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Action, Reaction and Consequences Ch. 01

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The usual stuff husband, wife & lover. Different viewpoint.
27.3k words

Part 1 of the 10 part series

Updated 03/14/2024
Created 10/22/2023
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I've not written for several years but have put together a mass of stories "virtually" in my mind, I now have an opportunity to start to take thoughts and turn them into text so this is the first of what I'm hoping will be a few.

This is a story centred around cheating but I've written it from a different perspective and hope you'll enjoy the read. It actually started out as the intro to the story I was going to write but turns out there's enough to make it a standalone story which will make a nice lead into the second part. The second part is centred around the main character but takes on a very different vibe to this one. I hope to get it done over the coming weeks!

It's edited by myself, despite going back through it I've no doubt that there will be some errors, please do your best to look past them. If you are an editor feel free to do so, I'll happily repost to show how different something could potentially look if edited.

This is fiction, there are places that are real, places that aren't. If anyone reading this is allied to any of the professions mentioned and what's written is simply wrong my sincere apologies. Like Lord of the Rings, Star Wars, Harry Potter it's fictional and take it as that. Hopefully you'll enjoy, if not thanks for taking some time to look irrespective of how far you read down.


Lance sat with his beer and watched as the flames licked down the stairwell into the lounge. Yep, Rome was definitely burning............

I'm Matt, a 23 year old fireman, 5 foot 10, don't consider myself pretty but I certainly wasn't an ugly duckling. I was single and enjoying life like any young person should. I loved my job and loved to party and, being a fireman, had some distinct advantages with the fairer sex. It let me use all of the old corny chat up lines and I'd had more than my fair share of one night stands which suited the way I lived.

The downside of working in any emergency services job is the unsocial hours and shift work. Unlike your nine-to-fivers my weekend off could actually be a couple of mid week days. Of course the local bars and clubs saw an opportunity to fill an otherwise quiet venue by having "Blues and Twos" nights, they were specifically aimed at emergency services personnel and you couldn't get in unless you had ID to show you were National Health Service, Police or Fire service. If you wanted a fun night out and fitted the criteria it was top of the list.

Having slept with a fair few policewomen and nurses along with the locals during the last couple of years I'd let myself believe I was well versed in the art of sex and there was nothing that I didn't know or couldn't deal with. It turned out I was barely out of sexual kindergarten.

I was at a "Blues and Twos" night and hit on a hot brunette nurse called Ann. She was stunning and sexy as hell and we spent most of the night grinding against each other to the pounding music. She wore the classic little black dress that looks so right on a woman's body riding up her leg as she ground her pussy against my leg. I know damn well she could feel my cock straining against my trousers and on more than one occasion let her hand brush against it.

As the night drifted to a close she looked into my eyes, pulled my head to hers, then crushed her painted lips onto mine allowing our tongues to dance their own private tango. We stayed like this with our lips mashed together, her arms locked around my neck whilst my hands roamed over her dress feeling the outline of all the charms that lay below.

"Come home with me" she breathed sexily in my ear "I want to fuck you all night long".

I smiled and a grin came over my face. "Yeah, I'd like nothing more than to explore that beautiful body hiding under that dress." We walked back towards the cloakroom and whilst waiting for her jacket she asked a question in a jokey way but I knew she was serious.

"I'm going to ask you to do one thing for me and it is a deal breaker, I hope you'll understand. I want to take a photo of some ID of yours and send it to a friend, it's a kind of insurance so they know who to come and look for if I vanish. When you leave tomorrow and she knows I'm safe, it'll be deleted." I gave her my fire service ID and five minutes later we were in a taxi on the way to her house.

The taxi pulled up at a nice semi, and made our way inside. After removing her jacket she ushered me into the lounge before wandering off to make a couple of vodka and cokes. As soon as she came in I took my shirt off to join my socks which I'd already discarded.

"woah up cowboy,stop, what ya doing?" she asked, standing in the doorway with a perplexed look on her face. I gave her a somewhat quizzical look "you invited me back here to fuck you?"

