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After Party Game Ch. 01

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An after party game goes too far!
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*My first attempt at writing so please be gentle! Any constructive critique is welcome!*


My 21st Birthday party had come and gone. All in all I'd had a great night. All my friends together in a function room with a bar and karaoke, was the perfect evening. My boyfriend Marcus typically got wasted and was sat in the corner nodding off. Marcus wasn't a big drinker and on special occasions he always ended up stalking the toilet or passed out. I didn't usually mind, but it being my 21st birthday I was a little annoyed. The plan had been to head into town after the party but with Marcus's state it wasn't going to happen.

Left at the Party was Andy and Louise, Samantha , Asa, Tommo and my boyfriend snoring in the corner. I suggested going back to mine instead of heading into town and most agreed. Samantha however, had agreed to meet her boyfriend who was already in town so she couldn't come back. We arranged two taxi's for the rest of us and headed back to our house.

Marcus stayed conscious enough to climb the flight of stair to our bedroom. While we all headed for our living room. I poured everyone a drink and put some music on the tv. We all sat around talking, but the mood seemed a little subdued and I suggested that maybe we would have been better dropping Marcus off and heading to town after all. Andy then suggested we play a game!

Me: "That will liven this party up a bit what did you have in mind?"

Andy: "Do you have and iPad or iPhone?"

Me: "Yep, we have both!"

Andy: "Excellent, well there is an app on there called 'Love Game'! It's basically truth or dare, but instead of one of us choosing a dare, it chooses one for us."

As Andy was explaining the game I saw Louise give him an inquisitive look. Louise was Andy's girlfriend and Andy was Marcus's best friend. I didn't know Louise too well but knew Andy fairly well. He was your typical woman's man, always flirting always pushing the boundaries. I didn't envy any women who dated him.

Louise: "Seriously! You're suggesting we all play that!"

Andy: "Why not babe? We can just play it on the soft level where the questions and dares are really tame! It would be fun!"

Louise: "Oh I'm sure you'd have fun, but just because you'd enjoy it doesn't mean everyone would!"

I had a feeling Louise was the one who didn't want to play. I wasn't sure about Asa and Tommo, they had always come across as quiet and shy, but they had had plenty of drink.

Andy: "Ok well why don't we play one round and then have a vote on who wants to continue? Plus you get 2 jokers, so if there is a question you don't want to answer or a dare you don't want to do then you can use a joker to pass."

Everyone nodded in agreement apart from Louise, I could tell she wasn't keen on the idea but agreed to one round.

I downloaded the app while Andy explained the rules. Basically we all entered as players in the game. We took turns at choosing truth or dare. The app would decide what truth you were asked or the dare you had to do. Each player got 2 jokers and these could be used only to pass on your own truth or dare question and once they were gone you had no choice but to do as instructed.

As it was my birthday party Andy set me up to go first followed by himself, Louise, Asa and Tommo.

Andy poured everyone a shot of vodka as the game sometimes instructed to take a shot.

I went first as instructed and chose truth. "Debbie have you ever forgotten what happened because you drank too much".

Me: "I have, only the one time but yes I can't deny!" I pressed the yes button and was instructed to take a shot. I lifted the shot glass to my mouth and downed the vodka in one. Immediately Andy filled it back up with vodka.

Andy: "I think we've all done it at least once!" He said laughing.

Everyone laughed along apart from Louise, who looked far from impressed.

Andy went next and also chose truth. "Andy have you ever been to a nudist beach". Andy without thinking pressed the no button and was ordered to choose two people to take shots, he chose me and Louise. Again I downed my shot and not to be out done Louise did the same.

Now it was Louise's turn and she chose truth. "Louise which body parts do you shave". "My legs!" Louise replied quickly.

Andy: "They aren't the only body part you shave!" Andy laughed. Followed by nervous giggles from Asa and Tommo. Louise looked embarrassed and so I refrained from laughing.

Asa chose truth. "Asa what do you think of Debbie's bottom." Asa instantly went bright red, with a nervous smile. I looked back at him with anticipation but he bottled it and hit the joker button.

Asa I'd known for a few years, we worked for the same company. He was a bit of a geek in looks and personality and got embarrassed easily. He's never had a girlfriend while I'd known him, but he wasn't the best looking. He was a skinny guy, never seen a gym was about 5'8 tall and had mousy brown hair styled into the curtains look of the 90s.

