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Adele, A Coed Story Ch. 04


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"Like what we do and such? I'm okay with experimenting, do you like to use toys?"

"Uh... that's not really what I meant, that has always came naturally to me and... actually I've never used toys. By myself or with..."


"Right. But that sound, uh, fun" she smiled. "No, what I meant is, well, I still like men, well for some purposes anyway. I love to get..."


"Uh, yes. Fucked. It feels great, and, well other things too. I want to find a guy and settle down and I'm at a place in my life where I should start looking I guess, but, well, I suck at it."

"Me too. Obviously." I laughed.

"So, well, when we were together I had it worked out. Jessie was going to try to rebuild her relationship but we were going to also be finding guys and, well, sampling what was out there, and being there for each other. I never really talked to her about it, but that is what I envisioned. Anyway"

"That sounds fun. Let's do that." I grinned up at her.

"Uh, well that was easier than I thought" she laughed.

"I'm at a morally flexible place in my life." I grinned. "Now, slide up here, you promised I could go down on you."

"Uh, if you don't want to, that's alright, I mean, your fingers outside were quite satisfying." She replied nervously.

"Carolyn, I was never interested before, but I really want to try this okay?" I asked as I slide down the bed until her sex was right in front of my face. Looking up I could see her looking down through her cleavage at me, sort of smiling but looking kind of nervous too. Her breasts looked just as fantastic from this angle.

I extended my tongue and with a slow lick up her slit tasted another woman for the first time. She was sweet and tangy, a lot like what I had tasted of myself with Tim earlier, and she was really soaking wet.

Carolyn gasped as I circled her clit with the tip of my tongue and she began to gently rock her hips back and forth. I lapped up her cream like a kitten, and after a moment remember this was about giving her pleasure as much as it was about my exploring new desires.

I began eating her pussy the way I wanted to be eaten, though I had little experience with this. Still it worked out and we were soon working in tandem to satisfy her needs. I soon found that my hands had little to do and thought of touching myself, but Carolyn had already taken care of me there and I was still in the afterglow of the delicious orgasm she had provided me. I slid my hands up her waist and began touching her breasts, again, the way I liked to be touched, and she pressed her own hands over mine.

Her body was warm and wonderful, her flesh soft and inviting my mouth and hands, and soon she was gasping for breath as I had been only minutes before. I couldn't get over just how wonderful she tasted to me, and her scent was so erotic it made me want sex all over again. I decided Tim's idea wasn't so horrible; I would love to have a guy thoroughly fuck me while I went down on Carolyn.

She gasped, the suddenly reached down and with two fingers opened her outer labia fully, and between pants begged me to lick her clit.

I was happy to oblige and soon witnessed the convulsions of her climax. She seized up with a deep groan, then began to twitch, shiver and shake all over until she finally fell face down. At that angle I really couldn't lap her up effectively, but with the tip of my tongue I swirled around her moist clit as she rode out her orgasm. Her juice dripped down her slit and I lapped it up as well as I could but she continued to wiggle about and sort of smeared it all over my chin and mouth.

My hands could not touch her breasts any longer so I drew them down, reached around her taunt thigh and slid first one, then a second finger into her. She was hot, wet and really tight, there wasn't a lot of room to wiggle them around, but she reacted just as I would have at that moment and began rocking her hips to fuck my fingers and groaning. She felt weird inside, well, like I did; hot, wet, slimy, but really good. I could explore her with my digits far easier and deeper than I could myself and it was an interesting, and very erotic, sensation. I could see why guys liked fucking us so much.

I pressed my fingers on the forward inside wall of her vag and she almost squealed with pleasure. I liked it when there was pressure there, and her reaction told me I wasn't alone in enjoying the sensation. I continued to play with her pussy as she slowly returned to earth, even when she rolled off of me and lay beside me.

Her body was so beautiful. Soft, toned and inviting.

I went back up the bed until we were face to face and we kissed again. I was running my fingertips slowly up and down her slit as she quivered. She seemed so relaxed and we were totally at ease with each other.

"So" she whispered, "are we girlfriends now?"

"Yes. Absolutely. I want to see where this goes, do you?"

"Yes but..."

"But what?"

"Would you answer that? It's the third time it has rung and it's really distracting." She smiled as she kissed me.

I realized my phone was vibrating on the night stand, I had not heard it before. Of course I had a pretty coed's thighs over my ears for the last ten to twenty minutes so I had an excuse.

