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African Jungle Lust 01

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College professors become the fertility offerings.
4.7k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 07/20/2024
Created 07/18/2024
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Professor Fiona Cookson removed her hat and wiped her forehead. It was 95 degrees with stifling humidity, and being from New England, she wasn't used to such hot, humid weather, Still, the invitation to explore the jungles of Rwanda had been something she couldn't turn down. The bio-diversity of life deep in the jungle was nothing short of startling. After 10 years in a stuffy university setting, it was what she'd been yearning for, to see firsthand, what she taught about.

Her colleagues were just as adventurous as she was, 6 female professors who had gotten the chance to get out of the stuffy university setting, and really sink their teeth into something special. They had just made camp for the day when all hell broke loose. There was a crashing through the bushes, and a tribe of fierce warriors with painted faces rushed at them. Professor Cookson had just jumped to her feet before she felt the sting of a dart fired by the blowguns they were carrying. She saw her colleagues falling, and she joined them, tumbling down a black void into unconsciousness.

"Fiona, Fiona, wake up."

The world swam back into focus, she opened his eyes to see Professor Natasha Highmore. She swiveled her head, and saw they were in a cave, the front of which was closed off with a sturdy-looking cage front, what the hell, what was going on? Her expression was answered before she even asked the question.

Natasha said, "I don't know what the hell is going on, other than that we've been captured by a native tribe. Those darts put me out before I even knew what was what."

"Have you seen any of the natives?" Fiona asked.

"Not yet, but I figure we'll see them soon, and find out what they have planned for us."

A few minutes later, they heard the approach of their captors. A group of fierce-looking warriors, all of them at least 6 feet or taller, all very strong and fit, appeared. They wore very little, just a small loincloth. Judging by the bulges beneath them, the males looked to be well-endowed.

The male warrior who looked like the leader pointed to Fiona, and motioned for her to approach the cage door. Having no choice, she complied, they had seen firsthand how experienced they were with blowpipe weapons, and she had a feeling that the sharp-looking spears that they were carrying were not just for show. When she stepped out, two warriors took her arms and led him. Their grips were strong but not painful, and she was in no mood to test their strength. They led him over to a small hut and took her inside. Another of the tribe was there, and she was seated before him.

She was amazed when she heard him say, "Speak English?"

"Yes, yes I do, how do you know our language?"

"Have learned from others."

He did not explain it any further, and she waited for him to tell her more.

"When the moon is bright and high in the sky, is time for fertility rites. We need different females for the rites."

Fiona thought, and that would be us.

"We will be rewarded, for providing the right females for fertility. Please, remove clothing."

Fiona gaped at him, but when her escorts brandished their weapons, she knew she had no choice but to comply. She pulled off her hiking boots, unbuttoned her safari shorts, and let them drop to her ankles. Her safari shirt was also quickly shed, and with a 'keep going' look from the spokesman, she reluctantly unhooked her bra, letting it tumble away, and she shoved her white cotton panties down, letting them pool at her feet. She was now stark naked, she felt horribly exposed, but she wanted to put up a brave front. Rather than do the silly, girly thing of trying to cover her breasts and her crotch with her hands, she left her arms at her sides and stood tall, facing the spokesman.

He got up and walked closer, and she steeled herself for his hands, and who knew how much else, to make contact with her body. He started to walk around her, looking closely but not touching, he made various comments to her escorts in the native language, and they replied in hushed, almost reverential voices. She could almost feel his eyes traveling up and down her body as he circled.

"Yes, very nice, perfect for fertility rites. You may cover yourself again."

She quickly got dressed, he made a motion with his hands, and her escorts led her away. Instead of being led back to the cage, she was led to a large hut. They motioned her inside, and she looked around, letting her eyes get used to the dimness. She could see 6 spaces that had mounds of what looked like some kind of straw, and she got the idea that they were beds. Just like a dormitory, went through her mind. She went over to one of the spaces, testing how soft it was, she lay down on it, and let out a soft sigh, it was very comfortable, and she let her mind drift. She hoped that her comrades would be joining her soon.

In due time, all 6 of them were reunited, and they all related a similar story, having to strip naked, being looked over but not touched, being pronounced as fit for a fertility rite, and then being brought to the hut.

