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Action, Reaction and Consequences Ch. 10

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The end. You're dead and buried, Tanya.
5.1k words

Part 10 of the 10 part series

Updated 03/14/2024
Created 10/22/2023
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Last part, not going to say much here. Bit of violence, bit of sex, few deaths, bit of mystery sums it up. If you've not followed it, backup a few chapters for a midway summary as a header.

I'm a Brit. so should find the English, English. Remember, this is a story that lives in the Literotica Hall of Mirrors. It's not real, just shadows on distorted truth, and then some. It references the Royal Family, but not by names. Again, it's the Royal Family that lives in those Lit. Mirrors.

If anyone don't like this ending feel free to write your own, I'm curious how else it could be made to look. If you do, let me know, I'd want a peek. Again, thanks to Frank & especially Tim1135 who edited for me. I've made some minor changes since then, cock-ups are on me.

The whole of the saga is the work of INKENT and is published solely on the Literotica platform. If you encounter it elsewhere, please let me know, in fact, I'd imagine that any author on here who's work is stolen and published elsewhere would like you to do the same for them.

<<<<Action, Reaction and Consequences, Chapter X>>>>

As the lorry pulled into the old railway siding, around twenty Albanians got out of several vehicles. All were armed. Before the lorry had come to a halt, a helicopter suddenly swooped into view with a bright searchlight. An amplified voice boomed form the helicopter, commanded them all to put down any weapons and lay on the floor with their hands on their heads. This was met by a couple of pot-shots at the helicopter. The pilot increased its height for safety but, kept the bright light shining on the lorry below.

Over the next thirty minutes, a short battle raged until, all the Albanians were either dead or captured. But, Mr. Smith noticed a worrying aspect of the raid. There was no Mickey 'Two Guns', Lucas Jones or Tanya present. He had been sold a pup by Paulie Tomlinson. He would now go on the list alongside Mickey as one of the UK's most wanted criminals. As they were surveying the contents of the articulated trailer and confirming that they were, in fact, automotive parts, an aide spoke to Mr. Smith.

"There appears to be some major fracas over on the other side of the river. There are several people either dead or badly wounded and there are reports of a substantial number of weapons on site, following some sort of battle."

Mr. Smith cursed and called the helicopter down then, climbed aboard for the very short hop over to Essex. There was a sea of blue lights and they managed to land around 400 metres away from the crux of all the activity. A Police car drove up to the helicopter as it powered down. Mr. Smith produced a letter and some credentials, got into the car and headed down towards the corrugated steel building alongside the river.

There was a mass of people moving around, plus two crashed vehicles and indications of a gun battle. What drew his attention was a body, covered by a blanket and it looked like they paramedics were frantically trying to revive someone close by to the body but, he couldn't tell who. He started to stride inside and was stopped by a Policeman. He pulled out his credentials, plus a letter, from the Home Secretary, stating that he had powers and privileges under operation Doomsday and this was therefore, under his jurisdiction now.

Seeing him arrive, the unnamed person that had met Matt, in the hospital with Lance, strode over to see Mr. Smith. His name was Tristan Cooper, and he was a senior figure in MI5. He passed a letter to Trevor Austin-Campbell, aka Mr. Smith.

"Hello Trevor, figured you'd show up at some point. It seems my letter from the Prime Minister trumps your letter from the Home Secretary."

Tristan turned and walked away. As he did, Mr. Smith shouted after him.

"This is a Z class operation Tristan, extend me the professional courtesy of letting me into the building."

Tristan stopped, walked back briskly to Trevor, and grabbed him by the jacket pulling him close.

"There are men in here that would love to do nothing more than put a bullet in your head. You're scum, there's not one shred of a decent human being in you. From what I see, you've laid waste to at least two good men, Mark and Graham, plus trashed others, including Matt and his wife Tanya."

He let go of Trevor's coat and stepped back. Trevor calmly adjusted his jacket.

"Can I at least speak to Tanya?"

Tristan pulled a handgun from his holster and pushed it under Trevor's chin.

"If you get on your knees, I'll send you to meet her."

"But she had the answer to close out operation Pórnē."

