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Alexis, John and Jenn Ch. 01

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Twin sister sees her brother's morning wood.
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A pillow to the head woke John up.

"Hey, sleepyhead, wake up."

John cracked an eye to see his twin sister, Alexis, standing over him. "Mom wants us downstairs."

He covered his eyes with an arm and mumbled, "Yeah, okay, Alex. I'll be there when I wake up."

Another pillow strike, this one to his stomach, doubled him over. "Sorry, bro, she said now."

John huffed, "Fine, I'll be right there." He threw the covers off and stretched, dressed only in his boxers.

Alex glanced down, and her eyes widened. She looked up at John and said, "You might want to chop some wood first. You don't want to give Grandma a heart attack if she sees your..."

She looked down again and back up. Then down and up again. John gave her a quizzical look.

Alex nodded, pointing downward, "You're sporting some lumber there, bro."

John looked down at his crotch, then quickly covered himself. "Oh geez, Alex. I'm sorry. I..."

Alex flushed, seeing her twin with such an obvious erection. But here he was, or rather, there it was, tenting his boxers upward. She desperately wanted to look down at his crotch. Instead, she turned and strolled to her bed with an air of nonchalance, saying, "No big deal. I know it happens to guys." She then plopped down on the bed and stared at the ceiling. "Chop, chop. Get to it.

"What? Now? With you in the room?"

"Ugh, Mom said I can't come down without you in tow. So yes, with me in the room."

Their mother had said nothing of that nature. She had simply asked Alex to wake her brother up. But seeing her brother in such a state, Alex couldn't resist.

"I... I can't. Not with you here. Can't you go to the bathroom or stand outside the door."

Alex knew she shouldn't push it but wanted to see how far she could take this. He wasn't the only one who needed to get off. But, for Alex, that would have to wait.

"I don't have to pee, and Mom would think it weird with me standing in the hall. Would you really want me to tell her what you are doing in here? Besides, you did it last night, and I was here."

John's eyes opened wide. "No, I didn't!"

Alex sat up and gave him a skeptical look. "Really? Because it sounded like you were..." She pumped her hand back and forth.

A heatwave of embarrassment passed over John's face. "No way. You can't... I don't... not with you here."

"Hey, look, bro, it's no big deal. A lot of guys do it." Alex snickered, "Maybe not as much as you do."

"I don't... not all of the time. How would you know?"

Alex laid back down and closed her legs, hoping she hadn't soaked through her panties yet. "We've shared the same room for like five years now. Our beds are what? Maybe ten feet apart? I have ears, and you are not very quiet about it."

John covered his face with his pillow. "Oh shit, Alex. I'm sorry. I thought..."

Alex shrugged. "It is what it is. So are you going to... you know?"

John buried his face farther into the pillow. How could this get any worse?

Shit! A horrible thought slammed into John's mind. He lifted the pillow slightly to peek down to his crotch. He let out a sigh of relief. Standing up, John turned sideways to Alex so she could see his profile. "Yeah, not going to happen. You kinda scared him away."

Sitting up again, Alex ran her eyes down his body, stopping at his boxers, now no longer tenting but still a nice bulge. "Bummer, dude. Better luck next time." She paused, "Kinda weird that you proudly showed your crotch to your sister."

John pulled on a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt, then headed to the bedroom door. "Yeah. Let's not talk about this."

Alex watched him head across the hall to the bathroom. She dipped a hand into her shorts to feel her wetness. She was tempted to stay in her wet pants, especially since she was planning to go to her friend Jenn's house after breakfast. But no, she should put on a fresh pair, but she paused with a mischievous grin on her face. Jenn's brothers were cute, after all.

"Fuck it. I'm keeping them on."


Out of necessity, Alex and John share the only upper-floor bedroom of their house. After the twin's grandfather died, their grandmother found it challenging to live on her own. It was decided that it was best for her to move in with their family. This meant that, with no extra rooms in the house, Alex had to move into John's bedroom.

The attic had been converted into a living space, but the renovation was unfinished. John's bedroom and a full bathroom across the hall were finished, but a second bedroom was only framed out and never completed.

"It's only for a short while." Their father promised when the twins had complained about sharing. "Just until Aex can move into the other room."