Professor Catherine Latham said, "Fertility rites, I wonder how many of them are going to fuck us? Great excuse for an orgy. There must be some way to get out of this."

Professor Hillary Hutchins joined in, "I get the feeling that there's nothing we can do about it. They've got 4 of the tribe guarding the entrance to the hut. And even if we were able to escape, we no longer have our gear. We don't even know exactly where we are, with us being knocked out, who knows how far they brought us? I think we're going to have no choice.''

Three native women entered the hut, each of them carrying two large, crude platters. The aromas of freshly cooked food filled the hut, and the women realized how hungry they were. The native women smiled at them, setting a wooden bowl before each of them, and motioned for them to eat. The sounds of hungry eating filled the hut, and they quickly filled their empty bellies.

Fiona sat back, pleasantly sated, and sighed, ''Oh that was delicious.''

The phrase, ''fattening us up for the kill'' skittered through her mind, and she quickly squelched that down.

Hillary said, "Well, it will be a full moon the night after tomorrow, I think we'll see exactly what their rites are then."

Two nights later, it was time. Fiona was escorted from the hut and led to a large clearing, a big bonfire was blazing. The spokesman approached her, and said, "It is time, please remove clothing."

When she was naked, a woman approached her, and using paints created from various plant dyes, painted various designs on her body, she had no idea what if anything they stood for.

When she was done, another woman approached her and blew some scented dust into her face. When she breathed it in, she felt herself slipping into a drugged stupor, her body was lifted, and carried to a large altar, and she was lifted into position.

Her arms were lifted above her head, wrists bound together with jungle vines, and another jungle vine was looped through the wrist vines, and looped around a rock projection at the top of the altar. She saw that the altar had been carved in such a way that her legs would be well spread, and lifted up and back, almost like being on a doctor's exam table, with her feet in the stirrups. She watched with drugged eyes, as her legs were fitted into the carved legrests, and her ankles were bound to the bottom of the altar.

The dust also contained ground powder of Psilocybin, the hallucinogenic chemical found in certain classes of mushrooms. The night seemed to twist and waver, tendrils of lights floating through her field of vision.

A sonorous drumbeat filled the area, and Fiona looked around, the world was a kaleidoscopic rush. She lifted her head as far as she could, seeing her naked body in the light of the full moon, it was like a spotlight was trained on her. The night seemed to shimmer and warp, the natives were now surrounding the altar, and the leader stepped forward. He spoke several sentences in the native language and pointed at one of the men. He stepped forward, his loincloth was stripped off, and a very large, ebony-colored penis reared up.

Before mounting her, he took the position between her legs, and his tongue licked and laved her pussy, sliding inside, and her juices started to flow. He tasted the flow and lapped eagerly, her moans of pleasure urged him onward.

Fiona looked up, and saw the Milky Way galaxy, her drug-induced high made it look like the stars were spinning and bouncing around the sky. She felt her body reacting to the licking, then he pulled back, she almost cried aloud when she felt the loss of sensation, then she saw him rise, his cock was harder and longer than ever, and he aimed the huge head right at the hot, juicy center.

The wetness brought forth by his licking had lubricated her, his cock pushed in slowly, spreading her lips open. It was the thickest, longest dick that she'd ever had, she had never felt so filled up in her entire life. Fiona, her legs splayed out, the lips of her swollen pussy swallowing his big cock, mmmmm, a big cock was fucking her, it felt so good, and she heard herself making mewling, eager sounds, humping her hips up, eager for harder, pussy filling fucking.

The young man smiled, Fiona was squealing with pleasure as his long, hard dick stretched her open, oh fuck, it felt so good. With a loud Ahhhhhh of satisfaction, Fiona felt him bottom out in the wet, liquid depths, his balls smacking against her ass. He set the rhythm, pulling back and driving into her, she eagerly accepted the hard prick pumping into her welcoming pink hole.

She felt her pussy double clutch around the thrusting pole, her juices were pouring, splashing along his shaft. She willingly gave herself up to the native as he started to fuck her hard, his huge tool pounding her pussy, giving her a long, deep, and very hard fuck. Her mind spun, she'd never been fucked so good. Lights started to flash across her vision, her mind on a Psilocybin high was free-wheeling. Visions of crazy things went through her mind, she was dazzled by the rush of crazy thoughts, feelings, and sensations.

