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About That Kiss

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They discover, every cloud really does have a silver lining.
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This one is for the Nude Day Story Contest 2022. It's a bit of a slow burn, and I hope you enjoy it. As always, your votes and comments would be very much appreciated.

Everyone involved is over the age of eighteen, and more than happy with everything that's going on.


I should have my head examined. I don't know what I was thinking, agreeing to go camping for a whole week with my flaky sister.

"We'll have fun," she'd gushed, practically bouncing up and down, she was so excited. "Just like when we were kids. Remember, Dad would pitch a tent by the lake, and we'd toast marshmallows, and roast weenies on a campfire? Weren't those the best times ever?"

Yeah, except back then, I never got stranded by our parents.

We all noticed after breaking up with her on-again-off-again, sorry excuse for a boyfriend Todd, Kelsey just wasn't her usual bubbly self. So, naturally, when she suggested that the two of us do a little bonding in the great outdoors, I thought if it would help lift her spirits, then I'd be happy to spend some time away with her.

Silly me.

After a long grueling three hour drive up from the city, stuck in bumper-to-bumper traffic, all it took was one call from Todd, telling her he wanted to talk, and before I even got a chance to get my stuff out of the car, Kelsey was gone. Not only taking everything with her when she left, but also forgetting all about leaving her sister stuck in the middle of the nowhere.

Crawling out on my hands and knees, I had just poked my head out of the tent, looked up and saw Kelsey smiling from ear to ear, excitedly waving from the car window. "Meg, Todd called, and said he wants to talk. I'll be back as soon as I can. Wish me luck!" I never even got a chance to open my mouth to tell her to wait, much less grab my purse, or get my cell phone out of the car, before she gunned it and left.

Watching her disappear in a cloud of dust, I couldn't believe she'd just take off and abandon me.

Now, here I was, sitting cross-legged alone in the dark in our grandfather's musty old tent, with nothing but my sleeping bag from my girl scout days to keep me company.

Just my luck, no sooner had she gone, and it started to rain. I looked up, and could feel a fine mist coming through the roof, landing on my face. Great, now I was going to be soaked to the bone, too.

I guess, before she high-tailed it back to the city, after we'd managed to figure out how to put the tent up, we should have thought about stringing up the tarp, like dad had suggested. He said in case it rained, it would help protect the old canvas relic from getting water-logged, like it was doing now.

Of course, if Todd hadn't phoned and told her to come back, we might have done it, too.

Though, getting soaked was the last of my worries, when all I could think of was how badly I needed to pee. Rain or no rain, I had to find the facilities, and hopefully see where I could get some drinking water, before I died of thirst. Considering my feather-brained sister had also driven off with everything we'd packed, including a whole week's worth of food and water.

Carefully feeling my way down the dirt path, with only my strappy sandal-covered feet to guide me, I couldn't get over how dark it was out here in the woods. Gazing up, searching the sky, there wasn't even a hint of moonlight shining through the clouds to help me see where I was going.

"Shit!" I muttered, when I stumbled and nearly fell, sliding sideways on something laying across the path. I hoped it was just branch, and nothing weird like a snake. But whatever it was, at least it hadn't bit me.

Now, I just hoped I was heading in the right direction, or pretty soon I was going to forget about finding a bathroom and look for a place to squat.

Deciding I'd better just find somewhere to go, since I was practically walking with my legs crossed, I jumped when I heard a deep male voice call out, "Are you okay?"

I turned around, and heaved a sigh of relief when I saw that whoever he was, he not only had a flashlight, but a big yellow umbrella over his head, along with two empty water jugs. At least it looked like he knew where to find water.

The flashlight shining in my eyes, made it kind of hard to see his face, though. "I'm just trying to find the washrooms, and to see where I can get some drinking water." With a hand shielding my eyes, I squinted back at him, as he walked towards me.

"You don't have a flashlight?" He sounded surprised, but of course he had no idea that my sister was so focused on trying to mend things with her useless boyfriend, that she'd basically left me abandoned with nothing but the clothes on my back.

"No, I don't even have my phone, or I'd be using it to see where I'm going." He rushed up then, and held the umbrella over our heads. Smiling up at him, I murmured, "Thanks." As we walked along the path together, I explained what had happened, while trying to swat away the swarms of blood-thirsty little buggers, excitedly dive-bombing my bare legs.