I reached across her, took the phone in my pussy finger hand and saw who it was.

"Oh, it's Tim. The guy from this morning."

"The engaged one?"


"What does he want?"

"Don't know." I replied as I tapped the green icon. "Hello. What do you want?"

"Oh. Uh, I was just checking to see if we're good, you know."

"Well, I don't want to throw things at you anymore. But there are some things you should have told me earlier."

"Yeah, I get that. It, well the time never seemed right. Sorry."

"It's okay." I replied. And it was. If he wanted to fool around on his fiancé and she didn't care, what business was it of mine? That Carolyn's attentions had left me craving some nice penis probably had an effect on my outlook.

"Cool, I was worried. So, uh, the reason I called, you still interested in dancing?"

"Uh, I hadn't really thought about it. Why?"

"Oh, I have a couple friends from the service that just called, they are in town for the night, well, near here. Anyway, they will be her in a half hour and if you wanted to try it for a safe audience, couple guys you don't know and won't see again, I mean, if you're interested. I think you would be great."

Carolyn was looking at me wondering what I was talking about so I told Tim to hang on and put the phone on mute.

"He wants me to come over and strip for him and a couple of army buddies."

Carolyn's eyes bulged out with surprise, then after a moment asked "Are they cute?"

"I don't know, Tim is hot... uh, are you into black guys?"

"I dated one while Jessie was in the hospital, best sex ever."

I unmuted the phone. "Are they cute?"

"Well, I mean, women seem to like them. They work out a lot and are a blast to be around."

"He says women like them a lot." I said to Carolyn.

"Who are you talking to?"

"My girlfriend."

"Oh, uh."

"Hang on." I said as I muted the phone again. "So, uh, I think in your plan we were going to go sample guys, you want to start tonight? I mean, we don't have to do anything, we can just come back here and be together or"

"Yes!" Carolyn replied with a smile, "but stripping?"

"I will take care of that. Tim is my dance instructor, it's a long story."

"Uh, okay, I... I think I'm too reserved for that."

"I'm kind of an exhibitionist. Did I mention that?"

"No, but, I think I like that side of you." She grinned.

I unmuted the phone again. "Okay, if I'm there in an hour I'm there. Tell your friends to not act rapey or creepy or weird or my manager and I are leaving. Understand? If stuff happens, and they are attractive, desirable, whatever, we will let them know. If not, you get a dance. Maybe. Unless it is all weird and creepy. Understood?"

"Sure, no worries, it will be fun, I promise. See ya in an hour."

"Maybe" I replied as I ended the call.

"So, uh, it sounds like you have mixed feelings on going." Carolyn said.

"Oh no, not at all. Tim and his fiancé's relationship is weird, but that is his problem, not mine, or ours. No, I'm down, I mean, if you are. I will do the exhibitionist stuff, honestly I think I'm into that, and Tim, well, uh, earlier he gave me the second best I've ever had."

"Oh? Who gave you the best? Maybe we should call him." Carolyn giggled.

"My girlfriend. About twenty minute ago." I smiled, and it was true. I still craved a hard man inside me, but Carolyn had left me shivering and tingling and so aroused I stuck my face in her cooch and licked her happy sauce willingly.

"You're sweet" she replied with a smile as our lips came together to kiss once more. Carolyn was the best kisser I had ever had, and of course it helped that our still nude bodies were pressed together on the bed. We kissed and touched each other for a few minutes, I think both of us were still aroused even though we had brain crushing orgasms just a little bit before. Carolyn came to her senses faster than I and suggested if we wanted to meet the guys we should get ready. Reluctantly we separated.

Carolyn didn't feel her attire was right for a date, or for going to pick up/fuck guys, and just so you know, girls don't swap underwear. I had a cute skirt and sleeveless blouse that was a bit long on me and she made that work. For underthings she was going to just go commando, but my foray to the lingerie shop earlier saved the day. She couldn't wear my other corset, it was too small for her, but I had a garter belt that was adjustable, stockings and a matching thong that was only off by one size so it fit quite snug. If worn for very long it would not have been comfortable but as it was it was stretchy enough to get by. She skipped a bra altogether which in the cool air had her nips poking at the material quite nicely.

We got ready together, spending most of our time fixing our makeup that we had smeared all over each other's faces, then I had to don my wig and contacts. Carolyn was fascinated at the transformation.

