them, she was being fucked by the "handsy" man and blowing his friend. This time, "handsy" man went straight to my bum, squeezing a cheek firmly, and as I bent to place the drinks on their table, he ran a finger across the outside of my thong, tracing the slit of my pussy, before I moved on to the next customer.

The morning progressed, being touched up was part and parcel of our work, whether we liked it or not. Not, but my nipples were hard, and my crotch "moist," shall we say. Everywhere it seemed someone was having some form of sex. That wasn't strictly true, it just seemed that way.

My last customer of my half shift was a mature brunette, I brought her order over to her. She might be a woman, but that made little difference. Her hand went straight to my crotch, barely covered by the flimsy thong that was my work uniform. I did my usual and went to move out of her reach.

"Don't you dare step away, you'll stay exactly where you are, until I say you may go," she ordered.

I didn't know what to do, and as I was wondering exactly that, she told me to move my legs apart, then her hand cupped me.

"So, you really do like that don't you."

I didn't reply.

"Answer me slut!"

"Yes madam."

As soon as I'd said it, I regretted it, and two fingers wormed their way into my thong, pushing it to one side.

"Wet," she pointed out to my embarrassment, then pushed a finger inside me, then rammed it home, all the time keeping eye contact with me.

"When your light changes to green, I'll want you, you and your red hair. Tell me, is that other red headed slut your sister?"

"Daughter," I breathed.

"I'll have you both together, whatever the cost, but don't wait too long, but I will have you both, even if it's unwillingly., which might be even more fun, at least for me." With that her fingers were gone. I made to pull my thong back into place.

"No, leave it was it is, get used to being exposed my red headed whore, now you're dismissed."

On jelly legs, I walked away, my sex exposed, and this was only day one. Fuck!

We had the afternoon off, largely due to the sun and our pale freckled skin, although we weren't the type of red heads that fried in the sun, but we did have to be careful, given this was our first proper day here. In the evening we would pull another shift. We laid on our beds, then suddenly it was time to get up, and eat, before it was time to work again on, as I predicted sore feet.


I had left the two girls sleeping and tried to creep out of the room without waking either of them, I didn't know what time they got in as I was out cold, being unused to manual labour, and did I ache. After a quick coffee I reported for my second day of work. I'd be working with Jay for the day, he was showing me the ropes. He wasn't or didn't seem to be the chatty sort. It was mid-morning, we'd just had coffee break, and still had a list of tasks to get through, when I saw a man fucking a woman from behind in the open, close to the pool, then a woman with terrific long legs, topless and wearing a barely there micro thong, that was high on her hips, and a pair of what I can only describe as stripper heels walk up to them, tray in hand, and served them drinks, as if it were perfectly normal, then he touched her bum, and I'd swear slipped a finger inside her thong, and from my vantage point, appeared to finger her.

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