"Well, hopefully she'll be back soon," he said. Knowing Kelsey, I had my doubts, but didn't bother to voice them.

I guess noticing that I was being eaten alive, from the way I was frantically slapping at my legs, he was kind enough to suggest, "I've got some bug spray in my camper that might help. But you should really be wearing jeans this time of night."

I rolled my eyes, wishing I was lucky enough to have a change of clothes. "Yeah, well, they're in my suitcase, along with all the rest of my stuff, heading back to the city with my sister."

Smiling, he chuckled. "Well, I've also got some sweatpants you could slip over your shorts, that'll at least cover your legs."

I had no clue who this guy was, but I was so happy he'd come along when he had, as I realized he might just be my only hope of survival.

When we got to the long wooden building set back in a clearing, big bright pot lights illuminating it from each corner, he pointed which way to go. "Ladies' is on the right. I'll get us some water, while you're in there."

"Thanks, uh..."

"It's Clay." Flashing a friendly smile, he extended his hand.

"And I'm Meg."

I couldn't help but notice the way his eyes lit up as we shook hands, taking a second to look me over in my little cut-offs and body-hugging T-shirt. "Nice to meet you, Meg."

Now that I could see him a little better with the footlights surrounding the building, I noticed one thing right away. He had kind eyes. And thankfully, didn't look like someone who'd want to do me any harm.

Then again, I don't think guys who were into attacking women, necessarily looked the part - or made a point of announcing their intentions.

Ted Bundy came to mind while I was inside at the sink, gulping down about a gallon of cold water. Once I'd washed my hands and face, I felt so much better, after I'd finally got a chance to release the horrible pressure that had been threatening to burst my bladder.

Clay was waiting outside, and offered me his arm on the walk back. Flashing each other smiles, we got a little closer under the umbrella, since it was really starting to come down hard.

Walking back down the path, his face lighting up with a smile, Clay drew in a deep breath. "I wish I could bottle this. Smells so much cleaner and fresher up here, especially with the rain coming down."

"Yeah, it really does." Taking a long breath of the fresh pine-scented air, I remembered that was another reason I'd agreed to spend a week out here. Hoping to get away from my hectic life at home and to enjoy a little fresh clean air, far from the hustle and bustle of the city, along with the creep who was hounding me.

Careful to watch our footing, we still moved pretty quickly, doing our best to get back before we got drenched.

I was surprised to see that Clay had the site across the road from ours, on the side of the road reserved for campers and motor homes. When he held the door open on his little silver camper, I didn't hesitate and stepped right in, just happy to get out of the rain.

"Hey, we're camped right across from you." I pointed out the window, as he walked around me to stand the umbrella up in the tiny shower stall to dry.

Standing beside me, he pulled a face at the sight of our sad looking old tent. "Too bad you don't have a tarp over that. With how hard it's coming down, and the way the roof's sagging, it looks like it might collapse."

Compared to where I'd be sleeping tonight, his little camper seemed positively luxurious, especially since the roof looked pretty solid, and was dry as a bone. "Yeah, I should probably head back and move my sleeping bag away from the sides to try and keep it dry, so I won't have to sleep in a wet bag."

He looked amused, probably thinking it was funny that I planned to spend the night in a soggy sleeping bag. Not that I had much choice.

Now that we were inside, I could see him better with the lights on, and took a moment to study his face. Suddenly, it dawned on me that I'd seen him before. "Hey, I recognize you from high school!"

From the way he smiled, he seemed pretty pleased that I'd remembered. "Yeah, I remember you, too. We danced together senior prom, to Ed Sheeran's, Perfect."

Wow! I couldn't believe he even remembered the name of the song. Thinking back to that night, I was even more surprised that shy, slightly awkward, Clayton Daniels, of all people, had got up the nerve to walk across the gym and ask me to dance. Especially with everyone staring at him wide-eyed. Some of the guys elbowing each other and laughing, probably not only thought, but hoped, that I'd make him look like a fool for even asking, and shoot him down in front of everyone.

Although we never hung out in the same circles, since I was in the band and drama club, and Clayton was into robotics and computers, I'd always admired him, thought he was kind of cute, and liked the smile in his eyes whenever we said hello.