Asa passed the iPad to Tommo who chose truth. "Tommo have you ever sexted with your partner." Tommo also went bright red but did press the no button and was instructed to to choose two people to take shots. He chose me and Asa, so after 1 round I'd already done 3 shots.

Tommo was a mini version of Asa, only with blonde hair. At 5'5 and again skinny and shy I had never seen him with a women. In fact some of our colleagues even thought they may both be gay but there was no evidence just rumour.

Andy asked the room if everyone was happy to continue and everyone agreed that it was all good natured and fun so we carried on.

I again chose truth. "Debbie have you ever slept with a girl at a party, if so give more detail." Andy looked up really interested in my answer as did Asa and Tommo. I'd never had an intimate moment with a women and so hit the no button to their disappointment. I was instructed to give out 1 shot so instructed Andy to take a drink.

Andy: "Well seeing as nobody has done a dare yet I'm going to make this a little more interesting!" Andy hit the dare button and we all looked down at the screen. "Andy read out the first message on your phone when you type blowjob in the search bar." Andy laughed and picked up his phone, then began to read! "Fellatio is an oral sex act involving the use of the mouth or throat, which is usually performed by a person on the penis of another person. If performed on oneself, the act is called autofellatio. Oral stimulation of the scrotum may also be termed fellatio, or colloquially as teabagging." We all laughed as Andy as a matter of fact, described the act of fellatio, Asa and Tommo again look nervous and beetroot red.

We moved on to Louise who chose truth. "Louise have you ever made love in the sea or a pool." Louise clicked the no button and was instructed to give out a shot, she again chose me and I downed my 4th shot. At this point I was starting to feel the effects of the alcohol more and felt a little more confident.

Asa chose truth: "Asa have you ever had a crush on one of your friends mother." He answered no and gave a shot to Tommo.

To my surprise Tommo then hit dare. "Tommo kiss on the lips the person sitting on your left." Tommo again went red and looked at me nervously. I winked at him and knelt over to give him some encouragement and he gave me a quick peck on the lips. Everyone laughed at his awkwardness as he fidgeted. I think I got my evidence of his sexuality though as I looked down and saw a bulge in his jeans which he was desperately trying to hide. The fact Tommo was turned on by our little kiss had me feeling a little flustered.

With the shots I'd taken I was brave enough to take a dare as I didn't want to risk having to take another shot too. I clicked dare. "Remove a piece of clothing if you have slept with the apps developer." I thought this was a silly question but it got me off the hook and I got off my turn lightly.

Andy chose dare. "Andy while blindfolded identify each player but just touching their face." Andy paused for a second before hitting joker and passing the iPad to Louise.

Louise hit truth. "Louise have you ever had a sex friend." Louise answered no and was instructed to give out 4 shots, so we all had to take and extra shot. At this point I knew I couldn't take too many more shots.

Asa chose dare. "Asa choose two players who will have to kiss." Asa had a think about it and instructed me and Tommo to kiss. I stood up and pulled Tommo to his feet, he was about two inches shorter than me. I looked around and noticed the anticipation etched on everyone's face waiting to see if we'd do it. I lowered my lips onto Tommo's and we kissed for around 10 seconds his lip felt soft on mine, it was brief but it felt nice. Now a mixture of the drink my heightened state of arousal and lack of sex over recent months were lowering my inhibitions rapidly.

Tommo sat back down again trying to hide his own arousal and chose truth. "Have you ever had plastic surgery." He laughed out loud while shaking his head and clicked no. He was instructed to give out 5 shot so we all had a shot each, just what I needed I thought.

It was my turn again and I chose dare. "Debbie softly touch Tommo's body with your chest." Even with my heightened state I wasn't ready for that and used my first joker, Tommo looked relieved.

Andy chose dare. "Andy chose two players who must kiss each other." Andy quickly chose me but this time paired me with Asa. I moved across to Asa and we kissed briefly only maybe 10 seconds, but again it wasn't unpleasant. This time it was Asa's turn to hide his bulge and as I sat down I gave him a quick wink. He went bright red and looked away quickly.

It was back to Louse's turn and she chose truth. "Louise have you ever wished your partner had bigger intimate parts." Laughing she answered yes and we all laughed at Andy's expense, Louise was instructed to take a shot for her answer and she did so while still giggling.