"Too late Trevor. Like I said, I'll happily send you to meet her."

Trevor Austin-Campbell turned on his heels and left. He had high hopes that operation Doomsday would achieve what operation Pórnē so nearly delivered. He thought about Tanya as he walked away and gave her credit. She tried, right until the end. Shame she had died, but hell, that's the business they live in. He would move on without shedding a tear.

Four weeks after it was over, Matt and Ann attended Tanya's funeral, Matt had arrived in an ambulance and was placed into a wheelchair. she was buried a hero who had put her country first and made the ultimate sacrifice. Her life. There was a huge turnout and it was full of pomp and circumstance with senior Police officials addressing the mourners at the funeral. As her coffin was lowered into the ground, Matt was wheeled away in the wheelchair by Ann. There was no indication of loss on his face, just a blank, empty stare. Matt had closed the chapter in his life, to maintain his own sanity, he never asked after the babies she was carrying and assumed they had died with her, and the government had simply dealt with it.

A Jaguar, with a window partial down, moved away as the congregation around the grave broke up. The ceremony had been captured on a video camera filming from within the Jaguar and streamed back to a private hospital room. The occupant, laying in a hospital bed, had seen enough to satisfy their morbid curiosity.

Six months later, Matt, aided by a walking stick and his wife walked into Thames House, the home of MI5. They were issued temporary passes and escorted into a meeting room. They were reunited with Lance, Kevin and Rick. Also there, the man now known to them as Tristan. It transpired he was somebody of importance in MI5. Sitting in the room was a person they did not expect to see. The Prime Minister of the United Kingdom.

They sat, somewhat dumbfounded, at this unexpected visitor. The Prime Minister put a hand to his mouth and coughed to draw everyone's attention, before reading a statement;

"The King, and his Mother, the Queen before him, as the heads of state, recognised the huge commitment to agree to undertake this operation and subsequent sacrifice made by Tanya Andrews and hereby decrees that she receive the posthumous award of the George Cross for her action. Due to the critical nature of the operation in which she was involved, there shall be no public record of the award, a fact I hope you can all understand."

He beckoned Matt to stand and approach him. He held out the medal for Matt to accept, expressing his sorrow at Matt's loss. Instead, Matt just looked into the Prime Minister's face before speaking.

"You make me sick; you think that's a fair trade? That bit of tinny metal for all that's been endured? You agreed to, and signed, the agreement I was forced to sign. You knew where this would lead, you knew what she would have to do. She was my wife and, you just signed a bit of paper to dismiss our lives.

After Matt finished and returned to his seat, the Prime Minister sat holding the medal, completely flummoxed by this unexpected turn of events. He put the medal back on the table with his other papers.

Trying to regain his composure, The Prime Minister continued his speech;

"Additionally, we recognize the valuable assistance provided by the private company KLR Security belonging to Kevin, Lance and Rick and have afforded them substantial financial compensation. We have also made a considerable financial contribution to the Fire Service Benevolent Fund as a form of recompense, regarding the tragic explosion that claimed the life of a firefighter and wounded several others."

"We have also made a significant payment to the Police Officer's widow who tried to intervene in this misguided mission."

"This brings us around to the last piece in the puzzle which is you, Mr. Andrews. The Government has found itself in an abhorrent predicament. We have reviewed the document that you signed. Additionally, we acknowledge it was not of your free will and we will implement stringent protocols to ensure there is never a repeat of this but, of course, this is now your history, not your future. The Government wishes to make an offer to you today, in the hope it goes someway to make amends for the past."

A document was passed to Matt. It stated he would receive a tax-free compensation package of twelve million pounds.The proviso, it could never be discussed ever again ouside of the room they were in. Matt skipped through the document before signing and dating it.

The Prime Minister began to close the meeting.

"Mr and Mrs. Andrews, thank you for coming here today, we all recognize your sacrifice and..."

Matt cut across the shocked Prime Minister.

"Why did you make her do it? The fact the King has passed on a message tells me it's something to do with his family. What did one of them do that cost so many innocent people to suffer?"