He was super smart, too. And I was happy when I'd heard that he'd gotten a full scholarship to an ivy league college. Especially, knowing it might have been the only way he could have gone, since I don't think his family had much money.

Unfortunately, I also remember him getting picked on almost non-stop. Not only for being so brainy, but also for being reed thin and well over six feet tall, with a bit of an overbite. Which naturally made him a prime target for the school bullies, who thought it was funny to call him names like Bucky or Bugs to try and get a rise out of him.

But I gotta say, as I let my gaze slide over him now, he looked pretty good, and had filled out pretty nicely. Must have had his teeth done too, since his smile was amazing, and really lit up his long-lashed sky-blue eyes. Now his reddish-brown hair had some style, and wasn't hanging down over his ears anymore. No wonder I didn't recognize him at first, back then, though I'd liked him, and always said hello when we'd pass each other in the hallway, I would never have imagined he'd grow up to be such a hottie.

I nearly jumped when Clay broke into my musings when he suggested, "How about I go fetch your sleeping bag, and you can sleep in here tonight?" He nodded at the padded bench that ran along the wall. "That turns into a pullout. I'll sleep on that, and you can have the bed. If I were you, I wouldn't risk sleeping in that tent. You'll be a lot safer, and sleep a lot sounder in here, especially with a storm brewing."

When I hesitated, he rolled his eyes and pulled out his phone. "I don't have an ulterior motive for inviting you stay, Meghan. I just want to make sure you'll be okay. If you don't trust me, you can call your family and tell them that you're here with me."

"Oh, it's not that. I know I can trust you. I just wouldn't feel right about taking your bed. If you really don't mind me staying, how about I sleep on the bench and you can sleep in there?" I pointed at the big comfy-looking bed, that I could see behind a curtain.

I could tell I wasn't going to win, though, when he shook his head, his eyes lighting up with his grin. "Well, I wouldn't be much of a gentleman, if I denied you a good night's sleep in a proper bed, by making you sleep out here, now would, I?"

Before I could say anything else, he grabbed the umbrella, opened the door, as we both looked up at the sound of the rain really starting to hammer down on the roof. Clay nodded as he looked outside. "Its coming down so hard now, I think I'd better get your sleeping back before it floats away."

He came back with it tucked under his arm, walked over and turned on the small space heater. "It's only a little damp on one side, I'll put it by the heater to dry out."

While he was gone, I took a longer look around his little camper, and thought the place was not only cozy but really well laid out. "You've got a really nice set-up here, Clay. It's a lot roomier than it looks from outside."

He glanced around then, too. "Yeah, I found this little gem at a garage sale. Guy only wanted a few hundred bucks for it. Said he was getting ready to tow it to the dump, since no one seemed to want it. I spent a few years remodeling it in my spare time, and now it's got everything I need." He pointed out what he'd done. "Got a nice little kitchen area, small bathroom with a shower, sleeping area, and a place to sit and eat, that doubles as a bed."

I nodded, impressed by his handy work. "I really like that it's feels so warm and cozy."

"Yeah, I didn't want anything too big. I figure, this is all the space I need." His gaze settled on mine. "I was just going make some dinner. Have you eaten yet?"

I hoped he couldn't hear my stomach growling when I lied and said, "You, go ahead, I'm okay." He was being so kind, I couldn't ask him to feed me, too.

Seeing right through me, I could the amusement in his eyes. "I didn't ask if you were okay, Meghan. I asked if you'd had dinner. And since I can hear your stomach grumbling from here, I'm guessing that would be a no."

Bad enough I was invading his space, I hated having to depend on him for every bite I ate. "No," I admitted. "I haven't eaten. I wanted to stop for a burger on the way up, but my sister was so focused on getting up here, she wouldn't even pull over to let me have a pee."

He smirked. "No wonder you looked like you were walking funny."

I rolled my eyes and we both laughed. "Anyway, once we'd put up the tent, Kelsey wanted to start a campfire, so could have a weenie roast. But that never happened, because as soon as her ex called, she took off with the weenies."

Chuckling as he opened the fridge, Clay looked back at me over his shoulder. "Well, I think we can do better than hotdogs. So, is there anything you don't like?"

"No, I'll eat anything." Then I thought about my cousin trying to trick me into eat mealworms he'd cooked up in a batch of chili. "Well, almost anything."