Now eighteen, the twins were tall, fit and unashamed of their bodies. It was not uncommon that they would see each other partially or even fully naked, albeit from their backside. They no longer felt the need to leave the room to change. Each discreetly turned their back when they had to strip down to change. For them, it was just a part of sharing a room. Although they both enjoyed stealing a glance or two at their twin's naked body.

John would admire Alex's well-toned body in the mirror, which she had developed from playing volleyball, field hockey, and swimming. Activities that contributed to an ass that John could not look away from. Sometimes he was rewarded by catching her turn just enough to see some side boob. Although her tits weren't large, they stood out proud and firm from her body. John couldn't stare at them too long before his cock would stand up and take notice.

Alex was more obvious. She would frequently turn around to look at her brother from behind. He maintained his 6-foot-2 athletic physique by playing on his school's hockey, soccer, and baseball teams. Although she found his well-muscled shoulders and chest nice, like her twin, she was drawn to his ass. She enjoyed it when he bent down to put on his underwear, often giving her a glance at his long-hanging cock. She'd wait, hoping for John to look in the mirror to see her staring. Alex would look at his ass, then smile back at his face. John would just shake his head and roll his eyes.


Alex tossed and turned in her bed, unable to sleep. It had been four days since the morning wood incident. She lay still for a while, listening. It was clear that John was also restless.

"Hey!" she whispered. "You awake?

"Yeah, I can't sleep. What's up?"

"Me too." Alex paused, "I feel... pent up. If you know what I mean?"

"Uhm, no, I don't know what you mean."

Alex sighed deeply, "You know... pent up. I need to do... you know something."

"No, I don't know what you mean." John paused to think. "Like you have to go somewhere?"

"No, not that," frustration tinged her words.

They both fell silent.

Alex stared at the ceiling while she tried to find her courage. She took a deep breath. "You haven't done anything in three nights, now four."

'What do you mean?" John said cautiously.

Alex nervously tapped her mattress. "You know it. You haven't done it in the last four days."

"I don't know what you are talking about. What haven't I done?"

"You know what?" Alex thumped the bed. "Nevermind, it doesn't matter."

"Now you really have me worried. What have I not done that has made you so upset?"

"No! Just no. It doesn't matter. It's too embarrassing," Alex angrily spat out. "Just go to sleep." She rolled over, her back to John.

John lay there trying to think what he didn't do that would make Alex so upset. He glanced over at Alex. He could hear her sheets rustling like she was fidgeting with something.

"Alex, what is it? If it is embarrassing, I promise I won't laugh at you. Just tell me, what did I not do?"

He could hear Alex nervously rub her hands, then say, "You haven't..." the rest was lost in a mumble.

John shook his head, "You have to speak up. I haven't what?"

"Jerked off," Alex blurted. "You haven't jerked off lately. At least not at night." She could feel her face flush.

"I, uh, what? I don't uhm."

Alex buried her head under a pillow. "I told you it's embarrassing."

John hissed, "Of course, it's embarrassing. You said you could hear me. So I..."

"No," Alex pulled the pillow away. "It's not embarrassing for you. It's embarrassing for me."

John huffed a laugh. "It's embarrassing for you because you can hear me?"

"No." Alex took a deep breath. "It's embarrassing for me because I have to admit that I want to hear you do it."

"What? Wait. You want me to jerk off so that you can hear me?" John considered what she said. "That's fucked up."

Alex sniffed.

"You're my sister. My twin sister. We shouldn't even be talking about this."

Rolling over, Alex hugged a pillow. "I knew you wouldn't understand."

John laid on his back, shaking his head over the whole thing. The two of them had never had a fight that left the other crying. He admitted that it had been a while since he blew his load. During the day, he had been sporting some form of an erection. But with school and sports, he never had a chance to do anything about it. Now at night, he's limp with worry, knowing she can hear him. That is until tonight, right now, his dick was starting to wake up and take notice of the conversation.

Closing his eyes, John tried to fall asleep. In the quiet, he could hear Alex moving, her bedsheets rustling.

"What are you doing over there?"

The sound stopped abruptly. "Nothing," Alex barely spoke above a whisper. "Just trying to get comfortable."

"You're keeping me awake. I have early practice tomorrow, and unless Dad drives you to school, we both need to get there early."

John closed his eyes. As he drifted off, the rustling started again, but slower.