She walked over to me and whispered sexily in my ear "No I invited you back to fuuuuuk me not fuck me" deliberately stretching the sound of the first fuck out. I looked at her somewhat confused, she rolled her eyes before responding. "Think of sex like food, I'm not after a MaccyD, I want to share a fine dining experience with you" She ran the tip of her tongue seductively across her lips "Do you want to dine with me?"

I nodded and she told me to wait in the lounge as she walked past me wiggling her hips in a slow sexy way, halfway up the stairs she called back down telling me to follow her up when she called me. I stood waiting casually looking around the room and picked up on a photograph hanging on the wall of Ann and a man. I'd glimpsed her wedding ring at the club, she said nothing and I didn't want to broach it in case it shot down this opportunity that was now laid out before me. I stepped up and looked at the photo a little closer. I'd argue he was an attractive guy with rugged looks that portrayed someone that loved an outdoor lifestyle and with that I walked and sat on the sofa.

During the next 10 minutes I heard her moving around upstairs, then it went quiet. With a tone that dripped with pure sexuality she called down to come up, so I drew a breath and walked confidently upstairs. When I reached the top of the stairs all the doors were shut, bar one which was partially open with a gentle flicker from candles so I stepped inside.

I opened the door and felt my cock pulse with lust through my trousers. Ann stood with some seriously high black stiletto shoes, holdups and a black latex dress with a large gold zip running up the front holding her amazing body inside. It was low cut and her breasts were pushed out, their creamy whiteness almost iridescent in the flickering candlelight that bathed the room. My gaze followed down her body and the hem was literally just covering her arse cheeks making the black shiny material stretch taunt like a drum skin.

Stepping forward she was now a couple inches taller than me and leant in as if to kiss me. I closed my eyes, pursed my lips to kiss her and kissed her cheek. at the last moment she had turned her head sideways knowing my eyes were closed. she giggled like a schoolgirl and her hands came up to hold my head still before speaking in a low voice, every word dripping with sexual wickedness.

" I've just reapplied my makeup and lipstick it's not fair on me if you smudge it everywhere....Well at least for a while..." Stepping back slightly she stood looking at me, her lips moist with blood red lipstick and make up that just said come fuck me. She brought her hand up and showed me a black net scarf and told me that dinner was about to be served. Wrapping the scarf around my head she covered my eyes but knew damn well I could still partially see through it. Putting her hands on my shoulders I was pushed down until my nose was almost touching the bottom of the dress zip, and told me to take her briefs down. I started to bring my hands up.

She leant down, the dress creaking as the material stretched about her form, and put a hand under my chin tilting my head slightly upwards. She spoke to me again with that low sexy voice, giggling at the same time. "No no hands need to show some appreciation for this fine meal".

I put my hands back down, pushed my face forward until my lips found the zip and tugged it upwards a few inches. It caused her to moan softly and she pulled my head in until my lips were pressed against her skin just above the top of her briefs. I could feel my own breathing deepen and with it drew her feminine scent down into my lungs absorbing it into my own bloodstream.

Her body was warm and sticking my tongue out there was a faint taste of soap along with her own saltiness. I lowered my head slightly, gripped the top of her briefs with my teeth and began pulling them downwards. They came a little way but wouldn't go any further. Leaning down again and with a voice mocking disappointment she said "Oh dear looks like there are two obstacles that you need to overcome" before rotating herself 180 degrees presenting me with her backside...

Once again I moved forward until my lips found the top of her briefs and began tugging them down feeling them slide over that beautiful derriere of hers. As they reached a point where the brief could go no further, I allowed my tongue to slide up the part of her arse crack that was now showing. With a mocking tone she said " Naughty, naughty boy you can't have dinner until you've finished the starters" and rotated herself back so her groin was back directly in my face.

I found the top of her briefs with my teeth and began tugging them, they now slide down over those thighs heading towards her ankles. As they dropped I tried my luck by putting my tongue out trying to brush her pussy, but she was too quick for me giggling and she stepped back putting herself out of reach from my roving tongue.