"Okay. You look hot." Carolyn said.

"You too." I smiled, and she really did.

"So, are we really going to do this?"

"Well, we're going to check it out and see where it goes. They might be gross and we just leave. I mean, Tim's not, but the other guys, you know."

"Addy, have you ever been with more than one guy?"

"No, why?"

"Well there are three of them, right? And two of us?"

"Oh, I see what you mean. Well, I'm open to try things, but if you don't want to, we'll leave. Let's just see how it goes, okay?"

"Okay! I'm in!" She giggled, "Do we need to stop on the way for, uh, protection? I mean, we don't know these guys or their history or"

"Gotcha covered" I replied as I went to my condom stash and grabbed a handful for each of us. Carolyn saw the small bottle of lube I kept for my toys and suggested we bring it too, as "it might come in handy." I giggled as I remembered stroking Eric with lotion earlier that day. I tossed it in my purse as well.

We left in silence until we got to the subdivision gate when Carolyn remarked "I can't believe we are doing this."

"Why is that? Girls go out looking for guys just for sex too you know. Besides, if we don't like them, we leave. Let's use them for once. I don't want a relationship with any of them, I just want their, you know."


"Yes. Penis. But what I mean is, I want to explore this relationship with you. I've never really had a girl-girl friendship like this."

"You mean one where we get into hot lesbo stuff?"

"Well, yeah, that's true, but what I meant was one where we go look for guys together, and do other stuff, you know, explore life. Be friends. Make out some. Take care of our needs together. Maybe travel some, I don't know, maybe, maybe I'm just all weirded out right now but..."

"I want to see where this goes too." Carolyn smiled, and interlaced our fingers together. "I'm glad I'm with you Addy."

"Me too."

After that neither of us would shut up the rest of the drive, but that wasn't very long. We talked about everything like we were the oldest of friends and the words just came naturally and comfortably. I was really liking being with Carolyn.

We arrived, adjusted ourselves slightly at the door, then with a mutual grin and nod knocked.

Tim answered with a smile. "I was worried you wouldn't make it" He exclaimed.

"Anticipation makes everything better, don't you think?" Carolyn replied.

"Tim, this is my girlfriend Carolyn, Carolyn, this is Tim."

"Very nice to meet you Carolyn" Tim replied. He was looking good too, which I think helped calm Carolyn down and maybe convince her my taste in guys wasn't too horrible. Tim's eyes were walking all over us, but he was trying to look us in the eyes. Mostly.

"Well come in, I want you to meet my friends. Rob, Mike, this is Addy and her friend Carolyn. They guys have been dying to meet you Addy."

"Very nice to meet you" Rob said as he stood.

"You too" I replied with a smile. Both of them were quite tall, about as tall as Tim. Rob was black and had a weird accent when he spoke, whereas Mike was pale white with red hair. Both had broad shoulders, taunt muscles and trim waists. Basically it was clear they spent their free time in the gym or running.

Okay, they looked like fuck machines and I was starting to get moist... well that's not right, Carolyn already had me moist. I started to get even hornier just looking at them.

I sat between Mike and Rob on the sofa and Carolyn went to the love seat while Tim fetched us drinks. He served vodka and pineapple juice which didn't sound good to me but the tartness of the pineapple took the alcoholic taste of the vodka away. We all chatted, mostly about college and their time in the service.

Both had gotten back from overseas several days before but this was their first time getting off base. Rob had finished his degree while in the service, while Mike had about a year left and would be starting back in the fall. They were mid-twenties, so a little younger than Tim, but both were quite nice and friendly. From the alcohol and their hotness I began feeling frisky all over.

I had the front of my blouse unbuttoned low like Tim had taught me, and had enough buttons undone on the bottom to be showing quite a bit of leg, up to the top of my stockings if I wasn't careful, and I was not being careful on purpose. I was sitting up straight, smiling back and forth between them as we chatted, but would occasionally turn a little to face the one speaking and let the bottom of my dress open to my upper thigh before pulling it back in place. Both kept glancing down the top of my dress and checking my bare boobs out. I don't think they could actually see my nipples unless I bent over, but I was showing a lot more cleavage than a nice girl should.