I was surprised again when Asa chose dare, he was getting more confident as the game went on. "The first player to name the current song that's playing can remove an item of clothing from a player of their choice." Andy answered the question first and for a second I thought I was in trouble as I only had my dress and panties on. Luckily he chose Louise and removed her top, the reactions of Asa and Tommo were priceless, it was like they'd never seen a women wear a bra before. Louise however, wasn't impressed at all and sat there with her arms crossed.

Tommo then chose dare. "Tommo write a 5 star review of the app or Debbie will spank you 5 times." Asa quickly pressed the joker. The game then told us that the soft level was complete and asked if we wanted to continue to the next level.

Immediately Louise announced it was time to go much to Andy's disappointment. I offered them one of our spare rooms but they didn't live too far away and decided to walk home. This worked out well as it meant both Asa and Tommo could stay and both have a bed in our two spare bedrooms.

It was now 1am and I suggested maybe it was time for bed but Asa and Tommo both looked disappointed. So I suggested we play on and they both agreed eagerly. I laughed, thinking to myself about my colleagues and their opinions of Asa and Tommo being gay. It's safe to say they both liked the opposite sex.

We all had a toilet break and on return deleted Andy and Louise from the game and started again. I wasn't sure what the next level would entail so a chose truth. "Debbie have you ever had a crush on a friends Dad." I was relieved it wasn't too bad a question and answer no. I had to give out 2 shots so both Asa and Tommo took their shots and I passed on to Asa.

Asa chose dare. "Asa rub between Debbie's thighs over her clothes." I half expected Asa to play his last joker but after looking at me and seeing my smile, he placed his hand between my thigh. At this point we were all sat on the sofa with Asa on my right and Tommo on my left. As I felt Asa's soft hand touch my skin I was anticipating him touching my sex through my panties. However, he was careful but it still felt nice. As he continued to rub my thigh I took the iPad and passed it to Tommo.

Tommo also went for dare. "Tommo kiss Debbie's feet." Tommo knelt down on the floor in front of me and lifted my leg and started placing kisses across my feet. The feeling added to Asa touch on my thigh has me so horny, I could feel my nipples erect behind the fabric of my dress and my pussy was damp.

I picked up the iPad and chose dare. "Debbie pretend you're having an orgasm while sat on Asa." Both Asa and Tommo stopped what they were doing and I moved over and straddled Asa. My pink dress rode up my legs as I did so and I started to rub myself on Asa. Straight away I felt his bulge grow and it can into contact with my panty clad pussy albeit through his jeans. Instantly my body reacted and I lost myself, humping his bulge I let it a gasp followed by a groan. It only took about 30 seconds at my heightened state. My body tensed up as I groaned loudly. I collapsed gasping for air as my pussy flooded my panties and my orgasm ripped though me. After a minute to catch my breath I sat back down between the two, both looked gobsmacked and both had tents in their jeans.

Me: "Who's turn is it?"

They both looked at me in disbelief, I think they both thought that the game was over at that point. Asa eagerly picked up the iPad and chose dare. "Asa take off a piece of clothing, shoes and socks don't count." After a little thought Asa removed his shirt and sat in just his jeans, boxers and socks and passed the iPad to Tommo.

Tommo chose dare. "Tommo arouse Debbie for 30 seconds." Tommo looked at me for guidance a sort of should I shouldn't I moment. Asa took the iPad and set the timer going, I grabbed Tommo's hand and placed it between my legs. He started rubbing my sex through my panties with his fingers, he was just starting to get more confident when Asa called time. We were all aroused and breathing heavily at this point. We'd already crossed the line but my body was betraying me and I didn't want this experience to end yet. I was hornier than I'd ever been and it felt really good.

I chose dare. "Debbie declare your love to Tommo, if you laugh remove one item of clothing." I laughed out loud and turned to Tommo and composed myself. Looking him straight in the eye I said. "Tommo I-I" before I could get the words out I burst out laughing and the two of them laughed with me. I thought for a minute, I was only wearing a dress and knickers, so I decided to remove my panties. I stood up put my hands under my dress and removed my panties in front of the boys, there faces were a picture! One of shock, disbelief and pure excitement. I calmly sat back down and said to Asa "It's your turn!"

Asa pressed dare. "Asa remove your trousers." Having watched me remove my knickers it was my turn to watch as Asa removed his jeans. As he lowered them a pair of sponge bob square pants boxers case into view, I laughed out loud and Asa looked a little embarrassed but I assured him they looked cute.

Tommo chose dare. "Tommo sensually massage Debbie." Quickly Tommo declare he wasn't good at massage and used his last joker.