Grabbing the briefs yet again my nose was opposite her pussy lips and I could partially see them through the scarf covering my eyes. It looked as if she was shaved and I was sure I saw a little flash of a metallic ring. Her scent was a lot stronger now, I could almost taste it on my tongue similar to that of the saltiness of the sea when you walk along a beach. All it had done was stiffen the hardness hidden in my trousers to a new level of uncomfortableness.

With the briefs pooled around her ankles I told her I couldn't go any further without her help. She giggled before responding " mmmm let me think about that one....." After around 10 seconds she lifted a leg around 2 inches. and stood there.

"Can't you lift it any higher?" I asked. "No silly it's straining around my other ankle" came the giggling response. "I'll give you a clue, lay on your back, turn your head slightly."

I followed her instructions and managed to tug the first leg over her ankle and shoe. She put her foot down and raised the other foot so I wiggled about on the floor and repeated the exercise until her briefs were finally off. As I started to try and rise back up she raised one leg and firmly placed it in the centre of my chest, the heel spike dug into my skin slightly but not enough to break the skin.

I took a sharp intake of breath as I wasn't expecting this. I had enough of a gap in the scarf around my head to be able to look up and follow her amazing legs, the height of the stiletto shoes adding an almost whorish sexuality to them that made me want to throw her on the bed right there and then and just plow straight into her body. Manoeuvring the shoe down she pressed the point of the heel into my balls whilst the tip of the shoe crushed the head of cock.

She ground her shoe into me slightly and with a slow sultry tone asked if she was responsible for my condition. she ground down harder and I hoarsely replied "yes." Lifting her foot she placed the spike of the stiletto against my lips instructing me to kiss it and make a trail of kisses all the way up her leg. I complied with my heart banging away in my chest and what felt like a sea of endorphins coursing through my body. God I wanted this woman really bad!

as I reached the top of her holdups I managed one kiss on her thigh before she pulled away. Again the sultry voice and giggle came into play; "My other leg will get jealous if you don't share the love, the last thing you want is any angry leg later, could get quite painful for you." I dropped back down and repeated the process but she didn't stop me as before, I continued up her thigh with her essence getting stronger as I edged closer to the treasure nestled at the top of her thighs. my tongue literally brushed her pussy, enough for me to get a taste. I moved up leaning in attempting to push my tongue into her silky folds and she suddenly stepped back.

She laughed with a giggly response to my attempt to ramp up the proceedings. "My, my you are somewhat presumptuous, take your time it's not a Macc D meal, in fact I am beginning to think the kiddies meal is more appropriate for you!" I whined pleading that my cock was throbbing so much it actually hurt. She just giggled, responding like a mum talking to a small child " Aww does it hurt baby? Let's see if some nursey magic will help relieve some of the pressure, so be a big boy and stand up and let's get the blindfold off".

I stood up and she stood there twirling a proper blackout blindfold around her finger before handing it to me so I could cover her eyes....She lent forward pushing her lips against my ear and purred "Now its my turn" before she lightly kissed down my neck and onto my chest.

As I breathed in I could smell her, she kept kissing me working down until she found a nipple and drew it between her lips. My neural pathways must have been going nuts sending messages back and forth between my brain which was simply overwhelmed by these sensations and all it could do was send messages back into my body making me shudder with a sensation that can only be described as a nest of small snakes writhing in my chest.

Without warning her teeth clamped down on my nipple and I yelped trying to pull away. She tittered and remained clamped to my nipple. I stood on tiptoes almost doing a small dance before she released it and continued across my chest to the other nipple but I knew what was coming and it wasn't quite so much of a shock but prayed she wouldn't bite harder. She moved back to the centre of my chest and continued downwards while simultaneously bending her knees. as I looked down her back the dress shifted around losing its hold slightly here or tightening around her frame somewhere else. The dress amplified her incredible body sublimely tucking back in for her waist before flaring out over her hips and amazing derriere whilst the dress continued riding up the further she dropped.