Carolyn was clearly enjoying talking with Tim and was sitting side ways on the love seat. Tim's arm was across the back of it so that he basically had his arm around her, and she didn't seem to mind at all. She too was showing a bit of flesh and lace, and Tim was clearly checking her out now, not even trying to hide his leering.

"That's pretty" Rob said while I was facing Mike.

"What's that?" I asked.

"Oh, your stockings. I've always loved those."

"Oh, thank you! They are sort of a new thing to me, I just started wearing them instead of panty hose, but I think I like them. Much sexier, don't you think?"

"Yes, absolutely." He replied.

"Plus it is an occupational thing, or at least a hobby thing."

"Tim said you were thinking of becoming a dancer?"

"Well, not professionally or anything. I just like to be sexy for the guys in my life. I have no idea what I'm doing really but Tim has given me a couple lessons."

"I'd like to see that" Mike said, with Rob quickly agreeing.

I was really starting to feel nervous at this point, I guess I had not thought through whether I would really do it, and as long as I thought there was a chance I would not, I was calm. Now was decision time. The guys were hot. I was burning up. Carolyn was sexy as hell. And even though I had been fucked silly twice that morning and been with Carolyn just over an hour before, I had the craving for a hard cock. It was weird to me that I had gone so many years without getting laid, and in the last 48 hours it seemed my every thought was on sex. I guess I was like the girls in the dorm that got tapped and lost control for a while. I could live with that.

"I don't know, I'm not very good. What do you think Carolyn?"

"I'd like to see you dance too, I'm curious about it all honestly" she smiled as she put her drink down, pulled her feet up under her on the love seat and rested her hand on Tim's thigh.

"Hmmm, okay, Tim can you dim the lights a little and put some music on? I'll try" I smiled. My exhibitionism had overcome any attempt by my reserved history to not go through with it now, I was going to strip for strangers.

Tim had a dimmer for some of the lights and the rest were turned off, except a light down the hall. The lighting was soft now, but not so dark that anyone would have trouble seeing like I had done with my dumbass brother. The hardwood floor had a rug over most of it so I decided that is where I would stay so there was less chance of me falling off my heels doing the steps.

Tim put on a play list that was mostly slow hip hop like he used in his gym class and rejoined Carolyn on the love seat. I stood in front of Mike and Rob, with Carolyn and Tim to my right, and as they stared in anticipation a wave of nervousness washed over me, but I couldn't back down now.

"Okay, don't laugh, it's my first time with an audience and I don't really know what I'm doing."

Everyone assured me I would do fine, but I had my doubts. I really should have put more thought into my performance and planned out my steps. Too late now.

I stood in my heels with my feet apart and my weight shifted to one side. I closed my eyes and tried to find the beat. Once I did I began shifting my weight from side to side and sliding my hands up and down my body before beginning a slow figure eight rotation with my hips, moaning softly as I slid my hands over my breasts and turning around so they could see me from all sides.

As I turned my back to them I pushed out my tush in the awkward position Tim had taught me earlier, then looked over my shoulder with a smile to check out if they were watching or snickering.

Their eyes were burning a hole in my butt.

I unbuttoned one more button on the top of my dress, which meant the closure was now open to below my breasts, although they were both still covered. I slid it down to my shoulders and held it to my chest as I turned back to face them. Once there I slowly did my figure eight and playfully held my dress together grinning at them, teasing them that they might soon see my boobs. While holding my dress together with one hand, I would slide the other up and down my body, over my girl parts and lift the hem to expose the lace and top of my stockings, as well as the bottom of the straps coming down from my corset that clipped to the top.

I felt so silly I giggled a bit, but as I looked at the guys I saw that Rob had some uncomfortable swelling in his shorts and Mike was making no attempt to hide that he was rubbing a boner that filled the front of his. So, apparently I was doing okay. Time to step it up a notch.

I slowly turned away from them again and let my dress fall off my shoulders and onto my arms, then rotated back, still holding it over my chest, but just barely. As their eyes scanned up to my chest, I extended a leg so they could clearly see the top of my stocking and with the hand that wasn't keeping my boobs covered, lifted my skirt so the hem was just barely below my thong, all the while slowly gyrating my hips. I tried to make it look like my dress was falling off on its own as I moved and that I was trying to hold it together. It apparently worked to tease them as now Rob was moving his erection around in his shorts to seek comfort too. Neither were saying a word but it was clear both were having some serious boner issues, and I suppose they hoped I would help with them.

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