Knowing the truth, the Prime Minister was visibly shaken by the outburst. He continued with his short-prepared speech but, he knew Matt could see through him. As soon as he was finished, he left the room. When he was gone, Matt broke the sound void.

"Lance, when I was laying on that floor, I could make out Tanya talk to you, and you took a medallion from Mickey. What was so special about it, that people had to die."

It was Tristan that spoke.

"This is completely unofficial but, we'll show you. You deserve to know the truth. You can never discuss this outside of this room."

The room went dark and a home video, recorded on a phone, played on the large screen in the room.

Matt recognized the room. It was Mickey's office in the club. But, it was one of the people, clearly in the picture, that shocked him. High as a kite, and partially undressed, was a Royal wife. A very Royal wife.

'Please, please, pleeeeease Mickey. I want some more.' She whined in a voice, acting like a schoolgirl.

'How are you going to pay for it?'

She giggled, 'I have lots and lots of money!'

'Nah, so have I. Tell you what. Has anyone ever shown you the 'Essex big hitter?'

She giggled again and can be seen shaking her head. Mickey's hand can be seen pushing her down to the ground onto her knees and she looked up expectantly into his eyes. Mickey pulls his hard cock from his trousers then puts a substantial line of what appears to be cocaine along the length of his cock. She moves forward to take her hit but Mickey stops her.

'OK bitch, this is what you do. Start at the base then snort all the way up to the top and as it hits, you thrust my cock to the very depths inside of your mouth, then work to make me cum. That's called an 'Essex big hitter.'

She then proceeds to do exactly that, as her friend strips out of her clothes, kneels behind the Princess and starts to pull on her nipples...'

The video is stopped and Tristan speaks up.

"The clip is five minutes long and you can, no doubt, guess it gets worse. Once the Government became aware, the young lady with the Princess, had a tragic horse-riding accident and died. Someone went in under cover before Tanya and was caught. The body was left, with evidence that this clip you've just seen, was quite real. That's why they decided to use Tanya."

"Unfortunately, Matt, you just hit a raw nerve with the Prime Minister who's representing our Monarchy. They will do everything they can to protect themselves but, this went too far and they know it. The SD card is not with the Government - it is in the capable hands of a private security company who have it as a form of insurance, whose directors aren't a million miles away from you."

There were a few seconds of laughter.

"Matt, these men, along with myself, have made the bargain with the Government on your and their behalf. I have trust that you and your wife will treat this matter with the respect and discretion it deserves. Oh, by the way, congratulations! When's the baby due?"

Ann blushed and spoke.

I'm eight months along. It seems, helping Matt recuperate, must have done the trick!"

Everyone laughed. They talked a while longer, discussing their injuries from that night. Where the bullet had passed through Tanya, it had hit and burst Matt's appendix, leading to peritonitis. It was all a bit shaky, health wise, for Matt for a few weeks but, it came right, in the end although he would have to live with the effects of the various injuries he had sustained. Likewise, both Lance and Rick had more scars to add to the list that can be dragged out when the old boys network met up for drinks and shared exploits.

Matt and Ann left, happy at the outcome and aware they were set for life. Meanwhile, watching them from a one-way glass covered meeting room stood a woman wearing a pair of earrings consisting of the letters "T" and "M". As they walked down the corridor, her hand reached out to touch the glass as Matt passed, a single tear was shed and wiped away. It was the only outward sign Ms. Andrews showed for her loss. She should be the one carrying that man's child, not the woman walking out. However, she knew it was all too late.

She had carried that man's child and had lost it. When the bullet struck her and while she was laying on the floor, looking at the him, she could see it made no difference to him. She'd done it to save him and possibly sacrifice herself. It was at that point, she realised, that part of her life was dead and finally buried.

She had lost one of the two children she was carrying. DNA testing proved there had been two fathers. It was a rare occurrence called homopaternal superfecundation. When they had analysed her bloodwork, there were some anomalies which, turned out to be attributed to the fake, contraceptive implant they'd found. Looking at the chemicals it released, it was felt they were highly likely why she had produced twins.