"That's a relief." Taking a couple steaks and potatoes out of the fridge, he shook his head. "Last few ladies I dated had so many food issues, trying to share a meal with them was exhausting. Whenever we ate out, they'd take forever to read the menu and still asked the waiter so many questions about how everything was cooked and exactly what was in it, that I'd want to get up and leave and just go find a burger somewhere."

"Yeah, my sister still eats like a kid, and won't try anything new. I think that's why she's so crazy about hotdogs and anything with marshmallows."

"One of the reasons I'm on my own, is so I have only have myself to please. So... steak, mushrooms and potatoes, okay, with a cucumber and tomato salad?"

"Yep. Sounds good." Actually, it sounded really good, now that I remembered to get out of work early, I'd had to skip lunch. Which meant the only thing I'd eaten today was a little tub of yogurt at breakfast. No wonder my stomach was growling like a bear.

I set the table while Clay put together our dinner. Already feeling pretty comfortable around each other, he grinned as I moved around him to find everything, letting my hand slide down over his back.

The way Clay was smirking and trying not to laugh as we ate, I realized I was probably doing a little moaning. But who could blame me? The steak was so tender and juicy, a perfect medium-rare, just the way I liked it. And I almost inhaled the melt-in your mouth baked potato slathered in sour cream and butter, along with the herbed mushrooms, and fresh salad, especially since I was starved.

Once I'd finally put my fork down and pushed away my plate, Clay put his phone on the table. "You should call your family, or whoever might be wondering where you are, to let them know you're here. In case your sister comes back looking for you, at least she'll know where to find you."

Knowing Kelsey's sole focus would be on mending things with Todd, I sighed. "I seriously doubt she'll be back tonight." Still, I picked up his phone. "You're right though, I should probably call my mother, just to let her know I'm okay."

When my mom picked up on the second ring, once I told her what had happened, she actually gasped. "Oh my gosh, Meg, I can't believe even Kelsey would be silly enough to do something like that. Ask you to go camping, then leave you stranded, without even any food or water."

"Well, she was so excited when Todd called, I doubt she even realized that I hadn't had time to unpack, before she took off. You know Kelsey, when she gets something in her head, everything else flies out."

Mom laughed, because we all knew it was true. "Yeah, just like that time when she walked right off the dock at your uncle's cottage, chasing a butterfly and nearly drowned."

"Classic, Kelsey. I remember she still had all her clothes on, even her shoes. Probably was so focused on trying to catch the thing as it kept flying away, she never even noticed she was stepping right off the end, and into the water."

Both of us heaved a sigh, thinking about my flighty sister. "Your father claims that she's still chasing butterflies, she'll never catch."

"I think dad's right. And that's where she is tonight, off trying to catch another one, but I doubt she'll have any luck."

"Well, I guess we'd better drive up there and take you home. Your father has to be into work early tomorrow, but I might be able to go in a little later. If I leave right away, I should be there in a few hours."

Clayton was filling the sink with water for the dishes and overhearing what she said, he turned and held up his hand to get my attention. "Tell her I can drive you home, so she doesn't have to drive up."

I whispered, "Thank you," hating to think of my mother having to make the long trek up the highway in the dark, I was glad he offered. I smiled up at Clayton, and told her, "Actually, Mom, lucky for me, a friend of mine is camping on the site near ours. And he just offered to drive me home, so you don't have to worry about coming to get me."

"Well, that's awfully nice of him."

I smirked at Clayton, who looked pretty pleased as I also told her, "Actually, he really is a nice guy. We knew each other in high school. We're old friends."

After my mother said to be sure to thank him, and we said our goodbyes, I smiled up at Clayton. "Mom said to thank you for being so kind, and looking out for me."

"Well, I'm just glad we bumped into each other, so I was there to help."

I shuddered as I thought of what might have happened to me if he hadn't come along. "Yeah, me, too."

He handed me a pair of sweatpants and a stick of After Bite, I guess noticing how I was scratching at my itchy legs. "Oh, thanks, just what I need." I stood, and dabbed at any bites I could see on my bare arms and legs. I noticed when I looked up that Clay was staring pretty intently, as I bent over to do my feet, probably getting a peek at my butt cheeks. Looking back at him over my shoulder, I held out the stick. "Would you mind doing the backs of my thighs? Feels like I might have some bites on my backside, too."

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