In the morning, John woke up with his usual morning wood. He glanced over to Alex's bed. She was facing him but appeared to be asleep. Keeping an eye on her, John's hand slipped into his boxers and slowly stroked his cock. He closed his eyes as the sensation overtook him. Last night's conversation forced its way into John's thoughts. His cock stiffened, thinking how Alex enjoyed hearing him masturbate. With his free hand, he raised the sheet so it didn't make any noise while he stroked.


John's eyes shot over to the other bed. The rustling last night, was it Alex fingering herself? Just thinking about it made John want to speed up, but he was afraid that Alex would hear him.

His eyes roved over his sleeping sister's form. His hand drifted down to his balls., massaging them slowly. He smiled. Is that a bit of nipple? Even if it wasn't, the thought was in his head now. Dammit. I need to blow my nut. He got out of bed, his tented boxers wet with pre cum. John grabbed his towel as he headed to the door. Alex cracked an eye and smiled when her eyes followed his erection out of the door.

In the bathroom, John quickly stripped down, then started to pound on his cock. He closed his eyes as he tried to imagine some of the girls in his classes and what they would look like naked: Cynthia, Taylor, Bethany, and maybe even Alex.


John slowed his strokes. He considered it. The thought of her well-toned ass clamoured into his mind and, shortly after, was joined by her tits. John picked up his stroking. He really hoped that it was a nipple that he saw. His balls tightened, his climax approaching. A few more strokes and...

The bathroom door flew open as Alex burst in. "I gotta pee. I hope you're de--" Alex froze, her eyes wide as she took in the sight."--cent."

"Shit, Alex!" John hunched over, cupping his cock and balls. "Can't you... Oh... no," John grimaced as he climaxed. He gripped himself harder, trying to contain his sperm, but it seeped between his fingers.

"Oh my God, John, did you just... Oh, you did?" Alex slowly backed up toward the door. "I'll use the downstairs bathroom while you, uhm. Sorry." A smile slid across her face as she closed the door. Alex knew what he would be doing when he headed to the bathroom. But she fully expected him to be in the shower, obscured by the curtain, not out in the open.

Leaning on the other side of the door, John exhaled and closed his eyes in frustration. Opening them again, he looked at the hand still gripping his cock, now slimy with his cum. "Fuck!" he said, violently shaking his hand, sending semen spattering against the wall, sink and mirror. He rolled his eyes at the mess that he had made. "Dammit."

After wiping up the semen, he showered to clean himself up. Standing under the water, he thought about the incident. About how embarrassing it was to be caught whacking off by Alex. He looked down to see his cock at half-mast. "No. You've got me into enough trouble. I'm not going to reward you."

At breakfast, John was sure that Alex would tease him. To his relief, she acted like it was every other day. John's eyes followed his twin's ass as she put her dishes in the sink. Today, she wore leggings with a short mini-skirt that barely covered her cheeks. When she turned sideways, his eyes roamed upward over her flat stomach. A tight tank top outlined her breasts. His gaze stopped to linger on those magnificent mounds. His eyes narrowed when he thought he saw a nipple straining against the fabric.

"What are you looking at?" Alex stood defiantly with her hands on her hips.

John snapped back to reality. "Uh, nothing. I was thinking... the, uh, game coming up. I was zoned out, not looking at you."

Alex cocked an eyebrow. "Really? Because where I was standing, it looked like you were staring at my chest." Alex's eyes opened wide. "Were you perving on my tits?"

"What? No. You just happened to be in my line of sight. I wasn't staring at your... uh, you."

"Sure. Whatever you say. Ready to go?"

John pushed back from the table, then stood up. "Just gotta deal with my..." He stopped when he saw Alex staring at him. He followed her line of sight. Not precisely at him, just at the noticeable bulge in his shorts. "What are you looking at?" he mimicked her own question.

A sly smile crept across her face. "Just... thinking."

John dropped his hand to his crotch. "This is getting weird."

Alex pursed her lips. "Yeah, maybe we should head out."

The ride to school was unusually quiet. John concentrated as best he could on his driving, but he could see Alex checking him out of the corner of his eye. He shifted in his seat in an attempt to hide his growing erection.

Alex, for her part, was particular attention to the bulge in his pants. Has it always been that... prominent?

When they pulled into the school parking lot, John broke the quiet. "I have practice afterward. You sticking around, or can you get a ride home?"

"Jenn and I are going to her house to study for our physics test. Then hang out. I'll probably miss dinner."

"Say hi to Jenn," John said before heading to the locker room.

"Will do. Oh, and bro, I hope your day's not too hard."