She sank into a lust-driven mode, pushing her hips up at the thrusts, growling and panting, crying out and howling, she didn't want it to stop. Fiona's drugged mind, sailing on her Psilocybin high, was seeing swirls of light, her body in the grip of mad rushes of sensation. Fiona was moaning and gasping with pleasure, humping her hips up to take as much of the cock as she could, she was ridden hard, but that just inflamed her lust even more, her squeals, cries, and groans of pleasure filled the night.

She was a vortex of steaming lust, she wanted them, wanted them all to fuck her, use her cunt for their built-up lust. She felt the rush, and she screamed as she reached orgasm, her pussy clutched tightly at his cock as it scrubbed the slick inner walls of her convulsing pussy. She saw the young man's body start shaking, he grunted and growled, and she felt the rush of hot wetness being pumped over her walls, a flood of sperm filling her hungry pussy, she saw more dazzling lights, colors weaving through the night as she felt the young man's prick pumping his built up load into her.

When he was finished, he quickly pulled out and hurried off to his own hut. There, his beautiful dark-skinned wife awaited him, a smile of needy desire on her face. The ritual called for all the men of the tribe to fuck the women chosen for the fertility rites, then, after they took their pleasure with her, they went off to their women and used what they believed was the power of their essence to fuck their mates and produce healthy, vibrant offspring. The men were pent-up, ever since the women had been captured, the males knew they had to abstain until they had taken their turn with the fertility offering.

It was no trouble for his mate to bring him back up to another bone-hard erection, and soon, her cries of pleasure were drifting through the night, as he rode deep inside her, savoring the tight cling, and the long hard ride he was able to take on her, as he plundered her willing pink hole.

Fiona was in the middle of her second hard fuck, when she heard the sounds of hot fucking starting to fill the night air. It was like the night was echoing back her cries of pleasure, and she quickly crested, her tight pussy gripping at the hard cock, and milking another pussy filling load from him, her cries of orgasm mixing with the lust grunts of her partner, as he unleashed a thick, creamy load inside her hungry pussy, their cries of shared lust filling the air. He pulled out, and hurried off to his hut, while a third native got ready for his fertility ride.


Her colleagues couldn't help but hear what was going on, and they looked at one another, their faces a mixture of concern, curiosity, and wonderment. Professor Natasha Highmore saw the growing lust starting to sneak out on some of the faces, Fiona's unmistakable moans and cries of pleasure were getting to them. Being a female college professor, having to maintain a strict dignity, for the college's image, could take a toll on a healthy woman's sexual needs. Hearing Fiona's obvious cries and howls of pleasure was turning up the sexual heat.

Natasha was startled when she felt a naked body cuddle next to her, her blouse was unbuttoned, and a soft warm hand slipped in, unclasping her bra, caressing her breasts, swirling fingers around her nipples, making them hard and stiff. She turned her head, and saw Professor Hillary Hutchins, totally nude, her eyes full of a hungry, eager need.

When their eyes met, Hillary put her hand at the back of Natasha's head, and gently drew her head forward. Hillary was full-lipped, her tongue slid out, licking her lips, making them glisten. Natasha, spellbound by what was unfolding, gave up her lips to Hillary's, and she moaned, deep in her throat as they came together. The kisses were long, deep, drawn out tongue-filled swirls of passion, Natasha had never been kissed so heatedly, and her tongue was entwined with Hillary's, both of them making little coos of passion.

Hillary broke the kiss, pulled back, and cooed, "I've wanted you for a long time Natasha", then she started to kiss Natasha up and down her neck, "wanted to do so many things to your sexy, hot body."

Natasha felt her blouse unbuttoned, sliding over her shoulders and down to the floor. Her bra was quickly discarded, she felt hands unzipping her shorts, and they were pulled off her body. Natasha realized she was almost totally naked, just her panties left, then soft sensual kisses all over her breasts became her point of concentration, she growled aloud as Hillary latched around her left nipple, sucking, licking, and nipping gently.

Through lust-filled eyes, she saw her other professor colleagues, Catherine Latham, Gillian Rowland, and Angela Whitbred, all naked, Catherine sandwiched between Gillian and Angela. Catherine's coos of pleasure started to fill the air, and Gillian kissed and licked the front of her body, while Angela was happy to kiss up and down her back.