When she reached my trousers button she stopped and lowered herself into a kneeling position and her lips moved forward until she found the button. Using her teeth she released it then found the zip and tugged that down too.To steady herself she had placed her hands on my legs and quick as a flash she tugged them so they pooled around my knees.

I half heartedly complained she was cheating but she just laughed as she manoeuvred my trousers so I could step out of them. Ann leant forward again until her nose touched my cock through my boxers and inhaled deeply before exhaling mixed with an appreciative purr. Continuing, she started to kiss around my boxers to understand the lie of the land so to speak then tilted forward and bit down on the base of cock eliciting a yelp from me. I rose up on tiptoes and it was slightly painful mixed with fear but there was something I'd never felt before, it surged through my body and I needed more. Loosening the grip her teeth had on my cock she slowly worked up my cock releasing and reapplying the biting pressure as she went. When she reached the head she pushed her mouth open so it enveloped my cock head through my boxers before she bit down to a point I thought she was actually going to bite it off.

Again I stood on tiptoes with my hand either side of her head whilst she was trying to refrain from giggling. She lessened the grip on my cock then dragged her teeth up causing my boxers to tighten until they would move no more when she let go of my cock and simultaneously used both hands to drag my boxers down.

With a mocking tone I called her a bloody cheat and she laughed as she took off the blindfold. I gulped as I looked down at brown eyed beauty kneeling before me with two incredible fleshy orbs rising and falling within her dress.

she gave a sultry response "Lesson one, women never play by the rules and will bend them every time to their advantage." She peeled the eye mask off and discarded it her eyes locked on mine as she extended her tongue out as far as it would go and ran it under the precum soaked head of my cock, slowly pulled back letting the precum string out until it broke and dropped down onto her magnificent breast. She stood up and pushed my head down until it was level with the top zip mechanism of her dress. I didn't need any instructions this time and I used my teeth to pull it down eventually parting the dress. I put my hands up and slid it off her shoulders whilst our tongues collided as we shifted into another gear.

Without breaking the kiss, her arms linked around my neck and my right hand came up and slowly caressed her right breast. I stopped and took a step back taking in a view of my discovery. "What's the matter?" she asked with a bemused look on her face. With a slightly sheepish tone I replied telling her I'd never actually been with a woman with pierced nipples as I viewed the two bars that ran through her nipples forcing them to jut out.

"Do you like them?" she asked coyly. "Oh fuck, yes" I replied, I was completely filled with lust and was ready to feast on the beauty before me. Stepping forward, she took my hand in hers and travelled south as she whispered in my ear "what about this?" Sliding my hand down to her pussy she allowed my finger to brush over the ring I'd spied earlier but noted it had something attached. I let my middle finger slide through her stickiness and probed inside.

She purred in my ear before pulling away and stepped backwards until she was against the bed, fell back onto it and wiggled herself up until she was in the centre with her head on the pillows. I started to bend to get on the bed and she waved her finger at me indicating no whilst wearing a dirty teasing smile.Looking me in the eyes she breathed sexily "now watch the show".

One hand snaked down across her taut stomach and came to rest on her smooth mons before she slid her index finger down between the folds of her sticky sex and started rubbing her clit, the other hand went to a nipple and started pulling on the bar that ran through it. Not once did she break eye contact with me and I begged her to let me fuck her as she continued to play with herself in front of me. Everytime I begged to fuck her she kept saying ask for what I really wanted and we went round in circles - fuck, make love, bang her I didn't understand what she was looking for me say. In the end her breathing became increasingly ragged as she started a motion in her stomach that rippled down into her pelvic region before she dug her heels and shoulders into the bed, lifted her body up, closed her eyes and came to a shuddering orgasm writing frantically on the bed.

by now my heart was literally banging in my chest, I'd never wanted something so badly in my life and was on the verge of taking it regardless of what she said. "What do I want!!" I shouted at her in a desperate plea to understand what the hell I was supposed to stay.Her eyes were open again and she was panting for breath but she now had the look of a lioness getting ready for the kill. "Ask me to take you to heaven!" she hissed back.


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