John's friend, Tony, caught up to him. "Hey, dude, what was that all about?"

"What was what about?"

"What Alex said about not having a hard day."

John rolled his eyes as he shook his head. "Who knows, probably some stupid girl joke."

Arriving home that night, John was mildly relieved that Alex was not there. They have always been close and enjoyed just being together as siblings. But something had changed. John knew that the secret and not-so-secret glances he and Alex exchanged were inappropriate. But he had to admit that Alex was damn hot. She is not runway model beautiful, but rather in a way that makes your heart melt. She is the kind of girl you can't take your eyes off. The girl that can enrapture you. She'd be the person he would want to meet and date. John started to get hard. The whole sibling thing definitely messes things up.

John vowed that he would no longer look at Alex in any way except as her brother, with maybe an occasional glance at her ass and tits. But only if they happened to be in his line of sight. Like if she happens to be undressing and they are both in their room at that time. It's not pervy if something happened to be where he was looking. He just wouldn't go seeking them out. In John's mind, that seemed fair.

Several hours after dinner, Alex arrived home. Without saying a word to anyone, she went straight up to their room. A few minutes later, Alex sent John a text.

Alex: Tell mom that I have a headache and went straight to bed

John: K

John: She said she'll bring you some aspirin

Alex: NO. Stop her.

John: You okay

Alex: Just do it

John furrowed his eyebrows as he stared at the texts. Something was up. Whatever it was, Alex didn't want their parents to know. With a glass in her hand, their mother was heading towards the stairs.

John jumped up and bolted out of the room to intercept. "Hey, Mom, what are you doing?"

"I'm going to check on your sister to see if she needs anything."

John faked a yawn. "I'm exhausted. I was about to go to bed. I'll see if she needs anything."

Their mom hesitated, glancing up the stairs, a worried look on her face. "You'll let me know if she needs anything?"

He clicked his mouth and gave her finger guns. "You'll be the first to know. I promise." He proceeded up the stairs and then turned. "If you don't see me, just assume that everything is A-OK."

"Tell her I love her and hope that she feels better."

'Will do, Mom. Good night."

Upstairs, John quietly opened the bedroom door. Alex was sprawled face down on her bed. The barely there mini skirt was discarded on the floor, her leggings tangled around her ankles. Lace pink panties split her butt cheeks while the tank top rode up high enough to reveal some side boob.

Although concerned, John revelled in the jumbled heap of Alex. His eyes rested on her nearly naked butt and then travelled over to the side boob. His cock was appreciating the sight before him. He knew he shouldn't be perving on his sister, especially after he vowed not to do so just hours ago. He sighed and studied her ass some more. Everything was clearly in plain view, so technically, his promise was still intact. Maybe. Hopefully. Probably not.

"Staring at my ass?"

John knelt down by the bed, coming face to face with Alex. Her breath wafted the smell of alcohol. He gently nudged her. "Hey, Alex."

She opened one eye, then closed it again. "Hey, bro. Nice ass, huh?"

"How much have you been drinking?"

"Not much...but I'm feeling fine."

John shook his head. "This is why you didn't want Mom to come up."

Alex forced her eyes open. "She would have grounded me until I was a fat, old, married lady with grandkids."

"What were you thinking?"

"Jenn and I thought it was just cola." She scrunched her eyes, "But it was more than cola... I think it was spiked."

"Where'd you get it? Who gave it to you?"

"Hold up there, bro. Don't get your knickers in a bunch." Alex paused. "Thinking of bunched knickers."

She reached behind herself, then pulled her panties from between her cheeks. She wiggled her ass to realign everything.

Her brow furled in deep concentration. "I wonder if that's where the saying came from?" She thought more on the matter.

"Where'd you get the cola?" John prodded.

"It was in the fridge with her brother's name on it. We thought he just didn't want to share it." Alex snickered, "Now I see why."

"You two didn't drink the whole bottle?"

"Yup, we did," Alex said proudly, then looked disappointed. "But it wasn't a big bottle."

"I hope that Jenn didn't drive you home?"

"No, her other brother did. He wanted to walk me to the door to make sure I got in okay."

"And did he?"

"I told him Dad would have shot him for bringing me home like this. But he did wait in the car."

"Dad doesn't have a gun."

"He didn't know that. I didn't want to risk it. Cuz, you know, me grounded for life. He's kind of cute."

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