I was a little disappointed but I rectified that by pressing dare. "Debbie kiss Asa with your tongue for 20 seconds." I turned to Asa and placed my mouth over his, my tongue searching for his. He obliged and our tongues danced with each other for the allotted time. He was a good kisser and I wanted to continue but the rules were rules. The tent in Asa's boxers was even more obvious now he'd lost his jeans.

Asa chose dare. "Asa while standing Debbie will rub herself against you." We both stood up and I turned away from him, backed up and closed my arms are his neck. Then I slowly started to rub my ass on him. His cock prodded my ass through his boxers a couple of times before I stood on my tiptoes and manoeuvred his cock between my legs. I gasped when I felt his tip briefly prod my opening. I quickly spun around and again on my tiptoes I manoeuvred his cock between my legs and rubbed my body against him! His breath was ragged at this point and his eyes were glazed. I finally moved away to sit back down and noticed a wet patch on his boxer, he was leaking pre-cum. You could smell sex in the air and all three of us were highly aroused.

Tommo chose a dare again. "Caress Debbie between her thighs." Tommo turned to me and his hand disappeared between my thighs. All of a sudden this shy guy had gained confidence. This time there was no fabric between my thighs and Tommo fingers came straight into contact with my pussy, parting my lips and rubbing through my wetness. His fingers flicked across my clit and I groaned, Tommo noticed my reaction and started flicking my clit. My pleasure was building my breathing getting more and more frantic and then it stopped. I opened my eyes and as I did Tommo handed me the iPad and said with a mischievous smile "Your turn".

I needed a minute so chose truth. "Debbie did you masturbate in the last 24 hours." I gave myself a moment and clicked no. The screen said Asa's turn.

He chose dare. "Asa sit behind Debbie and kiss her neck while massaging her breasts." Asa moved in behind me and placed his lips on my neck and placed his hands over my breasts through my dress. As he started to massage my breasts Tommo took the iPad only to find the level had come to an end. It was now 2am and my body was on fire, Tommo looked at me and I nodded.

Tommo chose dare. "Tommo lay on the floor, Debbie will then rub her sex on yours." Tommo prised me away from Asa and lay down on the floor, I straddled him and started humping his crotch over his jeans, my pussy throbbing more and more.

I continued to rub myself on Tommo as I chose dare. "Debbie leave a hickey on Tommo's ribs." I quickly unbuttoned his shirt, then bent down and placed my mouth on his ribs before sucking hard for about 20 seconds.

Asa was already choosing dare. "Asa slowly take off an item of Debbie's clothing." I stood up in front of Asa, he pulled the straps of my dress over my shoulders and slowly peeled the cups of my dress down over my breasts. As my breasts came into view both Asa and Tommo gasped. Asa paused taking in the view. The desire in the room was almost unbearable, building and building with each move. Asa removed the dress down over my legs and I stepped out of it and we all sat back down.

Tommo chose dare. "Tommo lick Debbie's tits while gently caressing her intimate parts." Without hesitation Tommo clamped his mouth on my left nipple and started licking furiously while his left hand caressed my sex, my body convulsed as I had a mini orgasm on his fingers. It was my turn again.

At this point we were all only ever going to choose dare. "Debbie smother Tommo with your breast." I passed Asa the iPad and straddled Tommo's legs before smothering his face with my 36d's.

"Asa penetrate Debbie and stay this way for 20 seconds." I stood up bent over Tommo as Asa passed him the iPad. I watched Asa take off his boxers and come stand behind me, he prodded and poked at my sex a few times until I reached around and guided him in, I gasped and Tommo started the timer. He held his cock deep in me and although is didn't feel particularly big my pussy throbbed as another mini orgasm hit me. Tommo announced time up but Asa didn't move.

Tommo took his turn. "Tommo suck Debbie's nipples for 30 seconds." Tommo reaction looked a little disappointed, I think he was hoping for more than just my nipples but got to work and again my sexual state was heightened even more.

I fumbled with the iPad as Tommo sucks hard on my nipples and Asa stood motionless with his cock wedged deep in my pussy. "Debbie rub Tommo's balls until it's your turn again. I removed my breast from Tommo's face and motioned for him to remove his jeans and underwear, I passed Asa the iPad and as he reached for it the movement of his cock still inside caused me to pant. As Tommo lowered his boxers I could not believe the scene in front of me, his cock had to be at least 8 inches if not 9 and it was rock hard. I rubbed his balls with my left hand as I used my right for support.


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