Natasha felt Hillary's soft hand sliding under the front of her panties, fingers stroking and caressing her neatly trimmed pubic curls, mmmmm, oh that felt nice, and her pussy responded with a gush of hot wetness. She felt the fingers reaching for her hot center, and a purr from Hillary as she felt the hot, creamy wetness bubble up, coating her fingers. Natasha felt her panties being stripped off her body, and she realized that not only was she nude, but she enjoyed the wide eyes that Hillary was looking at her with.

Hillary purred again, oh yes, Natasha was so damn sexy. Hillary had been a dedicated pussy licker ever since the age of 18.


On that wonderful night, she had her 18-year-old cousin Cindy over for the weekend. With her parents gone, they got into the wine, and Hillary had felt soft hands stroking at her, just before she passed out. When she came to, lying on her back, she was startled, she had been stripped naked, and she felt a body between her legs, kisses being placed all over her belly. She looked down and saw Cindy kissing her. She was just about to reach down and pull her away, what they were doing was so nasty and incestuous, when Cindy kissed her way down her mound, heading lower, and Hillary was overwhelmed by the sizzles of lust that shot through her. She thought better of it and let out a loud MMMMMMM of pleasure.

Cindy had looked up, grinned, and said, "Oh yeah baby, now that you're awake, I'm going to lick your sweet little pussy" and she had made good on that pronouncement. Hillary thought she was going to burst when Cindy's agile tongue licked her dripping folds, stirring around her bubbling juices, then softly probing her, wriggling up her pussy. When she locked her mouth around her rock-hard, throbbing clit, and lashed at it with her tongue, over and over, the pleasure was almost too much, and she tumbled into orgasm, squealing with pleasure as her body writhed and shook, and she felt her pussy squirting, she looked down, amazed, and saw Cindy's face full of bliss, as she took the hot squirts all over her face.

That weekend, with Cindy's juicy pussy hot, wet, and more than ready, Hillary had learned how to lick pussy, and she was eager to practice until she was perfect. They had made love like honeymooners, and with Cindy's 9 inch dildo, they had gently deflowered each other. They also experienced the pleasure of analingus, god, licking her tight little rosette while Cindy doted on her tight asshole had been insanely hot.

When she became a professor, the college had a lot of moral clauses that they had to sign off on. Hillary had been running pretty damn hot, masturbation, instead of cooling her off, just ramped up her carnal hunger.

She'd been on plenty of weekends away with her lover, Helen Preston, who was her second cousin. With the freedom to partake, well away from the university, she would slake her thirst, drinking deeply of the copious juices that Helen's eager pussy would churn up for her. They would make love over and over, pussy licking, analingus, strap-on fucks, sprawl exhausted, sleep a bit, and then start all over again. She had to load up, as it were, since they could not be together every weekend, and she would masturbate wildly during those times, remembering the hot fucking and sucking they shared during their last weekend session.

Although she had lusted after her colleagues, she had restrained herself, much as she was tempted. Her most cherished fantasy was Professor Natasha Highmore, her conservative clothes hid a wonderfully ripe body. She'd been lucky enough to see her nude, in the showers after a workout in the staff gymnasium, and she had wanted to strip her down and explore her lush curves. With the setting and the rising tempo of lust filling the hut, she wanted to take advantage of the opportunity.


Fiona was running extra hot, as a third native with a huge cock climbed aboard. Her pussy lips were parted and that big, thick, rock-hard dick was driven into her, in one giant thrust. She howled with sheer pleasure as his cock bottomed out, nudging tight against her cervix, his balls smacking against her ass. Her juices gushed out, bathing the cock in liquid heat as her pussy walls grabbed at him. He growled in pleasure and began to ride her, his huge cock began to pound her pussy, in a lust-driven cadence, thrusting it deep and hard, oh fuck, yeah, and she screamed as her cunt blossomed into another gripping orgasm, her pussy scrubbing hard at the plunging prick, eager for the bloom of hot cum.

The native let out a loud, guttural groan, and she felt a huge rush of wetness being splattered all over her cervix, as he unloaded what felt like a gallon of hot spunk deep inside her. His cock finally finished pumping his load deep inside her, he pulled out and hurried off to his waiting mate.


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