She knew the fate of her children and who the fathers were. She felt sorry for what had passed but, she was being punished now and for the remainder of her life. She could never have children again. Where she had been shot and with the heavy fall, irreparable damage had been done to her reproductive organs. The other child lived however, under the agreement she had signed, it was felt the best outcome was to hand the child over to Mickey's family. How could a supposedly dead woman raise a child?

Backed by Tristian Cooper, Tanya had declined the Government's financial compensation package, along with a new identity. Instead, she made it clear and struck a bargain...she had nothing left but work to focus on and wanted to remain in work. Ultimately, she had achieved her goal. She had reached the top with the support of Tristan Cooper. After deep psychoanalysis, she now had medication to prevent the dissociative personality disorder affecting her but, in some ways, that was now irrelevant. The analysis showed that, by focusing on a single goal, she could keep it in check.

As the new head of the department, vacated by the retirement of Mr. Smith, she was looking at a quick path upwards. The only concession, that she saw as frivolous, was granted by the Prime Minister. She was to be given the apartment she had briefly stayed in. It was overlooking the Thames at One, Blackfriars. It would be the home of the woman known as Tammi Andrews for years to come.

One of the pieces of work, she set out to undertake in her new role, was to fix the damage done to the department by Messrs Smith and Jones and of course, protect the Monarchy.

It seemed, a certain Princess was unable to act like a mother to her children, a loyal wife to a husband and let alone as a Princess. One of the first operations given to Ms. Andrews was, to put the problem to bed. She knew that her role was to tackle the unsavoury jobs of the country. This was one of them...and she took on this one as the first part of a personal vendetta.

On a grey, Wednesday afternoon, the Princess and her children were due to open a new hospital wing in Colchester. On that day, her children were overcome by a twenty-four-hour stomach bug so, she attended alone. A new pilot flew her over in a helicopter. Once the formalities of the hospital wing opening were complete, she was on her way home. This wasn't what she had signed up for and frankly, bored her. In reality, she hadn't married into the Royal family for this. It was for fame and fortune.

The pilot never turned to greet her but, did talk to her through the earphones. They were soon underway for the twenty-minute trip back to London Airport when the pilot called may day, as the engine appeared to seize up, causing the helicopter to plunge into the Thames Estuary. It took several days to locate the helicopter. The black box had broken away in the impact and was a mile from the wreckage. When it was recovered, there were no bodies in the wreckage. They were assumed washed out with the tide, into the sea. They were never, officially, recovered.

The wreck was covertly brought up to the surface on that first night. The body of the pilot, an Australian, named Paulie Thomlinson, was removed from the wreckage. He was already dead when he was placed into the helicopter, flown by remote control. All evidence of this was removed before the wreckage was returned to the estuary. The black box had been removed within minutes of the crash by divers and moved to allow some time before the wreckage was officially again located, several days later.

The nation would mourn the death of a Princess. In private, the Royal Family would rejoice at the loss of a serious liability that could have caused their world to come crashing down around them.

Mr. Smith was removed from his post the morning after the disastrous outcome from operation Doomsday and within a week, declared officially retired from service. Nine months later, he had a comfortable, gold-plated pension and a son in the Royal Military Academy at Sandhurst, ready to follow in his father's footsteps.

Mr. and Mrs. Smith had enjoyed a pleasant meal at their favourite French restaurant in London and were sitting in St. James Park, watching the world go by. A van, emblazoned with 'City of London Council,' pulled up near them and some gardeners started to work on the shrubbery behind them. Without warning, they both felt a sharp prick to the neck. Their world went black.

When they came to, they found themselves in a Gulfstream private jet, not dissimilar to the jets they used to use. As Mr. and Mrs. Smith started to become acutely aware of their surroundings, they recognised the actual jet. It was the one they had used to pick up Tanya from Lyon and take her to Dubai. Trying to move, they found themselves handcuffed to the chairs. Despite speaking, and trying to move, the three people sitting at the other end of the aircraft paid no attention to them. There were two men and a dark-haired woman.

Eventually, the woman got up and made her way down to the pair of them. Smith was surprised to see it was Tanya. She looked significantly different, All of the earrings were removed, her hair dyed black and longer. It was also apparent, she had breast reduction surgery. She almost looked normal.


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